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<br /> � 16.Bor�rower'a Copy. Bormwu ah�ll bo given ono caafamed copy of thc Nnta and of this Socuriry InstrumcnG
<br /> � 1�.Tr�ader ot the yor�Beoetkid Iaterat h Borrower. If�il or�ny part of th�PropertY or�ny intuest in it h
<br /> �' • sold or trnn9ferred(or if�ficial int+aost In Borrowu iat eold or tronsfercod and Borrower is not a neWralpe�n)without
<br /> i,ende�`a prior wriueri consent,Lender may.a ita�pt�on.�l���°Psy�n t in full ot aIl su,ns sccurcd by thia Sccurlry -
<br /> ° is pcnhibited by falad law as of tho date of thla
<br /> ...:,.�' : Insut��men4 However,this optlon shall not 6o exerc3sod by Lendu if eaucise
<br /> :�„ Sacucity In�uumenG
<br />,� �l,q�a��c�es�hLs opdon,I,ender ah�U give Bo�mwu nodce of accekration.'Ihe noticca shell provide a of not leas
<br />' than 30 d�ys from tha date iF�e notice is dellvaed a mailed wlthin which Borrowu must pay all suma sec by thi�Sxurlty
<br /> - Tr Inswrnu►� If Bamwu fails W P4Y��t1[bt a ihe oxpiration of th�s period.Lcnder rtwy invoke any remodies permiuod
<br /> r 'y by�his Secutlty Iastrument wi juttberrtatia or.dp�+�t�d on��roWa��� Dorrowcr shs�U have tbe right w have
<br /> 19.Borrmrer'�Ri�ht to te, .IC�Bownvat..mo,w ior w the eulia of:(a)5 dtys (a such otbec pubd os
<br /> � eirforcement of this Socuricy E�ir000tintled��R„ y� P� wu af s�1e coatained la this SxurI
<br /> eppllcabb taw may specify for )1#ore�te�tNa usuc a anY P�
<br /> , a purs
<br /> � Inst�uuma►�a(b)entry of a)udgm�nc enfa�ing ihis Sacurlty Insavmen�Those conditbns are that Bormwer.(a)p�ye Leada
<br /> �r.�` �� sums which then would bo dua unda thit Soctuiry Instrumait md the Note as if no accekrstjon had occtured;(b)Fura any
<br /> ' ' defwlt of aay otha covenaats a a�oanents� c)p�Ye all eupenses incurmd in a►forcing tdis Sxurity Iaswment,includin8,but
<br /> ,,.
<br /> �,�°..;__�a not lfmitod to�re�uonabb atWrtieys'feea:aad( )�auch action av L�d�x tas rea9onably roqt�ire to essun that the lia�of this
<br />;'�,,.:�.:'':�. Security In�aumait, I,ender�e dghts in the Ptoperty and Borrowes'a oblig�on w pay tho sums secuced by this Securlcy
<br /> Inswment stull conl3nue unchm�od. Upoa reinswtsmettt by Boirower. thi+ Saurity �nsuurneut usd the obliga�oas xcured -
<br />�;t.';;;;:t!.' hereb]►shaU ransiin fully effecdve as if no Accek,r�tion had occurred.Howeva�this right to reinstau shaU nat apply in the case of
<br /> � �ctl�tlon utKkr pBrAg�aph 1T.
<br />�L:�..,;�:`^ 19.Sak ot Notei Change ot Loan&rvkxr. 'Il�e Nota or a pa�tlsl intcre.st ia the Note (to8ether.with this Security
<br /> ����'i� In�umait)may be soid oae a more dmes without pdor nodce W Barowu.A�ale may resalt in i chauge m the endry(Ic�wwn
<br /> as the"Losn Servicer")that colloccs monthly yments due under tt►e Nota end thfs Secunty Insuwnen�'lttiae also rtury be one a
<br />~�r;;,�J. moce chmges of the Loan Seivker wue�to a sale of tl�o Note.If thae is a change of the L.oAn Savica.Bamwu wW ba
<br /> a.. . _ givae writt,di notke of Ihe chaage in accardance wlth a�14 above endapplicable law.'11tie notice wIU state tha aune aad
<br /> -�`.;,:'� , address of the new Loan Suvker And the nddce.ss to w�hkh-payma�ta ahauid ba made.'il�e nodca wlll also coutain any other
<br /> -_.., • infor�udon n4u�ed bY ePPli�bk law.
<br /> -"�'-�`��'i';��., ZO.Nawrdoas Subatasae. Barrower st�aU not c�swae or pamit the presenco� use, disPos�l, stornBa or rekale of any
<br /> .,� , Hmrdous Subspnces on or in the P[opaty.Bomowa shall not do,nor albw enyona elso tn do.anything affocting the PmpatY
<br /> s:tYr=;::. th1[is iA viOLdo�1 of e[ly Eav1[am[�e�itel Law.'11�e praodin8 twa senunces shall not�ppIy t,o the presence.use.a sta�go on the
<br />-'�. pmpaty of emnaii qwnatk,i ot tts7�s Sui�iances iiuit u�a g�;dSy:�ogr�to'�«�Psla�i�n^�-"-'!1 mi�taidsl uses
<br /> = a
<br /> _-J��.
