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<br /> Ta(38Tt�lER WITH all the lmprovementa now or hereafeer erected on the property,and all eaaem�°��°PP����'°�
<br /> t3xtures now or hereafter a pate of the propercY• A�1 replacement� and a:ddltions ehall also be coveral by thia Secutity �
<br /> Instniment.All of the foregoing is refetred to ia Wis Stcudty 1uah�umont as the'Pr°perty."
<br /> BORRQWBR COVENANTS thu nor iawuenr�c���except foree cumbrances ofnreco d�Barrower warranta a�ndtwlU
<br /> convty the Property and that the Propert5'
<br /> defend generally the title to the PropertY against ali claims end demands.eubject to any eacumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT wmbines uniform cavenaata for national use and non-uniform covenants with limital
<br /> varlations by jurisdiction to constituu a uniform security iastrument coverin�f Uowa�m
<br /> LJAiIPORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender���� C��. ��Wer shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> 1. P�yment oi Pr[acipal an d I n te r e s t: P r e P R Y m
<br /> prWcipal of and intenst on th�debt evidenced by the Nou and auY pKPaYment and lau charges due under ihe Note.
<br /> 2,�u d s for Taxes a n d L�u��• �b j�to applicable law or to a wdtten waiver by I.ender. Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> I.endcr on the day monthly paymenu are due under the Nou�uatil the Note is paid in full,a swn('F�1 l�easehol paymen
<br /> and assessmcnts wbich may Attain prlority over thls Security Instrumnt as a lien on the ProperiY�N)Aood insur�nce preu�iu�s�
<br /> or grouad rents on the PropertY�if any; (c)Yearly hazard or prop�rty iasuraz�ce Preiuiumst(d)Y Y
<br /> if any,(e)Y�IY wortgage insuruice pntniuws,if any;aad(fl�Y s�paynmiuins.'These items an celled"Escmw Itetnsa"
<br /> the proviaious of paragraph B, ir►tieu of the payment of uwrtgage insurance P
<br /> L,ender may, at any ma elluireefo 1?on wuers escrow account�under the�federal Real Eatat ScttlementdProcod�A��°f
<br /> nlaud mortgage loan Y Q lies ta the Fuada
<br /> 1974 a amcnded from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et srq. ("RESPA").w�1e�a another law ttwt apP
<br /> eeu a leaser emou�nt,tlhe arnountof Fnnds due on the b lis of current ata aad reawruble1a i�mate�of�eai�aditura u��t.
<br /> ����Y�� lic,�ble law.
<br /> Becmw Itcma or othenvise in�ccordu�ce with app
<br /> icutmmeauility, or �Y
<br /> The Fund� thdl be hdd ia �a inst{tution whose deposedenl Ho�me Lo�n B�nlc.I.end��eh 1�pply the Puudr to pty tUe
<br /> (i�ctudlnZ�"�.if trnder is wch aa instttution)or in wy I i,�-ttza PwsC:.��Y"n.lyzing the e�crow�oeouat,or
<br /> g,acrow Iteuis.Lender may not clwge Aorrower for holGing uid�PP y -� �c,�blc law pemniu L.ender to make such
<br /> verityiag the Escrow Item►�ualeu Leader px}+�Botrower intecat on the Fundi wd aPP t real aWe wc reportic��awke
<br /> a ch�rga Howevar,Lender m►y reQuiro Borrower to pay s one-time chuBe for an iudepeada►
<br /> � byr Leuder ia connectioa with this loan, unless epplics�ble law providc�+ otherwise. Unlas ul a8ra�on the F�und�or
<br /> sPPlicable law requires interest to�wrl�ting 6ow��er�thAt intorest hs alltbe Paid onthe Fuada.Leader edaU g ve to Bocrower,
<br /> Borrower and Leflder may aBree of the Funda, sliowing cratits and debits to the Fuada �ad tl�se puipos�for whieh each
<br /> without chargc. an uinual accounting
<br /> dcbit to the Funds was made.The Fuada are pledgod as �tt�a be h�d by spplic,�able t�aw�,Le�►derbslull account�er
<br /> If tha Funds held by Lender exceed the amo�►ta P� -
<br /> for the exceas Fuada in accordance with the requirementa of applieab�lnaow.�i��amo ia riting,ad,lnleuch c�e Borrower
<br /> cime is not aufRcieat to pay the F?scmw Iums whea due,Lender may
<br /> shall pry to Lender the smount noceswY to malce up the deficieacy. Borrower ahall m�ke up the deftciec�cy ia no more ttun
<br /> twelve monthly payments.at l�es►der's aole dlacretion. ���nt. Lender shall prompdy refund to Bomower�ny
<br /> ppon payment in full of all eums secural by thi� SocurltY Lender.Prlor to the acquisition or ealo
<br /> Funds held by I.sader.If,under pareBn►Ph 21.Leader ahaU acrlulre or seU the PropertY.
<br /> of the PropertY.ahaU aPP1Y�Y��s held by L.ender ac the ttme of acquisttion or sale as a credit�Balns�tho aums s��by
<br /> thie Secudty Instrument.
<br /> g.Applkadon oi Payruente.LTnless applicable law prov(des otherwise,all payments received by Leen�de�r p�Z�
<br /> 1 aad 2 ahall be applied:first.to aay prepaYmept charge.+due under the Note;eecond,to amounts PaY
<br /> third,to inurest due;fourth,to principal due;and last.to any late charges due under tt�e Note.
<br /> 4.Charges;L1em•8���'er shall pay all ta�ces�assessmenu� cha�BW� fines and impositione attrlbuuble to the PropertY
<br /> which may attain Priority over thts Securlty Instnime�t.oand aoe t paid in tha�maaner,Borrowe shall pay th m onwtime�di�ctlY
<br /> these obligationa in the marmer provided in paraBraP
<br /> to the person owal payment.Bormw+er shall prompcty flun�sh to L�nder ali notices of amouats to be Pdd uader this pu'�gt+q�h.
<br /> If Borrower malces these paymente direcdy.Borrower shall promptly ti�rniah to Lender receipta evideacln8 th�P�s�'��.
<br /> Romower sh men of the ob1 g tion secy lured bY the li n ia a marmer tsccePtabl�°Lender;N)wntest�in good fiith�en
<br /> wrlting to the pay
<br /> by, or def�nds against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedinBs W�O�nL eatthisfactory to Lender subordinatin8 tt►e l�ea to
<br /> — enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from tlie holder of the lien an aBram;e 8ub ect to a lien which may anain priotity over
<br /> — �s Sec�uity Instn�ment. If L.ender determines that any part of the Propecty 1
<br />_= thia Socurtty Iastrument, Lender roay give Borrower a notice identlfying the lien.Sorrowes shall s�tisfy the lien or take one or
<br />_;� tnore of the act{ons set forth above withW 10 days of the glving of notice. �� s
<br />- ° rp.t w s �nw�'�1 \P"
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