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<br />: �� 'POOH77�R 1NITfi all tho lmproveanait�now or hereaf'tcr cractod on tha property�and all c�emente� nanccs� and !
<br /> ��. � Cuctures now cx hcreaftcr a part of Iho pmnerty.AU ccplacemcnts and addidons aheU alsa bo wvcred by thi�Secwity Instntment. �
<br /> . All of ttKS faegoing i�nfeirod to in thi�Socurity Insbvmcnt a�iho"Property" `
<br /> ' BORROWBR COVBNANTS �h�t Barmwu la Iswfully seixd of the wtato henby convoyod end h�tho dght w grAnt�nd
<br />�,`•'�' � convey Ihe Pmputy and that Iho Y'ropaty b unencumberod,axcept for encumbranccs of recc�rd. Borrowcr wartants and wtU
<br />_^` , dcferid genaally tha dtk w tha Proparty against aU c4dm�And demanda�subJoct w any encumbrnr�ces af rococd.
<br />�_."'�"""" THIS SECURYTY WSTRUM6NT combinc� uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform cover�ar►is wIth limited
<br /> - �,,� varlations by jurlsdictbn to consdtute a uniform�oecurlty inatrument cnvering roal property.
<br />` � UMFORM COVHNANTS.Bortowa and Laidu covecrant and agreo as follows: "
<br /> 1.Paymeat ot Priacipal�nd Ieterali PreM7�Mt�nd l.�tte Gluir�es. Borrowa sheU promptlY paY whea due the
<br /> , priacipel of ecNi int�erest on tha debt evidenced by tho N�to and aay p�epayment end late charges dua unda the Noto.
<br /> � 2.Fund�tor Taxa�nd Intunwoe. Subjoct to a�pplicebb Iaw or w a wtltten w�iva by Lenda. Borrower slwll pay to
<br /> `' L,ender on the day monthlY P�Y�+��aro due under tho Nota.undl lha Note is paid in full.a sum("Fuads")for:(a)yearly wces
<br />��a.,"'.� ; and essessments which rtwy auain pdorfty ova this Securlty InsWmei►t av a lka on the Propaty:(b)Yearly leautwld payma�t4
<br />- • . or ground re�ats on the Propaty,if any;(c)Yarly hanrd or property insurance pc�emiums:(d)Yearly flaod insuranca premiuma�if
<br /> � '. � .` anyc(a)Y�r1Y�8�8a lnsurence premluma,iY any�ead(�any sums payebla by Barowrr to I.enda,in accordarice w i t h t h a
<br />#:;s;;�'"�!` provL�ons of p�ngnph 8. in lieu of the payrtknt of mortgage L�suranca pnaaiums.'I�e,ie iums an callod "Baxnw Itema."
<br /> L,a�der may�et aay dme.callect and hold Funds in en amount not w excoed the mauimum acnow�t a lender for a federally related
<br />-,•� -..:=�;� matgago b�n may require fa Barowu's esaow accouat�nder the foderal Real&tate Settiement Procodures Act af 1974 os
<br /> . . ,, amended from pme eo ttme,12 U.S.C.Sxdon 2601 et seq. ("RfiSPA").unless another law that applIes w tho Funds scts a les�er
<br />:�' :,'! emoonG If eo�Lenda may.at ony time,colloct and hold Fuads in en amount aot to e�crood the le�ser arnount Leada may
<br />' °•��'� � esdmata the amowit of Ftinda dt�on tho b�s of current data and nes�sonAbb estf�wts.v of eacpendIwms of futura Bscrow Ituns or
<br /> ��w,:
<br />=��.;:�: ott�wise In accadanco with applk�bb law.
<br /> y':;:�•:�:: 'Ilie Fonda elwll be heid in a�insBwtion whox deposits ero insurod by a foderal�gency�instnunentaliry�or endty(lacluding
<br />'�^':R�'�" .. L,enckx,if L�der is such en i��stiwdon)a in sny Foder�l Hane Lwn Benk.I�dec ahall apply the Fwids to pay the Bxmw
<br />�";;:�..'.
<br /> .=„3.:.-..-, , T�e,nc.Ir.ader may rwc ctisirge B�rrowa for holdh►A and aAVlyinB the Fnnds.aannallY�Y�B�e esaow eccount,or vaif3'�8
<br /> __.�'f's_r.. �;`;�:
<br /> �. . , the Escxo+v Items,unless I.enda peys Borrowa intaest on the Fnnds and eppllcabb]aw pa�aits Lenda to mako such a charge.
