,1,` •.r'.�_.'_� . ..... ' ..... ._. ..- ._�. ' ' '_
<br /> T�� . . . . � _ , , _'___ _ _ _ .k-- .s -.
<br /> � �. _ �
<br /> , .. < -� �.. : . .
<br /> r: - � . �
<br /> . , i. ♦
<br /> � �
<br /> _. .. ' - ".. ... . . � . _ ,' - � c. '--" `_- .%4 r
<br /> �t' . ' . •l', ><• '_/•_-•___.S�_.._, • . . s.. - .._.V...�._..,_-.'-. -_.-'. ... . _ ,.!_�:
<br /> . � � t ,
<br /> G
<br /> _'� . . �7 /0��1(o b ' . _ � .
<br /> ' LOAN P10.
<br /> . �'
<br /> ------ -- If Lertder exercises this optte da eRthe no�Ucc�gs d8j�vered ot�m�afl�ed w'��ihi�n wh�fc�h Borrowe rmust pay all sums se aed 3 .-__.-�_
<br /> .. �.,� of noi tess ihan 3D days irom th r faDs to these sun�s�rtor ca the e��an of th1s pedad.Lender may imrotce '� - �
<br /> . _.._.� by thIS SeCUrny�nstrumglR if BoirOwe PaY - r .-_�.; ._
<br /> � y IRShumerrt without t u r t h er n o N c e o r d e m a n d o n B o r r o w e r.
<br /> . any remesitespemnitted byth�sS�► � .- .------. :
<br /> �. 18.Borrox�rer'8 RigM to IRe�insmm rtt discotRinuetl at any tim p or to the�eatii a#'.�(a)5�claY$��$�h�other�pedod •- •, -
<br /> e�torcemant ot th(s Secuti►Y tor reinsmiemer�t)beiore sate of the Property Pwsuant to any power of saie containad In '.
<br /> . as apPilcabte taw may sPecHY e oT a adgmerR entorcing this SecudtY insWmer�.Those condiitons are that � ,' .° �.� .
<br /> thts Security tnswmei►t;or(t�) MN I .�'. �: � �
<br /> � � Borrower.(a)pays Lender all sums whtch then woWd be due under this Sacu�ity l�suumert an s��8n es[ncuRed •`''-
<br /> . . � acceteration had occurred;(b)cures any deiault af any athsr cove��t��fees-,�and(�takes such action .. .
<br /> <' tn er�torcireg this Security Inswmeni,tndud�ng.ttut not limfted to. i��erR,Lender's dghts in the�roperry ar�d _::-..-:_ -_�_. -
<br /> .^ ` �-�`-=,-=_` as Lender may reaso�rabhi requtre ta assure that the Uen of this Secur(!yl __�,-•�'� - _-
<br /> '. . � �. B arrower's obtl�ton to paY the sums secured by this Sec�riry Instrumsnt sha11 corninae�nchanged.Upon .
<br /> . reinstatemerrt by Borro�uer.this Securfty Instrumerit an d t he o b l i g a t l o n s p�j��e case cf ac�eleraUont unde�e as tf - . _, .
<br /> - no ac�eratlan had occu►red.However,th(s right to reinstate shati nat a ply :
<br /> . ' � P��Pfi 17. etherwRhthis Security 4:r�:
<br /> 48.Sale o!Note;Change ot Loan Servicer. 'fhe Note or a partiai interest tn the Note(tog .:`:.';^: .
<br /> • • tnstrume�)maY be soid one or more tlmes wlthaut prfor ��due ur�@the N e�s�d t�s S tecu����mertt'Th�e ; •�
<br /> � ((movun as the Laan Selvioef}tt�at ccSlecxs�assthhtY PaY+n . . .,,�. .'<";'''""
<br /> t
<br /> � ', � � also may be one oF more changes" en n�af U►e�change tn�accordan�vdh � graph 14 a6oand a�P���e tauu. -,�::�_-�;
<br /> Senrlcer.Bomower uuitl be g'nren umtt ents shout � :; �,_ .
<br /> � � The nottce wiq stats the name and address at ttte new Laan Sen►icer and lth�e tauu. to which paym i: . .. „..._ __.
<br /> " . �� made. �he notice wfll atso cordain arry ather infom�ation requtred by�aPP storage,or rel�ss of ,t �-
<br /> � 1' 20.Hazar�dous Substances. Bomawer shall not cause or pertnii the presenr.�use.dtspasal, in a'ffecting , r
<br />� ` • � ,� ! any Fiazar+dous Subsiances on or in the Pra�Oerty.Borrower sha11 not do.nor attaw arryone etse t�do.Ian�ythme p�n� " _ _
<br /> the Properry Urdt is in vto�atton� �e�oi HamndousrSu�bsta�c�es that are generalty rec�agnb.ed to be . —_-
<br /> .>>•: uss.or storage on the PropsrcY _ _-
<br /> � � appropriate to normai residert�l uses artd to maiistenance af the Praperty. .. . _:
<br /> . Borrov+ter s h a 1 1 pro m p t l Y gnre L�nder writien notice of any inves�i9aiton,daim,daman�.
<br /> lawsuft or athar adton 6y ':: �.
<br /> . . - a n Y g a v e m m e r�t a i or re g u lato r f l a98n�5►cr prtvate party tmrolvtng the Property and any H a 7 a r dous S u b s t a nce ar ��;. _-�,�.
