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<br /> abandoned PmpertY• Bon°w►°� ah�l� af°° b° in defaul
<br /> t it Borrower, during���o� nlP�C�"°� NiO�s�va �
<br /> mated�lly false ot in�xurate ipforn�ation or etatement�to Lender (i�r i a g��pI°ni�del;L�d�ert�w��n n adons
<br /> i n f o r m a t t o n) I n c o n n a�ton with the loan evidenced�a p�nNP�•«}i d o n a.�l f t h t s S e c u d t Y Instrument is on a
<br /> conaming Borrower'+ o�uP�cy of tde PropertY
<br /> lersehold,Borrower s�all comply with tho pmvisions of the lease.lf Horrower acquira fee tide to the Propecty�the
<br /> leasebold and fee Qtle�hall aot be merBed unless i.enaer agrees to the merger In writin8•
<br /> 6.Con�dannatlon. The pmcads of any�ward or claim for daznaaa.direct or conscqueadal,in connectlon witb
<br /> aay condemAation or other taku►S af any pxrt of the Pro{xrty, or for conveyAnce in place of condemnatton, are
<br /> hereby assigned and�hall be paid to L.ender to the extent of thi fi�uceawu�►��o�c��u�n of the indebtedaess
<br /> w�der the Note and t61s Secw�ty Instrument. Lender sha11 sPP�elin uent amounts ePPlied ia the order provided in
<br /> under the Note aad this Security u►suuaxnt� fira� to ani �ioA of the procads to the prlacipal sha11 not extead or
<br /> _ p��pu g,and thea ta prepayment of princlp�l.N►Y aPP u 2�or cbmge the amount of auch
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenta.which are ccferred to in paraSrap
<br /> pa�n�. �y ex�p�s over an amount requind co pay nll outstandiag indebtalnes�under the Note and tbis
<br /> �uriry Instnuroeat shall be paid ro ths entiry legally entitled thereto. ��w,�r shall pay all
<br /> 7. Cluicga to Borrowa' And Protectl°n oi I.ender s RiBhts tn the P�°P�KY• 2.gonower shill psY
<br /> govemmental or municip�l charges. fines and i�►Pog�tions that ate not included in paraSrap�Wo�d adversely affect
<br /> thhese obligadons on tlnae direcclY to tYie endry wiuch is owed the payment. If failure to pAY
<br /> Lender's interest ia ttie Prop�rtY, upon Leader's nqueat Borrawer shall prompdy �� to u�e! �ip�
<br /> evidencing thes�paY°�ents. a �or the paymeats required by paraSraPh 2.or faiis to perforn►aay other
<br /> If Borrower fa11s to make these p Y� �s�at,or then is a legal procoedipS thAt a�ay significaady
<br /> covcvants and�gra�ents contained�°this S���Y �bank�uPt�y. for condemnadou or to eaforce lawa or
<br /> �iicci I.cn�cr's�eht4 ±n the Property(such as a proceedln$ co rota:t tt��valac of!he Prc+�TtY and l.ender's
<br /> regulations), tten 1,eader may do and pay whatevrr ia necassary P 2.
<br /> dghts la the Propeity� including PaY�at of taxes.hazard insuran a l�become aa addidonal debtaof�Borrower uid be
<br /> pAy �mounts disbuised bY Lender under thia paragrap
<br /> �cund by this Searity Insaument. Theae unounts shall bear interest from the date of diabursement� at tbe Nate
<br /> rate�uxl at the opda► of Lender.shall be imm�Wiawhicdhuh�prpiO�r tylover tbis SecurltS' Instniment naless Borcower:
<br /> Borrower ahall pmmptly d�s�barge any table to I.endCr; N)
<br /> �a� agrees 1n writing to tbe payment of the obligatioa secured by the lien in a manner t�xP Which tn the
<br /> contesca in 8aod idtl�the lien by. or defeads againsc enforcement of the lien in. legal proaedinSs
<br /> I.erjder's opiniva opera�� �o pnvent the enforc=ment of the lien; or (c) secuns fmm�e bolder of the lien w
<br /> agreement satisfa�ctory to I.ender subordinadn8 the licn to this Sec�uitY Ins�nt.If Lender decera�ines that any pu�
<br /> of the ProperiY is aubjxt to a lien which may attaia prtority over this Securiry Insuu�xn�� �°d�r m�}' Btvo
<br /> gorcower�nocice identifying the lien. Borrower shall aatisfy the lien or uke one or more of the actions eet forth
<br /> above within 10 d�ya of the giviug of notice.
<br /> S.Fees.Lei►der maY col�ect fas and chuges authorized by che SecretazY•
<br /> 9.Gmumis fa' AccderaU°°ot Debt. �o�issued by the Sxretary.in the case of payment
<br /> (�) DeCark_ Lendar may. except as limited by regul �t��t if:
<br /> defaults,►e9utre immaliate payment in full of all sums secural ba uaent required by �h3s Secur[ty Wtrument
<br /> ({)��wer defaulta by failiag to pay in full aay manthlY P Y
<br /> pdor to or on the due date of the next montWy payment.or �o��Y o�r obligadons cuatained
<br /> (fl) Borrower defaults by failing, for a periud of thircy days,to pe
<br /> �����uity Insuument. �tcable law (including Section 341(d)
<br /> (b)Swle Without Cred[t ApprovAl.L.ender shall, if permitted by app�
<br /> of rovalo�the Secce�catyn,requ�ire i edia etpaYment in full of�all sums�secucedlvy thia Securlty Instrumeat
<br /> aPP
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