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<br /> k,. 2, Tpxos. Trustar shall pay e3Gh instaliment of atl taxes and special assessments of every kind. naw ar hereaiter
<br /> . t-, . fevied against the Trust Estate ar arN Den ti�e�eof. betore Qefinquenc.yr. withuut�otice ar demand. � ��,
<br /> 3. /rlsuraneo and Repal� 7rustot Shali maintain fire and extended coverdge insurance insuring the Improvements • -
<br /> ° - - `=�""`'� �enstituting paR of ttte Trust Estate tor such amounts and an such terms reasonably satisfaetarll to Beneficiary. So tong as the
<br /> � _ " PropertY►s secured Dy a first Qeed of uust or mortgage, comptiance wiM tt�insuranea requiremQnts of the f"ust deed of uust or __ _
<br /> ,'�° �°�" '' mortgage shaU be sufficient to saUstY the re4uirements of this parag�aPb 3 relating to insurance. _
<br /> . , `� . . Truster shati prompUy►repair and reptace the T�wt Estate or any part thereot so thaL except tor ordinary wear and tear. .
<br />� . . -� --� - the T�ust Estate shat!not detertorate. in no event shatt the Tnistar commit waste on ar to tt�e Trust Estate.ar commit,suffer or
<br /> ,_ �F ` '_ pem�it a�ry act to be dane in ar upan the Trwt Estate in vielauon of arry law,er�nance ar regutation. Trustor sha0 pay and premptty
<br /> � _ - diseharge at Trustor's cost and expense atl tiens.encumDrances and eharges levied.imposed or assessed against the Trust�state ---
<br /> � � ' or any paR thereof. .
<br /> � � 4. Aetlans AKectfug Tiust Estate. Trostor shaQ appear in and contest any action or proceeding Ourporting w affect ��:�
<br /> � . . the security hereof arthe rights or pewers of Beneficiary arTrustee.and shaA pay ail costs and expenses.inctuding eost of evidence ,
<br /> � � of title an0 attomeys'fees,in any such aCtion or proceeding in which Bene�ciary or Ttustee maY aPDe�• If Tnistor faiis to make
<br /> � any paymeM ar to do arry act as and in the manner provided in arry of tha Laan Inswments,Beneficiary and/ar Trt��e,each in ';.
<br /> . � � • their own�iscret3un.without obtigadon sa te do and without notice to ar demand upon Trustor and without reteasFng�rustar from .,<<.,
<br /> • (�- any obligation,may maka or do the same in sueh mannar and ta�uch extent as either may deem necessary t o p t o t e c t t b e s e e u r i t�t
<br /> _ �:�`• hereof. Trustor shall,Im�nedtatefy upon demand therefor by Benefiaary, Oay atl costs and expenses incurred by BeneNaary in
<br /> -- ---- � connectian with the exereise by Beneficiary o!the torEgoing Rghts,inctuding without fim'Ratian costs ot evidence of titte. eourt
<br /> ' costs,appraisals.surveys and attomeys'fees.
<br /> . •� . , „'�: 5. EmJnerrt Doma�n.� B the T�ust Estate,or any part thereof or_interest tt�rein. be taken or damaqed tr��v�eason of =
<br /> . �;.�• any public imAmvemertt.or cortdemnation proceeding, or(n any other manrtet Inetudtng dea0 in lteu thereot('Cundemnatlon"1, or __ •
<br /> • . if Tn�smr receives a�►y irotice ar other irdormation regarding sucb pruceedfng.Trostor shaU giva Prompt written no�ce thereof to �;�,l�:
<br /> . iro
<br /> ;• `" ' BenEtiaaN. Truswr shall be emitte4 to all compensation,awards and oMer CaNn►ents ar retief thereof and shatl ba e�sitled at its
<br /> : ?:.
