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<br /> . . . . � - -�� . 97—�4��lo�o LOA�!NO. �'�� ��} _
<br /> ,f�T ' � �. t0.Candemn�tiQ�'f.The procesds of any ewar�or clatm tor damages,direct or consequer�lal,tn cannection�nrtth � `
<br /> � . . - r �- arry condemnatton or opher ffi Mng o f any R a t t o f t h e Pra pe r t y.or for conve y a nc�In tieu of ccndemnatton.are hereby . ; `
<br /> . �,;-7-�. asslgnad and sha!!tra pa[d to Lender. __ —�
<br /> . �� � , ��`.� in the eve�t of a tatal taldng of ths Proparty.the proceeds shall b�applled to the sums sacured by L1i�Secur�l •
<br /> . ta! W to Borrower.ln the event at a paRtal taking ot the Property U
<br /> ,' - ;. . - tnsVumer►t.whether or not 4i�en d[[e.vritl�any exc�ss Pa to or greatet than the amount ot the -
<br /> " � ' ��ich the tatr madcet vatue ot ths Rroperty irnmedlateiy betore the ffiking ts equal ,
<br /> ` �;;.� surns secureci by thls SecurRy tnstrumert irr�medlatety before the 4aking,unlesa Ba�ower and Lendsr othenxise agree tn i
<br /> - , = w r i t t ng,t l t a s�u n s s s cnred b y thi�Secur�y MstrumerrL shaB he reduced by the amouM of the praceads mtdtlPHed by th� :
<br /> � :', teiiawing ftact(on:(a)the total amoutrt of the sums secur e d imm e d L a t e l y be f o r e t h e t a k t rt g.d l v i d e d b Y(b j t h e f a t r m a d c� .
<br /> - �, vatua of the Progesry immediatety before Me takirtg.My bafance shal!he patd to Borrower.in the eve�ef a partial .
<br /> � y _�_
<br /> --�`s�-� tak�g flf the Properiy tn which the tair market value af the Property tmmedtateiy before Me taking is tess than the - -
<br /> � �se g
<br /> amo�mt af ffia sums secured tmmediffie1y before the tatcing,uNe�B��c�e �sscus�ed b this 5e�g 4f
<br /> ' uNess appttcabfe law o4he�w'ise pravides.the pmceeds slral� �PP
<br /> Irtst�tmerd whether or not the sums are then due. ,•�,� < .�
<br />- . . lfthe Property Is abandoned by Borrower.or[f.atisr rto�ce by Lenderto Borrowerthatthe candemnor ofters to • .� �_
<br /> .. _. . make an award or seltle a datm for dama es.Barrower ia4s to respond to Lender wkhtn 30 days after the date ffie -
<br /> , . � . : Ratit;e is given.Lender is auth�ed�is S��uri$h►I strume�wh�ea o ao�t then due fther to restoration or repair of the
<br /> � Propetty or to the sums Y •�
<br /> `Y` Unless Lender and Borrower otherwlse agree tn wrWng.any appllcatio�of proceeds to principal shafl nai e�end or •..•;.;,'
<br /> . . , ` •`�` Postpone the due date of the marnhty RaYmeMs referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amourn af such .._ ,
<br /> � - PaYmetns- � �: , `
<br /> -. 11.Batroxrer Nat Reteas¢d:Forbearartce By Lender Not a Waiv$r. Extension af the time far paymer�t or _ ..:;m:
<br /> . � L_``;':� mndiflc�ton of amart�don of the sums secured by this Securfty InsW ment gtanted by Lender to arry successor(n ,4
<br /> �� ` � irrterest ot BoRawer shafl rtct operete ta rel�se the IIabIl�y of the odgtnal Borrower or Borrowar's suc�ssoas tn -
<br /> � i�st t.ender shal1 not be required to commence proceedings against any successor tn tr►terest ar refuse to extend `
<br /> _. Y = time for paymerd or othen�vise modNy amo�tion ot Ure sums secured by this Securityy tnswment by reason of ar►y -':,� ;
<br /> - ----�- demand made by the origirral Borrawer or Bonawer's successors in(r�te�esi.My firbeatance bY Lende��e��ng ,. ..`
<br /> � ,'.`� a r ry d g h t or�emed y shatl nat be a watver of or predude the exercise of anY d9M or remedy. _
<br /> - .� h' "''�' �. Co-stgnera.The cavenaMs and agreements af '{:
<br /> � ' .: :'�:;� 1 2 S u c c e s s o r a a n d A s s��s B o u nd;loiM end Several Ua�ilRy;
<br /> . ,«.r`�•.� -`�,�,:
<br />. :..�.� y".:r,: this Securiry InsUUment shall b nd and benefli the successors and ass tgns a f L en der a n d B o R a w e r,s u b j e c t w t h e
<br /> .,. -�;... p�avisions oi grapb 17.Boirawer's covenaMs an d agre�m e n t s s h a U 6 e j o hrt a nd ssveral.M y Borrower who ... .
