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<br /> .-, �ha Prope�ty in violation of any ].nw, ordinanoe� or regulationj -
<br />;;�,,;,� and ehall pay mnd pramptly dieoherge at Borrower's coat and
<br /> exp�nse all liene, encumbrances and aharqes levied, imposed or
<br /> :_`� aesQSeed againet tlie Proper�y or any part thereof:
<br /> -_r:
<br />_��`"_'.� 6. Eminent Dom�in. Lender ia hereby aseigned all �_
<br /> aompeneation, awar e, amaqea and other paymente a.r relief
<br /> �:r:,:.�1 (hereinafter "Proceeds") in aonneation with condemnation ar other
<br /> -�� taking of the Property or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu
<br />°:z� of condemnntion. Lender shall be entitled, at its option, to
<br />--���� commence, appear in and proeeaute in its own na�me any action or
<br /> `w�'� proceedi.nqs, and shall also be entitled to make any compromiac� or
<br /> ;
<br />-v';�� settlement in aonnection with such taking or damag�. In the
<br /> =• — �vent any portion of the Property is eo talren Qr demaged, Lender
<br /> ;:;;a,� ehall have the option, in ite aole and abaolute disaretivn, to
<br /> _____— apply all auah Proceeda, af�er deduating therefrom a.11 coste and
<br /> ____� expenses iiicurred by it in oonneation with auch Proceeda, upon
<br />-- = any indebtednesa secured hereby. and in auch order as Lender may
<br /> ____= dPtermin�, or to apply a11 suah Pro�eede, after such deductione, -.
<br />��=�--- to the restoration of the Property upon auoh condi�ione as Lender
<br /> may determine. Any application of Proaeeds to indebtednesa ahall
<br />:_-��=� not extend or postpone the due date of any paymenta under the
<br /> Note, or cure any default thereundex or hereunder.
<br /> 7. Performance b�Lend�er. In the evenk of Borrower's
<br /> _ failure to perform any of t e o riants herein or make any pay-
<br /> �---�. mer�ta required hereby, or if �ny act ie taken or legal proceeding
<br /> --- commenced which materially affects Lender's interest in �he
<br /> Property, Lender may in its own disare�ion, but without Abliga-
<br /> _____.__ tion to do so! and without notice to or demand upon Sorrower; and
<br /> --- without releasinq Horrower from any obligatiou, do any aat Nhich
<br /> =-w.- the Horrowex has agreed but fails �o do andtnay also do nny okher
<br /> act it deeme necessary to pxotect the security hereof. BorroWer
<br /> -- ahall, immedia�ely upon demand therefvr by Lender, pay to Lender
<br /> ---= all coets an8 expenses incurred and eume expended by Lender in
<br /> ---" connection with the exercise by Lender of the foregoing righte,
<br /> together with interest thereon at the default rate provided in
<br /> the Note, which, sha11 be added to the—�ncT�ie tednoss aecured
<br /> — hereby. Lender shall not incur any liability because of anything
<br />_ 3t may do or omit to do hereunder.
<br /> 8. Hazardoue Ma�erials. Borroaer shall keep the �
<br /> Property in comp �nce w t any and all federal, stnte and local
<br />_ laws, ordinances and regulations relating tv industr3al hygiene
<br />__=___ or to environmental condit3.onn on, under or about the Property,
<br /> — including, but not limited �o, soil And groundwater aondi�ions.
<br /> `s Trustox shall not use, generate� manufacture, store or diapose of
<br /> ,�,� on, under or about the Propsrty or transport to or from the
<br /> Property any flammable exp].oeives, radinaative materials, hazardous
<br /> waetea, toxie subatances or related materials, including, without
<br /> limitation, any subatancea defined as or included in the defini-
<br />-�.'� tion of "hazardous substances", "hnzardoue waetea", "hazardous
<br />-_ - �-�� ma�eriale" or "toxic subatanaee" under nny applicable lawe,
<br /> �_��"�'� ordinances or regulatior�s (aollectively referred to hereinnfter
<br />-;�=;�����- � as "Hazardous Matieriale"1 . BorroNer hereby wdrrante nnd repre-
<br />-�• +,��•��� sents to Leader that there are no �azardoue Ma�eriala on or under
<br /> ������ � the Property. Borrower hereby agrees tio indemnify and hold
<br /> harmlese Lender, its directora, offiaere, employees and agente,
<br /> and any succeeaora to Lender'e interest, fro�.a and against any and
<br /> all claims, damages and liabilities arieing in aonnection with
<br /> " the preeenae, uee. etorage, diepoea]. or transprrt of a�ny Hazardoue
<br /> "" Matexials on, under, from or about the Property, l.naludir►g, with-
<br /> _� _ out limi.tation, (a) all damages directly or iadirectly arising
<br /> � �� �_ out of the use, generation, e�orAqe or dlsposal of Naxdrdoue
<br /> � �T ' Materiala by Barrower or any prior ow�ner or operator of the
<br /> Proper�y, and (b) all coats of any required or neCessary repair,
<br /> cleanup or detoxification and the preparativn of any alosure or
<br /> other required plans, whether euah aation is required or neces-
<br /> sary prior �o or following tranefer of title to the Proper�y, to -
<br /> " the full ex�ent that such aation is attributable, directly or =
<br /> indir.ectly� to the presence or use� g�neratiion, etornge, release, -
<br /> threatened release or diepoeal of Hazardoue •Materials by any '
<br /> person on the Property prior to tranefer of title theretio by �
<br /> 1 _�_ -
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