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<br /> •ri!'I.��Y y' �Y�'^',^S[..r^"'rY°.`.}��"'�'"'`"",'t.e'" _ . �Y ----
<br /> -- �:,e:�:_ r'
<br />.:,r = - -- ----- – -- _— =_ =---;cr�.
<br /> 7.En�ln�s DomaNi. LMd�rN hx�by nsipn�d NI ccmp�n��tbn,awads,d�mapa��nd other paym�nt�or nll�f lhwnln�fter"Race�d�1
<br /> In conn�ctlon with condern�tlan or oth�r t�klny af th�RopHty or p�n th�reoi,or for convsyma�In li�u of condsmn�tion.Lender thNl �
<br /> t�k�n or d�m�psd,l.�nd�r �h�ll h�v�th�optbn In tt�rob and W�alut�dl�erstion,to�pply dl�uch PrqcHd�.�it�r d�duotinp th�r�from
<br /> MI eo�t��nd�xpentd�incun�d by It in eonn�ctbn with�uch Prnenda,upon any Ind�bt�dneu acured hereby and in iuch order��
<br /> l�ndu m�y dn�tmine,ar ta�pply sll auch Roce�ds,�ttw�uch d�duatlon�,to the re�tor�tlan of th�Property upon auch condltiom u
<br /> L�ndu m�y d�taminw.Arsy�pplloation of RocNds to k�d�bt�dn��hNl not�xt�nd or po�tpcns ths dw dat�of any paym�nt�under
<br /> th�Not�,or cun�ny dd�vhtharund�r or he�unAet.Any un�ppllsd fund��hsll b�pdd to Tru�tar. _
<br /> 8. Pwlotm�nq� Oy l�nd�r.llpon th�occurr�na a} an Evont of D�}�ult ha�und�r, or If any act If t�ktn or I�p�l procNdl��
<br /> �omm�nc�d which matwl�Ny�fhct�L�nd�r'�IntKS�t In th�Prop�ny,L�ndar may In it�own di�cretkn, but w(thout oblip�tbn te do w,
<br /> Q�nd wfihout notic�tcs or d��d upon Trunor and without t�Nwinp Truttor from�ny obllyatlon.do�ny�at whlch Trustar hM�prNd
<br /> ��vt hlb to do�nd may�lra do �ny othK�ct It d�rtu n�auary to protaet th�aacurity horeof.T�unor �hatl,Immeditldy upon d�mmd
<br /> �lh�nfar by Lmdar,pay to und�r all coat�and�xpMpe Incuttsd�nd �ums expended by Lender fn conneotbn wlth th�sxKClte by
<br /> �Lw►dK of th�}onpoinp riyht�, t�QNh�r whh I�tKNt th�tsan�t ths d�(wh rat�pruvld�d in tha Not�,whlch shaY b�+�dd�d to th�
<br /> d�bt�dn�u acure! Mr�by,L�nd���h�ll not incur any II�bllity bea�u�s of�fythlnp it m�y do or omit to do hernmdK.
<br /> 9.H��Mou�Ma1wI�M.T�wtar rhall kNp th�Rop�rty In compliane�wfth all sppile�ble laws,ordimnoea md r�pulatbns rN�tl�p to
<br /> , Indwtrlal hypl�ne or Mvlraunental prot�ctfon (collectivNy r�fwnci to h�tNn as"Environmantal Law�"1.Truator shMl ksp th�Rop�rty
<br /> �fre�fram NI wb�t�ncw d�wn�d to 6�huudou�or toxlo und�any Envkonms�tN I.�w� fcolleativMy nfarred to herdn as "H�x�rdaua
<br /> M�tKl�ls"1.Tru�tor hM�bywarnnt�and npreunt�to 4sndsr that thsre ara np HaKdou� M�teriW on or under th�Property.Trusctor
<br /> hK�by pn�to IndamifyMd hoW hKmNsa Lsndv, k�diracton,oificsr�, employea �nd spmt�, md�ny�uceessore to Lsnd�'t
<br /> .. Int�r�at,from and aflUnat�ny �nd �II cl�ims, d�napes,lossst and U�bilRisa�dsiny in conn�ction with ths pnsence, uts, ditposN or
<br /> tramport of�ny Huardou�MatKials on,unde►,}rom or�bout ths Propsrty.THE FOREOOINd WARRA�ITIES AND REPRESENTATIUNS,
<br /> TRUST.
