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<br /> Boneuv�� i.cruw a600unt�ndor th� Mderrl FiMI Ett�1r�ltN�nt Proc�durN Aot of 1974���m�nd�d kom tYn�to tim�, 18 U.1S.C. `i
<br /> '28p1 N uq.("AE6PA•),unl���nolhar lew th�l applM�to IM Fund�Nts a Ms�amaunt. II�o,L�ndw rtKY��4�^y tfr►w,ooM�cl�nd
<br /> hold Fund� In �n�mount not lo�cad Ih� IN���mount. L�ndw i►u►Y nstfmah th�unount ol Nnd1 a�w an lM buN ol aumnt d�� �_-
<br /> and reaton�bM NtYnUn ul�xplmdMun�ol Nqin��Orow IIMn� or othMwlN h�coorWnc�wkh�pplMtabM I�w. _
<br /> 7h� Fund� �h�N bY Mld In �n IntlNulbn wha�� dM=o�N� �n h�u�yd by � I�UM�I �9�+►oY� 1n�In,m�nalkY� a w►►RY (kaludinp
<br /> L,�ndM, N LandK M �uoh �n h�lkutlon) a !n�n�F��I Hom� lan Osnk. L�ndN�h�M oppy th� �und� to p�y th���orow INm�. -.-
<br /> L�nd�r m�y not ah�rp� BorcowM la Aoldin��nd�PDMMW t�Fund�,rnnu�Ny �ntytlnp th��tarow �COOUnt, pr wrlPyinp tff�E�orow _
<br /> It�m�, unMu L�nd�r p�ys BarowM ht�rMt on IM Fund� and�ppNo�bw Mw pMmRt UndM lo rt�ak�suah�oh�rp�. Howwn,LKid1r
<br /> rt�y nqurw Borrow:r ta �y a onc�trn�oAar�e ter R+►�ica�s^d�m�1 esUt� t�x nportin4 Nrv��upd by L�nd�r h oonrNOtton wRh �-
<br /> IhM ban,uniKS oppMCabM Mw provWM olhMwlN. UnIM��n WrNnMM M nwd�ar�ppMOaDI��w nqukN Int�rt�t tv b��Id,L�nd�►
<br /> �haN not b�nquM�d to p�Y B�ow� �^1' h�t«��� th�Fund�. Batow�r�nd I.�ndM nMy�pn�In wrkkr0�howw�r,thtl �
<br /> htu�st �MM b� p�ld on th� Fundf. L�rsdK stuiN pk� to 9arow�r, wNhout ohup�� m onnwl a000untinp ol tM Funds, �howlnp �
<br /> er�dk��nd d�bN�to th�Fund� �nd th�purpos�Mr whbh�oh d�bk to th� Fund�wa rtNd�. TM Funds w pMdped u addllioml ~
<br /> caaurky la aN sumi waund by thk S�ourky Inswmmt• �w�
<br /> tl tl»Fund� hald by Und�r�xcs�d th�vncwnts pwmMUd to W hNd by �ppMa�bM i�w�Und�r thaM account to Barow�r 1or lh� '*
<br /> �ocass Funda h acoordanc� wkh thM nquirwnw►u of�pplb�M kw. If tM �mount oi the Funds h�W by L.end�r at �ny tkn� N not �
<br /> suffbl�r�t to pay th�Esarow Ibmt wh�n du�,L�idK m�Y so noNy Qorrowe h wrkinp,and, In suoh oaN Borrow�r sh�M pay to L.M�du �
<br /> th�artwunt n�cw�uY to m�c�up th� dNbMnoy.Bortow�r�haN nxk�up th� dNloMnay h no mon th�n Mr�lw monthy paymmri,�t �
<br /> � ..
<br /> L�ndwf iof�dkontbn. �J�
<br /> lJpon p�ymmt in IuN of dl sums pCUnd by tht�8�aurlly InstrumN�t,I.�nd�r thaM pranPlb►Nund to BorrowK�ny Funds hNd by
<br /> L�nd�r. N,und�r panOnph 21, Un�r fhaN�aquln a sN th� PropKty, I.�nda,prbr to th� �aqukkion or saM of th�Prop�ty,shal
<br /> �ppy�ny Fund�haW by L�ndK at th�tY�w ol�equ{�ltbn or cals ts a cnMh ep�.het lhs wms aaund by thfs S�curky IntWmM�G ___.
<br /> 3.AppllcaUon of P�ym�nts. Unl�ss nppMC�bl�kw prOVld�s othKwlN,IIN paym�ntt r�C�lwd by I.MtdK undM pat�Qnpht
<br /> � �nd 2�haM b� �pplf�d:tlnt,to�ny pnpaym�nt ohup�s dw undK t►w Noq;acond,to�mounu p�y�bM und�r panpnph 2; thk0
<br /> to ht�+st dur,tourth,to p�inotp�l dur,md kst,to�ny kt�oharpa du� und�r th�Nota.