<br /> a ar
<br /> avemmetita!or ..,�..� .
<br /> • Er►vtronmeMai Law of which Borrower has a c t u a l k no w l e d g a ff B o r r o w e r l e a m s.o r i s n o t ff[e d b y a u�1 t g . .��—
<br />_ . '_ regulatory authorit�l,that any removaf or other remediatfon of ar�y►Hazardous Substance affecting the Property/is .'�.;�_:.`�;�
<br /> . _ - necessaN,B o r r o w ar s h a l l p r o m p tl y t a ke atl necessarN remedial actios�s in accordance with Emrironmetnal law. .` .,`.R�y
<br /> ,` ' ps us e d in t h i s p a r a g r a P h 2 0.°H a�r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s a r e those substanc�s defined as toxic or h a z a r�ous , y �,
<br /> s u�o s t a n c e s b y E m r i r o n m e r d a l L a w and the toltawing sulQ�snces:gasoline,kerosene.o t her flam m a b l e o r t o x i c ',,.:�
<br /> .. petroteum prad�cts.toxic pesttcides and harbiGdehs.��lab��►n►em��LauV'm�ted iergaf I�laws af the �� � �
<br /> =- � " and radtoactive materfats As used in this�ca9reP . _ ;�
<br /> . :':'. jurisdiction where the Property is la Bcated�a n d L e n d er furth� er co��ar►t and ag�ree as fotbws-� :',�'°;��.
<br /> ' ' ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. � ��"
<br /> • 21.Acceteratian;Remedies.Lender shall give notice to Ba�w►er prlor to acceteration toltowtng Boerower'� ,r,�,�:.,�^v
<br /> ,;�.�_
<br /> . . . : ��;���
<br /> . . breach of amf covertaM or a g r eem�M in thls Secuci4y tnsWmert�(�u�n e P he defau�tt-,(b�e ectio��utredlo ��ys
<br /> ' • tY uniess appUcabte law provides othenvise).Tha notlae sha!!spENty:O by�jch tPte �-
<br /> --. -- ---,:��:��- cure the detau�4;(c)a date�no tt�t tatt�e tod�the deta�o�vre beto e the d e Aeci�ft�n ffie notice may �' ` -���----
<br /> .�..:�:�._ de4autt mus4 be cured;and(d} y'; { �_
<br /> � �sutt m accetera�tan�i�i�a su�a s�:�by f�+.��Spcu�rity tastr�ment and sate ot th��roperty.Yhe rtottce shatl �.�
<br /> turiher iniorm 8arrower of the rtgM to retnstate after��eteration and the rigt�t to bring a cow�����:v a°°� ;':� .-...
<br /> � � � the non�ciatence o3 e detautt or any other detense��I�aRO�+++erto accetera4ton and sale.ft the 6etauit is n�t �,�-�
<br /> � 4e s ecfftet!in 4he notice,�.ender a4�ss��'tion may requtse immediate paymecn!n 4nA o1 ,i,
<br /> ' � �red on or betore the da p � -
<br /> . .. all sums secured by this Secu�ityl�bsW�� �nder st��be enttt(�d to coltect all expense.ps in�cuRed in pursuing � ,. +
<br /> -- other remedles Dennftted dY ePp it d t reasonab[e attomeys teea and coste ot �'"�•"=Y
<br /> _•1:,����, the remedtea provtded in this paragraph 21.tnaludirtg,but not tim e o. ; �-
<br /> � � - � titte evtdence. `"`
<br /> �� � N the power of sate ta imroked,Trustee shall re�or'd a notice of default in�ach.county M i�t b e(a to ot °�__ _
<br /> � � the Property is tacated and shall mafl coptee of such notice in tfas manner pressN�ed by ep� 1 a.__,
<br /> 1iCable taw, .� �;;
<br /> ' � 8arrower and to the other pereons pres�rlbed by appltc�bls faw. After ti►e time requtred dy epp
<br /> � �: Truatee shaJl give public noUcehall se11 the PropeRy M pa�blta auctton to he high�at blddep�at the ttme end plaeCe . :`. :..
<br /> vafihout demand on Barrower,s
<br /> � , �' and under the teems designated in the notice ot sa�o 5n one or mor�p�ic announcemeiyit a4 th0 time 0 plscei o a F?. � ,'.:'�.
<br /> � , `� �°` Trustae may postpone sate of aI1 or eny parcel of�e PropeRy by p b th
<br /> � �. � . '.� an y previous9yl scheduted sate. LenQer or�s desi�nee may purchase tho Property�t ee�Yl�le.
<br /> . . '� Upon receipt of payment o4 the price b i�,Tru s t e e s h a t i d e��.�r t o t h e p u r c h a s e r T c�t e e'e d e e d conve y in g
<br /> � . �� � the Proper¢y- T he r e c i t�i s i n t h e Truste�e's of th�e sale h the t it�vy ng ord��)to i costs n d exp e n s e s o f�ae .
<br /> t h e r e i n. T r u s'!e e s h 8 i 1 a��S y t h o p r o C e .
<br />-: . . .;�,:: , wRnnaoze9/ao . • ,.
<br />' • '';`a�.,; NEBRASI�Ai-�.'tiS'aLE FAMiLY—FNMA/FNLMC UNIFORNI IN9IRUGIENT � '. .
<br />.. �� �" ISC/CMOTNE//0792/30�(�0)•L PAaE 5 OF 6 :.
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