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<br /> `;.;;;`��?<� �Ofi��n�nc�gy I„�ndor Not�W�iver.Extenaton of the time for payment a modificatfon
<br /> -.-,,• y t0. BorrorwrNotFt�l�awd: �
<br /> --`'�''��° �f amortizetlon of the euma secured by thla Deed of 1Fust granted by Lendsr to any euccassor in intereat ot Borroweraha no
<br />-, Y� �:.'�A operate to release,in any manner,the Ilabllity of the orlginal Borrower and Borrower's successoro In Intereat.Lenderahall not
<br /> `��"���`� be requlred to commence proceedings agalnst auch aucceasor or rAfuse to extend time for payment or othennrlae modNy _
<br />-���y''�-+�� amonizatidn of the sums secured bythia peed of'tFuat by reaeon of any demand made by the arigl�al Borrower and Borrower's
<br /> .;;���.
<br /> � succeasors In interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any rlght or remedy hereunder, or otherwlae aftord y�
<br />`��.�z. ,:�, appllasble Iaw,shall not be a waiver of or preaiude the exercisA ot any auch right or remedy.
<br /> ''`�'�'' • 11. Succ�ssors�nd Asstqns Bound;Joint�nd Snrsal Llabitity;Casbnen.The covenanta and agreements herein �
<br /> ' contalned shalt bind,nnd the rights hereg„e�All cov nants and agreements of Bor ower88hall bo Jolnt�and se eral Any t E_
<br /> -� aubJect to the provisions of paragraph
<br /> Borrower who casigna this Deed of ltust,but doe�us`�under theNerms of thi D'eed of 1FustD,(bj la not peraona/y Ilable on Q
<br /> - convey that Borrower's tnterest in the Property
<br /> the Nate or under thia Deed of Trust,snd(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower hereu�xler may agree to extend,modity.
<br /> torbear,or make any other accommodatione with repard to the terms of thts Deed oi 1Fust or the Nate,withoutthat Borrower'e�`
<br />= • • � � sin that Borrower or modfiying thia Deed of 1�uat as to that Borrower'a intereet in the Pro�pe�r
<br />�,,,,, .,. consent and without relea g
<br />=- ��- � 1Z. Notic�.Except ior any notice required under applicabie law to be givsn In another manner,(n)any notice to
<br /> :�,;;.....
<br /> ,�;..+.?���_. provided br in thie Oeed of�Fuat shall t�e given by delivering it or by mefling auch not�e by ceKlflsd meil eddrea�ed to rrowsr
<br />= � •�4, at the Propsrty Addreaa or at euch other addreaa ae Borrower may dealgnate by not ice to Lendsr es provlded hereln,�nd(b)
<br />:�:°�:;: .
<br />--�_;;;._;<+ any notice to Lender ehail be piven by certifled mail to Lender'e addreas atated heroin or to such other eddrsse as Lm er may
<br /> _�=y:� ° deaignate by nodcs to Borro+�wr as providsd herein.Any notice provided for in thls Dssd of 1Fuat ehall bs deemed to hevs bsen
<br /> _:::'•;��, piven to Bor�ower or Lende�when pivsn In ihs menner deelpnated hereln.
<br />;;�;;,s�g• , 13. IiowrnlnpLaw�8�wn�biNry.The�tatenndlocellawsappUcabletothl�DeedotlFuat�haiibsthslewsdtheJurisd�tbn _
<br /> ;,;:;''' in whlch the Property la Ixated.The forepoinp esntence shall not Ilmit the appllcabHity of�sdersl I�w to thle De�d of�tuct.
<br /> - � In the event that any provlsion or ctauee of thla Deed of hust or the Note c�ntlicte with appllceble law,a rovislon'i and t th�a
<br />=Y�W "� affeat other provislons of thls Deed of ltust or the Note which can be given eftect without the contllcting p
<br /> '=-�X:. end the provisions of thls Deed of nust an d t he N o te s r e d e c l a r e d t o b e a e v e r a b i e.A s u s e d h e r ein,"coats","expenses"and
<br /> =-�•:•�•� "attorneys'fees"include all suma to the extont not prohtbited by applicable law or Ifmited hereln.
<br /> _�` � 14. Borrower'�Copy.Borrower shall be fumiahed a coniormed copy of the Note and of this Deed of'TFust atthe tfine of
<br />__:_,��� e�cution or aiter recordation hereof.
<br /> �_��� 1S. R�habllit�tion Loan I►�ro�ment.Borrower ahall tulfftl all of Borrower's obligationa under any home rehabflitstian,
<br /> __...,� tmprovement,repair,or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender,at Lender's option,may requtre
<br /> -=�-� Borrowar to execute and delfver to Lender,in a form acceptable to Lender,an assignment of any righte,clalms or defenses
<br /> �-___-= W��;;,,gu�y,�i�say lsa1�sgalnst��ties who sugply labor,materfals or services in connection wfth improvementa made to
<br /> _:�-„�_� the Property.
<br /> -�---- 18. Tianshr of Property or f Beneflal�l Interost In Borrowsr.If aIi or any pan of the Property or any interest in it is sold
<br /> -��� ortransferred(or if abeneficfal interest in Borrower is sold or transterred and Borrower is not a natural person)without Lender's
<br /> -� _ prtor written consent,Lender may,at its option,require Immediate payment in tuli ot all sums secured by this Deed of 1Fust.
<br /> However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender If exercise is prohibited by federai law as of the date of this Deed of ltust,
<br /> If Lender exercisesthis option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provlde a period of not
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice la delivered a mailed within which Borrower must pay all sumssecured by this Deed
<br /> —' of Trust.If Borrower tails to pay these sums prfor to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any remedies permltted
<br /> .�� by this Deed of Tivst without turther notica or demand on Borrower.
