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<br /> . P�Y�►��'�+!' no bnger be roquirod,u the option o€Lendcr►lf mortg�ge insuru�ce cnvuago(�in the anwunt and for tho perlod �
<br /> that 1.enckr nx�ntre�j provlded by an insnru ap�xoved by Lender again bxamca wvailablc a��d Is abtained.Horrowcr shall pay the �'";
<br /> premiuma requicod W m�intain motigage ineurarice in effx� or to provido a bss reserve,unW the requirement for mortgago !---.
<br /> .��� inaunu�ce ends in accordanca wlth�ny wrltt�en egreement between Bocrowu md Lendu or applicabb 1aw. _-
<br /> e ree
<br /> - 9.I�apectia. Lendtr ar IW�gent msy m�ko rra�ombb cnvks upon and inspocdons of the Propcny.Lendu ehall give __.
<br /> =� Bcxrowu notiea u tho time of ur pdor io an inspocdon epeeUying res�onable eause for tha inapxdon. -
<br /> :-'- .� 10.Coademnwtion. Ttia procads of my�wacd or clAim far d�m�gea�direct a consequendal� in connoctior►with any =
<br /> ' condemn�don or otha Wdng of eny put of tha P[apaty,or for convcyAr�ce in lieu of condemnedon.aro hereby agslgnod a�d
<br /> sn,�u�e�.ww�. °
<br />.,:,,�; Ia the event of a toul tatiing of the Prnpa�ty�►he proceeds stwll be applied�o the sum�sxurod by thi�Sxurity Instrumens,
<br /> . wl�ettxi a not then duo.wlth�ny excess pe�d to Bamwet.In ihe event of a pactlal taking of the Pcopaty in which tha fiir m�dcet
<br />-.�:;`. .,: • value of tha Property ImmedWely befoce the tE]cing is eqwl to or gre�ter than the�mount of the sums�eciuod by thia Secur�ty
<br /> -�,;s-°-�M,�:�r Insnuma�t Lnmediately beforo tha IdcLig. unless Barowa and L.ender Whawi9a�Oe in writiag, the swns securcd by this
<br /> y �`�,� , Securlry Inu�ument ah�ll b�reduced by tha�mount ot tt�a pcoceeds muldplied by tha folbwing fracdon:(t)tbe tot�l wrwunt of
<br />_`"�"•'� tho sr�s secured imme�tiately bcfarc the taking,divlOcd by (b)tho feir markec value of the P�eay imrt�ediately befaa tbe _
<br /> _.r .,.,�,.
<br />_'==.`�'`": t�ldn�.Any bplence ehsU be p�id w Bamwa.Iu the event of a putLl uking of tha Property in which the fair mMca v�lue of tha
<br /> -;�.�.
<br /> pronetty Lnrt�alLtely betore the Wdng is les�than the omonnt of the sums secured LnmodLtely befae tiiee WcinB� ui►kss
<br />..i�,�f.��' Borrowa and L,enda ottiawl8e agree in wridng ot unkss ap�slic�bk law otherwIsa provkks,the Proceals ehall be�pplied tA the --
<br /> _.: � sums eecurod by thia Socmity Insuume,nt wt�eU�er a rwt the euma ara then due.
<br /> :.,_�;.+� � Yf Iha Pro�aly is alwidonod by.Bamwa. or if.�ttu nodce by I.eader to Barowu tlwt tUe condemnor offae W make an
<br /> _ �'.' � awprd a edde a cWip fa dun�Bea�Barowa fiiil+to nspond to T.enda a��hin 30 days�ft�r�he d�ce d�o nohce is giva,�I.ender
<br />:"�,:'- �� ..,
<br /> -;:s�.;:4 ls�udior�.od tp oolkct ead�pply the pcoceod�. x its option�cither to resloration or repntr of the Prnpaty a w the wms secured
<br /> -=:, by this Socurity InstNmcnt,whethti a not then due.
<br />���:�`���,. . Unkss Lender aad Barowa od�avvlse�nee in writin8�anY apPlk+tion of procoeds w pr3nci,pal eiWl noc o�ct�end a postpw�e
<br /> °�`' b refarod w in pangraphs 1�nd 2 ix chu�ga tho urccwnt of m�ch paymeats.
<br /> - thc due dste of the mauhlY PaS�
<br /> ;;•;�, :.:�... ...n:..'�'.:I'!�or.�..a�g�l�.w�r�sn.�Ry I.e�ler Not a Walver. Bxtmsion of the tima fa WS�t or modlficadon
<br />_ �- -��,..