<br /> - - - - :��Y casigns this ecuriry�nswmern but daes rtot execute ths Nate:(a)ts c�stgning this Sec�uity ir�ument onty to �;_ ;..
<br /> . � `" ,; ;:, mortgage.�ant and corivey that Borrouuar's irsterest in the Praperty undar the terms af this Security instrumer�(b)�s -
<br /> ::��;.:. .�. _,� :`,;;N��� not persona!(yy o61lgated to pay the sums secured by thts Secarfty InswmeM:and(c)agrees that Lender and at►y other
<br /> na
<br /> ,.�.�,„ _
<br /> ,�r.... Bonower may agree to extend.mcdiiy,forbear ar mafce any eccommcdahons with regard to the tetms of this SecuritY
<br /> . , �:.;`.;;°.< ` tnsYrumer�t or the Note without 41rat Ba�eowePs consem. �- -
<br /> n �,
<br /> . .: ,.,,�;,�:4;;�: �
<br /> � .`:,4�,:� 13.Loan Chargea ff the(oan sr+�red by thia 5ecu�ity Insirttmern is subject to a faw which sets ma�dmum taan �
<br /> �`. '.
<br /> . � . , ��a�,�nd that law is finaliy ir�terpreted so that the iMerest or other laan charges collected or to be caltected in ,-,.
<br /> . connec�ion witit the loan exceed the permftted limits,then:(a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the arnount , ;�^.�
<br /> necessary to reduce the oharge to the permitted qmft;and(b)ar►y sums aiready coltected from Borrower whtch „�
<br />_ �:.,�„r,.. exceeded permitted limits wiU bs�ded to Borrower.Lender may choose to maice this r�iund by�ctng the �_.,� :
<br /> principal owed under the Note or 6y making a direct�Yme rn ci�rge under the Not��es principal�the reductlon _ �; :
<br /> wiil be t�eated as a partla!PrePaymeM wfthout arry P P Ym
<br /> ' 14.NOtiCea My noticeto Borrower prav►aeo for in ihis�i��tyi[�-t�uissent�.'�!t�g�:8t!t2�•iat(YerjAB tt or by -� ;.
<br /> , : .:4 . m�In9 n by flrst class mail untess appiicat�le law requtres use of another rrtFxhad.The nottce shall be directed to the t
<br /> , •. � ���t��.. •� Pro e Addresa or�rry other address Bor�ower destgnates by notice to Landec My nattce to Lender shafl be gfiren �;;,
<br /> ' �. �1a' ?�� by r�aass map to LendePs addr�ss stated herein or any other address Lender destgnates by notice to Borrower.My E�
<br /> . .,,:���.,..
<br />- , � "`��,�; � natice provided for tn this Securfty fr�suumerrt shall be deemed to have been gtven to Bom�wer or Lender when gtven . �
<br /> � . �� ::; as provided tn this paragraph. =.:�-
<br /> ' ; ''. :i'' 15.GovemTng Laxr,Severabii�y.Thts$ev.:r�.y Insi�umerR shall he govemed by federal taw artd�s tauu of the �:`'-...:
<br /> � .�� �;��:;,'.�.•; � iurisdiction U whichthe Property is toc�ted•In the�veM that arry ravision or dause of this Secur�Lr�rumerd or�e �..,;�.
<br /> , r��� _,:. Note coriflictswfth appiicabte law.s�ch conflict strafl not aft�t�er provislona of this Seaudiy Insuumen4 orthe Note
<br /> . ;,,,....: which can be given eftect without tCn�ccnfltctlng pravision.T��s end the provisions of t?��Securfty Instrument and the �,:
<br />- t� . ;,.,; Note are dedared to be severabte. -
<br />�':�.,;� . .- 18. BarroweP9 Copy. Borrower shall be given one ccMormed capY ct the Not9 and o!this Security InsW mer+t.
<br />'`�`�'��� � � 17. Trenster of tbe Properiy or a Bereeftcial IMerest tn Borro�rer. tfi�.'1 or eny part af the Propetty or any _
<br /> •� � tnterest in it is soid or transferred(or H a beneflatai tnterest tn Borrower is satd or tran�eired and Barraw�r 1s not a '---'-
<br /> _ � • � naturaf peraon)without Lender's prlor w�itten consent,Lender may.at its optlon.req�.�dmmediate paymeM in fiAl cf aU �;__�_"
<br /> � � suma secured by thls Security Instrument However.this opiton sha11 not be exercised by Lender if exercise is
<br /> . �- � �: � prohibPted by federal S^w as of the date oi this Security tnstnrment.
<br /> =.�r: ,: �, : .,, FOAM362B9/90 .:
<br /> _ ' . � �-•s'`;:: �. NEBRI�Il616-S3�iCslg FAMiLY—FHlAA/FfiLMC UHIFORM IN9TR PAM£PS'�Of e
<br />-- . � ISC/CMOTNE//0792/3028(9�9D)-L �-
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