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<br /> paymcnts may no lon�er bc requircd,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance coverage(in the amount and for the per{r,d
<br /> that Lender requires)provided by an insuter approved by I.ender again becomes available snd ia vbtained. Bonower shall pay
<br /> ti�e prerniums requlred m maintaiu monRage insurence ln effect,or to provide a locs reserve,undl the requinment for mortgage
<br /> [nsurance enda in eccordance with uny written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applicable law.
<br /> 9. Inspectton• L.endcr or its agent may make reasonablc entries upon and inspcctiona of the Property•Lcnder ehall give
<br /> Bonower aotloe at the time of or prior to an inepection specifying reasonablc cause for the inspection. _.
<br /> 10. Condanns�tton. Tha procceds of any award or claim for damages, direct or r.oasequentlal. in conncetion with any
<br /> oondcmaation or other taking of any parc of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby asslgned and
<br /> shall be puld to l.ender. -
<br /> In the eveat of a total taking of the Property,the proceeda�hall be agplled to the sums sa.�umc1 by Wls Sccuriry Znatnun�nt,
<br /> whether or not then due, wlth any excess p�id to Borrower. In the event of a partial talcing of the Properry in which the fair
<br /> mxrket value of the Property immedlQtely before the takink is equal to or greater t�an the ainount of the sums aecured by tbls
<br /> Security Iastcument immedlately bcfore the taking.unless Bonower and Lender otherwise agra in writing. the sums secural bY
<br /> this Security lasttument shall be reduccd by the amount of the Proce�a multiplied by the following fraccioa: ;a�i�el�
<br /> atnount of the sums axund immedl4tely before the taking, divtded by(b)the falr market value of the Property Y
<br /> before the tsldng. Any 8alauce ehall bc P�d to Bonnwer. In the ovent of a partial taklnB of the Property in whtch the falr
<br /> muket value of tbe Pcoperty immodiately before tbe taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immedt pl���
<br /> �aking,unles�Borrnwer and Lendsr otheiwise agree in wdting or unless applicable law otherwise provtdes,
<br /> be applied ta thc sums secured by this Securiry Insuumcnt whet�er or uot the sums are then due.
<br /> If tbe Property is rbandoned•by Borrower.or if.after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oi#brs to mAke�n
<br /> awazd or settle a claim for damagea, Burrower fails to rr.spond to Leeder wiWin 30 days afcer the datc the notice is given,
<br /> I.ender is authorized tu collect and apply the procads,at its option,eitber ta nstoration or repatr of the Pcoperty or to the sums
<br /> ��by�{e��ty Inatrument,wheiher or not then dae. �I��on of roceeds to rinci al ahall not eatead or
<br />-- Unless I.ender ancl Borrower othaivr+ise a�ree in wrtting. anY aPP p P P
<br /> postpone the due date of the uwuthly paymenta nfernd to iu para8raphs 1 aad 2 or change the Amount of such paymeuts.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Rdease�:Forbearance By Lender Not A Watver.Exteaston of the time for paymeat or moditicatioa
<br /> oi w�onizauuu�f�ua���b; �=S"-`-'"�!Y inaen�ment aranted by Lender to any successor ia tnterest of Borrower sh�l
<br /> not operate to release the IiabiUry of the origWa�8orrowcr or�onawer's successors in interest.Lender sh�tl twt oe requirod co
<br /> commence proc�alinBs 86ainst any success°r ia iaterest or refuse to eatend tlmes for payment or otherwise modify w�ortizatla►
<br /> Of tI1C BUIII!6CCUiCd b}� tLIS Sxwity Instnirnent by reason of any demaad made by tbe origln�l Bormwer ar Borrowet's
<br /> auccessora 1a interest. My forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or nnxdy�hell not be a w�iver of or precludc the
<br /> exerciee of aay right or nmedy. The wvenante wd agnemenu of this
<br /> 12. Suucdeors wd Ass�Bnt Bound;Jotnt aad Several Llablltty;Co-stgnera.
<br /> Securityr Instrument ahall biad and ben�fit the successors and essigns of i.ender and Borrower, subJect to the provisions of
<br /> ' Pa�B�Pu 1T. Barmwcr'� coveaant� nnd aareements shall be loint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs thia Secutlly►
<br /> Instnunent but does not eaecute ttue Note:(o) Is co-signiag this Secudty Instrument onty to morigrgo, g►�sut aad conveY thnt
<br /> Dorrower's Interest In the Property under the tem�s of this Secur[ty Insuumeat;(b)is not pecson�lly obligatod to p�y the aums
<br /> secured by thia Securtry Insnvment;and(c)tgca�th�t Lende�'+ind any other Bomower mAy agree to extend,modify,focbear or
<br /> ��any r�cconunodations with regerd ro the terms of thia Secudry Instnunent or the Note wtthout that Borrowec's conxn�•
<br /> 13.i.oan CLerQe�.If the loaa secured bY this Secudry instrunxnt ie aubjxt to a law which aeca maximum lou�charges.
<br /> uxl that law ia finally interpreted so that tho interest or other loan chorga colluctod or to be collected in conna.�fun with�hC
<br /> loAa excood che pecmitted limlta• then.(a)a�°Y such loan charge sha11 be seduced by the unount necesury to ralua tho chu�e
<br /> to tbe permttted lia�it: and(b)anY sums elready collectod from Borcower which eacadod permittod limiu will be refUnded to
<br /> ' Bonower. L.ender may chooae to make this c+elhnd by reducing tha principal owed under the Note ar by making�direct
<br /> ' payment to Bomower. If a nfund reduces princtpal. the reducdon will be tnated as n parttel prtPaYment wlthout my
<br /> ' prepsyment charge und�r the Note.
<br /> 14.Not[c�.Any nottce to Bomower provided for in this 5ecuriry Instcument shall be givaa by delivering it or by ma111ng
<br /> it by first class a�il unless applirabte law requtres use of another method.The notic.e shall be dirceted to the Progerty Address
<br /> � or any other address Borrower destgnates by notice to Lender. Any nodce to Lender sh�ll ba givea by first ctaas mail tv
<br /> Lender's addtcss atated herein or u►y other address Lender des[gaates by notice to Borrower. Any aottce pmvidal for in ihia
<br /> Securtry Instrument ahall be deemcd to have ban given to Borrower or L.ender whcn givcn aa provided in this paragraph•
<br />- 15. Governing I.aw; Severabiltty. This Securiry InstrnmCnt shall be govemed by federal law and the law otthe
<br /> ! jurisdiction in which the Property fs located. In the event chat any pmvtsion or clause of thia Securlty Insuument ar t�s Nose
<br /> '� conflicts with applicabte law,such confiict shall not affect other provistona of thia Securtry Insuumsnt or the Note which can be
<br /> �� glven effect withaut the conflicting proviston•To this end the provisions of thts Security Instrumcnt anal the Nate are declu�od
<br /> ;'� to be sevcrable.
<br />-�+ 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrowor shall be given one coaforcned copy of the Note and of this Security Iastniment.
<br /> Fam 302 9190
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