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<br /> �:,���' 97- �'Q 9�-i� �
<br /> �-�� ppymc�te may no longu be cequired.at tho optlon of Lender, if mongago Insorance coverag�(in thc emount and[or 1ho period
<br />� ?i�� th�t Lender requin�)prov�dod by u��naurer�pprovod by L�endcr ag�ln becomea avAilablo and is obt�ned.aorrowcr ahall p�y ihe
<br /> '�}___ p�{�s�q� �o malntain mortgaga ineuranca �n effxt, a to p�nvide a loss resacvo,un�l tha requirement for mortg�go
<br /> -::��� insnn�nce enda in nccordance with u�y vrrluen�graanent between Borrower and Lender or applicabb l�w. L-
<br /> ----- g.Iaspa�sdou. Lcndcr or its ngent may mnke rensannhle enMe� upon end inspoctions of the Property. L,cndu shall givc
<br /> Barowu nodce nt t!k dme o[or pdor w�n in�pectbn apocifyinB reuonabk cwae for tha inspocdon.
<br />- �"""� 10.Condemn�tian. The pmcoods of�ay award or claim for damages, dlrect or consequential. in connucdon wlth my
<br /> - n ��1. condemntuion or other taking of eny pact of Iha Propaty,or for conveyanca in Iieu of condemnadon,are hereby Assignod�nd
<br />�W�i��i7 shallbepaidwLender.
<br /> ..�='� In the event of a total taking of the PropeAy.the procacls shall be applkd to the sums socured by this Security Inetrumen�
<br /> �"'"'�'!� whcthrr or not then due,wlth any oxcess paid to Bonrowu.In the event of a pactial teking af the Pmperty i��whkh the fair mArket
<br />�--�� value of tha Propaty immcdiately before the taking is oqual to or greaus tdan thc amount of the suma eecared by Ihis Socurity
<br /> �--- Inson►ment immediately before the taking. unless Bortowa and Lenda attierwLse agreo In wridng� the sums exurod by thi�
<br /> Socurityr Insuument shsll be reduced by the Amount of the pr�oceods muldplied by the following hacdon:(a)the total anwunt of
<br /> -- thc sums secure�immediately before thc taking.divkled by (b) thc fair market valua of the Property lmmediately bcfore the
<br /> t�ing,,qny b�nCO st�al(be paid to Barower.In the event of a pardel roking of the Property in whkh the foic market veluo of the
<br /> pnopercy immodiately before the teking is kss tt�an the aznount of the sums sec�uod imm�ly befom the taking, unkas
<br /> =-- Bormwer and l.endu otherwise agras in wrillug or w�less eppllcable lsw oti�cawisa pmvIdes,tba procr,cds shal!be applied to the --
<br /> -�'� sums socuaod by this Securlty Insuument whe�her or not tha sums ara then duo.
<br /> ff the Property is abandoaed by Boirower, or if,aft,er noticce by Lendu to Borrower that tha condunnor offers to make an
<br /> ---- award or seqle a claim for damages.Botmwu fails to respond w Lu►du within 30 daye after the date the nodce is glvea,Lcnder
<br />_-Q.�,,�,� Is authorized to colfect and apply the proceods�at its option,either w restoraati�on or repeir of the Property or w the sums socural
<br /> -- by thia Socurity Instrumu►t,whether or not thea due.
<br /> Ualess Lender aad Borrower othuwise agree in writin6�anY aPPlicaflon of proceeds to prInclpal shall not extend or Post�one
<br /> tl�ee due date of the monthly payments refared to in pangraphs 1 and 2 or chauge tha emount of such paymerits.
