� �
<br /> , . ' � �._���W_
<br /> x ,.. . �:,,ry�.,• - r",�.'„r�`°h.;���: :
<br /> � � .;,,f yarn,. . ..jy.,..p..,,.r,a,»:�.. %wx;.in• ... ...-: . . . ` ... . .. ------ �--
<br /> ,�, eei,_.�� � • . � " t
<br /> � ' ...,...� �'��,.
<br /> � �� 18. Bo�rower'a Riyht ta FiNn�tits• u oorrowa mx+o ofAnln non4Rbne, �onow.r sh�M h�w tn� ripM lu n�w i».�.
<br /> �" '�nfarcament ot thh &�ourKy inawm�nl dNaontlnu�d �t �ny lirr�prbr to tM N+IMr ot; (�) 6 d�y� (or woh oth�v pKbd�� appMel�bM �;
<br /> t�w may speeMy for rehsut�nrnt)b�fo» aM ot th� Prop�ty punuant to �ny poww ol ul� aont�ln�d In lhb 3�CUtNy In�IrumNti; or
<br /> � (b) �r+try of�JudpmM�l �ntarolnp lhh 8�aurAy Instrum«►t. Tho��aondKWn� u�lh�l BonowK: U) WY� �M��M �u�� whbh IMn
<br /> ' would C� du� und�r thN S�aurily Imtrum�nt �nd lh• Not� u� N no �cCeNr�tb� 1►td ocaurt�d; (b) oun� �ny d�huK ol my olMr
<br /> • .r aown�nt or �prMrrnnts; (o� p�ys sfl�xp�n�os haurrod�i N►forolnp thNt S�aurNy IntWm�n►, holudk►p, but nat IimU�d to, nuAnabM
<br /> attom�ys'fae�;tnd(d)tak��such aotbn at L�nd�r m�y na�on�by nq�ek�to uwr�lh�l th�M�n of lhM 8�ourky IntWm�nl,I.�nd��
<br /> � ' rqhto In th� Prop�ty�nd Bonow�s obNp�tlon to pay tho wm�acund by thk&�ourity ln�t�umK►t�h�ll contlnu�unoh�np�d. Upon
<br /> rohstatwrier►t by BoROww, thfs S�aurltyr Imtrument md th�obNp�lbn�faound h�nbY sMtN r�ln NNy Mf�athrs�s M no �ccNm�:k�n
<br /> had occuR�d. MowwN,thM rqht to ninsut�sh�W nol�Wply H lha ra:o ot accal:mtMn uncl�parepreph 17. _
<br /> ' `°� 19. Sate ot Nots; Char��e of Lo�n Servlesr. TM NOM M a pYtkl htKMt M1 th� Not� (top�thK wNh lhN &�CUrriy —_
<br /> Instrumont)rtKy be eold on�or moro th�ss wRhout prior notic�to Bortoww.A ttN trMy nsuk h�ohinp�In th��ntky(knawn u►M �-,
<br /> �.
<br /> "Lo�n fiKV��r') that oolNots monthy paymmb dw ur�dK th� Not� u►d thfs 8�curky ImWm�n4 Th�n t ko maY b� on� or moro (Q _„
<br /> ;�'�'s''" ohanpes of th�Loan Sarvb�r unnistod to a saM of th�Note. It th�n k a oh�np� ot th�Loan 8�rvfc�►.9orrAw�r wIN b�oA�w��� ! v-
<br /> � notb� af Sh� ohtnp� h aeaordanCa wRh paaynph 14 abow and appllaabN Mw. Tti� not��wIN state t��narrN�nd addnts of th� �:
<br /> : new Lonn Sarv��r end the addnss to whf�h paym�nt� �hould W mad�. Th� notla�wlu�bo oontah my oth�r Intomutbn nqulnd by G i -
<br /> applb4bW law. "
<br /> 4 20. Hazardoua Substences. Bortow�r shall not cws� or p�rmR tha prosonc�, us�, dbpou�,stonp�, or r�lsu� of�ny
<br /> � Haurdou� Subsunc�e on ar In tha PropeAy. BoROwe sh�N not d�,nor a�low anyon�ok�to do��nythlnp af(eath9 th�Prop�Ay thtt �
<br /> , Prop�rty of srtwY qu�klea ofnH�urdous Substu+Cea thit�ar� pYnKallYcnOOpnWd to be appropriata os oCrtnal rlsidmtrl uAas md t0 �
<br />- , rr�lntonanc� of th�PropKty.
