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<br /> UNIFORM COVENANT9.Borrower end Lender covenent and agree as followa:
<br /> 1. P�ym�nt of Phncipal�nd Int�nst.8orrowe�ahatl promptly pay when due the principal and intereat Indebtedneaa
<br /> evldenced by the Note and late chargea aa provided in the Note.
<br /> �. Funds tor 1Mx���nd Insunnc�.SubJect to appllcabla iew or a written wafver by l.ender,Borrower ehail pay to Lender
<br /> on the day monthly paymente of principal and Interast ars payable undsr the Note,untP .he Note Is peid in fuil,a eum(herein
<br /> "Funda")equAl to one-twelith ot the yearty taxes and easeaaments(Including condamintum srtd planned unit developmont
<br /> naaeasmente,If any)whtah may attaln prior(ry overthia Deed of"IFuat,and ground renta on the ProEserty,if any,plua one�twelfth �
<br />- of yesrly premlum Installments for heza�d inauranc�,plua one-twelfth of y9ariy premtum inatellmente br mortgage Insurance, y
<br /> (f any,all as reasonably estirr�ated In(tially and from timo to timo by Londeron tha bnsi�of nssc�ssmont�and bills and reasonabla ,
<br /> eatimates t�ereuf.Bor�ower shall not be oblfgated to make such paymenta of Funda to Lsnder to the axtent that fiorrower mak�a `
<br /> such payments to the holder of a prior moKgage or deed of truat(f such holder Is an(nstitutlonal lender. O
<br /> If Harrower paya Funds to Lender,the Funda shali be held in an fnstitution the deposita or accounts of which are inaured �
<br /> o�guaranteed by a Federal or state agency(including Lender if Lander is such an institution).Lender shall apply the Funds .�
<br /> to pay safd taxea,assesaments,Insurance prem(um5 and pround ranta.Lender may not charge for so holdfng and applying _C
<br /> theFund�,analyzinQsaldaccountorvorifyingandcomplltngsaidassessmentsandbflls,unlessLenderpaysBorrewerinterest Qo,
<br /> on the Funde and applicable law permits Lenderto make such a oharge.Borrower and Lender may agree in writing�t the time
<br /> of execution of thia Deed ot Trust that interest on the Funda ahall be pald to Borrower,and uniess such agreement is made or
<br /> spplicable law requirea such Intereat to be pald,Lender shall not be requlred to pay Borrower any lnterest or earnings on t�e
<br /> Funds.Lender shall give to Borrawer,withcut charpe,en annual accounting of the Funda showtnp credita and debtte to the
<br /> Funds and ths purpose for which each debit to the Funda waa made.The Funda gra pl�d�ed ae�dditlonal security tor the wms
<br /> e�cund by thle De�d of Ttuat.
<br /> I}tho�mount dthe Funde hsld by Lender,to�sthsr with the futurA monthly in�limena ot Fundi p�y�bi�prbrto th�dw
<br /> data of Mua����msnte,inaurance pnmlum�snd�round r�nt�.�hail sxcMd ths�mouM nquir�i to pay udd ta�,
<br /> u�m�nb,Inw�prsmlume eind�round roMe sa they fnil dw,wch�xaN�hall bs,�t Borrow�r'a optlan,�itha promptly
<br /> npald to Liorrow�r a cndit�d to Borrowar on monthty Insteilmentsof Funde.If th�amount oi th�Funds h�ld by l,�nd�r�hall
<br /> not b�wff{chnt�o pry tuon,�sss�srrNnb,Irnurencs pnmlums�nd pround roMa e�thsy fdl dus,Bor��h�ll p�y to Lend�r
<br /> any�mount noc�s�ry to m�ks up the dNlcicncy In ons�r moro p�ymenta as Lsndsr nuy requlr�.
<br /> Upon p�ymant In full of�II euma esoursd by this Desd al'tPust,L,endsr ehall promptly refund to Borrow�r any Funds hsld
<br /> by Lender.lf undsr pe►e�yreph 17 hsreoithe Propsny is eold orthe Rropenyr ta otherwise acquired by Lendu,LsndK�haN appty,
<br /> no I�tsr than Immediately prior to the aale of ths Property or Its acqulsitlon by Lender,any Funda held by lendsr st the tims
<br /> oi applfaation ae a credit agalnat the euma eecured by thia Deed ot'Ii�ust.
<br /> 3. Applkdion of Paym�nb.Unle�a eppUcabla law provtdes otherwise,all paymente recalved by Lendsr under ths Note
<br /> anci parayrapha i ana 2 neraoi ehaii bv appiietu oy LBnae�iii8i in payinuni vi ain3uiiw Fr8y61uiu iv Lnnci6F�i�xivYru�Uiiad�
<br /> p�agraph 2 hereof,then to intereat payable on tha Nota,and then to the principal of the Note.
