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<br /> R�L.'SRZ'�
<br /> "=="'"`"� 7r Pr4teotlon ot l.�nder'� Rlqhb le th� Prapnty. i� eorrow« a�e �o �no►m in. oown.mr �nd pti.rn�nn �
<br />.��,::c_.;. �:.
<br /> .�, N 'oont�ln�d h lhK S�curNy Impum�nl, or fh�n w �Mpnl proaNdiny ihat mry tlnnYicrnty tM�ol L�nd�r'�ri�hl� h th� R�owrty(wioh a
<br />"�,a+r.~••,' 'h� p pip,ONdlnp In bAnknrplo�� ProA�N, for oondKrw��tbn cw MrwMur�o►to�niorc�kw� a npuMtbn�).Ih�n I.anc4K mny do �nd p�y tor -
<br /> wh�lw�r k n�oMUUy to pral�ot Ih� v�1io ol lh� Prop+My �nd Und�r'� riphts in th� Property. Lsndw� �otbne rr�y Inolud� p�Yk►p
<br /> z a�y�um� rrour�l by �N�n whlch ha�prbrffy owr IhM �ourMy ImhummR�ppMrkq M aouR, p�Ylnp rwfon�bM�ttom�s NN�nd _
<br /> �ntKM►p on tM Prop�ty to rrMk�rpaln. Allhouph Uncf�r m1Y���tion undK lhM pupreph 7,I.�ndor don nnt h�w to do eo.
<br /> . ;'. . '�. Any �mount� dkburNd by I.M�dM undK lhM plK�pnph 7 �h1�N b�oom� tddRbn�l d�bt of Bortow�► aountl by thi� 8�curity
<br /> '� Imtrumml, UnMs� �orcowK qnd L�ndK �p»� to othM I�rm• of
<br /> p�yrtMnt, th�a �nwunt� �h�N bM► hNrat hom tlw daN of
<br />__�.�',Q,.;,� � dbbun�rNnl�I th�NOH reN�u►d Ih�N W p�pbll,wNh MbrNl, upon nollo�kom LmdK to Borrow�r nquMtinp p�vrtNnt.
<br /> e. Mnrt��p• In�ur�ncl. 11 1.1nd�r r�qulr�d mortprp� htunna u �condkbn oi m�IclnQ th� b�n aourtid by thh S�cuAty
<br /> Inttrum�nt, BorrowM tMN py ttN premlum� nqu�d to malnlaln th� mortp�p�hsunrw� In Nhot. If, ta�ny rNSOn,th� matp� `�
<br />-�"�N` •• . hwranc� oowng�nqulnd by I.�nd�r I�ppa a oMws to b� In MNct, 9aro�w�r shaM
<br /> :��• p�y th�pnmiums nqulnd to obhh oowrp�
<br />--� � � wbstantyNy�qulval�nt to th�marlp�p�hsuru►a�prwbu�y h�M�ot, �t� ao�t wbsW►tYy puAnMnt to IM aoft to Bwrow�r of tM �
<br />-�.'--� moAp�p� hwnnc� prwlousy In Nliot, kom an �k�mab mortpNp� h�urw�pprowd by I.�ndn. If wb�t�ntltNy puktMnt mrxtp�p� N
<br /> - _ - -�- insuranc� aowr� k not awikbN, Barower sh�N pay to I.md�r �aoh manth � �um pwl to on♦twNfth of th� y�uly moAp�g� �
<br />-_� hsurano�pr�nlum b�hp paW by Bortowtir wMn th�Nsunrw�oovM�1�pNd ar o�as�d to b�h MMo4 I.mdu wNl aoo�pt,us�and �...
<br /> nlah lh�s� paymmb u R bsi ns�rw in Nw of morty�p� Insw�na. Los� nswva p�ymonN rtwy no bnp�r b� nquihd, �t th� �j __
<br /> r;,- , .�.. � optlon ol L�ndK� M mortpap� Inwn�nc� cowrp� (h th� miount �nd for th� P�riod th�t I.�tN► nQ�ins) Provid�d by �n Ntunr �
<br />== ;� �pprowd by L�nd�r �In b�oom�s �w1IWw and k obtaMed. Borrowsr sh�N pay th� pnm4m� nquk�d to m�ht�tn morly�p� S
<br /> `'�`��'�%� htur4nc� In �Noot, or to provid�� bst rN�rw, untA th� nquk�n►�nt fo► moAp�p� h�uraoc� �nd� h �coad�nc� wkh nny writbn �
<br />- �prNnMr►t bolw�n 8omowK and L�nda or�ppNc�bN I�w.
<br /> "�.�.�t,�"„ 9. Initpeotton. Landw or its �pent may m�lc� roa:onaby �ntrws upon and In4p�otbn� af th� PropKty. UndN �h�p plw
<br /> -`y,?��!� Bonoww notic�at th�tYn� of or prbr to an bap�ctbn sp�cMyhp nasontbb caua tar th�Insp�otlon.
<br />:=,u�f�.'� 10. Condemnatlon. Th� proCMds of any awud a okYn for dtmap�s, dkaCt or Conspuentlt6 b C�nMOtfon wkh my
<br />-���y,y?:;y�• aonde�nn�tfon or othK takh�ot �ny p�rt of th� PropKty,or tor convoyuic�h Nw of oonOKmatlon, u� hinby utipn�d ilnd ihaN b�
<br /> ,;�:,�. . pald to L�nWr.
<br /> -'';� ,c,.. In tha w�nt nf a tovl takinp oi the Prop�rty, tho prxwds ahaM b� �ppiNd to th�sums s�cund by thM G�audty Insbvmmt,
<br /> ,, ..,."�'`'�. wh�thar or not than dua, with �ny�cocs paW to Borrowar. In ih� w�nt of� parti�l Wchp of th� PropKty h whbh th�hM mvkK
<br /> -:";,�•���'� velw of th� Prop�rty kn�►�dkby bNon th� takhp Is �qual to w pn�tK lh�n tM �mount of th� fums acund by thit S�curky
<br />- .,..�.•• :
<br /> Instrummt hwrMdiat�y bNon th�Wcinp, unMss 8orrow�r and l..�ndw othMwis��pn� In writinp,t1u�um� aourW by thk 8�curily
<br />,:�.:.-���,,�}� In�wmmt shaM b� nduc�d by thr amount of the pracMd� muAplNd by th�folbwin�fnotfon: (a)tM tohl inwunt o} th� sunu
<br />-'a�,�:r'. ' s�CUr�d YT�tJl�t�ty bMOt� th� takhy, dbkNd bY(b)th�fatr m�rfc� wlw of th�Propaty Imrn�d�tNy bNor� th�hktp. My ba4na
<br /> shaq b� paid to 9orrow�r. In th�want of a partYl fakinp of th�Prnpwty h whbh th�aY muk�t wlw of th�Propwty hrn�d�by
<br /> "=-'y
<br />