<br />�;,.._�a and to rtwinlrnsnce of tde Propaty. �� claim, danAnd, Vwsuit or otha actiaR►b eny
<br /> _� Barowa sh�ll 1�i�Y B�vo I�ender wrlq�en notica of any invesd
<br /> s-_,;:{"�' a vata involvin the and any H�zardous Substac�ca or Envlronmai Lw
<br /> �,.;.:`*, : gove�unennl or►egul�tay aBa�cY P� P�Y 8 �Y
<br />��''_' of which Barower h�acwal l�owbdge.If Barowa leams.or i��wdfied by any govanrt�enwl a regulatory autGority�th�t an
<br /> to
<br />_. remowl or Mha remediaobn of any FLzardons Subsnnce affocting the Pmparty is nocessary�Barower ahAll PranP�Y�
<br />�`;t' ;`'�y pepe�y semodW actions 9n sCCOrdmce with Bnvlc�onmenqd Glw.
<br /> ---�—= pe oaed in this poragnph 20. "Har,�rdoua Subst�nces" aca thosa substences deflned a�toxk a hazardons subs�nces by
<br />----�^.•,�r �avimnm�ainl Uw ead Ihe followLig substencea: ga9oW�a� kaosena. othes tlammable a toxic peuok,�m�� prod�cts� W�cic
<br /> == pesticides and Nabicaes.voladle solvents.matalals co�►tainic►g asbestos or fonnaldehyde.end radbactiva a�tis.Aa wed in
<br /> _��`^�� tbfs p�h Z0."Environmental Law"a�eans fedenl laws end laws of the jutlsdlct�on whexe tha Pm�erty i�locatod tt�at relate
<br /> ?��
<br /> to health� etY cx env�nme�tal pmtectbn.
<br /> -_--_— NON-t)N�ORM COVSNANI'S.Aamwa end I�enda f�utl�er covenant end agroe as folbws:
<br />;� -- 21.AeoderaHoni R�����[�ve nottoe to Borrawer prbr to acakntios fdb�ini Bare�ow�erhe�reach�
<br />- -------�— sq core�t or ��reeseat In t6ie Security Inqrument @ut rwt �yrbr to �cceleratbn undar Pua�raP
<br /> --�_-=� --� applidible I�w�provida otherwiu).The notice e6aY specify:(a)t6e ddauk:(b)tye action re9uired to are tLe det��lti(c)
<br /> a date,n�t kp trao 30 d��hom the date t6e notioe��Iveu to Borro�rer�by whicD tbe dehult muft be curedi oad(d)
<br /> ��?:��� th�t t�Wtre to cure tl�e defi�ult on or betore t6e date specilkd in tl�notice oay reauit in accekratbn ot tbe wms�ecured
<br />__ '-�s!�� br tUY Secrrity Imtrusent asd ak o�tYe Property.The notice�11 iurt6ar in[ora� Borrow+er ot tYe ri`tit to n4odde
<br /> �--:,,�.� sfter�ooekratio� aod the ri�6t to brin�a oourt�ction to weaert the non-edstaoe n�a de�������,I.e�der�t ifa
<br /> =-�.� Earro*er to aweleratios a�d wle.It t6e defiult i�not cWred on or before tl�e date specNkd
<br /> -°- �� optio�,m�y req�ire immedLte parmeot in MY ot aU aume eecured by thie Secrrit�Iwtrusent witrort hrtier dem�d
<br />-`4"'.�� s�d oir lorol�e tbe poMer ot ak and auy otYer remedia pera�itted by appiic�bk law�.Lender ehsU be e�titled M coYect
<br />=---_T""�'"-� �q eupeme�incnrnd is porwio�t6e remediea provided in thb p�ra�pe 21,iucluding,bnt eot IErhed to.reuo�bk
<br />�:::�.;..-R r�;�,,t�.� attor�ers'taes�nd cats ot title evideeae.
<br /> .�.�u 1�tbe po�rer d eak ie invoked,Truatee shall record p notice o�default tn ach oountr in �hk� aa� put o�t6e
<br /> '� :�:�., prupat�r Y bcated�nd e6aY mall copks ot auc6 notioe in the manaer prescribed by�pplkabk I�w to Barro�var aad to the
<br />-y�^' d6er p�reo�s preacribed by�pplic�bk lawr.After thx time requind by Appiic�bk 4a,Trwtee shall�ive public notioe ot
<br />;. • ewle to t6e pereons pnd io the mtnnar prtscribed by applicabk Inw.7lruatee,withont dema�d oo Borrow�er�ehsll ull the
<br /> ` T Propert�►it public auction to t6e 6t�6eat bMldcr at t6e time and pb�ce�nd uuder the terma deai�nated in t6e nofiee of stk -
<br />; t
<br />"� F� For��04� Y►�0
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