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<br /> Lender. The toreqoing warrantiea and repreeentiatione, and
<br /> �arxowor'a obligatione pursur�nt to th�e foregoing indamnity� ehall
<br /> eurvive repaymant of th� Note and the r.econveyanae of thie Deed
<br /> of Truet.
<br /> 9. Aeai nment uf Rents MAna ement of k�ro ert . �i�►e g
<br /> additional eeaur y er�un er, Borrower ere y nes gne ta ender
<br /> the rente, iesuea and profits of the �roperty, provided that
<br /> Horrower ehal�, prior to �aaalerntion under puiraqraph 11 hereof
<br /> or abandonment of the Propertiy, have the right to aolleat ana
<br /> retain suoh ren�s, issues and profita as �hey beaome due anci pay-
<br /> ab1e. Upon acceleration or abandcnment of �he Property, Lender
<br /> may, either. in peraon or by agent, with or without bringinq any
<br /> aotion or proaeedinq, or by a reaeiver appointed� by d court and
<br /> without. regard to the adequacy o� it� seaurity, enter upon and
<br /> take posseeaion of the Property, or any part thezeof, in its own
<br /> name or in the name of the Truatee, and do any ncts which it
<br /> deeme neaessary or deairable to•pres�rve the value, rnarketability
<br /> ar rentabil3ty of the Property, or any part thereof or interest
<br /> therein, �.ncrease the inQOme therefrom or prote.�� the eeaurity
<br /> hereof and, with or withaut taking poss�ssion of the Property,
<br /> sue fvr or otherwiso collect tho rents, iseues and profits
<br /> thereof, including �hose past due and unpaid, and apply the same,
<br /> less cos�s and expensea of operation and colleetion, including
<br /> attorneys' fees, upon any indebtedn�ss seaured hereby, all in
<br /> such order as Lender may detprmine. The entering upon and takinq
<br /> posseseion of the Property, the aollection of such rente, issues
<br /> and profits and the application thereof as aforee�id,• ehall not
<br /> cuxe or waive any default ox notice of defaul� hereunder or
<br /> invaI.idate any act done in response tv euah deYauit or pureuant
<br /> to such notice of detault and, nokwithstanding the aontinuance in
<br /> poeseaeion of the Property or the aolleation, receipt and applica-
<br /> tio�n of rente, iesues or profits, and Trustee and Lender ehall be
<br /> entitled to exerciee every right provided for in any of the Loan
<br /> instruments or by law upon occurrence of any lEvent o� Default,
<br /> including, without limitation, the right �o exercise tihe power of
<br /> sale. Further� Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph
<br /> 9 ehall be cumuXative v�ith, nnd in no way a limitat3on on,
<br /> Lender's rights and remediee under any A,saiysu�en� of Le�tses an.d
<br /> .� Rents reaorde�] aqainst the Proper�y. Lender, Trustee and the
<br /> ; receiver ehall be liable to account only for those reats actuelly
<br /> , recefved. .
<br /> ;
<br /> 10. Events of Default. The folloWing shall conetitute
<br /> an Event of DefAU t un er t s Deed of Truats
<br /> (a) Failure to pay any installment of
<br /> prinaipal or intereet or any other aum secur.ed hereby
<br /> when due, or Eailure to pay when due any other indebted-
<br /> ness oi Bnrrower to Lender�
<br /> ' �b) A breaah of or default under any provi-
<br /> ' aion con�ained in �he Note, thie Deed of Trueti, any of
<br /> ` the Loan inetrirments, or any vtiher. enaumbrance upon the
<br /> � psop�rty, after qiving effeat to any applicdble cure
<br /> ` period cont�ined thereinl ,
<br /> _�
<br /> _ (o) A writ o� exeeution or e►ttachmer►t or any
<br /> sim3lar process eh�►il be eatiered againe� Borrower whiat�
<br /> = shall become a 13en on the Property or any portiion
<br />,� thereof or intereet therein� '
<br /> �. (d) Thexe shall be filed by or against
<br /> _-. .._ .
<br /> .� a�isan:oi aia avcivii aina�r any preeenz vr =uture teaeral�
<br /> ;� state or nther atatute, law or regulation relating to
<br /> bankruptcy, insolvenay or other relief far debtioret or
<br /> tliere shall be appointed any truetee, receiver or
<br /> liquidatior of Boxrawer or of nil or aay part of the
<br /> Property, or the rente, iseuee or pxofite thereof, or
<br /> Borrower ehall make any general nseignment for the -
<br /> benefit of cr�ditorsl
<br /> �.4r
<br /> .
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