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<br />_;,=°.��;.�� ' S.Hiwrd or Proptrty Iasur�aoe. Borrnwer shaU kxp the improvementa now existing or hene�tier croctod oa tho Pro�x,rty
<br /> ,,� insur�ed agalnst los�by C�re,hawd9 Included withlr►tha term "cxtended coveragc" and any othcr hazards, including floade or
<br /> ���a flooding,for which l.e,nder rcquira�lnsur�nca.'fhis Inaurrnca shAU ba mai�uined in tha amounta and for thc perfode that L,endu
<br /> � roquires.'Itw inaurancecarrkr provlding tho imuranca shall bo chosen by Horrower subject W Lcnder's approval which�hall not
<br /> ba unreasonably wlthheld if Botrowcr fafls to maintain coveraga descrlbcd abovo,Lender may.at Lcnder's option. obtain
<br /> � coverage w pmtect I.endcr'e rlghts in thc Property ln accordenca with parograph 7.
<br /> . All insurance policks end renewals shell be acaptable to Lendu and shall�nclude a standard monga�e clause.Lendu shall
<br /> •�� �.��- have tho dght to twld ihe polici�s end renawals.If Lenda rcquires,Sortowu ehall prompdy give to Lender all recalpts of paid
<br />_.,�rt:�,�` premituns and renewal nodces.In We event of loss.Borrower shaU give prompt notice to tha lnsuranco carrler and Lendu.Lendu
<br />'=:Q��,.�:� may maka proof of los�if not made pmmpdy by Borrowu.
<br /> =='�L'�' Unless Lendar end Bocrowu othuwlso agrea ia wrIting.insurancc proceeds shall be applied co restoration or repair of the
<br />��,.^'�:�;�� PmpGrty damaged,If �ho reswradon or n.pair is economically feaslble aad Lendu's securlty!s not lessened.If the re�toradon or
<br /> _;.:���b� repatr is not oconomially feaslbk a Lender's sec�ulty would be le.gs,ened.tha insurance proceeds s6aU be applied w the aums
<br />--_=_°_= socured by this Socurlry Ynswment, whether or not thert due. with any eacess paid to Borrower.If Bomnwu ebaadoas tl�e
<br /> -��_�� Propesty,a does not Nswa wIthin 30 days a nodco from Leader tt�at the Insurance carrler has offered to aettle a claim,then
<br />_.:,,;.�z� L.a�da may colkct the lnsuran�pro�ceeds.Lender may use the procoeds to repair or reswn the Propaty or to pay sums secund
<br /> °--- by N�is Security I�strua�t,whethu or not then due.'Iha 30-day perlod wW begln whett the nodce ia given.
<br /> �:�;,,�."� Unless Lender and Borrowu otherwise agroa in wrlting,eay applicatlon of proceeds to principal shall not exttrrd or posqxsne
<br />. 1. �t
<br /> - - the dua dato of tba moathly psymenu nferred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 a changc the amount of U�e payments.If under paragraph
<br />_;;:�;,`:4'� 21 thee Pmputy is acqufred by Lcnder. Borrower's rlght w any lnsurance pollcles end proceeds irsulting from damage w the
<br /> Proputy prlor to the acqaisidon shall pass to Lenda to the extent of the sums secured by this Socuriry Insornment immodtately
<br /> ._:..:._� prlor to tda acqutsldon.
<br />:r:F;zy;;� 6.Occupancy,Preserv�tion,Maintentnoe and I'rotection ot the Property; Borrower's Loan AppUcatbni I.ease6olda.
<br />-:.,.-� Horrower shalt occupy,estsblish,and nse the Propaty as Bonowu's prtncipal resIdence wlthin ai�cty days after tho oxxudon of
<br /> __ this SecurIty Iasbnun�ntend ehall coadnue to occupy the Properiy aa Barowu's princlpal residence fa at lea.it one year afta the
<br /> --��:.� date of occupaacy, unkss Lendu otherwlse altnees in writinA. which consent shaU not be unre�sonahly wIthheld, or unless
<br /> --e.;�;� oxroauadag circumstance,s oaist which are beyond Borrower's control.Bomowu shall not desuay,daau�ge or impair the Property.
<br /> `°°'==`•°� ellow the Propaty to dete�lorate, or commtt wasta on the Proputy. Bormwu shall be in deteWt lf eny forfeiwre acdon or
<br /> P��B,whether aIvll or criminal.is begun that in Lender's gaod faith Judgment could result ln fafeiwre of the P,ropaty or
<br /> ---�— other�w3se muaially impair tl�se lier►cnatai by lhis Socurity Ins�ument or Lender's securTity int�rest Borrowu may cura soch a
<br /> -_�.s� default and reinstate. �s provtded in paragrnph 18.by causing the acdon or procading to be dlsrnissed with a ruling thet, in
<br /> _;�1e Leada's good faith dqarninaUton,procludes forfeiuua of the Borrowu'e interest in the Propaty or other mataial impainnent of
<br /> � tho liai ereated by thia Socudty Inatrument or Lender's socurity intecest B�cmwa shall also be in defeult if Bomower.during the
<br /> _ ^v_�� loan appllcatlon proceu,gave materially fals�a inaccurate informaflon or stauments to I.ender (or faikd to provide Lenda wIth
<br /> -- any rouerial infecmatlon) in connecoioa wlth the loaa avldenced by the Nota. iacluding,but aot Umited to. represenudons
<br /> - -_- .- concaning Borrowa'a occupency of the Pmpecty as a principal residenca.If this Secnrity Iastruument is on a kaselwld,Barower
<br /> sh�ll comply wlth�lt Uw provlslons of the kase.If Borrower acquins fa dde to the Propeaty,the kaxhold and the fx titb shall
<br /> not mage uuleas Lenda�groes w tho muga in wrltiag.
<br /> __- 7.Protection ot i.ader'e Ri�hfa in t6e Property. If Borrowu fails w paform the cova�ants and agroanents contatned in
<br /> dds Socurlty Iuso�umeat, or thero is e legal proceeding that may signifieandy affect Lenda's rights In the Praperty(such ag a
<br />