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<br /> •"V.,�i ' 1'pQBTHBR WITH all ihc improvements now on c�reaftca crcctcd on the property.eed ntl c�scmcnte, apPurtenancc�,and
<br /> Cuctures now or hereaftu a pacc of tha property.lU1 r�plec�menis end c�1i11dons shutl also be covereci by thi9 Seeurity YnstrumenG �
<br /> All ot tho forogotng is referccd w in this Security Inatrument as tho "t'roperty."
<br /> ._� AORROWP,R COVENANTS thut Borrower is lawfully sei�ul of tho cstato hercby convcyed and has tho dght to grant and
<br />- -- convay the Proputy end thac t1►a ProPuty' �S unencumb�red,except for encumbrances of record.Sorrower warrants and w111
<br />,,,,:: defend generaUy the dtle to the PropertY e8ainst aU claims and demands.aubjoct W any encum btances of cecord.
<br /> .v��� THIS SECURI'I'Y iNSTRUMBNT combints unifocm covenanis for nadonal usc and non-uniform covenenta with Wnited -
<br /> ��� varietiona by Jurlsdlcdon to constlwte a aniform socuriry insuument covcring reul pmperry.
<br />-----� UN]FORM COVBNp►A1'PS.Borrower and Lender cavenantend agrea�followa: when due the
<br />—�� 1.Rymeat of Princtp�l and Interat;Prep�Yment wnd I,�te C6s�rqes. Borrower shall prompdy pay
<br /> = principal of and interest on tha debt evidenced by the Note and eny PrepaYment and te�te charges dua under the Note.
<br /> Z.Funds!or Taxw and Iaaurance. Subjoct to appllcabk 1aw or to a wrltun waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> I.ender on iho day monthly payments are duc under the Note,until the Notr is peid in full,a sum(ro,y ds"�for.(a)yearly taxes
<br /> - and assasments which raay aueL►pdorlty over this Sxurlry Instr�ment as a lien on the Propecty; earl leaset►old payments
<br /> or ground nnis on the Property.if anY:(c)Yesrly na�d or pmpetty insurence pruniums:(d)Year1Y flood insw�nce premi+uas.if
<br /> anyt(8)Y�IY m�RaBe insurance premtums. if any:and(�anY sums payabla by Borrowu w Lcndu,in accordance with the
<br /> provisions of paragraph 8, u► Heu of the payment of mortgege insurance prcmiums.'rnesc itcros aro celled "Escrow Itema.°
<br /> Lendar may,at my ttme,collecc and hald Funds in an amount not w exceed the ma�ciraum emount a lendu for e federally rela�ed _
<br /> � matgage loan may rcquire for Bonower's escrow account under the fedaral Rcal Esiate Setticmen�Proced���°�lg lesser
<br /> amended from time to time,12 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless anothec!aw that apP
<br /> amount lf so.Lender may, at any time. collect and hold Funds In an ainount not to e�ccud the lessec emoon� La►da muy
<br /> esdmaio tho amaunt of Funds due on the ba�is of cucrent data end reasonable esdmates of expendiuues of fuwre BscroW Items or
<br />--- otherwiso in accardance with appllcable 1aw.
<br /> 'IT�o Funds shall be held in an Insdtution whose deposits aro insured by a fi�dual aBency,instrumentallty.or eatdtythe c18scrow
<br /> i r.nder,if I.ender is such en insdtudon) or in aay Falernl Hane Loan Bank• I,ender shaU aPP1Y the Funds to pay
<br /> Items.Lender may not charge Borrowa for holding and epPiying the F�nas�iuiivat2y a�satyzi�g stso c�cm4'•'����!nri or vesIfyin�
<br /> the Esaow Items,unless Lender Pays Bonower inteaest on tho Funds a�►d aPPllcable law ptrmits Lender co meke such e charge.