<br /> ilrr';.�;.,,.:,;�
<br />_,,:.,.ti..•• Howava.I,on�la may roq�im Borrowa W pay a one-timeme charge for an indep�aider►t real estate tu reporting nxvko usod y
<br />::�n:a,..:.�- L.en�la in corurocdon with thls loan�wiless applka6la law pravides oUx7wLse.Unkss an agcnement�S made or appUcable Lw
<br />��-,.�,`�---- raq�lcw intaest w be paid,Lenda sh�ll not ba roquired w pay Borrowcr any interest or eamings on thc Funds.Borrower aud
<br />�;�� ? I,eadc maY�gra in wrldng�howeva.th�t�nterest shAU be paid on the F�nds.Lendu shall glva to Barowa.without chugo,an
<br /> ,.,_,;T=� aunoal�ndng of tho Funds.slwwing crodits and debits to the F1mds and the purpose fa which each deb[t to We Futds was
<br />�.�,R?� m�de.ltro FS�nds aoe pledged a�additional socurIty for all sums secured by tbis Securiry Instrument.
<br />�==,;a,� If the Funds he3d by Lerida�xceed the emounts pumitud to be held by eppUeabk law.Lenda slWl aocount to Bacrow�er for
<br />���J-,�,�� tha mccess F�nds in eccordance with the requirements of epplfcable law.If the emount of the Funds held by Lenda at u►y time is
<br /> - -`=:-:A�� not sufTideat w pay the&crow Items when due.L.ender may so notIffy Borrower in wrldng�and,in such c�o Barowa�b�ll Pa►Y
<br />_=��.�••� m Lxnder the amount necessery► w m�lce up the defickaicy. Borrowar shall make up tha deficicncy in no mone than twelva
<br /> ----- ��Y PaY�n,at L�nder'a eob disc�etion.
<br /> __v= ZIP�P�Y�t in full of all nums securod by thi�Securlty Instrument,I�ender st�all prompdy refi�nd w Borrowa my Fwida
<br /> --- held by L�ender.If,unda peragraph 21�Lenda ahall scquire or sell the Propaty.Lender.pr�or to tho acqni.�itloa or sele of the
<br /> �� Prop�xty.shall apply eay Funds hekl by Lender at due dme of acquisidoa or ssk as a cndit agAinst the sums socund by tt►is
<br /> :�:--�,;— SecurityIaat�uma��
<br />� '-�'�'"-� 3.AppNcadon ot Pqmenb. Unkss applicable law pmvides otherwise�all payme�nts rocelvod by L,ender under paragraphs
<br />--���''�� 1 anc12 shall be opplkd:fust,to anY 1�Y�t charges due under the Note;second.to emounts payabk undu paregraph 2;
<br /> --_-�-� third,w interest due:foiuth,to pc�neipal due�and 1ast�to eny late charges due ander tha Nota.
<br />�Z1=�`�-J'�A 4.Cbar�esi Liens. Barowei shall pay all taxes.a�sessmeats. chatges.fines and Lnposltbns at�'butabk W the Property
<br /> ��' whicl�may attein priority over this Security Inswmet►t,and leasehold paymmts a ground rents,if eny.Borrowa shall pay theso
<br />---��� obliga�t3ons in the mannu prov�ded In paragraph 2.or if not paid in that mannu�Bocrowu shall pay them on tima dirocdy w tha
<br />=n�-r;� ""�" person owed paymeat Bonowa shell prompdy fumLsh to Lendu ell noHces of amounts w bo paid undtx this paragcaph. If
<br />""°`�-�:� Borrower m�lces thesa payments djrectl .Barower shall m d fumish to Lender receipts evidencing tha payments.
<br /> r, ..,,:;. Y pro P Y
<br /> : °'.,.:�.� Harowu shall P�I�Y discharge any liu►wh�Ch hag priority ove,r this Sxurlry Insnument unkss Borrowar:(a)egrees in
<br />_ .� � �. wcldng w tho paymeat of the obligation securod by the lien in s muuur ecceptabk to I.ender:(b)contests in goad faiW tho lien
<br /> - by. or defends against e,�forcement of the Gen in, legal proca�dings which in the Lender's opinion operate to pcevent tha
<br /> : �.; cnforcxment of the lien;a(c)secuces from the hoider of the lien en agroement satisfacwry to Ler►da subordinating the lien o0
<br /> this Sccurlry Insaument If Lender determines that any paR of the Prope�ty is subject to a Ilen which may auain prMrlty over this
<br />_ ' Security Instrument,Lcnder maY gtve Borrower a aotica identtfying the lien.Bo�rawer shall satisfy the iten or mlce one a mom
<br />� �:,'' ot the xtions aet forth above within 10 days of tho giving of nodce.
<br />-- „ { . Forn�9oxs orao
<br /> �� "
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