<br /> 4. Chnr�ea; LlOfit. BoirowK�haN pay �N tiusi, �s�K�ts, clwQss. fY� �t►d ImpotRton� attrbuUbM to tM Ptopwty
<br /> whbh rtwy ntt�in prbrNy ovar thb S�curky Instrumant, and kae�hold paym�nri or pround nnt�, M any. BortowK shaM paY th�q
<br /> oblip�tbna h th�rt�nnK provld�d in p�nOnph 2,or R not p��d In thtt rtwm�r�BorrowK shaM pRy th�n on tim�dinoty to th�p�►ton
<br /> owW p�yment. Bortow�r ahaA prompty lumith to L�nder�N not�N of �mounts to M putd undr fhK pwpnph. If BorrowK malcM
<br /> th�e�p�ym�nts dwcty, eorrowK thaa prompty h,mbh to t�nd�r napcs wldmohp th�paymmu.
<br /> Borcowar�haY prompty dkoh�rp��nY �+ whfoh ha� prbrky ov�thM 6�au�ky Insbummt unlK� BortowK:(�)�p+w� M wrRtq to
<br /> th�payirwnt ot th� obNprtbn s�cund by th�Wn In �m�nnK��P�M�o ��lb)contKb h pood hkh tb N�by� or�MMnd�
<br /> .. Y�e�a whl¢h h th�LMldws Ophbll OfM/�t�to p�w�nt tf1�MItOfCMllMlt of tM NMI;Of(o)
<br /> ip�insi�nivri.�irt�w�i i+��iii 1 wi:i��'..�j'Q!D�t-'C--""�-
<br /> NcurM hom th� hokMl pf ttN NM1 ��MrtMnt wthfrotory to L.�ndK wbordhaflnp ttN M�n to thM 8�ourNy Instrummt. H I.�nbr
<br /> dM�rmYia tMt �ny put of tl�Prop�ty R�ubJ�ct M a tMn whiah rr�y �t1aYi DrtaltY owr thM &curlH k►sWmw�t� I.�ndK rt�y pk�
<br /> ' BarowK a notia idmUN„0 th�pen. Barowu thaM atMy tM Mn or tak�on�or mon ot th��otb�s Nt IoRh�bow wkhb /0 dty�
<br /> of th�pNY►p of notk�.
<br /> 6. H�ard or Properry In�urane�. eorrow.. �har kMv en. 'nwrov«^�^a ++ow «a�cr+p a n«whK �no»d on �
<br /> prop�ty Insund�Wlnst bss by M. hmrds InoluWd wkAh tM t�m '�o�Nn�Md oowr�"�nd�ny oth�r Iwsrd�� YnoUdinO tbod�or
<br /> flaodYW, lor whbh UndK nQulrN Insunnc�. Thk InsunNC� �h�N M tn�Mbh�d h tM �rtiounb artd for tM p�riod� tM! L.�ctdK
<br /> �i.t., Th� h+��n�oartbt ptovldin0 tM inwr� sMA b�OhoMn by BotfowM wbJ�d1 to L,�ndw�rppbvt�whlCh sh�N not b�
<br /> unnaton�by wKhh�Yl. M flarowM hIM to mnintain Cownp� dNCrb�d �bo+s�I.�nd�r rt�y.at LindK� optlon�obWn oovw■U�tu
<br /> prOt�ot I.�nd���Iphb In th�Pt0{�ty h acCOrdlnc�wlth puspnph 7.
<br /> AA Inwma P�IM�nd nn�w�M�h�l W�ccptabM to UndK and thaN holud��st�nd�rd matp�p�oiwM. I.�dM�h�M h�w
<br /> tM Apht t0 hold tIN pOIICMs�r1d nN�Mwak. If L�ndM Aqu1nM� BOrtovwr�htN prompty piV�t0 LKIdK�N r�C�ts Of pald pnmMMnt
<br /> �nd nn�wal notk�. M tM rwnt of bss,Barow�►thal plw PromPt notk;�to tM Inau�c�c�rrl�'md L.«�dK•t.�nd�r m�Y m�c�
<br /> proof of bso M not rtNd�txarpty by BarorrK•
<br /> UnIKS L�ndK�nd Borrowa oth«wip+pn�„+�tinp�hwr�na Proo�sMN b�appN�d to rataatlon or�pat W tM Prop�tY
<br /> d�m�p�d, M tM nstontlon a npatr k�aonom�cRNY Nas4N and t�nd�� s�curNy N nut Msf«Nd. If tM �wtontion or np�ir N not
<br /> �conombaNy MasbM or L�ndws �acurity wouid b�Nss�d. th� hwnncs proaNds shaN b� �ppN�d to tM wms �x�d br thls
<br /> S�curNy InsWrtNr►t, wh�tt►K or not tMn du�. wkh �ny �xc�sf p�W to BotrowK. tf 8orrow�r �b�ndons th� Prop�rty� o► dOMi not
<br /> �n�w�r wkhln 30 dsYs a notic� kom L�ndK th�t th� imw�nc� o�rtie► has oflK�d to �ttM • oyMn. tMn UndK m�Y coM�o! tlw
<br /> hiuw�c� P�xMd�. LK►dK may us� th� procMds to nMr a nston tho Propwty or to pay �uma �ecund by thk B�CUrMY
<br /> Imtrummt,wh�th«'or not th�n dw.Th�30tlay pKlod wW Dph whM�th�notic�M pNw�.