<br /> _ 4. PHor Morty�s�nd De�d�of 1ivN;Cha�s;LNns.Borrowershall perform all of Borrow�er's obligatbna undar any
<br /> � mortgage,deed of trust or other security agrenment with e Iten which has prlority over this Deed of TPuat,inciuding Barrower's
<br /> covenanta W make payments when due.Borrower shall pay or esuseto be patd all teuces,aseessmente and othsr cherpee,finea
<br /> and tmpositions att�ibutable to the Property which may attatn a priorNy overthis Deed of 1Fust,and leasehold payrt�enb or gnound
<br /> rente,if any.
<br /> b. H�rd Insuranc�.Borrower shall keep the tmprovements now existing or hereafter erected on the Property fnaursd
<br /> a�a(nat loss by f(�e,hazards(ncluded withln the tarm"extended coverage';and such other haza�ds as Lender may requtre
<br /> end in such amounls and ior such periods as Lender may require.
<br /> The inaurance carrier provtd(ng the insurance ahall by chosen by 8orrower aubject to approval by Lender;provided.that
<br /> ' auch epproval ahall not be unreasonably wlthheld.All tnsurance poilcles and renewals thereof ahall be tn a torm acceptabb
<br /> to Lendar and shall Include a standard mortgage clause In favor of and In a form acceptable to Lender.Ler�der shsll have the
<br /> rightto hold tho policlea and renewals thereof,subject to the terms of any mortgage,deed of trust or other secur(ty agreement
<br /> . with a iten which hae prbrity over this Deed of'fFust.
<br /> , In the eveM of loss,Bor�ower ahall glve prompt notice tothe Insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of losa
<br /> If not made promptiy by Borrower.
<br /> � If the Property la abandoned by Bor�ower,or if Borrower fails ta respond to Lender wfthin 30 days from the date notics(s
<br /> mailed by Lender to Borrower that the(nsurance ca�rler offers to settle a clafm for fnsurance beneiits,Lender is authorized
<br /> to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repai�of the Properry orto the sums aecured
<br /> by thie Deed of'ttust.
<br /> a Prrs�nratlon and M�lntenanc�of Property;Leaseholds;Condominlums;Planned Unit Dw�elopmenb.Barrower
<br /> shall keep the Proparty in good repair and shall not commtt waste or permit impafrment or deterloration of the Property and
<br /> ahall comply wfth the provislons ot any lease if this Deed of�Fust is on a leasehald. If this Deed of TFuat ia on a unit in a
<br /> condominfum or a planned unit development,Borrower shali perform all oi Borrower's obligattons under the declaration or
<br /> covenants creatfng a goveming the condom(nlum or planned unit development,the bylavvsand regutatbns of tha condomtnium
<br /> or planned unit development,and constituent documenta.
<br /> 7. Protection of Lender'a S�cuMty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this Daed
<br /> of TPust,or If any actbn or proceed(ng Is commenced whtch materially affecta Lender's Interest in the Property.then Lender,
<br /> at Lender's opt(on�upon nottce to Borrower,may make such appearences,disbu�se such suma,includtng reaaoneble attorneys'
<br /> teea,and taEce such action as is necessary to protect Lender's i�terest.l}Lender required mortgage insurance as a condttlon
<br /> of making the loan secured bythis Deed of TFust,Borrower shall paythe premfums requfredto maintain auch tnsurence in effect
<br /> untll such time as the requirement torsuch insurance terminates tn accordance with Bo►rawer's and Lender's wrftten agreement
<br /> or applloable law
<br /> i.�ij an��u�uv ui6`vuiaou`ur i.ai�uvP Nu�su6iii iv iiria Nn'rnyinNn T. wiin ininie$i inari�on.si ine ivoie raie,aneii oacome
<br /> addltional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed ot TFust.Unioss Bonower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,
<br /> auch amounts shall be payable upon notice trom Lender to Borrower requesti�g paymant thereof.Nothing conteined In this
<br /> paragraph 7 ahall require Lender to Incur any expense or take anyaction hereunder.
<br /> 8. Inspectlon.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and Inapectlons of ths Propetty,provided _
<br /> that Lender ehall gfve Borrower notice prfor to any such Inspectlon specifyfng reaaonable aause therefor related to Lender's -
<br /> Interest in the Property. _
<br /> 9. Condsmnation.The proceede of any award or claim tor damages,direct or consequential,in connection wlth any
<br />