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<br />"=� uf Borrower's covenants and agreemcnte undcr this Securiry Instrument and the Note. Far� �� ro e�ny locattd
<br />,':� ;rrcvocably grants�ud conveys to thc Trustec,in trust,with power of s�le. the following Cuunty Nebr+�ska:
<br />-= in Hall
<br /> � Ro111ns�Eldditiontto the�CltyFoftGr�nd Island,� Hall CountyckNebraska.�l�� ' in
<br /> Ma� which has ct�e addr�ss of 918 West 4th Street,Grand Isl and ts►��,cj�l,
<br /> Nebraska 68801 [zip Coae� ("Property Address").
<br /> ''°''� TO(iETHER WITH all the impioveu�ents naw or hereafter erccted on the propenY. and a11 easern�nts,
<br /> = appurtenuices and fuctures now or henafter a part of the pmperty- Alt nPlacements aad additioas shell also be
<br /> covend by this Securlry Instrument.All of tlia foregotng is referred to In thia Saurity Instwnent as the "Property."
<br /> � BORRUW esR i:OVEi�F►PlTB that;�rm�ttr Is ls���lly s!�f�r.�l of�he estate herebY coaveycd and has the right to
<br /> grant aad convey the Property and that the Property is uaencumbered,except for�ncuxnbrances of record.Bocrower
<br /> warrants and will defend geaeraUy the tf�le ro the Properry egainst all alaims and demands, aubjcct to any
<br /> encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECllRITY INSTRUMERT combines uniform covonaats fc�r Aational use aad noa-untform covenaats
<br /> with limited variadons by jurisdictton to camcitute a uniform security instivment coveriug reil propertY-
<br /> Borrower aad L.ender covenant aud agree a�follows:
<br /> 1, p�yment oi Princtpwl, Interest �nd Late Charge. Borrower shall pay whea due the princtpal of, aad
<br /> interest on.the debt evidenced by the Note and late chazges due uader the Note.
<br /> 2. MontWy �xymmt oi Taxes. Insurance snd Other Ch�r�es. Borrower ahall Incltule la each monthlY
<br /> payment.togetlxr with the princtpal and interest as set forth in the Nae and any late charges,n aum far(a)tues aad
<br /> special assesamrnts levied or to be levied agaiast the Property, Cb)lcasehold�paiYm��i��e Lende mustpry s
<br /> Property, and(c)Premiums for insuraace nquired uader paragraph 4. In anY Y
<br /> tnortgage insurance preru{um to the Secntary of Housing and Urbam Development("Secntary"),or v►�Y a ment
<br /> which such premium would have been required if Lender still held t6e Securicy Instrument, each monthly p y
<br /> shall also include oither:(t)a sum for the annual mortgage insuranc�premlum to be paid by Leader to the Secretsuy,
<br /> or(ii)a moathly charge iuscead of a mortga�e�nsurance premium if this Sxurley Iustrument ia held by thsc SecretuY.
<br /> In a reasonable amount to be determined by the Secretary• Eacept for the montbly charge by the S�cretary� these
<br /> iums are called'Escrow Items"and the sums p�id to Lender are called"Escrow Funds.'
<br /> --- Lender may. at any time.collect and hold amounts far Escrow Ite=ns in u►aggngate emount noi to excxed the
<br /> — maxlmum amouat that may be re4uired for Borrower's escmw accowt under the Real Estate Setdement Pracedures
<br /> 24 CPR Part 3500 as they may be
<br />�� Act of 1974, 12 U.S.C. Se�tion 2601 et seq. and implementing regulacions, �
<br /> — amended from time to time("RESPA"). eacept that the cushlon or reserve permitted by RESPA for unanttctpatal
<br /> z�--— disbursements or disbursements before the Bonawor's payments are ava8able in the account may not be baged oa
<br />;;`�; amounts due forthe mortgage insurance premium.
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