<br /> UnMss L�ndK md Bortow�r othNwis�ayn� In wrillnp�u►Y�GP�tb^ of prawd�to prMcipd sMN not aMnd a potlpaN th�
<br /> dus d�t�ot tM monthy payrt»nt� rNlrtrd to N pl�reaaPh� 1 �tld 2 0►Ot1�tp� tM�nlout►t Of tM p�yrt�te. M und�r pu�paph 21
<br /> lM Prn�ty k aaqulnd by L�nd�r, Barow�s rlp'ht t�any hsunnc�polbws�nd proc�b nsukinp kom d�rt�to th�Prop�fy PAor
<br /> to ttN �Cqulskbn tl►�N patt to I.�ndK t0 tM IecNnt of tM swM ��CUwd by MI� S�ourNy klttrtmNnt M�wn�dMMy P� � �
<br /> �CQukkfon.
<br /> 8. Occupaney� Preservation, Mdntenanc� end Protsctlon ot tha Prop�rty; Borrow�r's L.o�n
<br /> Application; L�asehold�. Botrow�r�haN ocouDl/. ���n..nd ua m.Prop«q as earow.r•prhola.i nswmc.��e�htn e�r
<br /> d�ya aR�r th�oocrcution of thb S�curlty In�trum�►t md tMN casthw to occupy tM F��,w�y as 8ertowM't prinalpal�aakfmco for at
<br /> Mast on� yNr �R�r th� dat� of occupanay. unwfe L�ndK oth�wfq p�Nt fn wflthp� whbh conpnt thaA not b� wxN�on�by
<br /> - wkhhNd,or unirss�xt�nualinp okcumttanas al�t whlah u�b�yond Borrovwrt oontrol. Borcow�r shaN not d�otroy,drn�pr or irtpalr
<br /> th� Proparty�allow th�PropKty to detKbnta,or commk wast�on th� Prop�rty. Borrow�r sh�N ha In dNauk M�ny torNkw��atlon or
<br />- prx�dinp,whNha olvN a crMinal,b b�pun th�t h Lond�s pood lakh JudprtNnt ooutd rault h lorlekun o}th�Proprty or otA�wk�
<br />- e_ ...w � w.r...r .n.�
<br /> - mat�r�llyr Imp�M th� IiNI O(Mtid by thf9 SeCU►4y tnswm�� or L�nti�i s sGuii�'wj niw�i. w���..... ...�".� .�'....� :.... � ��_ _•-
<br /> � r�hat�t�, as provfd�d h panpreph 18,by oauth� tt�� aotbn or procMdhp to b�dbmisa�d wkh a ruilnp that, h l.Midwt pood t�Rh
<br /> :� dotsrminttbn, p»o�des toMkun o} the Bortow�t ht�t In th� PropKty or oth�r mat�rMi fmpairmmt of tM IIM� ctwbd by lhM
<br /> S�curky Inshume►t or L�ndK'e aocurky ht�st. Borrowa shiN al�o b� In d�Hult If BarowK, durinq th� lan �ppMaatlon proc�ss,
<br /> qeve maiprkty tako or intcounta hlomutbn or autements to LmdK (or hY�d to provid� Londar wkh any mat�ri�� htortrM�tlon) In
<br /> connectbn wkh th� ban wldmcad by tM Nob. lncludlnp,but no!NmR�d to,npnt�nhtanR conc�minp Borrow�t occupuwy of th�
<br /> Fropaty as a prinolpal nsklsnc�. If thfs Sacurky InsWmK►t b on a Mu�hold. BorrowK fhaN compy wlth aN th� provldont of tho
<br /> lease. If Bortower acquirea tee tkle to the Prop�Ay,ths leasohold �nd lh�k� tNk �h�N not m�rp� unNss tM L�ndK �pna to th�
<br /> mgrqgr In wrRhq. Form aot�i/a0
<br /> + Ff0a9.LM0(t0/07) Pap��ol 6
<br /> i
<br /> 1
<br /> � eos
<br /> � _
<br />