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<br /> - ��w �(��Hjr"�t�PA. L.endcc �
<br /> If the amounta held by Lender for Becrow It�ems exceed ihe �nou�is permitted to I
<br /> sha11 account to Bonower for the exsea�funds as requircd by RESPA. II the anwuntd of ft►nds hcld by Lender At any
<br />-� time are not sufflctent to pay the Escrow Items whcn due,Lender may uotit�the Sorrower and requtte Bonower ta
<br /> � make up the shonage as permitted by RESPA.
<br /> "- The Escrow Futtds are plodgod as �ddidonal eecurlty tor �II swns axured by this Security Instnun�nt. If
<br /> -� Borrower tendera to Lender the full payment of tll wch eu�ns,Borrowet's t+ccaunt shall be credited with the balence
<br /> c
<br /> remeining for�Il iastallaxnt items(p), (b)�and(c) end aay nangige iesurance premium installment that Lender has
<br /> - not becocue obligated to pay to the Secretary,and I.ender shall promptly refund az►Y eacess funds �°B°n°Wer.
<br /> Irainediately prlor to a fonclosure eale ot the Propeity or iu acqui�itlon by Lender, Borrower•s accaont shall be
<br /> credited with aay balence remaining for all iast+llments for itea� (�)�Cb1�aAd(�)•
<br /> 3.Applicatlon o[Pmymenta•A11 PaYajents under puagrapt�a�a�d 2 ehall be applied by Lender as followa:
<br /> - g,�,to thc mortgsge in�urance premiunr►w be paid by Lendtr to�he Secretary or to the monthly cherge by ths
<br /> � Socretary instead of the moathly mortgage Insuru�ce premlum;
<br /> �II�:to any taxea,apecial a�sessmenis,leasehold paymes�u oz gcound nnu,aad fire.flood and other hazard
<br />"° insurance prem[ums.as required;
<br /> . Th;rd�to interest due uader the Note;
<br /> -- Fourth,to araortization of the principat of the Note;aad
<br /> �,to late chuges due under the Note. whether
<br /> 4.�,yK����d p�r�ard Iasua�ance.Borrowerah all irss�re aU improvements on the Pcope�ty.
<br /> aow in existence or subsoquondy crected,against any hazards,caswl=ia, and conttngenaies,including fin,for which
<br /> Lender requires lnsurance. 'fhis insurance sbdl be iaaiatalood In the �mounts and fox the perlods �hat Leader
<br /> - : rcquires. Borrower shall alao insure sll ia►provements on tLe Property. whether now in existena or eubsoqoently
<br /> - crc�tcd.ags�t lflss!ty flcxxta to the eateut requlred by the Secretu�r.All insurance shell be carried with compu►ia
<br /> apProved by Lendar.The insurance palicies and any renewals sliill be held by Lender and aiiait inciuue foss�•�tsk
<br /> ' clauses in favor of,and ia a form acceptuble to,L.ender•
<br /> In the event of loss,Borrower shell give Lender imtaedire nodceby mail.I.endcz may meka proof of loss if not
<br /> , made promptly by Boaower.Each fasurance co�npany conca°°d�s brreby authorized and dlrec�of�theeinayurAnce
<br /> for such los�directly to I.ender, instead of to Borrower and to L�ender jointly. All or any p
<br /> proc',e1d�may be applied by Lender.at it,�opdoa.eicher(a)to the reducdon of the indebtedness under the Note and
<br /> - thi�Security Insuument,first to any deliaquent aipounts appliod!n=tie�rder in paraBcaPh 3.and then to prepaymei►t
<br /> � of rinci al.or (b) to the restoration or repilr of the darn�ged PsnPercY• MY aPPlication of the proceeds tu the
<br /> p p h 2. ot
<br /> - princlpal shall not extend or postpone the due dau of the montL�ly P ap�nents which are referred to in p 11 �uo�lns
<br /> - change the amount of such payinents. Any exass insurance Proaic�s over an aznow►t nquired to p�y
<br /> I indebtatness under the Note and this Security Insuument stzali be paid�o the endty legally entided th�u e�t� �a
<br /> ' Ia the event of foreclosure of this Security Instniment a ot6er traasfer of title to the Property 6W
<br /> � the indebtedness, all right. tttle and interest of Borrower la w�d to insurance policles tn force shall pass to ttk
<br /> purchaser.
<br /> � 5.Oocup�ncy.Preservation�Maintenuice pnd Pentat�o�otthe Prope�'tYi Borrower's Loan Applkallon�
<br /> Lwselald�. Borcower ahall occupy.establiah, and u�e the PropertY as Borrower's prineipal restdence withia siaty
<br /> • days after the execution of this Security Iasuument (or w�tNn aixty days of a later aale or uansfer of the Property)
<br /> and shall continue to occupy the Propercy a+Barrow'er's pdncipaE nsadmce for at leut one yeu aRer the date of
<br /> occupapcy�unless L.ender determiacs that requirement wiil cua-seundue hardship for Borrower.orunleu extenoating
<br /> circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Bosrower sbaU nodfy Lender of any extenuating
<br /> circumstances.Bomnwer ahall not wmmlt wss[e or desuoy,damag�or substandally change the Property or allow the
<br /> — Property to detedorate,nasonable wear aad tear excepted.Le�der mry inspect the Propercy if the PropertY is vacent
<br /> or abandoaed or the loan is in default. I.ender may take ceasonabk actioa to protect and preservo such vacant or
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