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<br /> 17.Transfero!the Property or A Beae[Iclal Interrst fa Bon»wer. If all or any part of thc Property or any intece�t in it _
<br /> is sold or transfenut (or If a benefictal interest in Borrower is sold or tmnsferrcd and 8onower is not a natucal petson)witbout �
<br /> L.ender'a prior wtittea caasent, Lender may. ac its option, requice immediate payment Ia full of all awns secural by thia
<br /> Security Instrument. However.this optlon ahall not be eaercised by Lender!f eaerclae ia prohibited by foderal law ua of the dnte
<br /> of this SaurIry Instrument.
<br /> If Lender eaareiaes thla opdon,Leader ahall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a padod of not
<br /> less then 30 daya from the date tha notice is delivend or m�iled wfthia which Borrower must pay all aums sxurad by triie
<br /> Security Insuuraeat, If Borrower faila to pay tbese auma prlor to tl�e caplration�f thie perlod, Lender may invake any romedios
<br /> petmittcd by this Se�urlry Iastniment witliout furttter notice or Aenund on Borrower. _
<br /> 18, Borroeer'e Rl�ht to Relnstate. If Bor[awer mata certaln wnditions. Borrower �hall havc tho risht to havo
<br /> enfoecea�eat oY thia SxurTty Iiutcument di�conttauod u eny tlme prior to the eazliet af: (�) S d�y�(or wch other perlod a
<br /> applicable law rny epecify for rciast�tement)before a�le of tho Property purau�nt ta wy power oY utle contdned In thl�
<br /> • Secudty I�►stcumeat; or(b)cntry of e judgmeat enforcing thie Sscudty Inatrument.Tt�ore condltiane n�tl�t Rorrower:(+�)p�y�
<br /> Lender dl sums which then would be due under tbl�Security Instrument end the Noto a.+iF na acceleratlon had accurcod;(b)
<br />' cura any det�ttit of my other coveaaata or�Qreemer►n; (c)p�ye�ll eapen�� incurced in enforcin�thf�Security Imtcument,
<br /> including, but na limltod to. ceaaontble attorno��' far,�nd(d)tAlce��ueh�etion u Lender iruy re�wru�bly requiro to �uun
<br /> thu the lien of tlib Saudty Imtrun�eut, Leader a d hu in tho Property+utd Borrow�r'e obli edon to p�y the�urtu�eeured by �
<br /> thit 5aurity Isutnsment shall contlnue unchen��. Upon relnatatement by Barrower, �is 5ecurity l�utrument �nd the
<br /> obligations aecured Uereby ahall nmain fully effxtive�if ao acaler�don hod o�curted. Howaver. thi�d�ht to reitut�te�hall
<br /> not�pply in the c� of accelarntian uader paragraph 17.
<br /> � 19. S�le ol NTute; Chw�e ot I.oan Servtcer. Tha Note ot a putial iatenst tu t4e Note (together with thi�5ecurity
<br /> Inatn�mmt)m�y 6e sold one or more times without prIor aotice to Borrower.A s�le may reault in a chmSe ia the eatity(known
<br /> as the •Losu Servicer')that collects montbly payments du�under the Note aad thie Security Instrument.There aleo miy be one
<br /> or mon changes of the Loaa Secviar unrelatod to a eale of the Note. Yf there is a ehango of the I.oan Servlcxr,Borcower wW be
<br /> givea wrltten notice ot the change ia accordaace with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notiee will suUo the nune and
<br /> addtess of the aew I.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nodce will alea contain u►y other
<br /> � inform�don required by applicable law.
<br /> Z0.Hwrdous Subst�m,es. Borrowcr shall uot caus�or pemnit the presence,use, disposal, scorage, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substmcea on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anythinB affectinB th�
<br /> - property tnat is in violacion of any Envisv„u;autnt Law.Thc grcxd3ng r�'o•°.er.it"..�s sh-�"1 a^r n�nly to the preaence. nae. or
<br /> stotxge on thepropeny of small quanttties of Hazardous Substaaces that are generally recogniud to be appropdau to nocmal
<br /> resldendel uses aed to maintenaace of the Prope�ty.