<br /> � = 11.Borrower Not Rekaeed;ForbearAnce By Lerder Not�Wwiver. Hatension of the dme for payment or modiP.cadon
<br /> of amordration of the swns socuted by thiis SecurIty Insuvment grantod by I.ender w uay euccessor ln latuest of Borrower shall
<br /> not operACe w nlea�o the liabili�Y of the origlnal Borrowu or Borrowa's s�in interesG I-ender ehall not ba raluired►o
<br /> �P��BB al��n�ay autcr;�ar i�iat�i ur rtfusc su er.tta�i�ne for gs;sss�t siz othsr.�iM sts�if;�x.x*.i�x Qf
<br /> the sume secured by tbis Securtty Instruument by reason of any demand made by the origjnal Borrowu or Borrowa's succes.9ors
<br /> in interesG Any forbearance by I.ender in eaercising any right a remody shall not bo a waiver of or preclude the excrcix of eny
<br /> pght or remedy.
<br /> 12.Sucaseore pnd A�i�ns Bound;Joiet and Sever�l LLbWty; Casigaere.Tbo covenaats and egraenxms of this
<br /> Sxuri�y Inshument yhall bind and benegt the successors and assigns of Lender end Barowu, sub�ect w the provisbns of
<br /> para�aph 17. Bormwa's covenants and a�oementa shell be ,ioint and saveral. Any Borrower wtw co•signa this Securlty
<br /> Inswment but does not execute the Nota: (a) is co-stgning this SecurIry Instrument only to mortgago,graat and convay tlu�t
<br /> Borrowa's Intuest jn the Property u�da d►o t�crcas of Wls Sec�ty Instcumer+t;(b) 3s not pusonaily obUgatAd to pay the swns
<br />--- — sccurc�by this�ccanriiy Ia�nus:en�aad(c)�as L�st I�des sns!any oiha Boirowea may�to nxtr.nd,mcxttfy,fcxhesr or
<br /> make any accommodations with ngard w the tams of�his Seciuity lnstn�ment or J�e Note without that Borrowa's consent
<br /> 13.Lwn Char�a. If the lan securod by this Securlty Iastrument is subject W a law wtiich eets maximum{o�n ctsarges,
<br /> and ttt�at law is fu�ally 1nt�preted so that the intenst or other loan charges collectod or to be collectai in cannoction wlth the 1o�n
<br /> tacceed�he pamiuod 1Lnits�then:(a)any such loan cherge shall be roduced by the amount noces,sazy to reduca tha charge to the
<br /> pecmltLed 1Lnit;and N)any sums already colleeted fnom Barower which wcceedod permtuai Iimits will ba refunded to Bamwer.
<br /> Lea�dec may choose to make this refund by reducing tho principal owed under the Note or by making a diroct paym�nt to
<br /> Borrowa. If a refund reduces principal,the reductian wfil be treated as a P��P�Yment without anY P�Y+�+���8�
<br /> under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notica. My nopce to Bomnwer provided fa in this Security Instcument shall be gtven by deHvuing it or by m�iling it
<br /> by first class mail ut►less aPPlicabk law requires use of anotha method.Tho notice shail ba dinctal to the Praperty Addi+e.ss or
<br /> -- any othar address Bonowa dcsignates by noace to Lendu. Arry �otice to Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lenda's
<br /> - address staad herein or any otha address Lenda designates by nodce w Borrower.My notke provided for in this 5ecnrIty
<br /> �,,,�� lnsuument shall be deemed t�o have been giva�to Borrowu or Lender when given ag providod in this paragzaph.
<br /> ---� —= 15.Governin;Lww;SeverabWty. This Sauriry Insuumeat shall ba governed by federal law and tha law of the
<br /> =-�� jurisdicdon�n which the Property is located.In the event that any pmvLsion or clause of this Socurlty Instr�ment or the Note
<br />_�=�'-=�3 conEtjcta whh appllcable law.such conflict shall not affect other pmvisfons of this Securlty Inahument or the Note which ean be
<br />_:��'_�SA given effect without tlto conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Sxurity Instrument and tha Note ara declared to
<br />--ra.'� be severable.
<br />�--�s+�M�.:.� Form 302� YloO
<br />_':��:��
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