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<br /> 7Hf8 dEED OF TRUST,Is mad��s o}ths ��th d�y ot 4�
<br /> xeoe.s ,9 Y " �bY.nd Mnaw �
<br /> 'C.Ztr
<br /> th�TfWLOr. LIi1Q COM�1AtIClION, Il1C. i-
<br /> wha�m�NtnO�dd►at h �"� ^ •r "'�, ura�m ietatm
<br /> Ih�reln"Trustor."wh�th�r o��or morel,
<br /> th�Trustw, o�ttx or eos�it� ,
<br /> Ihw�in"TrunN"1.�►d
<br /> whoM rt��MMW�ddr�n h po �rnt �va
<br /> th�BemficiatY.
<br /> wAop m�ipnq�ddnas b.
<br /> ve eroc ��o rnri--._.. _•,1 - (hMNn'LN1dM'1•
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEMTfON,Includ�n�I.�ndw'��xt�rt�lon of cndit WmtMNd hKMn to...,..
<br /> LIQIR CO�tl'lRVLTION INC. L10 L281� MIIYI1if LIB1fS r••���
<br /> IhwNn'sotrow�',whKhK on�or mon)�nd th�trust hw�M► aMt�d.tM
<br /> ant�,trr►sf�tt,conv�ys�nd wkM►�to Tn�t«.IN TIIU6T.INITH
<br /> ��e�lOt of whkA b hKeby�CknowNdO�d.Truttor 11K�bY frtwosabh►a ta tltt l�m•wnei mnditfon�Mr�inMt�Mt fohh.tM tMl
<br /> pON1ER OF SALE,tor tM bNNfit M1d MCUriIY ofi i.at�3�.uin�w:isd.-tsbj...�'t
<br /> �ov�cy,ae�ia.d..raaw.: N�brask�
<br /> Scthman 3ubdivieion, I�ot 24, Block 2, ara.nd Idl�d� Hall Coun�Y�
<br /> e�o�ur�t eooness= 117.3 601TfH LII1COIl1�l1�IBI+AND. � ce�oi
<br /> '�op�ttN�with dl builditp�,knprov�ts,flxtura,�tnsts.�M�Y�,P��l�walr+.��t�,riOM�• P��OM��PO�tM►�rw�
<br /> loeatsd th�non or in anWi►iM PKt�fnkq th�KO.md th�nntt,isw�s and Protks,rev�rsbns md nmakid�rs thwwf.�nd wah Pw�oml
<br /> propKty th�is�tt�eh�d to M�M++p►cvNnentt�o u to connitut•.tixtun.includirW,but not IimRdand w�iv�;rN ot�. �dk�Y
<br /> �nd top�thw wkh tM homMt�ad o►m�rital fnterMt�,if �ny,whlch intKMt�r�hK�by roMMSd
<br /> r�pl�nMntt�nd Miditbns tMnto.b hKebY d��d to b��prt ot tM rsal est�t�s�cured bY 1h�N�n of thM QMd af Tnrt ynd�M
<br /> tM forpoin0 befn0 r�f�nd to Mnin�e th�'P►�P�Y�.
<br /> Thls Deed of Trust NaM wcix�l�)the P�Y�t of ths princip�l wm �nd interat w�d��d bY� P��°ry�t� °� a°d�
<br /> ��wn�nt d�ted oceober �s, i�4? .havinp�m�turitY doR�of oct r zs i�e� •
<br /> in th�oriptnM P�P��unt of �! ss o00 00__— ,end�ny�nd rl moaNic�tions.�xt�mions �nd rwnw�N
<br /> th�nof or tAer�to�r►d my�nd all Pueure�dv�ncM�nd rsadvana.�es ta Borroww(or ir►Y ot tMm tt mon thn orNl hK�unda p�ws�w+t to
<br /> � on�or mon promh�ory nota or a�dit�Or�n�nt�(hersin c�Nd"Not�'1:(b1 th�pWtnMt of othx�uma advane�d bY l��d�r to prot�ot
<br /> tM Nct��ity ot th�Notr,te)th�pKformane�of�II wvK►�►u�nd sprNm�ntt of TtuKor�et forth Mnln:�nd(d) �M P►�s�nt�nd futu��
<br /> {n�ptKl�qs �nd obNp�tionf of Bortower(ar �ny of them H mon than one)xo LM�dx vvhathe�dinct,indirect��b�olun °r°°^�K
<br /> and v►rNrtMr wi�kp by nots.puwnty,ovsrdralt ot oth�twtse.Th�Nou,thb D�ed of Tnwt�nd�ny an�t�p otr��n and �i��p nMnts
<br /> UN Not�or othKwiN uc�cut�d In eonnsctbn th�rswith.includM�O wkhout NmfUtbn puar+ntNS.�seuritY q
<br /> of Iwe��rid rent�,sh�N b�rNerrad to heraln a�th�'laan Instn�t�'.