<br /> Borrower ehaM prompty piw L�ndor wrkNn oot��ot�ny invatqttbn,o1�Yn,d�nd� �Wwk or athar aetbn by�r►y powmm�nb�
<br />. or rpu�tory tp�nay or prNtt� puty hvoNinp th�Propwiy u►d anY Ha:ardous&ubatnnce nr�nvironmontal Law of whbh Bortowa hu �
<br /> � actual knowMdps. It Borrowor Mun�� or 1�notRNd by any povammental or npul�tory athurNy, th�t tny roawval ��o�hK nmr 1i�t{on
<br /> o! ony Huardous 5libstanc� tl(ectinp tha PropKty b n�ceaf�ry, Borrow�r chaN prompty t�k� aN nac�asary rortwdkl �otkH�s In
<br /> accordanco wkh Envlronmental I�w.
<br /> � As us�d M thls parapraph 20, 'Hmrdous &ibet�nc�s' w thoa wb�tu�a�� dMhod �� toxb or hw�rdoue subsWC�s by
<br /> Envlronrtwntal Law ond the folbwhq aubstana�3: pnsolfne, k�roaM�e, otha fymm4ble or toxks p�troNum produob,toxb patbida and
<br /> � herbbb�a, voYtita eoAtinte, matari4la oontthiny stb�stos or Porm�Id�hYd�� and ndbaothri mat�tab. As us�d In thl� pwp�pn 20,
<br /> "Envkonmantal Law' means teda�a� kws and kwf of th� Juri�dbtbn whK� the Proparty b locstod th�t nlnt� to hwkh, ubty or —
<br /> . �'s envlronm�ntal protootbn.
<br /> ;r. " NON•UNIFORM COVENANTB. Borcowx Md L�nder fudha aown�nt�nd�prM ts foMow�:
<br /> � •, l 21. AcceleraUon; Remedies. Lender �hell �Ivs notics to Borrower p�tor to �oeeler�flan foibwinp
<br />�. , � Borrower'a bre�ch of �ny couenant �r�nn,i�.�ie�sw nrovideseotherwl�ej uTh� noUeo shNl pip oity:
<br />:,�: �cceieraii6n unua� �i«�Qi�h 73 ..�l._.._ -r.-••--�-
<br />=� � (a) the dehuit; (b) ths �oUon �equir�d to curs th� defwit; (a) • dat�, not less th�� 30 q�ys irom aw
<br />`''�"�'" " dete the noUee is qiven to 8orrower, by whlch ths dahult must be cured; and (d) thet Milun to aure
<br />��r • the deteutt on or betore the dete dpecifted in the notJce mey rewit In �cceleration oi the wMt
<br /> ..,._„ Th� notice ahall tuMher inform
<br />-,t. - ��,.�,*;�, secured by this Securlty In�VumaM �nd �ale of ths Property.
<br />���� " � ' eorrower of the rlyht to rainstete �Rer �ccelention md the riqht to brtn� • coun �atlon tA atsert th�
<br /> .._`rl4':�.:i��•��
<br /> �. 0 4�-�....[
<br />�.n�;.��..ti�� non-exiatence of e deteult or any other defense of Borrower tv accelsntion �nd ale. It the defeu t •
<br /> �- f•���° not cured on or before th� date specltled !n ths notic�� Lender at tt� optlon m�y rsqulre Immedtau
<br />�x�•�='•� � p�ym�nt In tult ot �ll wm� aeaured by this See�rity Instrument without turih�r d�m�nd �nd m�y
<br />--_ _--�• l:s:M4e l.�e pewer At aa1• �nd �ny other r�m�dtes p�rmltt�d by �pplia�ble I�w. L�nd�r �ll W _
<br /> �;;�r;�;.';'''� antitled to aolleat dl ��enses I�currod In purautnp the r�msdl�s provid�a in ru`�i,� pwa��.�t� Z1�
<br /> ��=� '�--s°� Includinp,but not tlmlted to, re�sonsbl��ttorney�' teea md costs of tltle evldencM.