<br /> 10.A��nmt d AMts.Tru�tor h�t�by etsipn�to L�nd�r, �nd prantt Lsnda��acurity in!�r�at In,aU pr�s�nt, futur��nd�R�►
<br /> risk�nntt,luues�nd prolits of ths PropKty; providsd that Tru�tor�haN,untll th�occumnc�of m Fwnt of Dsf�ult Aw�undn,hw�
<br /> tha ripht to coll�ct snd r�tYn wch nnt�,Itsua and protft�a they b�cort►�du�and pay�bl�. Upon th� occun�nc� of�n Ev�t ot
<br /> D�fwk,Undw m�y. �h�rin puwn or 6y pmt, with or wkhout b�pinp�ny�etion or procNdk►p,or by a ncaivK�t�d by a
<br /> court�nd whhoin rsQad=athe adeguacy af ite c�curity, enter upon and tolce po�rion of the Properiy,ur M�y pbrt tNurwf,In ftr�wn
<br /> nac►H or i�tM nrr�a of th�Trustee, and do �ny �cts whtch ft d�ns n�cessary or d�strabN to pr�awvs tN�valut, mriut�bWty or
<br /> r�►t�bNity ot the RopNty�a any part thK�ot or intasat thKSk►,or to ina�ass th�Incoms th�refrom ar proteat the t�cwity hwwi nd,
<br /> with or whhout t�klnp pu aNtaian of the Propeny, aue tor o�othsrwi�e coMsct ths ronts,isaues and profits th�reof,indudinp those past
<br /> due�nd u�paid,by noWyinp tan�nt�to m�lc�p�ymmtr to L�nda. Lend�r may epply nnt�,iuue�md prqfit�,I�sa wst��nd ucp�n�a
<br /> of op�ratbn and colleellon includfnU aetorna}n•fess,ta any ind�btsdnsu�scured h�rsby,sli In tuch order u Lmder m�y dKermine.Th�
<br /> �ntKkp upon�nd takfnp possestion of th�Ptopertyr, the caM�tbn of tuch rent�, iuues snd profit�,�nd th�appNcatian th�r�of u
<br /> Horaatd, �haH not eun or waiv�any dsfauk or notk�of ddauh hKwndM or InvNidta any�ct don�in nKions�to wch d�fauh or
<br /> punuant to such nptla ot dsf�ulc �nd, mtwhh�tandtnp the continuanca fn po�ssssion of th� Propert}r or th�coW�etbn, neNpt and
<br /> �ppMcatbn of rent�, bw�or proiit�, Truttee end Lendar sh�ll be a�tklad to exsrciie every ripht providal for in sny of ths Loan
<br /> Instrurt�ts or by I�w upon occun�ncs of�ny Event of Detwh,Including without !(m(t�tlon ths ripht to�xKCiss ths pow�r of sM�.
<br /> Furth�r.L�nda's rlpht��s-k nmedi�s unda this p�agnph nh�ll b�cumul�tiv�wkh,s�d in no way� Ii�Mt�tbn on.Landsr'�ripht�and
<br /> r� und�r aay spl�aw��t of Nasss md rxtts recorded paln�t ths Roperty. L.�ndsr, TruatN�nd the ncsivx shall be Nabl�to
<br /> �ccount onhr ior thosar�U�ctuWv recsiv�d.
<br /> 11.Ewnts of DMMIt_ Ths toqowinp sh�ll conathute m Evsnt ot Detauft undet this Oeed of T►uK:
<br /> (�Failure to p�y�y InstWmsnt of principM or I�tsrest o}any other sum s�cwsd hsrsby wh�n dw;
<br /> Ib)A bresch tif o�MfauR undsr any provlaton containsd in ths Nots,thts Dsed of TruK,�ny af ths Lom Instruments,or�ny
<br /> oth�r Il�n or encumbrsnn upon the Property;
<br /> (c)A wrk of executbn or ettachmmt or�ny aimilar procee�sh�ll be entersd apNnst Truator whlch shNl becoms�lien on th�
<br /> R�opsrty or any palbri thereoi or Mtereat thKein;
<br /> fd)Thers shN�6r t iid by or�palnst Truator or Bonower an action under any present or futun federN,atate or othn stKU�,Iwv
<br /> a rpulatfon�Natinp t�bankruptcy, inwhnncy or otha rNi�f for d�bton;or th�n �hall b��ppointsd any tnrtM, r�phr�r a
<br /> liquid�tor af Truata or Bo►rowsr or of aW or�ny prt of th�Prop«ty,or tM nnt�,irwa or protR�thrsoi,ar TruKOr or Bortovwr
<br /> shaY m�ln�ny psrwM wiynm�nt fo�the banstit of uedkon;
<br /> 4�)TM�aN,trn�t�r,I�aw.atfpnmmt.eonv�yanc�or furthK encumbr�na of MI ar�ny pxt of a�ny tntK«t in th�Prop�rty.
<br /> Mth�►vohintarNy or hvoluntrYy,without th�express writt�n canssnt of Lendar;proWded thrt 7rustor st�aN b�pwmitt�d to uncut�
<br /> a{�of th�Propaly thit doa not cont�in�n Qpt(on to purchMe and the ts►m of wh�h does not excNd om yur;
<br /> (f) Ab�ndonrn�nt otth�Property:or
<br /> lp) If Trustor b nat�n IndivWual,the Iauancs, scl�,trantf�r, at�Ipnm�nt, convayance a enwmbnnce of mw�than (ff a
<br /> corporatbn)�tot�l of n/a psresnt of it� iuued and outatandiny stock,or(ff�p�t�etehip)�tot�l of i.oa p�rcent of
<br /> partnKShip IntKStt�, a � � mited kiabtlity con�pany)a totN of N/� pxcsnt ot the limited NabNity company tenats or votinp
<br /> ri�hts d�xin�tM prlodthi�D�ed of Trust um�in�s N�n on the RopKty.
