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<br /> 'I�OC3BTl�R WITH all the Irt�provement�now a her�aftu eroctod on the property,and eU c�uertknts,�ppunenanca�, and
<br /> fkwre�now or harcaftu a p�rt of tha P�P�Y.AU rcplaccinente and Addldons ehaU slso bo covcrcd by this Sauriry Inauument.
<br /> AU of tho foreQoing is rofcrred w in thi�Securlty Inswment�s the"PraRxlty."
<br /> BORROWgR COVB:vANTS thst Borrowu i�4wfuUy eei�od of Ihu csWo hcrcby convcycd and h�tho dght to gnuit and
<br /> comey the Property end lhat tho Property is unencumbered, exccpt for cncumbrenr,c.q of rocord.Borrowcr warranL4 and will
<br /> defend gener�lly t!a title to the Pronaty agAinat�11 claims and demenda,aubject to eny encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SBC[JR1TY INSTRUMBNT combinea uniform cove�nAnt�for nadonal uso and non-uniform covenente whh IlmiuA
<br /> varlationa by jurlsdicdon w consdwta a unlform securlry lnstrument covering real property.
<br /> ilN1FORM COVBNANTS.Borrowu end Le��der covenant and agree as followa:
<br /> 1.Payment otPrincipal and Inter�ati Prepayment and Late C6u�es. Borrower shall prompdy pay when duo tho
<br /> pdnclpal of end intaest on the debt evldcnced by the N�te and aay propayment and late charges duo under the Note.
<br /> 2.Ptiade tor Tiuree�nd Iaaunnca Subject to applicabb law or to a wriuen waiva by Leridu,Barrowu shall pay ro
<br /> Lender on the day moathlY payments are due undu tho Nota�undl the Note ia paid in full,a siun("Fuads")for: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> and assessments which may attain pdorlry over t4is Securiry InsWmeat es a lien on tho Propr�ty;(b)Yearly ka9eliold payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Propaty�if any;(a)Yearly he�ard or property insureuce Premiuma�(d)Yearly flood inswnca premiums.ff
<br /> enY;(e)Yearly matgage insuranca pnmlums.if any;end(�any snms payable by Horrower to Lencter,in�coo�uf�nca wIth Iho
<br /> provislons of paragreph 8. in lteu af the payment of mortgage insw�nca premiums. 'ltiesa iume aro called"Escxow Item9"
<br /> Lender may.et eny tIme,wllect and hotd Funds in ea emaunt nat to exceed tha ma�cimum amount a Jender for 4 fed�rally mlated
<br /> mcutgAgo loan may roquire for Bomnwu's escrow accouat under tha foderal Real Estate SeWement Pcocedura Acc of 1974�s
<br /> emeaded from time to dme.12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et stq. ("RHSPA"),wdess eaother law ti�at applks w the Fu�ds seta a kssa
<br /> amo�� If so,I.ender may,at aay dme,colloct and hold Funds �n an amount not to exceed the lesser anaun�I.ende:rrwy
<br /> esdmate the amonnt of F1u�ds dua on th�basis of current data end reasonable esti�aates of eacpendiwres of fudue Escmw Items a
<br /> otherwlse in accordenca wlth appllcable law.
<br /> 11ia Funds shaU be hrdd in an insdtutbn whosa deposits are lnsured by a federel agericy.instivmental{ty,a endry(including
<br /> Lencler.if Lendu!s such an insdwdon)or ln any Fedaal Home L,oan Bank.Lendu shall apply tha Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> Itema.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying We Flu�ds.ennuelly enalyzing the escmw acmunt,or vedfying
<br /> tLe�sCrow Items.untess L.ender pays Borrowu interest oa the Funds and applicable law pumIts Leadcx to mYc�such a charga
<br /> Howevu.Lender may nqulre Borrower w pr,y s one•dma charge for an ind�pendent real estate tax nporting savlce wed by
<br /> Ls:sdrr ia canss�tloA ���Itt: !h!s loan.ssssl�,s^gg!lcahle L����gm:�lcl�oitstr��. Unl�an�rxmeat�:sst�t or spjslfcsble :s��
<br /> roquires iatuest to b�paid,Lendcr shell not be requirad to pay Borrowu any intuest or eaminga on tAe Fw�ds. Borrowu and
<br /> Lendu may agroe la wridng,howeva.that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lendu sdall give to Bomnwer.vIthout ciwrg�.an
<br /> annual acconndng of tUe Funds.showing credits and debits to the Fuads and the pucpose for which each debit to tbe Funds wa�
<br /> made,Tha Fw�ds am pkdgod es addldonal secnrlry for aU sums sec�red by this SecurIty InstrumenG
<br /> If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts pumitted to be held by applicabk law,Lender sbaU accawt to Borrowar fa
<br /> tha excess Funds in accorcfa��ce with tlise requirements of appHcable law.If the amount of the Funds beld by I.adu at any dme is
<br /> not sufCxiait W pay the Bscmw Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower ia writing,end.In such case Bormwer st�all p4Y
<br /> to I.endu the amount necessacy w make up the deficiency. Bormwer shall malce up the�eieacy !n no mon tt�an twelve
<br /> manil�Y Ir�f�rs+cs.L��st Z.w.:�'s aolc diocrcdan.
<br /> Upon payment in full of ell sums second by this Security Instrument,L,endcr ehall prompdy refund to Barowu any Fund�
<br /> held by Lendet. If,undet paragraph 21.Lerider shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender.prbr to�he acquinldon a sak of the
<br /> Propecty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisIdon or sale as a cndit against the sum�soc�red by this
<br /> SecurIty Instrumcnt
<br /> 3.Applk�tion ot Pqmente. Unless appHcable law prnvldes otherwise,all�aymeats roceived by Lender unda paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 sl�all be applicd:first,w any pn�ayment charges dua nndu the Notc; second,to amounts payable under paragreph 2;
<br /> thicd,to intenst due;fourth.W principal due;end last,to eny late charges dua under the Nou.
<br /> 4.Clurees:Lkns. Barowu shall pay ell texes,assessments.charges.fines and impositions att�ibutable t�the Propesty
<br /> which may attain prlodry ova this SocurIry Instrumenti and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any.Borrower slu�ll pay theso
<br /> obllgubns�n the menna pmvided in paragreph 2,or if not paid in that mennu.Barower shall pay thcm on dmc diroctly to tho
<br />� person owed paymen�Borrowu shall prompdy fumish to Lender ell notices of aznounts to bo gaid under�tis peregraph. If.
<br /> Bocrowu makes these payments dlrectly,Borrowu shall promptly fumish to L,ender receipts avidencing tha payments.
<br /> Barower shall promptly discharge eny lien which has priodty ovex thia Sec�uIty Instcument unkss Horrower:(a) egrxs in
<br /> wrlting w the payment of[he obllgadon secu�d by the lier�in a manner ecceptablo to Lender;(b)contests in good feith the liea
<br /> • by, or defends ageinst enforccment of the llen in. legai pcoceedings which In the Le,nder's opinion operalo to prevent t6e
<br /> � enfom.ement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of the llen an ageement sapsfactory to Lender subordinating the den W
<br /> this Securlty Instrumeat If Lendu decamines that eny part of the P:npaty is subject to a llen whkh may auain priodty over this
<br /> SecivIty lnstrument,Lender may give B�cmwa a notke identifying the lien.Borrowu shall sadsfy the lien or talce one or mon
<br /> of the actions set fath abovo within 10 days of the giving of nodct.
<br /> � Form�02t o/00
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