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<br /> Q7-loq�°,�
<br /> 1 e.MhcNl�n�ous PrnvUlon� I�D�ed of Tru�t 9�Mt�d
<br /> ����roy,iK�a�M.Ext�nebn o1 th�tlm�for p�ymont or madfficotbn of th�eums ueured y
<br /> by La�d�r to�ny �ucceMOr in{nt�r��t o1 Borrow�r�hWl not oper�n ta rela���,in�nY mrnnu,the Ilsdllity o}th�oripin�l BorrowK
<br /> �nd porrowor'�aucas�or� in IntK��t•��►►��r �hoM not b�rsquind fa cammmr,�proes�dlnpt�p�in�t�ueh succusor or nfu��ta
<br /> �xtmd tlm�for p�Y�r�nt or oth�rwiN modHY �mort�tnb�of th��umr s�eur�cl by thl�Of�d of Tru�t by n��on af e�iy d�m�nd�
<br /> m�d�by th�or101�tl donowe�d Barow�'�wcc�aon In int�u+�t.
<br /> �b�u,���►�wK�,Without�ff�ctinp th�II�bNky of�ny othN pK�on Il�bi�for th�p�ymant of�ny obliq�tbn henln m�ntlon�d,
<br /> e�d wkhaut�if�ctlnp th��1�n or eh�tpe of th{s DNd of Trwt upon�nY Portbn o}th�Prop�ttY not th�n ar th�t�tofon r�lw�d s�
<br /> eeeurky for th�fuM�mount of aN unp�ld obli��tlon�,L�ndu m�y,ftom tin»to tlm��sd without not{e�Iil rRl�w�mY P�n so
<br /> NN�e,�N)�xt�nd tM meturitY or Y[w mY ol tha twnw o!any such ohtipetl�n*, lill►flrant oth�r Indulg�na��,IIv1 r�ln��or nconvsy, _
<br /> pth�► �ddkbnY s�N f a�Q�nbn A dn mmtbmd po'r IvQ�k c compofkion� or othu �rr Oy�n nl�kwkh rd b�n In
<br /> r�latbn th�nto, ' � o h�r nder,or oth�rvvl��
<br /> (c) �«a�►���N°t�W�• Any forbw�nc�by l�ndw In I�N��MM�q�•lMlhtrot o�rM'��y.°�e procursm�nt of
<br /> �iford�d by apPlic�bis uw,rhMl not 1� �w+�inw of or praclud�rh��xsrcJs�af rn�»u�1�Y
<br /> Mwanc�or th� ptVm�nt of t�xt�or othK Ilm� ot ch�rpa by Lsnd�r �h�ll Not ba�V��of Land«'f rlqMt to �ccelerat�th�
<br /> maturity of the IndebtednRSi�acured by thU DMd of Trust.
<br /> (d) 6uoo�sars r�d�+�pn��°�''�^t �s���Y'C��Om.The cov�n�nt��nd ayreements herein cantdned sh�ll
<br /> bind, �nd the rlflAt� hxsund�r�h+�ll Inurs to,th� rs�pectiv� �ucceawro md assipne of Lendar snd Truator. A�I covamnt� �nd
<br /> �pnammts of Truttor�AaN b�loint and �svHal. T�fe��t���n hK�o}f ths perepraphs of this Deed of Tru�t �re for
<br /> eonva+M�+e�oeN+�d w not to b�w�d to int�r(xrt
<br /> ��)��{���s.Thw pwtlM h�nbY rpu�st that�copy ot�r►y notic�oi def�uh ha'�und�t and�coPY Qt�nY�t�of
<br /> �aN hKwnd�tr�mwiNd to hch Part1►to this DNd of T�o b�plv�M�nothK m�nnw,an not�provld��b�M��°
<br /> law.Exe�pt fa st►y othK �ot{a�rpWnd undK�pPNe�bN
<br /> �'n�st �hq1 b�niva► Dy mMW►y wch no�1C� by csrtMied meH eddrs�Nd to tha othtr parti�s, �t tln�ddra� sK torth abov�.Any
<br /> notic�prpv{d�d fa In thls W�d of Tru�t�hNl b��Huativ�upon mNiin0ln ths msnnK dssiqnst�d hu+in.If Trustor Is mon th�n ona
<br /> pNaon,not(c�isnt to th� �ddra�s�t forth�bov�shrM b�notk�to�11 iuch pKwn�.
<br /> (f���p�qO�,�sndK m�y mak�or cwse to bs made rsawn�bN entda upon and intp�ations of ths PropKty, Provid�d th�t
<br /> UndK�hNl qivs Truata �ot�ca PNor ta�nY such Incpsctbn sp�clfyirW��ao^�b�s cwse therafor rNatad to Lendsr'�ir�tereat in tha
<br /> prop�rtY•
<br /> �Q) IM�,�onwyne�,Upon paymnnt ot nll eum� s�cur�d by this Dead of Truat, Lende►shall rsquest Tru�to� to reconv�y t •
<br /> prop�rty ar►d�hal eurt�ndlr thk DNd of�Trutt �nd aN not�s wid�ncinp indnbt�lnas s�cund by thi�Ds�d of Trust to Tru�t�o.