<br /> — NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree Bs�fol�r'a bn�ch of any cownant
<br /> 17. Acc�Nratlon;Rem�dt�s.Except�s prov�ded In p�raqnph 16 h�roof,upo the end ot 10 cal�ndKdaya�fbr
<br /> or�ro�ment of Borrower In this De�d of 1Puat,Includinq Sorr�ow�r'a hlluro to p�y,by
<br /> thry�ro dus,arry�ums secured by this D�d of'Irust,Lender prlor to accel�ration�h�ll pivs notic�to Borrow�r a�
<br /> provW�d In pare�nph 12 hsroof sp�c�hl�np:(1)th�bn�ch;(2)the�ctlon roqulnd to auro such broacA;(3)�dah�not
<br /> I�u th�n 20 deys iron�th�dat�th�nottcs Is m�ibd to Bon�o�rer,by whieh such bro�ch must bi eund;md(4)th�t tNlure
<br /> — to cun such bnach on or b�fon the d�ts apecltied In ths notice may rosult(n accelsration,of the wm�securrd by thb
<br /> °"-�� De�d of 7h�at and�ale of th�PropertY•TI»notics s{u�111urther Intorm Bomower of ths riphtto ninst�te dter�I�ntlon
<br /> _ _ �nd th�ripht to brinp�court actton to�ssert the nonexlstsnca of a dehult or�ny other detens�ot Borrower to
<br /> acaNention�nd wle.If th�bn�ch is not curod on or bebro the dats speaitied In ths noticebls w thouttu��her d�m�nd
<br /> - �� m�y decl�ro all of the wms seaurad by thts Deed of 1Yust to be Immedl�tsly dus md paya
<br /> ``�.�.� and mry Imroks th�power of s�ls�nd�ny other nemedte�permitt�d by eppllcabls Itaw.Lsndef shall be mtitNd to collect
<br /> � �II roesonabl�costs and expen�es incurrod in punulny ths romedles provided in thls p�ro�nph 17.Includln��but not
<br /> -`�% ��u': Ilmited to�n�wrobb ettorneys'iees.
<br />- �`•�.°�`�._. It ths power of sale Is Irnrolad,'IFust�s shsll record a notlae af dsfault In each county in whlchtf»Property orsonw
<br /> -..�•_.� Ilcsbl�lawto eorrowtrwnd
<br /> -r^---•
<br />-`�`:�-.� -� uired bS►appllc�bl�law,
<br /> , .� ., _. p�rt theroot Is too�ted snd shall m�fl coptes of�uch notice in the mannsr proac�i �pP
<br /> `=� �•�"�� � Itocble Isw.After ths la se of such time�s m�yl bs troqb',I��n�,without
<br /> '��`•.�`����. to the other aons proscribed by�pp P
<br /> '���'`� � '� ltustee shdl plve public notice oi s�le to the persons and In ths menn�r proscribed by aPp
<br /> � dem�nd an Borrower,ahdl seU the Property et publla auctlon to ths htyhest bidder st ths time and place and undK
<br /> ._ � . � th�terms d�styn�ted In the nottco at�ats In one or more par�csls and In suah o��as 1i�ustN m�y d�tsrmin�.lPustN
<br /> " " may postpone sat�of ell or any p�rcel of the Prope►ty by public announcemsnt�tths ttme�nd pl�ce of�ny prevtou�ly
<br /> echeduled s�le.I.�nder or Lender's d�slpnee m�y pu�chase ths Property�t sny aals.
<br /> ��'��h Upon rocslpt of payment of the price bld, ltustas ahall deliver to the purchaser Ttusteti's da�d aonvsyinp ths
<br /> � =� ' sold.Tt»recital:in the 1Fustee's deed shdl be pMme faele evld�nc�ot th�tnith otths st�srnents mad�tMreln.
<br /> � _��:_ n.°.���.��..,.�„*h.eroew.d:of the s�le(n thetoilowinq oMer.(a)ta�II raasonsbls�osb and exp�ns��of th�saN.
<br /> _...._ ��...��.
<br /> ..---�---:-.,_•=..,-- ....�.���........rr•� '••-r--- _ .
<br /> � �flC�!ld�flQ.butnotllmltedto��UStQS�s�f�udiylncurredofnotmorethan _'�°�••"'w��""�r^"
<br /> �asonabte�ttornsys'fees and aost�of title evidence;(b)to ali sums securod by this Deed of hu�t;md(c�the�xces�. _
<br /> � i If any,to the peaon o�persons le�elly entltled theroto. -
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rtyht to Retnstete.Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured bythis need of Trust.
<br /> due to Borrower's breach,Bo�rower shali have the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this Deed of'iYusi -
<br /> discontinued at any time prlor to the earller to occur of(f)the fifth day before sale of the Properly pursuant to the power of sale
<br /> contained in this Deed of ltust or(ii)entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of 1Fust if:(a)Borrower pays Lender all sums which
<br /> would be then due under thia Deed of 1Yust and the Note had no acceieratfon occurred;(b)Borrower cures ail breaches of any
<br /> other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in this Deed of 1Yust;(c)Borrower pays sll reasonable expenses incurred
<br /> by Lender and TFustee in enforcing the covenants and agreements of Borrower contained In this Deed of'TFust,and in enforcing
<br /> Lender's and lYuatee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereot,including,but not Iimited to,reasonable attomeys'fees;
<br /> PAOE�
<br />