<br /> ;�;���,Qof of ama�tizMion of the sums eec�und by this Socurity Insuument graatod by L.ender w any suocesao�in iataest of Bormwa ehall
<br /> _ -^'�_:�� aut opaata b nk,�w tt�a 1labHity of the origtnal Bocrower or Bomowa's suaas�ore in int�a�wt.I.a�d�atull aot lx+reqnired to
<br /> �`_��?s5� � commaxo Procaoclin8a+�in�t anY a�c�s�in lntenat or nfuse Lo extend tjme for payment a othawL�e modi[Y aino�d��do�of
<br /> ,�``"�`�`�'� � the swru exu=od by thLv Secuclty Inatnusunt by rea9on of ony dtmAad mada 6y the aiginal Bcxmwa a Barnwa's succas�ors
<br /> �_���.;
<br /> _ _,w� in inta�est.Aay forbe�rance by L�endei in exa�ci�ing any rlghi a remedy stwll not be a waiva of a preclude the exercix of my
<br /> �Y-�=.o rlght a ranedy.
<br /> -��;;���1 12.Succe�ors ad A�sit�s Bouudi Jdrt aad Sererd LVbility;Co�eers.'ll�o oovaw�w and agramaita of IhL
<br /> °��"�1e="e•• See�tiry Instrument sdall bind and beau8t tho auccessexs And asslgns of L,ender�nd Bamwa, aubjoct w tba proviaio�u of
<br /> --"`� � paryycMph 17. Borrowa'a covenants and n�oanenu sball ba joint aad several. My Barowa who co-sig�a this SecwritY
<br /> 1�. Inatcuma�e but doea nC'wcacute the Nota (s) is caslg�►g this SecurIty Insuumait aily to maegage�grmt aad convay that
<br /> { nam,i►a�a int«eat in ttie Prax�tr unaa t!a tams of tt�is secudcy Inswma�� (b)is not pason�lr ob138aoea to p►y 1he wms
<br /> , sectmd by dw Socurity Instrwinen�and(a)egtoe�ttut La�der and uny other&xrowa may agnee w oxtaid,modtfY.fabr�r or
<br /> ."�—� � make�ny xr,ommodation�with regurd w tl�o term�of lhis Socudty Instmmau a the Nota witlwut dnt Barowa's cauent
<br /> 13.[.as Char�es. If the laen secund by thfs Sxurity Listrurnsnt is subjoct to e law whkh seta m�ximum lom ch�cges.
<br /> and that law is 6nAlly inle�xeted sn tl�t tho lnurest a olha lan chorges wllectod a to ba collocted ln ca�uadon with the b�u►
<br /> .w,;:�,,. � eacood the per�nitud limita.thaz:(x)any sach loan clurga shall ba red�xxd by the mwunt necesa�ry to roduoa the chfrge W the
<br /> _=�--.,�;� prrmitte�limi�and @)any swns alreadY collectad from Bomowa whlch auceaded pamitted limib wlll bo refunded W Barowa.
<br /> -- I�encfa may etwosa w make tl�is refimd by reducing tho principal owed under the Note a by m�king a direct paya�rnt to
<br /> .-��
<br /> aar,�owu.If a refund xeduces principal�the reAuctkn will be treated ag a prtial PrepaYma�t wlttwut�u►Y P�MY���8a
<br /> �.���
<br />—__—� • undcr tha Not�.
<br /> s �, � � 14.Nodcea. Any no6ce to Borrowu provided fa in this Secur[ty Instnunent shall ba given by ddiv�ng it a by mwiling it _
<br /> --�+�*,r,. by first clasa mail wkss applk�bk law requires use of anothu method.'Il�e natice shall be directed w the Property Adciress or
<br /> - _.;..•„�,
<br />_--.:,;"�'"�„�., , any othex Addrass Bomower designetes by notice w Luida. Any notice to I.enckr shall be given by Cust class mail to I.ender a
<br /> ••..,�.'. eddrass statod tier�ein or any other address Lenda des[gmtes by nodce to Bomowcr. Any notia pcovida!fa in this Socurity
<br /> .,�I Instivment shall be ckemoA co have ban givea to Borrowu or Lender when givea ag prov�dod in this paragr�ph.
<br /> : . 15.Governing Law;SeverabWty. 'l�is Securlry Instcumuit shall be govemed by fedual lsw and t�e l�w of the
<br />_ jurlsdicpon in wtiich the Pmperty is lacated. In the event thet az►y provisioa or clause of this Security Instcument a the Note
<br /> � � contlicts with applicable law,snch confllct ahall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or tha Nou which can be
<br /> � � given effoct without the conflicung prnvision.To this end the provistons of ttii�Security Inswment and the Note ace decland to -
<br /> . 6e severabb.
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