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<br />".,;, TOCiETH�R WITH all the improvements now or de ealt�e��ntsdand,ndditt na sh�ll nlsocbe cavareclpbY thisnSecuriry __
<br />`� flxture� now ar hercafter a part of the property• A p Jnstrument as che"Propercy," --
<br /> �..'� Instrumcnt.A!1 of thc foregoing is referrcd to in this Secudry _
<br /> BORROWER COVfiNAN'1'S Qtat Borrowcr is lar�fully seised of the estnte hereby wnveyed su►d has the ri�tit to grt►nt and r..
<br /> .� convey the Pmperty and that the Property 1a unencumbeced, eacapt for encumbrancea of ncord. B�rrawer warrants and will
<br /> defcnd genernlly the title to the Property agalnst all claims and demand�,subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br /> •�.• THIS SBCURITY 1NSTRUMENT comblaes uniform covenants for nation�l use and non-untform covenants wich limited
<br />.'�� variations by jurisdictton to constimte a uniform aecuritY instn►ment covering real propw.ty.
<br /> UNIF'OAM COVENANTS.Bonowerandl.�nder�evnet a�n��i8 hs��°��ower ahall promptly pay when due thc
<br /> �=:_'7� 1. P�yment ot Principol And L�terest;PcePay -
<br /> - -� principal of and iat�nst oa the debt evidenced by the Note and any pr�'�,aYa►ent and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> �—� x. k�nds for Taxes and L►surpnce.SubJect to applicable law or to a wdtten waiver by L.ender. Borrower shall pay to
<br /> __b,�; I.e n d c r o n t he da y monthl y paymcats aze due uader the Note,undl the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Fu�►�i i°easehold ayments
<br /> and assessments which may attain priodty over this Security 1►�stn�ment���p���d m�Y�fl�iosurance pr�miu�,
<br /> -- or ground rents on the Propecty.if aaY+(c)yearly hazard or property
<br /> _ � if any;(g)Yearly mortgaA�insuru�ce prcmtums� if any;and(fl�Y suws payable by Borrower to Lender.im accordance with _
<br /> — the pmvia[ons of paragreph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage lusuranc�c Prem�ums•Th���«�������row Item�."
<br /> Lender m�y. st any time. coll��or Ronow�crd's esc w account�mder the�f�deral RealmEstau Settttlemeat Proceduros�Acc�f
<br />�=l'� related martgage loan may q
<br /> - unless aaother law that applies to the� s
<br /> . v� 1974 u amei�ded from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2601 ct sey. ("RESPA'),
<br />.'���� sets a le.uer amount. If so, l.ender may,et any ttme. collect and hold Funds in nn amount not ro excad t6e lesser amount•
<br /> Und�r mry est[mete the araount of Funda due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future
<br /> -- Escrow Items or otdetwtse in accordance wtth applicable law.
<br /> iuscnuneatality. or ontiry
<br />:�� Thc Fuads ahall be held tn an institudon whose depoalts are lnsured bY a federal agency.
<br /> (including Lender,if I.endar is auch aa institution)ox in any Federel'Ho��F�����y���gi����W����or
<br /> Escrow Items.l.ander ms►y not charge Bonower for holdiag and app y S
<br /> vertfying the Fscmw Items,unlas I.cnder paye Borrower incerest on the Funde and spplicable law peran�t�1-endcr trt mak���
<br /> a eharge.However,Lendor may require Borrower co pay :�aa-tiu�:,ch:se=fQr�a in!iependent nal estate taa repo B
<br /> uaed by Lender in connection with thls loan. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless aa agroement ia made or
<br /> applicable law roquines intenst to be paid,Lender shall not be required ta pay Borrower any interest or eamings oa the Fw�d+.
<br /> Botrowar and Lender may agra ia writing,howaver.that incerest shall be paid on the Funds.l.ender shall�ivf=���h
<br /> without charge. an u�nnal accounting of the Funds. showing credits and debits co the Fuads and tbe puipo
<br /> debit to the Fur�was made.The Funds are plodgod as additional secudty for all iumslsecuro��i Y�gs���t to Borrower
<br /> If the Funda deld by Lenda exc,eed th��no��P��tt�to be bcld by app
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordaace wlth the nciutcemeacs of applicable law. If the amount of the Fuadv held by Lendu xt+nY
<br /> tims is not sufflcient to pay[he Escrow itciis whcn dae,i.sudrr mAy u+notify BoTrower in writing.and,ln suc6�����
<br /> sh�ll p�y to L,ender rhe amow�t aecessary tu malce up the deficiepcy. Borrower shall malce up the deficiency
<br /> — twelve monthly p�yments�ac Y.ender's solc dixredon.
<br /> U�n P� Lender shall pmmpdy nflmd to Bomower any
<br /> ment in full of all aac�as secured by this Security Instnunent,
<br /> _ �und.�held by Lender.If,under paragr�ph 21. Leader shall acquire or sell the Property�I�eader,priQr to the acqutsidon or s�le
<br /> of the PropenY.sha11 APP�Y�Y��s�eld by Lender at the time of acquisitioa or sale as a craiit agninst tho sum�aec�d bY
<br /> thie Socudty Instcument.
<br /> 3.Applicatbn ot Ryments•Unlas applicible law provides otherwise,all pAyu�ents roceived by Lcnder under puag s
<br /> 1 aad 2 ah�ll be applied:first,to any PnpaYment chazges due uader the Note:secon.d.to ewounts pay+�ble under pangraPh 2:
<br /> thicd.to iaterest due;foucth,to princ[pal due;and last,to any late chargey due under thc Note.
<br /> 4.Ctwrgat Lt�•��wer shall pay all taacea.assessments.charges,fines end imposidons atulbutable to the Pro�ty
<br /> whlch may attain pdority over thia Securiry Insuument, �nd leasehold pnyments or gB��s��l p y themo�i direccly
<br /> these obllgations ia the manner provided in paragraph Z.or if not paid in that manner.
<br /> to the person owal payment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lemder all notices of amounts to be p�id under this PuaB�Ph•
<br /> --— If Borcower mak�s tdese PaYments direcdy,Borrower shalt pmmptly fumish t�I.ender r¢ceipts evidencing the payments.
<br />"'"�"`�`� Borcower shall promptly dtscharge any lien which has pr[oriry over this Securicy U►stn�ment tu►��sg B°rn°W�t'�a���i
<br />:���,� writing to the payment of the obligation secu�+ed by the lien ia a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contcsu in good faith the lien
<br />_- by, or defonds against enforcement of the lien in. legal proaedings which tn the L.ender's opinion operate to pnwent the
<br /> " " enforcement of tha tiea;or(�)secures frorn the holder of rte f��o��etsubject to a lien whch maya�ttaic►prlarltS'over
<br />:',-,}r":
<br /> :��+''" thts Securtty (nstcument.If i.ender detercnines that any p 1xnY
<br />.,�;i�;�,,.s;
<br />�•�ti;,,-.. this Sauriry Instn�me�►t•I.endcr may give Borrower a notice identifying che lien.Borrower shall satisfy the licn or t e one or
<br />.:__;,�, • morG of the acttons set forth above within 10 daya of the giving of notice.
<br /> Form 3028 Bl90
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