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<br /> . „ ��� �.. ' .. � �j�1MIS7�K'���Al+dk�Ni:'Vltatti?a!'6+.., :c, � • , •.,- •, • r.,. ,�wqr�r_. �..,,.4.rr��-�->.�r�vea._
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<br /> <�; ' vements now wclstinng a hereafter uxted on iha ProputY
<br />- . S.H�nrd or Prop��7�aturance. Barowu ah�U koep Ihe Impro
<br /> _. , Inauretl rY�inct bss by fire� harnrda inchided within tho wm "oxuended cov�rege" and any other haurds, incl���r c.
<br />-"��_ • (boding,[or which[�ender re4uirw IneurMCO.'I1ds insurrr�ca atuU be maintained in tha amount�and for the P�which eiull not
<br />-: ., requl�a.T h e lnsuru�ca c�c r l e r P ro v k lin g tha insur�nce ahAU he clasen by Borrowa subjoct w I.endu�s ePPro
<br />_�"'.��.. . ba unreato�nblY wl�hheld. If 8arower fRils w mnint�[n covenige described above. Landcr may. at L e n d a r's o p d on� obuin
<br />--__- covaaga a prol�xt Len�er's dghts in iha PropatY In acxurdance with P�ra�a{�h 7.
<br />_ - � All i�ur�nco Wticks uid ra�w�ls ehall be acccptabb to LRndu and ahrll include a standerd mat8a8o cl8use.Lcndu shall
<br /> lic[e�ead rencwala.If L.ender roquires.Barower ahall pron►PaY 8�ve w I.ender all roceipts of pdd
<br /> - • �p h ave t h o r i�h t w h o W t 1�e p o
<br /> r
<br />=; .. i� pcemiums�nd renewal notice.i.In the event of la��Samwu stuU givo prompt n o d c o to t he i n s u r a n c e c a r r i e r and L.ender.Len
<br />���.:' � may m�ice proof of loss i f not m e d e P r o m P t l Y b Y Bo�wu. ��appliod ta r e s w r a t i o n or r e p�i r of d�a
<br /> Unks+T.encfer and Borroarer otbecwlse agroe in writing, insurance P��g
<br />�"� ,.'`,�.,�* is ect�nomically fasibk end Lendu's secw'ity is not lesxned.If the resWrWon or
<br />� �. �_.:.
<br /> danx,gad.if the reatoratbn or re�air shall be appllai w the soms
<br />':�tc''..::'.. rep[r is not ocaiomlc�llY faaibb a Lendu's eeciulty would be lessened,the insuran� Borrower.If Borrower abm�dc�r►s the
<br /> -'"":;�. ". 1 exwrod by �his Seeucity Inst�ment,whettia a iwt then due,with any eaceess Paid
<br />-�-� •� � propaty,or das not enswa within 30 days a nat�ce from T..eadcr ih�t�insurance�has o�y or to pay sum�sec��ed _
<br />��.��,..::.y � I�i d e t may u s e t h e p r o c o a i s sepair
<br /> 3:�'��.�{%� L+endu may colbct the inaunnce Pcoceads• will begin when tl�e notice is given.
<br />::_ a.,r .� by thL+Sectuiry Inatrumeat,wt�er or not Uxn due.'It�e 30-day Perlal �ll not excend or pos�one
<br /> -;'.;.�:�;'' Unk�a I.enda wd Barowa othemisa agra in wrldng�anY aPPlica�on of pmceeds¢o pcincipal ts.If undec pareg�Ph
<br />�;,;.'�' � ��fernd to in paragrapbs 1 aad 2 or chanSe tha am°�nt of the paym�n
<br />-�. . tbe due daYa of tt►e monthlY PaYme� 1kk.4 and pmcoexis resuldng from damaBe w tha
<br />�` -� � 21 tho PropatY is a�9uired by L�der.Hotrowu's right W any i��sut�nce ip
<br /> ��'�—, prop�rty prkw to the�iuisitbn shell pags w Lendu to tt►e eactent of the swns secured by this Socurity Instnunent imcaedlatelY
<br /> -��:���■� prlo�to the�ccluts[tion. Borrower'e LoAa Applicatbn;Le�ue�dd�
<br />�.u;�=�� i.Oocrpsn�l�P�*�ation.lNdntewaee and Protection o�t6e PropertYnsick�nce within siaty s4ya aRa the tacocurion of
<br />..��"'�"�''� Harowa aMU occupy,esublWr.aad we the PropertY as Borrowa s pdnc Pel
<br />�.'"��:;r�� �t�nd atull coatiaue to occupy the Propa►Y as Barowa's pclacipsl residence fa u Iwt one year af�a the
<br /> �_ thie Securicy fa ,,,str� o which consa�t shall noc be unrea�blY evi�he3d. a �nless
<br />-��-.�19-� d�te of oocupn�cY• �"� �"��'-•r)x � � '�°` e ar imp�ir wc fi��aty.
