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<br /> (e) The ar�le, traaefer, aesignmen�, aonvey-
<br /> dnre or fur�her enaumbranae of all oz any part of or
<br /> any intexest in the Propertp, either valuntarily or
<br /> involun�arily, without the expre8s written caneen�t of
<br /> Lender.
<br /> 11. Remedies Acoeleration U on Default. In the event r
<br /> of any Event o De dn t, Len er mny, w t out not ae, eacaept ae
<br /> required by law, declare e�ll indebtQdnees. seaured hereby to be
<br /> due and payable and the same ehall thereupon become due and
<br /> payable without any presentment, demand, proteat or notioe of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender mays
<br /> (aJ Demand that Truetee exeraise the POWER
<br /> OF. SALE granted hexein, and Truatee shall thereaEter
<br /> aause Borrower's interes� 3n �he Property to be sold
<br /> and the procee�s to be dietributed, all 3n �he manner
<br /> provided in the Nebra$ka Trust Deeds Aot�
<br /> (b) Exeraise any and a11 rights provided fc�r
<br /> �.n any of the Loan Instrumenta ar by ldw upon oacur-
<br /> rence of any Event of Defaultf and
<br /> (c) Commenae an �otion to forealose �hie
<br /> Deed of Truat as � mortgage, appoint a receiver, or
<br /> specifiaall.y enforce any oE the covena�nte hereof.
<br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reaerved to Truetee or Lender
<br /> is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein in the
<br /> , T.��,n Tngtrn�FantB or �� Z�w =rQ�i�e�i Qr gszm3tt�c�, but ���h �Y:sZ2
<br /> be cumulative, shall be in addition to every o�her remedy gi.ven
<br /> hereunder in the I,oan Instruments ar now or hereaf�er exieting at
<br /> law or in eqaity or by stiatutie, and may be exerciaed aoncur-
<br /> rently, independently or auccessively.
<br /> 12. Truetee. The Truetee mny xeeign at any time wi�h-
<br /> out cause, and Len�ex may at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> suacess�r or subetitute Trus�ee. Trustee shall not be liable to
<br /> • any party, including, without limitation, Lender, Borrower or any
<br /> purchasez of the Property, for any loss or damage un].ees ciue to
<br /> reckless or willful. miecnnduct, and shall not be required to take
<br /> any aation in connection with the enforcement of thie beed of
<br /> Trus� unlees indemnified, in writinq, for �11 ao8�s, compeneation
<br /> or expensee which may be aesociated therewith. In addition,
<br /> Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale of the Preporty
<br /> (judiaial or nnder the power of eale granted herein) i postpone
<br /> the eale of all pr any portion of the Property, ae provided by
<br /> lawf or sell the Property as a whole, vr in separate parcele or
<br /> lots.
<br /> 13. F�es and Ex enses. In tihe even� Trustee aells ths
<br /> Property by exere ae o power o sale, Tru��ee ehall be entitled
<br /> to apply nny eale proeeede first to paymenti of all ooete and
<br /> expenses of exeroieing power oE �sale, inaludiag all Truetee'e
<br /> feee actually incurred. In the evgnt Horroaer exeraisee nny
<br /> right provided by law ta cure an Event of Default, Lender shall
<br /> be vntStiled to reconer from Borrower all aoate and expenses
<br />_ actually incurred as a result of Borrower's default, includinq,
<br />= withouti limitation, all Trustee's and attorney's fees, in �he
<br />= maximum amount nllowed by law. In addition, in the event of each
<br />';; such cure, Lender ehall be entitled to t� reinatatement fee of One
<br />_. Hundred and No/100 Dollare (;100.001 .
<br />— 14. Future Advances. VDOri reavan* nf Anrrnvnr_ T.n�,Ae.-
<br /> may, at ite op on, ma e a �ionat nnd future a�dv�ncsee and^
<br />�� re-advanaea to Horrowex. Such advanoes and readvanoee, with
<br /> = interest thereon, shall be secured by this Deed of Trust. At no
<br /> tiime ehall the principal amount of the indebtedness esaured by
<br /> this Deed of Truet, noti including aume advanced to proteat the
<br /> seQUr3ty of this Deed of True�t, exceed the oriqiaal priaafpal
<br /> amoun� stated herein. �
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