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<br /> `�"��'- ' In�ur�nce. Borrower shall kcep tho impr�vcn�en�now uxisdng on c�ccaftcr crccted on the Propcny `
<br />-----:� S.HAwrd or Praperty
<br />_`�`---'� insurcd aBeinst lass by tire,ha�rds includcd wishin thc t�rm "axtendcd covernge" end eny othcr he�ards,Including floods or
<br /> y�� floading, for whlcri Lendcr requlns Insw'anca•'m�s insurar►cc shall ba meintaNed in t1�o amounts and for tho perlode that I.cndu
<br /> , �,� «c;uires,T}ia ynsuranco carrler providing tho tnsurancc shall ba choun by Hottower subject to Lcnder's approva�which shall not
<br /> �- Lcnder may
<br /> ba unrcasonably withheld. If Barower fails w maintain coverage descrlbcd a6ove. , at Lcndcr's opdon, �
<br /> •�".L���� coverago w protect Lender's dghta ln the Propercy in accordanca with paregraph 7• f
<br />-_�y:�a�ii,�a7 pll�9��polic;es and renawals shell be accePtable to Lcnder and shall includa a star►durd mongage clause.I.endu shal!
<br /> --�"�'�' huva tho right to hold thc policies and renewals.If Lender requices,Borrowa shall ptompQy givo to Lcnder aU recaipts of paid
<br />==-:�_�
<br /> premiums end rencwal nodces.In tho event of loss,Borrowcr shall givc prompt nodce to thc insorancc carricr and L.cndcr.Lender
<br /> -�•� may malcc proof of loss if not mado prompdy by Borrowcr.
<br /> Unless Lendcr end Borrowu otherw�so epfoe�n wrlt��B,�s��p�ls shall be applied to reswration or repair 4f the
<br /> prop�y, �meged,if th�restoradon or repair ia economiCally fcasible and Laider's securlty 1a not lesscned.If �����e sums
<br /> - --� cepair is not ccanomlcaUy feaslbk or T,ra►du's secarlry would be kssened.ihe Insw�ance procecds shaU ba aPP _
<br /> —""� secured by this Securlty Instrument,whether ot not then duo, with any ca�cess paid to Borrower. If Bnrrower abandons the
<br /> Proper[y.or does not answu wIthin 30 days a nadce from I.cnda Ihat tha inswence canlu has offered to seule s�.�
<br /> Lendu may wUect tha insurance proceed9.I.�n du may use t he p r a c e c d s t o n p�i r o r r e s t o r e the Pro p a t y or w F�►Y
<br /> � by thls Security Instrument,whether or not ihen due.'R�e 30-day perlal wW ixBin when the nodce la given.
<br /> ��'��-'�' Unless L,tndu end Borrower o t hen�v:se a g r o e i n w r l t i n g,a n Y a P Ali�on of proceeds to principal shall not exttnd or pastpone
<br /> the due date of the monthly payments mfeired to 1n P�+B�Phs i end 2 or chaage the amount of the paymcnts.If nnder paragreph
<br /> �— 21 the Prof►�rtY �g ac�luired by I.endtr. Borrower's dght to sny inaurance policies and proce�eda resulting from damage to tho
<br /> propecty pdor to the acquisitton ahall pz�s to Lender to the extent of tha sums socured by ih�s Security Instnunent immediately
<br /> pdor to the aGquisidon. Borrower'B Loan AppUattbn;LrASeholde.