<br />—"''""':=:`_?� If th� pow�r of �ale Is Invoked� Yruste� shdl record � notic� oi d�hult in sach county in whloh
<br /> -� ���:�.�:;� any p�t of tha Property is loe�ted �nd �II mall copl�s of wch notic� In the msnn�r pres�Nb�d by
<br />�����r_"T��� appliceble law to Borrower �nd to the othet peraons pr��crib�d by �pplic�bi� law. Atter � Um�
<br />�-__���� requl�ad by �ppilcable I�w,Trunee �hall qive publla notla� of al� �o th� pe�aona and In th� m�nnK
<br /> a..::������:� pres�ribed by �ppliceble law. Yrustem, without demmd on Borrower, sh�ll sell tht Property �t publlc
<br /> auatlon to the hiqhest bidder �t ths ttme �ed pt�e� and under the terms d�alpnated In th� notic� ot
<br /> ' `�'��� •� �ale In one or moro pe�cei� and ir� eny order Trustes determtnes. Tru�te� m�y postpon� al� ot dl
<br />�'��' or any pucel oi the Property by pubiic announcement �t ths tlme end plece of my provlou�ly
<br /> -�=�:�� aaheduled sale. Lender or Its deaipnee msy purchase the Property�t�ny ade.
<br /> -"�""' �"�' Upon recelpt nf payment of th� p�lce bld� Trustss sh�ll detiwr ta the purchaser Tru�te�'� ds�d
<br /> ._;�---{G eonveyinq th� Property. 7he reeitds tn th� T�u�t�e's deed sFwti bs prim� hcle �vid�no� ot th� eruth
<br /> - �•""`'�' � of the statements made theretn. Trustee ahalt �ply the procesds oi ths aele In the followln� order:
<br /> `-'�'" (s) to sll coaU�nd expenaes of exerclainp the power of aale, �nd the al�, inoludinp ths paymmt oi
<br />—"._:N�'�+� ths Trustee'�feea�aw�lly Inearred� not b �xceed 3 %of th� pHncipal �moun�of U� nots
<br /> ' at the tims of the d�clK�tlon of default� �nd �e�uon�bl� �ttorn�y'a lees as p�rmitted by Isw; (b)to dl
<br />-- . . wms seoured by this Security Instrumsnt; end (c) �ny sxaea to the penon or per�on� Is��lly
<br /> entltied to it
<br /> � 22. Reconvoyance. Upon payment of aN sumf sacurod by thlt S�eurky Inetrum�►t,L�ndK eh+�M nqwst TrustM to nconwY
<br /> • • ths Propsrty and thall surrondx thb Sacurky Imtrumont and�N not�s widenohp d�bt acund by thM S�curlly Imwmmt to Truat».
<br />°' � Trustee shaY raaonvay th�Prop�rty wkhout wartu►ty md wkhout chtrpo ro th�p�non or p�ono Mpaly mtRled to k. Suoh p�rson or
<br /> - � persons shaN pay any recordotbn costs. _
<br /> 23. Substitute Truatee. Lender, at Ra optbn, may kom tkne to tYns nmov�Trustes end �ppoht a sucC�ssor WstM to -
<br />� eny Trustee appohted hereunder by an Inatrument recorded h tho county In whbh this Socurky lnetrument b r�aord�d. Wkhout
<br /> .r... .�.c..,.,.,a. .����.ncnr m,stm shaU nucceed to all the tRfa,pow�r�nd dutks ooniatred upon Truatea I�anh and by
<br /> . .._ . _-_ wii:�:."iv�v. ..���..�.
<br /> applictbla kw. •...
<br /> 24. Request for Noticee. Borrower roqwsts that oopws of th�notl���of dN�uk and s�la b� alnt to Bortow�s addr�s+s
<br /> whbh Is th�Propwty Addrese.
<br /> 26. Riders to thia Security InsVumen� it om or moro ridert an �oc�cuted by BorrowK �nd ncordod topath�.wtn
<br /> thls Saourky InsWment,tha oovenants and aproaments of eeoh suoh rWar sh�il b�Inoorponbd hto and ohall am�nd md euppkmont
<br /> tho oovenanta and aqreemenW of thls 3oaurity Inetrumant as M thn rider(e)wsn a put ot thb SeCUrlty Inetrumsnt.
<br /> Form ao�a vroo
<br /> Ff02Y.1M0(10/D7) P�Q�t 01 6 ,
<br /> _ I
<br /> � 606
<br /> _ i _ _
<br />