<br /> Trustor covw+�►t��nd qnaa with Lend�r�toNovw:
<br /> 1.P�Mwt o1 k�drAt�dnM�.AN indabt�dnMS seeured honOY shaq b�P+�when dua.
<br /> 2.TNN.Tnwitor h the owa�r ot ths Propeny.h�Me ripM�nd wthoritY to conv�y Me PropKty.�nd wamm�thrt M�li�a��trd
<br /> h�nby is a Tinrt�nd P�lien on th�Prop�ty. �xc�pt fot Hms�nd eneumbr�nc�s at taM by Trustor;n writNq r►d d�liv�nd to Lw�d�r
<br /> b�!on execution of thl� Oeed of Trust, ond the exeeutlon and dolivery ot this Deed of trust does not vbine �ny contrwt or other
<br /> o4liyatbn to whkh Trutto�Ic subJest.
<br /> 3.T�x�s,Mussm�nb•To pay before del;nquency elt taxaa.speclal esaeasmente a+id MI other chKgx�e9�inat the Propsrty now or
<br /> hsteaftstleviad.
<br /> 4. MNx�na.To keep the Rroperty Insund sgafnst damsy�by ffrt, hazarda, included wkhlo the term'extanded cavsraye", and
<br /> �uch other ha:xde as LendK m�y requke,In amounts and wtth compmks�ccept�ble to Lender,n�min�LendK a��n addkbnal n�nwd
<br /> — M�ured, Nith ba pay�ble to ths Lender.In case of bss under euch polkles,the Lsnder la�uthodzed to adjust,coMect�nd�ur�p�om�N�
<br /> �11 claima thanunds►md�hall h�v�the optlon of�ppMing iN or part ot th�fnaumce procesds(�to�ny Indebtwlnea s�cund h�+bY
<br /> _._�__�__��....�..,...,..i.�.�,..tn..t:11 to ths Trustor to t�u»d tot ths repatr or�estontbn of the Piroperty or(iii)tor any othN
<br /> ��1
<br /> - tN���vM�v�vw w�.��....�� __._... . . . _.
<br /> purpos�or objest sathtactory to Lendbn of procaads to�Indebtadness at►atl no�t extettd or postpone the due d�t`e a an paym�nt�wnNr
<br /> p�yrnant ever toak pl�ce.Any ippMc�t
<br /> th�Not�,or cure�ny defauR thKeundsr or hereurtdar.
<br /> 6.E�eww.Upon written demand by lende►,Trustor ahNl pay to La�dK,in aueh m�nner aa Lsnder may d�sipnat�,suNieNnt sums
<br />-- to enable Lendx to pay a thay 6�come due one or more of ths foNOwinp: (p MI t+ucas.assumaMs �nd othu chrpu ag�ir►st tAe
<br /> -= Prop�rty,lii)ths premlum�on the propertY inaurance reGufred h�reunder.�nd(t8)ths premlums an eny mortpp�Insurance�aqWnd by
<br /> _'- Lander.
<br /> "- 8. Mrnt�nu.Rp�ks�nd CotnpNma�wkfi l�ws.Trusior shaN keep the Property k►9ood corsditbn md reptir; thap promptly
<br /> repsk.or replaee anY�mprovem�nt which may be d�naped or destroyed:sh+ll not commit or pamit�ny wate or deterkr�tion of th�
<br />-=i,� propKty;ahall not nmove,damolifh or suh:tntially ittK�ny of the improvements oo ths PropKtY:sh�ll not commft,eufter or p�rmit
<br /> � Trustor�cnst�d axpense�N Bens,ane�raeces'�nd charyes levied.Imposadlorrisa�ssad�palnst tA�Property oP•ny put thKwf.••t
<br />-� ��1 tNC��57A lf�JO�'qrkuNv+l D�M 11w.�1l6 .. . . -
<br /> j19L�Nat3cnYlatM of CammMt�7rwt W SavinW ASSx�U�a+.llncom.N�oqlRs
<br /> f
<br />