<br /> Bormwer slull promptly give Lender written notice of eny iavadgatioa, claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by aay
<br /> � governmeatal or ttgulatory ageucy or privau party involving the Propeny and any Hazardous Stibstaace or Eavtrormnental Law
<br /> of which Barrower bu actual lmowledga If Borrower learne, or is nodfied by any govem�aenul or ngulatory authorlty,that
<br /> . any removal or ader remaliatioa of any Hezerdous Subatance uffecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shnll promptlY t$ka
<br /> all aecwsary ramcdial acdons in accordance wlth Environmeatel Lw.
<br /> � Ae used in this pazagraph 20, 'Hazardow Subytancaa" are those substances definod�s toxic or hazardow substinca by
<br /> Rnvimn,nrntal i,w end �he following substences: gasoline. keroseae, other flemmable or to�cie petroleum produCta. to�[ic
<br /> - pes�cides aad h�bicid�s,voladle aolvents,macer�als wntaining asbestos or formpldehydo,and radio�ctive materlue.As used in
<br /> T thia puagraph 20, "Environmental L,aw" meazis federat laws and laws of the jurlsdiction where the Property is loc�ted th�t
<br /> r nlate to health. ufety or environmental protecdoa.
<br /> = NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and Leader further coveaant and agreo as followa:
<br /> Zl.Acalentlon; Remedies.Lender s6aU Q[ve notice to Borrower prlor to acalantlon[olbv�ing Bon+n�+al'br��ch
<br /> ot wy oova�ant or a�reaneat in tNs 3ecudty Ia4trument (but not prlor to aocderatlon unda' P�rrSnP6
<br /> appliable I�w►I�c tl�an 3t!erwLse).The notice shaU speclty: (�) We detault►(b)t6e actton reqWred to cure t6e dePaWh,
<br /> (c)o dote.aot ys tram t6�datc thc notice u atven to Baeso�rer, by wWcb�the default must be curedi tnd
<br /> � (�p tlut[allur�W cure the detault on or be�on the date epecit[ed tn the noHce ms7 resuft in R°cd�ration ot t6e wma
<br /> ' r�dnsqte aft�aoederattion�nnd the dght toebring a cour�acdon t anert th�aon-e�d�teace ot a dK ult or wy o�ther
<br /> defe�se ot Borrower to accela�don and sAle. If the default Is uot cured oa or betore the date epecltkd in tLe aotta,
<br /> Lmda�,at ks aptton� may re9utre Imme�Wte paymeat 1n t�ll o!�II aums accw^al by thln Saurity Instrumeat wltlwut
<br /> iruther dem�d�nd may invoke the power o[eale�nd w�y ot6er nmedles Permitted by ap�1icable Isw.Leadea'ahwll be
<br /> endtled to colled all ea�pensea incurred to pursuing the remedies providal in this paragraph Z1.Including,but not Itm[ted
<br /> to�rauons�ble �norney�•feea and coe�s of title�vidence.
<br /> tt the poNx of sole l�tnvoked, Tru.�tee shAll rtcord a noNa of detault in cach county fn which onY I� ��
<br /> Property is loc�ted and shall msll copies of euch notice In the manner prescdbed by applicable bw to Botroea��1 to
<br /> tbe otha�persom prescrlbed by Appllesible law.Atiter the time requtred by applicable law�Trustee ahAU give pubfic notke
<br /> ot eale to the ix�sons�nd 1n the mAnner pracdbed by applicable law.'ltivstee,wtthout danand on Borruwu,sh�ll sdl
<br />= the Property at p�a611c auction to the highest bidder at the time and place s�nd under the terms deslgoated[a the notice o[
<br />= sale in one or more parcels and tn any order Truvtee determines.Tru�tee mpy postpone sale of all or any parcel ot tl►e
<br />= Propaty by pubitc announceraent at the time pnd place of any prevtously schaluled sale. I.endcr or its deatana m�y
<br /> - , purcfwse the Prope�ty at any as�le.
<br />- Fo.m aoza e�so
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