<br /> Howovu,Lendu may reQuire Borrower to pay a ono-time chargo for en indepa►dent real estate taa reportir►B suvice �sed by
<br /> L,e�des In connecdon with ihis loan,unless appllcable law provides otherwisa.Unlcss aa agreement is made or applicable law
<br /> requires inte�rest to be paid,Lcnder shall not bc required co psY Bosower anY intenst or eamin8s on tha Funds.Borrowu and
<br /> Lpidex may agree
<br /> in wridng.howover,that intcrast shall be paid a►the F�nds.L�endu shaU give w Borrowor,without charge.an
<br /> aanual ecco�nting of the Funds,showing aedits and debits to tha Funds end 11u Purposo for which esch debit w tho Fun wag
<br /> m�dc.il►e Funds are pledgod ag additlonal securiry for all sums secured by this S��Q�w�nda shaU account w Borrower for �
<br /> If tha Ftu�ds hcld by Lender excad tha amounts pundual to be hcld bY aPP
<br /> ���,y F���accordance with the nquirements of appllcable law.If the amount of the Fuads held by Lender ac eny dmo 1s
<br /> not suf6cient to paY the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrowu in wdti�►g+a�►d.in such case B narowa�shallepa►e
<br /> �L���� �����y �� make up the deCciency.Botrowa shell meice uP Ih�d��y
<br /> monthlY PaYments.at Lender'a sok discre6on.
<br /> vAon WY�nent in full of all swns secured by this Sec�ulry Instr�ment,Lendu shall promptly refund w Aurower any Fands
<br /> Iu1d by Le�der.If.ondu para8raph 21.Lender shall acquim or saU the Prope�ty.Lender.Pdor w d►�acqais�llon a salo of tha
<br /> pmpaty�shall apply any Funds held by Lendet at the timme of acquisidon or sale av a craiit a8einst the sums sxural by this
<br /> Security InstrumenG
<br /> 3,Applic�lbn ot Payments. Unless applicablc law provides otherwfse.a11 payments receivod by 1.er►derndu para�aph 2;
<br /> 1 and 2 ahall be applied:C�rst,to ei►Y PrepaYment charges due under the Note;second,tc�emounts payab
<br /> third,to interest due;fottrth.to ptinciP�l dae;and last,w any late cher8es due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Chargcs=Lkns. Bormwu shall pay ail wxcs. assessments. charges. fines and imposidons amibutable to the Propacy
<br /> -- which may attnin prlority ova this Securicy Insuument,and icaschold payments or ground cents,if enY•Borrowu s�ha11 paY these
<br /> oblig�tlons in the menner providod�n paraBcaPh 2.or if not paid in that mannu,Borrower shall pay them on time dicectly to t1►e
<br /> - pason owed payment Borrowu shall prompdy fumish to 1.ender all noHces of emounts to ba Paid undcr ihi�P�BtePh.�
<br /> .�__- Bormwer mekes these pay�nents d�rectly.Bozrower shall promptly fumish w Lender roceipta evidencing tha PaY�'�
<br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any Ue�i which has prtority over this Security Instcument unless Borrowu:(a)agree�in
<br /> --__�.� writing to the payment of the obllgadon secured by the lien in a manner accepwblo to Lender:(b)concests in good feith the llen
<br /> --- by. nr defcnds egeinst enforcement of the lien in, �egal proceedin8s which in the Lender's opinion opuate to praYe��the
<br />_,;���;;,,~`,� enforcement of the IIen;or(c) socures from the holder of the iien an egreeme�►t sa8sfsctory to Lender subordinadng the Hec►to
<br />_=%r+�,_; thls Security Insnvment.If I.ender determines that any parc of the PropertY is subject to a lien which may suain prlority ovcr this
<br />'=N4�f'.� �.
<br /> _.�:. , Sccuricy Insaument,Lcndcr may give Borrower a notice idcntifying the Uen.Borcower shall sadsfy the lien or e one or morc
<br />•.,�;;`i, � of the acdnns set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of noHce. Form 30R! 9IY0
<br />_- vap��ol E Initl�la:._---
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