<br /> 12.MmMw;AGO�ai�n Upon DNwk.ln tha event of�ny Ewnt of D�fwk LM�der may,whhout notic�exc�pt y rpuk�d by iwv,
<br /> d�ctare aM kid�btednea s�nued hKeby to b� due md peyabN �nd tha sMns shaq tMroupon b�com�dw and p�yr�whhout any
<br /> prss�ntmsnt,dsm�,protrt or notfa oT�ny kkW.Th�rnfter Lsndu may:
<br /> h)Dwnand ttiK Trwtse sxKCis�th� POWER OF SALE pnnt�d hersin, and Tru�tes shaq thetah� uu�Trustor's tnt�nat
<br /> tn th�Prop�rty to b�sold a�d th�procNds to be distributed,all In th�minnK provid�d(n th�NWraslu Trutt De�d�Aet;
<br /> Ib)ExKCts� any and aM �hU provided tor in any of th� Loan Inarumsnts or by law upon occumna of any Ev�nt of
<br /> Detault;�nd
<br /> (c)Commmca m xtion to torecbea thb �eed of Trutt s� �mortpaye, appaint o receive,or�pecKMally�nforce eny of th�
<br /> k cov�rt�ntshereof_
<br />, No nmsdy herein coniKrad upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is i.�tended to be excluaive of rny othsr rem�dy herMn, in th�Loan
<br /> FInrtruments or by law provid�d or permitted,but esch shNl be cumul�tive,ehsll be(n additbn to ewry otha romedy plven hsreunda,fn
<br /> • ths Lo�n Inatruments a now o►he►eatter existing et lew or(n equity or by atatute,and may be exerclsed concurcentty,ind�psndently or
<br /> • auccssnively.
<br /> 13.TrustM.The Tms see may realpn at any time without causa,and Lander may at any time and without c�use ppoint o eucceaior
<br /> � or su�atkute Trustee. T�ustn shNl nat bs If�hle to any prty,Includinp vrithout limiution Lender,Borrower,Trunor or any purcha�of
<br /> � the Ropsr.y, for any kss ar dxn�ps unlets dus to reeklaas or wiMful misconduct, �nd ahall not b�rsQuind to tNa�ny�ctfon fn
<br /> , connsctlon wrth the an(orcanent of thls Daed oi Tru�t unless tndemnified,tn writinp,for NI costs,compmution or �xpsnaes which may
<br /> be�aaociated therawith.tri dditbn,Truatee may become s purch�sa► at eny eale of the Property Qudkiel or under the powl►of aN
<br /> yranted heraki);pottpaae th�ssb of aN or rny poRion of th�Roperry,as provlded by law;or eell the Property a s whole,or in sepw�t�
<br /> parceia or bts at Trustee's dscretbn.
<br /> 14.FNS�nd ExpMws,h ihe ever►t Truatee aelta the Property by exercfae of powe►ot ede.T�uatee�hall bs entitNd to pply any s�l�
<br /> proceeda fkst to p�y�ent al eil coats snd expsntes of exxciainq power of eale,includfnp eli Trustee'a tees,and Lsndx's�nd 7rusMs's
<br /> attornev's tees,actuaiM in cwred to extent nerminsef hv w^���a��fiur. !n fh��v�nt Mrrn�uu n�Tn��r....v..wt... �.....1..� •�...
<br /> _.,...........'.�....,
<br /> law to cure sn Event d D eleult,Lende►sh�ll be entitied to recover from Trurtor all cotq and sxpinaea actuelry incurred�s s reiuft ot
<br /> Truator'e def�ult,includn� withaut limitet(on all Trustee'�snd attomeys foea,to the extent permitted by�pplicable law.
<br /> 16.Futun Adv�na�. Upon request qt Borrower,Lende►may,et ks optlon,make additional and future adwncea end resdvancea to
<br /> Borr�wer.Such advana� and �eadvancee,with IntNrest thereon, ahMl be secured by thle Deed o}Trust At no tfine sh�ll the principsl
<br /> amount of the indebtedne�esecured by this Deed of Trun,not Includinp aums advancad to protect tl�e eecurfty of thfa Deed of Truat,
<br /> exe�rod ths or(gfnal priridpal mount et�ied hereln,or 0 sss.o00.oo ,whichever Is preater.
<br /> r+eca�a�e aam,a�tv�o..ae..,.e�ss
<br /> �ssi n.uaw e,�orc�.�,,.n TnNt�nA SWNy1 AuotiNlot�.UncNn.N�DrrMa
<br />