<br /> TrustN ahaN reconv�Y th�R°P�rtY�hout wWranty wxl wRhout ch�rp�to th�psnon or pxsom Ipally Mtriled th�nto. Trustot
<br /> sha11 pry�II eosts at �kord�tion,it r►Y• M�kbnsl s�eurftY for th�p�ymK►t of ths Nots,Trustor hersby prants L�ndK und�r
<br /> th)P'cnen��h;�y��t•
<br /> tA�NNxasia UnHomn CommKdM Codn a wcurky fntsrest In NI flxtura,squipment,nd other p�rwnN propsrtY us�d k�conniat
<br /> vrith ths nN Mcta�or krsprov�t�RbaK�t a S uriri ApreemM u dxwiald Cod��nd h�lsndK sh�ll h�ve NI tuhts rfpht�ind
<br /> I��by.'i'nis h��irut�K�`�! !!s�n__.. ,
<br /> r�di�of�a�cursd ps�ty und�r uid Cods in eddkbn to th�ripht�Mtd ntn�dt�s cnand undK a�xi.w::�id�d ina i:nda purss�!�►*-
<br /> to thb DNd of Trost;provWed thK Lsnd�r's riphts and rem�dia undN this p�ngnph sh�ll b�eumulative wkh, end fn no way a
<br /> �;t��a�,Lsnd�r•�r{phU��N��h��Mw�nant �d reprasnt�t��thersYts�o d�wk und�r th� provisbns of �ny
<br /> li1 LIN+��nd Enownb'�"
<br /> �Kppp�, dMd ot trwt.INae or purchus contracc daeriWn9 ��1 or a�Y P�ot ths Property, or othsr cantrsot, inKrumK► or
<br /> pr�n�r►t constkutinp w Nm or encumbnnce s0ainrt�II or any p�rt ot ths Propxty(collect(vs,"Uens'l.exiatinp a of th�dat�of
<br /> this D�ed ot Tnut, �nd thst My+nd �II exittinp U�ns rsmdn. unmodifted sxcspt sa di�cloRed to lender in TrustaPs wrkt�n
<br /> dl�clown of NMa and �neumbn^�w P�ovitlW for hKNn. T�ustor�haN eimNy pKtorm �NI of Trustor's oblfp�tbn�, cov�n�nts,
<br /> ��pr�tations nd wrr�ntie�und�t anY�nd al�existinp�nd future Lis��,�hsM promptly forvvard to Lend�r cople�cf�M�o�°1'
<br /> d���nt in eonnption wfth �ny�nd sIi exi�tinp or future U�m, and sh�ll not wfthout Land�r'�p►b� writt�n to�t�►t M any
<br /> m�nmr modMY th�P�ovisbn�ot or Nlow anY futu��adv�nc�s undsr mV�xittinq or future Lirn�.
<br /> �) �p�o�t{on ot p�ynNnt�. Unlss� othsrwlss requked by Isw,sums p�id to Lendx hKeunder, Indudiny wkhob L�w�tO
<br /> p�ymmt�of prindp�l x�d IntK�st,Iniunr►ae procNd�.cond«nnatlon procs�ds�nd rent��nd profk�,sh�ll b��pp�d Y
<br /> the�rq�w�t1 du��nd owMq from Trustor Md borrowsr in such ord�r�s I.md�r In k�wN d'na�tbn dNm�dnk�bh.
<br /> �K� �w�r�bNty_ H any provUbn of thi� Dsad of Trust contNcts wkh �pplk�bN I�w or i� d�ole�d InvMW or oth�rwiM
<br /> ��ta��, wch wrailkt or inv�lidity shaN not�ffsat the other provtibna of thfs D�ad of Trust or th�Not�whk�►cm b�Ow�^
<br /> �}�without ths conflktfnp provision,end to thh end the provbbn�of this De�d of Tru�t �nd ths Not�ar� d�clK�d to b�
<br /> •Nv�+b��•
<br /> ll)T�nnt.Th�terms 'TruKOr"md'Borruw�►'�hall Includs both tMyular�nd piunl,rnd whsn ths 7rustor�nd 8orrowsr�c�t �
<br /> wn�pKaon(�),thoN temx M used tn thir DNd of Tru�t ahs�l bs intxchx+�wbk•
<br /> �m�pOY�no L.,w.ThIR Wad of Trun�h�ll 6e qovstn�d by the I�ws of the State of Nsbnslu.
<br /> Ttunor hM�x�cuted thb DNd of Trwt as of the date wrkten��s•L281tY CANBTAUCTjOti. u�c•
<br /> � - V ,�!� ,-,�. Qe�
<br /> � � Trustor
<br /> IZO LI81� TIUStOt LI91(s. FRBBID�K'
<br /> � / � 1���
<br /> 'froetar
<br /> i2i8 LZ81� TtU�tO�
<br /> Trustar �� Truetor .
<br />___.
<br />�z 7
<br /> _-vaa
<br /> �� NBC 3467C(Nompdeuhur�I0�ed1 Rev.8186
<br /> � 1988 N�t�onal B�nk of Gomm�rc�Trust�nd S�vinga Assocl�don,Lincoln.Nebnsk�
<br />