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<br /> . TH�s nEEO oF TRUSr Is rn�ds u,�: �ath �—�►%►a �,�•}�h�,r ,
<br /> 10 .9Z_ tM1F'N��i? �iRA•nan anA Tnd�x wPli�I1� unnl-►anA ,a�.r�i fr+ �
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<br /> (hsretn "Bonow�sr")� �
<br /> �" 7 7 F r�sa a 7_Q�wc3�1- Iin j en (hll�Ilt ���••)�911d�FM�11�1�
<br /> � __, F1w�7 FaAwral �t�P���' ttn i nn -- �� � ���� �� �:
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<br /> Crand T_O7�n�„�,�01 �fN11�7° ��
<br /> BORFlONVER, in oo�idMMion of ttN fnd�l�dn�w h�Nn rocit�d and th� t►w�t h�h cn�t�d� �nwoc�b1Y a�q
<br /> � u�d oonwy� t�a�, in trust� wMh po�w�► d MN� th� WNowinp dMa��b�d P�o�srH IooaMd f� th� Cau�ly ol
<br /> , saa a�•.ka:
<br /> � Lot Thirteen (13), in Slook Tw� (2), in Dickey Third Subd3vision, in tho Citp
<br /> o! Grand Island, Hail County, N�bra�ka.
<br /> ►
<br /> .
<br /> }
<br /> 5
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<br /> � �� ���B 3 2648�'Flanni an Gxandl Island ,
<br /> � N�bnsla� (herefn"Ptop�rty Addross")t
<br /> � 700ETliER with all the improvementa now or hernsiter erocted on the propsrty,and�I BwrnenU,rphts,appurMnar�
<br /> end nnb{sub}�ct hc�wevsr to the►ighta and authorfti�a afven h�ntn to Lend�r b coll�ct aind apply auch rsnts),sq ot whk;h
<br /> �. ahaii b�da�msd M be dnd nmaln a pan o7 the propNty covstW bY mis Dsed oi nua�;and N vi me ior.QoirR,io�.aw�.:�u►
<br /> e+�W prop�ny(or the IeesehoW ssMts if thts Ds�d of 1i�uN is on a leaishold)are h�rotMlter nf�rnd ro as th�"P�opsity";
<br /> �o SECUq Eto Lender ths repayment of ths indsbtednass evtd�ncsd by Borrorwr'e�ote dst�1
<br /> 10-24-97 __--and extensbne and renewale thenof(h�rei�"Nats";�fn ths principd sum M
<br /> U.S.s g„Up,pTpp ,wfth Intereet thereon,provWinq for monthly�ta���f principal and h�lerset,
<br /> with the batutce of the indebtedness,If not sooner paid,due and payabls on �
<br /> the payment of all other sums,with interoet thsreon,adv�naed In ecco�dsnce herewith to prolect tho s�curity of thb D�ed d
<br /> nuah and the psrtormance of the cavenante and�rsemente of Borrower herefn contalned.
<br /> Borrower coMenanta that Borrower la lawfully selssd of the est�te hereby convsyed end lus the riyht to grant snd convey
<br /> the Property,and that the Property la unencumbered,except tor encumbrances of record.Borrower cowneiMs the�t Borrow�r
<br /> werrants and will dsfend generallythe titls to the P�operty agalnat all olaima and demands,aub�ectto encumbrencea ot r000rd. -
<br /> ENE2W MII�II
<br />