<br /> - 6.Occuponcy,Preservatbn,MetntenAnce and Protection ot the Propirtyi
<br /> N E��.�.���r�py;ecrablish,and use the PropertY as Borrowa's pdneipal residence wlthin sixty days after the executlon of
<br /> ihis Socurity Instrument and shall condnuo to occugy the P[ope,rty as Borrower=s principui
<br /> �i����for ai lt�i one yesr afits th�
<br /> date of occupaacy,unless Lender othc�'a+ise agrees �n w�d�g• which consent shell not be muea5onably withheld, or �s
<br /> extenuadng clrcumstances exist which are beyond Bonower's conuol.Borrower shall not destroy,dama8e or impair the ProP�Y•
<br /> allow the ProperiY W deteriorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiwre actioa or
<br /> p�inB, whethu civll or cr3minal�is be8un that in Lcnder's good faith judgment could result in forfeiwre of tho PropertY or
<br /> �— o����aterially impa�r the llen created by thls Securlty Instrument or lendu's security int�ecesL Borrowec maY�ute euch a
<br /> . — default and reinstato, as provided in pareSreph 18�by causing the acdon or proceedin8 to be�ismissed with a culinB that.in
<br /> I.�ndes's good faith detcrminadon,precludes forfeiwre of the Bcmower's interesc in the Property or other maLe�lal impainnent of
<br /> the lien aeaced by this Security Instrument or Lenda's securtty interesG Bortower shall also be in default if Borrower.during the
<br /> loan epplkatlon process,8ave meterielly felse or inaccurate informadon or�nt,ements to Lender(or feilod w pmvide Le,nder with
<br /> any matuial infom�ation) in connecdon with the loan evidenced by tha Noto, includt�ng, but not Iimited to. representa�Ons
<br /> conceming Borrower's occupancY of the Pr°1x.rtY as a principal residence.IIthis SocurltY Instrument ls on a ka.qehold,Borroaer
<br /> shall c�mply with ell the provisions of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee tiUe w the Pr°Pert}'�tha leagehold and tho fee dtle sha11
<br /> - not mergo unless Lc�►dcr agrces to tha mer8er in wridn6• nts containod in
<br /> 7.Protectbn ot Lendsr's RighW in the Property. If Botrowa faiLs w perform the wvcnnnts and agrecme
<br /> this Security Insuument,or ihae is a legal proaedi�►B that may significantly affect Lendec's dghts in the Propaty (such as a
<br /> -- - _----- procoedln8 in banktuPtcY,probate.for wndemnadon ar forfeiwre or to cnforce]aws ar reguladons),then Lender may do and PaY
<br /> for whatever is nxessary to Protect the value of the PropertY and Lender'e rights in the PropertY.Lendu's acdons ma��da
<br /> pay�g �y S►uns secured by a lien which hag pdorlty over this Securiry Instrument,appcadn8 1t► court.PaY�B
<br /> attomeys' foes and entering on tha Property W make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragrepb
<br /> 7.I.cnder
<br /> __ does not have to do so. h�gh���addidonal debt of Borrower secural bY thLg Seauity
<br /> � My amounts disbucscd by Lender under this paragrep
<br /> �� Instrumen� Unless Sorrower end Lender agrce to other terms of payment, these art►ounts st�all bear �°tc��fr°m the dato of
<br /> --- disb�rsement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,uPon notice trom Lender to Borrower reqaesdn8 PaymenG
<br /> : :;�'� 8.Mortgage Inauranee. If Lender required mo�tgege insurance as a condidon of maicing the loan secured by this Se�urity
<br /> ---���. Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requircd to maintain the mostgnge ins�rec►ce In cffect.If, fnr any regson, tho
<br /> "`� ' aivalent to the
<br /> :;,�,;�� mortgage insurance covecage required by Lender lapses or ceaSOS to be in effoct�Borrower shall paY tt►e Frem�umg reti� t0
<br />'�:..;;:.�`°.�..
<br /> _,,,,,,, ,�. obtain coverege substandally equivalent to the mortgage insurnnce previousiy in effect,at a cost substandally eq
<br /> _ � ',, ,r:' . cost w Barrower of thc mortgage insurance pra�iously in effe�t, fmm an alten►ate mo��5�der�cach�month a um eqdual to
<br /> substandally equivalent moRgage insurance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay
<br /> •� one-tweffth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage l a psed or ceaSed to
<br />� bc ln cffecG L.ender will acccpt, ns� a�►cl reteln t�ase payments as a losv reserva in lleu af mongage 3nsurance.1.ass reser�'e
<br /> � Form 302t O1o0
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