<br /> :���•..� eut�nwtin6 circwnst�e.+°�whkh u�e beyond Bormwu s cantroi. Barowa etwU be�yfaul�i�f a�Y forfeiwn ecdon or
<br />�'�`�`�'"� albw �he propatY �desaiotete,a conunit wagte wi the Propa►Y•
<br />�,��� proceeding,whether civII a crimicwl.l�be8nn that in Lenda'�good f�ith jud8iner►t oould resWt in fafeitum of tha PmpatY a
<br />—,� �,�e ms�eryily i�npair tue Ika creat�od by thls Socuclry Inurum�t a Lenda's sxurlty inuresG Barower mny cure such a
<br /> ° � to be dismiszod wltb a niling ttut,in
<br />— -- = ���nd n;natue,u provldod in p�raph 18.by causin6 the actlon a pcocadin6
<br /> '"`� I,�er,d�ood fiith detamL�tioa��Procludw fafdwre of the Borrower'a inta�est in the PropatY or otha m�terLL impaim�ent of
<br /> a..� int�nesL Borrowa ehall aLgo be in defauU if Barowa.durin8 We
<br /> ------�_° the 1kn cre�od by this SecurUY Yns�ru"x�t a Lencfu's socuriry vide L,e�xfet with
<br />'�"��"-"`� vo matesiallY fdse a inaccurata intorm�tion or st�uments w L�enda(or faikd W pro
<br />____o._ lo�n�ppliatfon p�ocess►S in �u�octlon wlth tt�a ioan �viRknced bY ihe Nota, includin6.but not limitod to� ce�xeea�t�°�
<br /> -------_= �uy mMerW intonnadon)
<br /> au � of the Pmpaty aa i Principl r�dd��.If thls Seciuity Insaumau is on a kaxfiold��wa
<br /> �ning Homowa d ocxop�ncY
<br /> -- edall canPlY with�Il the p�ovis�oro of tha leaee.ff Borrower�cquirat fee title a tha PropatY�ihe leaschold�nd the fx dtb shal
<br /> to tha mer8a in wrlting. �tt�e covatants aad a�oemen
<br /> .�— � T�6p��j,e�de���Rkhb is t6e 1M►PM7'. If Barowa feils d�iffect Lenda'a rlghts in tho Propa�Y(s�h�a
<br /> . d�Sea�riry ln�ur�+�t�a U�ere is a 1eg�l Procoalin8 t6at may sign�ica� Y ���y�and Po►Y
<br /> p�ob�te fa�a fafddue a t�o enface l�ws or nguladoes).dya►
<br />��.;���A� p�ed�in b�uPocY. �t the valua of the ProPer�'�nd I.enc{cr's rigAts in the Pcofxx�Y•i.et�er'a acdoes maY inclndc
<br /> _ fa wlu�eva�n�Y�P� ova this Security Insuuma►t,ap�x,ar�nB jn court, PaY►nB rea�a�k
<br />_,..._ ___ - P�Y� �'Y � eocurod by a lien which h�a pdasitY ��gh I.aider may taka acdon unda thia�7.Ltnder
<br /> --� Yt�omeys'fees�nd a�tuinB on Ihe Propa�Y w make t�ils,
<br /> _- .�"� doeti not t�ve to do eo. h 7 s h a ll b ce o R►e a d d it�onal debt of Borrowa securod by thi4 Securlty
<br /> . R-�—�� doe, b L a►d a u n d e r t h L s p a r e g r a P
<br />°�R-�— /�y a�noums disbureed Y w other tams of paymeat,dwse anwunts ah�ll btar iaurest from the d�t e o f
<br />=L--�°-"""��° InstiumenG Unless Banowa and L�enda a�rea �from I.ender w Horrowa roquesdn8 P4Y��
<br /> --..,:�'� disbutsenxnt�t the Not�e ra�e�nd st�ll ba piY�bb.with inte,rat,ui�on
<br /> --�. d.Morti�te Iowra�a. If Lea�du ral�ired�888������condidon of rrwld�►8 tt�e loan secured by this 5ecuritY
<br />-'=��- ,� ' a insnrence in effoc� If�fa any realon,the
<br /> y'-.,," ..` Inswma�6 B�wa �11 paY tue Pc�m�� �luired to maint�in the mo�tBaB
<br /> _ , ... . . � th0 UI113 LE�lult'Od IO
<br />-:� �..;:�;,;�.: n��ga ins�r�nca coveiege requ�red by Lender lePses or uases to be in effxt,Bormwcx shall PaY P�
<br />'�„'; `'���.�.. u iv a k n t w tha m o�t B a Bo inaurence Pmviously in effxt,at a cost substsntWly W�valent to the
<br /> �_:,. obtair►coverago snbstan t i�lly e9 viously in cffoct, fcam an altamate mortge8� insaru nPProvod by L e n d a'. I f
<br />-• cost a Bacrowa of the moRtg�ge insuriuica Pr'e
<br /> ' substmtLlly oquivaknt axxt�ASa���"C°�vaage is not aailable,Borrowu sha11 PaY to I.cnder each month a sum�w
<br /> . ,�� one-tweNh of the Y��Y�8+�8s insurance Prem��un being paid by Borrowcr when tha insurance coverage lapaed
<br /> :: bo in affa;t Lendu will+�D�, ►ua and ntein these PaYments as a loss cesu�ve in llcu of matgege insurenco.Loss nserve
<br /> �� Forn��0�� f1i0
<br /> P�p��of� InMINs:.---... _
<br /> "�_"�"; .�' _ �•�R(NE)c�s�s�.o�
<br /> _ o— _ _ .
<br />_ �
<br />- ..,. . _. . . .,s.,.R.��y1v�,..... ..�. . ——... ---. •-- . • 'f,;�_
<br /> ' .� ' . I- . . . ., ' . , . .
<br /> . - .. . . . '•,1�: . .
<br /> • . ., . _ _�r' : D.ry. .. .. ' :
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<br />__ .� . .. •. ,.t�� j ^''+Jt'�;k:�. . —. .
<br /> r.�,' ' h � �!�'��itt�� . . ., .
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