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<br /> 97- /D�a�2�''
<br /> S. Ha�tcd ar Property Insurance. Bonower suall kap the improvoments now exieting or hereafter eroctod on the
<br /> Property i��urecl against loss by tire, hazarde inclnded within the terrn'extended coverage" and any other hazazds, includi�g
<br /> tloods or flooding, for wLich Lcndcr rcquires lusura��ce. This It�sutattcesliall be malatliaed in the amot�nt�And for the periods �
<br /> that I.eader requina. The insurence carrler provlding the liuuraace shdl be chosen by B�nrrower subject ta Lendor'a approval
<br /> which ahall aot be unreasonablp withhdd. If Borrower falls to tnaiatala caverage describad above, Lender mey, at Lender's
<br /> opdon,obtata coverage to protect Lendet's righta in the Property in accotdance with ParaBraPh 7.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall bo acceptable to L.endor and ishall include a standard mortgage clause. Lender
<br /> ehaU have the right to hold thc policies end renewals.If Lender require�,Borrower ahaU prompdy give to Ltnder all ncaipts of
<br /> paid premiva�s and renewal notices.In the event of loss,Borrowec shall glve prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Leader.
<br /> Leader may make proof of loas if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Bormwer othenvise agrx ia wrltIng.Insurance proceeds shaU be applied to restoration or repair of th�
<br /> Property damagal,if the restoration or npair is economically feasible and Lender's socurity is not lessened.If the nstoration or
<br /> repair la not econornieally feasible or Lender's security would be leasenai, the insurance proceeds ahall be applied to the aums
<br /> aocured by this Security Insnument, whether or not thea due, with any cxceas paid to Borrower. If Borrower abwdoas the
<br /> Property, or does not enswtr wit4ia 30 daya�nodce from Leader that the iaauraace carrter haa off�red ta settle a claim� then
<br /> Lender may collect the inswaace procada. Lender may use the proaeds to repair or testorts t�e Property or w pay swas
<br /> aecurod by this Sxurlty Iastrument,whaher or not then due.The 30-day pedod wW be�in whea the nodce 1�givea.
<br /> Unleai Leader and Borrower otbenariaa agra in writing, any applica�don of pmceeds to princlpal eh�l1 not extend or
<br /> patpoae the dne date of the moathly pxymeau referred to ia pu��ph�1 And 2 ar ch�n�e the�mouat of tho paymenu.[f�nder
<br /> pu�nph 21 t!u Property I� �cqulrod by Lender, Borrower'� rl4ht io any Insuruice policlei �nd prcx,ead� rauitin� from
<br /> duna�e to the Property priar to the�cqubition th�ll pi►�to L,ender to the Gxtent of tho�mru�ocured by�hir Securlty Itutntment
<br /> . Immodi�tely pNor ro the�cquf�iNon.
<br /> 6.Oocupaacy�Pre�v�tlon.M�letrn�nce�ad Prutectlae of the h+oPa'f�i 8orrower'�I.�o�n Applkadoai Lwoboid�.
<br /> 8orrower�h�ll oeeuPY,ut�bll�h, �nd we the Pmpecty s Horrower'�princip�l raidenco withln�ltry d�y�atlter the eaecuNoa of
<br /> thls Security In�tcument�nd ihtll conNnue to occupy tho Ptoperty�s Bumowa'�princip�i midence for at leaot ane yeu�tter
<br /> the due of occupancy.unle:�Lender aherwi�e agron la wdtin�.which con�ent sl�all aot be unrawn�bly wituheld�or unleu
<br /> .- eaceuuuu►g cinvmiwkes e�iu wluch u+a beyond Borrowor. wuuvl. ��.—"w�� :ts�li uai �tray� d«a�s:t or �r.li shz
<br /> �; Pmpetty, dlow the�rty to detcrIorate, or commit waete on the Property. Botrower �h�ll be It►def�►ult ii any forfeiture
<br /> action or pmcading� wh�ther clvll or criminal,is begua thsu in Lender's good 4atth judgmau could reault in forf�iture of the
<br /> ; Property or otherwise mtterlelly impair the lirn created by thie Se�urltY Insuument or Lrnder's eaau3ty inureat.Borrower may
<br /> �!. cure auch i defiult�nd ntnstato,aa provided in parAgraph 18,by causing tt�e ecdon or procading to be dismiated wlth a rul�►$
<br /> ; that, ia L,ender's good faith determin�lon, precludes forfeitute of tho Borrower's inter�st ia the P[operty or other materl�l
<br /> � impaIrnsent of the lien created by thi�Securltiy Inatrument or Lender'e security incenst. Bormwer ahall al�o be in default it
<br /> Y- Bomower,dur�ng the loan a�lication procea�,gave matedally false or inaccurate infornietion or atstemente to I.ender(or falled
<br /> � to pmvide Lender with any mate�riai inforn�tion)iu conoa;tion wiiI►i:uc Ivyu cviucuu�i Ly ilta Nate.inctuditig,bui aat limitu!
<br /> :' to,represeatations conaming Borrower's occupancy of the Properry ss a principal residena.If thia Secudty Inaaumeat i�on x
<br /> iwehold, Borrower shall waq�ly with all ttsL provieiona of the leau. If Borrawer acquires fx dtle to the Ptoperty. the
<br /> �I= le�eehold�nd the fa title sh�ll not merae unleaa Lender agras to the merger in writiag.
<br /> �. 7.Protedlon oi Leada'a Ri�hts in the Prope�ty.If Bormwer faUa to pedorm the covenante and agroemente containod[n
<br /> , thic Securiry Instruuient,or there i�a legal pmceeding that may sigaificantly affect L.ender'e righta in the Properry(such ae a
<br /> procading in bankruptcy. probate.for condemnstion or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rcgulation�)�then Leader msy do�nd
<br /> pay for whataver ia necessary to protecc tho velue of the Property and I,ender's rlghta ia the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> • include paying eny sum� secural by i lien which has pdority over th3s Security Instcument, xppearing in court. payWg
<br /> ' reasonable attomeys' fees and eaterIng on the Propecty to make repaire.Although I.ender a�y take act[on uader thie paragreph
<br /> ; 7,Lender do�s not have to do so.
<br /> Any aznouata disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall berome addittonal debt of Borrower aecured by this
<br /> Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agra to other tercn�of payment,these amounts sh�ll bear intenst frora the
<br /> date of diaburaement at the Note rate and shall be payable, w{th interest, upon notice from Leader to Borrower roquestlag
<br /> payment.
<br /> S. Mortgage Insurnnca If Lender requiral mortgage insurence a+a condition of making the loan eecurod by thia Saudty
<br />= Instcument, Bonower eha11 pay the premiums requtcod to maiatafa the mortgage insuraace ia effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage requirod by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> obtain coverage subscantially equivalent ta the mortgage insurance previoualy in effect.at a coat aubstaatially eqnivaleat to the
<br />_ cost to Borcower of the mortgage insurance previously in ef�ect, fcom an altemate mortgage insurer approved by I.encler. If
<br />= substanttally equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not aveilable. Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br />- one-tweifth of the yearly mortgage insutance pnmlum being paid by Bomower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br />= be in effect.Lender will accept,use and retain these paymeats as a loss reserve in Iteu of mortgage insurance. Loss reszrve
<br /> Form 302 81
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