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<br /> 5. Hoznrd or ProQ►erty Insurence. Dorrower shall kccp the imp�+e�c�n�tcov agci�d any ather�hc�ards1encluding _
<br /> ,;�r�J+:�"�
<br /> � Prop�rty insurcd against lou by fire, hazarda included within t c term e
<br /> fload�or floodin�, far which l,ender reqtdces insurance. This fnsurance ahall be mnintaMed in the amounts and for the pedod�
<br />-'�� that I.ender requires. The Insurenca carcier pravid[ng the lnsurance ehall be clu�sen by Borrawcr subj�nder munyPrat �.eader�e
<br /> �� wbich shnll nat be unrcasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maint�in coveragc described above.
<br /> ._. .,, optlon.obtaln coverage to protect Lender's righta in the Property in cicccordana with pnreBraph 7.
<br /> pU insurance pollcies and renewals shall be ncceptable ro Lender and ahall Include a standarV mo�n e����efpts of
<br /> nc
<br /> � shall have thc right to hold the policies and renewala.If L.ender requires.Bortower ahall promptiy g
<br /> =�i1:�,'i' paid premiums and nnewal uotices.in tt►c evant of los�. Borrower ahall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> __.�,;;� t,ender may roake proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrower. �i��a restoration or repair of tbe
<br /> -- Unless Lender and Bomower otherwlae agree in wclting.insurance procceds ahall be app
<br /> �'��+°'�`� damaged, ;f the nstoration or npair ia economically feasible and L.ender's secudty Is not lessened.If the restoratton or
<br /> .���ra,. PropertY
<br /> -=�?�!� repair is not economlcally feasible ox I.cnder's security would be lessened. the iasurance Proc�ds aba11 be aFP�;��0 �su�
<br /> �"�"``�'� secured by this Socurity lnstnunent. whether or not chen due. with aay excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abaadons the
<br /> _• =' property,or das not answer with4n 30 days a notice from L.endec that ttie insurance cacai�T bu offeral to aet o�a�clatm,th�en
<br /> -=m•��i Leader may colixc the i�isurancc proc�l�. Lender aiay ttr,e the proeeeda ro repair or reston the Propec'ty --
<br /> V""�"�� �cu�d by Rhia Securtty Iastcument.whether or nat thea due.The 30-day pedod wlll begin when the notice Is given.
<br /> `'��;� licadan of rocads to prlacipal sh�ll aot aatend or
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise egree l� wciting. anY 8PP p
<br /> postpone the due dato of the mont}ily paymenta referred to in pardgraghs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the pAyments. If
<br /> . ,x�:i. under paragraph 21 the Propecry is acauirod by Laadet, Borrower'a dght to aay insuranse Pnitcies and procoeds resultiag fram
<br /> -`"=�� duaage to the Pcoperty pdor to tUe acquisition shail pass to Lender to tha extent ot the susns secured bY th�s Securiry Insm�e°t
<br /> -?::_�- ;�uqediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> LeASeboldr.
<br /> 6.(.kcuppncY,Prese�'a�o°,Malaterwr�ce and Protectlon ot the Propertyi��wer's L�sin AppllcAtion;
<br /> ��`�`�� Borcawer skiall occupy,establiah,end use the Prop�rty s+s Soaower's principal residence wlthia sixry daya after the eaecution of
<br /> °"-���'� th�s Securtty Instrument and shaU continue to occupy the Property as Borenwr,r s principal cesidence for at le,�st one ye�r after
<br /> ---�`'"a the date of occnpancy.w�lcss Lender othenv�yond Borro etr'sgcoutrol. Borrower�shalltaot d�estroy,AdamaBe�ordimp�ir�the
<br />_,r;:.�'�
<br /> extenua�ing cii�:u.iw-i�ttc� �^=�t �hit� � o Bonnwer sbdt pe in deiauii if�u�y f�rfaitus�
<br /> — pcoperty, allow tbe Property co deteriorate. or commit wa.ce on the Property
<br /> xtion or pmceedinB.wbether civil or cdmin�l. le begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could rault In fQrfeiture of the
<br /> � property or othcrwlse materially impair the liea crea[cd by thls Security Iaaaunnent or Lender'e security Mterest. Borrower uny
<br /> cure such a default aad ieinstate�as provided ia paraBraph 18,by causing the actton or procadinB to be diamia�sod���tedal
<br /> '"'� th�c� in [.�nder's gaod faith detarn�atioa, precludes forfeltu�rc of the Horrower's intenst in the PropertY
<br /> impaizm,ent of the lian crcated by this Securlry ����il r falsedor inaccura e iuformatlon or satesmenta co Lendie(or fiilod
<br /> �� gorrower.dudng tha loan applicatton process,ga Y
<br /> w pwv[.io Lcndcr wlth�y sz�terts��nfQrmA�i�n);n c�nnection with the lom evidencod by th�Note. includiag�bN�tlimiuod
<br /> � to, npnsentations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Praperty a3 a princip�l residence.lf thb Secunty
<br /> {easehald, Borrower shall comply witi� all the pmvislons of the lease. If B�n�ower acquires fee tide to tha PropectY. th�
<br /> lensehold and the fa title shall not merge uWess Lsnder f��ower faSls to�erform tglne covenuits end agrxmenta contained in
<br /> 7.protectton oi I,ender's Rlghts in the PropeKy. auc�a+a
<br /> th{s Scciariry Instrurnent,or thece Is a legal proceeding that may sign{ficaatly affect Lender'e rlghts iu the Pcopercy (
<br /> — procceding in bu�kruptcy. probate,for coadeau►ation or forfeiture or to enforco IAwa or ngulsulons).thea Lender may do nnd
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propercy and Lender's dghts in tt►e P�Pert�`• 1.endex's actlons may
<br /> aPPearing in caurt, pAY�ug
<br /> � include paying any sum� secured by a liea which b Q m�e��� A��o��nd����tion under this paragnph
<br /> - -- reasonable attom�ys' fas and entering on the Praperty P
<br /> 7.Leadec does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender urder tLla paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bomowcr aecured by this
<br /> -_� dau�of d b�rsemeat atlthe Note rate andTshall be�payable.�wlth interestp upon tnotice fro�m Lcnder�ro Bo owe�r request ng
<br /> —�""—�• payment.
<br /> =�y�a�� 8.Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secural by chis Sec ty
<br /> =�"�:<<�� lnstrument. Borrower shull pay the pnmiums required to maintain the mortgag�n����i pay the pre�miums requ��to
<br /> "''���`�`•�.����` mortgage inaurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effat.
<br /> ��':��"��,r:
<br /> �'-�:;;�,... obtain covarage substantially equivalent to the mortgage inaurance previously in�effcct,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br />' " cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an alternate mortgage incurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> -- - - substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bonower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the insurana coverage lapsod or ce�sod to
<br /> - ° / be fn effect.L,ender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reser„e
<br /> . ��� Form 8028 81a0
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