<br /> .. ..�: uptian to commenee,appear in and prosecute in its ouvn name any action or proceedinQs. Trusta shafl aiso be e�ad to make _
<br /> ,f... " � any comprumise or settlemer►i ia canneetion witt�suct�taking br damage. � �
<br /> se r�=
<br /> • 6. �lppolatment of Suecessar Tiustee. 6enet�ctary may,from pme to time,by a written insaument executeQ and ���
<br /> � � . •r.•'" � acknowtedged by Beneficiary,maited to Trustor and recorded in the County in wh{Ct�the Trust Estate is fiocatea and by otfierwise �-�-`
<br /> , � camplying with the provisions of tt►e app�ipbie taw of the Stata of Nebraska substitute a successor or suceessors to the Trustee �-`�•
<br /> -- . • —= named herein or acting hereunder. — __
<br /> � ` ��'•R This Second OeeA of Trwt appties to,inures to tha benefit of and binds atl parties hereW. �;�,-
<br /> ,;.t. 7. S(lCC83SOISe/l�AS.SIy/LS -
<br />- �t � ,. �..��(•. their heirs.tegatees,devisees,personal representatives,successors aad assigns. Ths term'Baneflciary'shell mean the owner and �r
<br /> . . : � hotder af any O�omissory note given to benetieiary.Iwheiher or oot named as 6eneficiary herein). ��.`.`
<br /> ", r t', �
<br /> } 8. Menfei, Coasal�o2 Sales or Loases. Trustor covenants that trusior will not seii,tease or otherwise dispose �` ��•�
<br /> ' 8nnefiCi�ry �r°
<br /> �..� • of any of the Trust Estate. tn the��artt that Trustor selts,teases or othefuvise dtsDoaes o!anv oaR ot tne Tcust Estote.
<br />- may at Its option dectare the tnQebtedness secur6d hereby immediatety due and payable. whether cr not any defauit exists. _
<br /> � . :, ���� Beneficiary shail censent to a transier oi the Trust Estate,to a thtrd party to the�xtent sueh third party meets the repuUements
<br /> '•;.;-�.( � ��!� cont�ned in,and assumes the ab�igations set toRh in the Frst Oeed of Trust: The covenants Cantained herein shall run witt�Me _
<br /> � , .' ` Proa2nY an0 shall remain in futl torce and effect until the fndebiedness iS paid in tull. �.--
<br /> ,� }: �-.:.�
<br />° . ,�`�,� g. Eve,ns ot Defard� AnY of the toltowing evenu shall be deemed an event of defaWt hereunde►: �:-
<br /> — � "�� C�t� delautt shail be made in the paYmem of the fndebtedness or any otner sum secured hereby when due; �-'-_
<br /> - .',;;` � n or . •
<br /> — . .i,a;�� i . ��;
<br /> _;.�..,,,,r � �
<br /> •• , • (b) Trustor shall perform any act in bartSuuptey;or . �''_'
<br /> :r'.`: . � � i� � •
<br /> � • (c) acourt of competer.ti�•'�sdictlon shatl enter an orde�,judgment or deeree approving a pedtion tited against
<br /> - . � '•, Trustor seektng any reorgani:ation, Gisso�ution ar smitar ret'.ef under arry present ar 4uture tederal,state ar other statute. _
<br /> � � ' � law or regulaUon retating to bankruptcy,insotvenry cs other reliet fo�de�tors, an0 sueh order,juQament ar decree shall
<br />-- . • . .,'!• remain unvaeated and unstayed tor an aggregate af siuty(601 Qays(whether as�t eonsecuttvel trorl�the f�cst date of entry
<br /> • • thereot; er any uuste�,reeeiver ar Gautdator or Trwiar er of aI1 or any pact af the Trust Estate,or ot arry or atl ot the
<br /> � � ' . ; roValries,revenues,re�ts.issues or Cmf'rts thereof.shall be aR����without tfle consent or aequtescenee of Trustor and
<br />- such ayC�:ntment shaU remain unvacated and unstayed tor an aa3regate of sixty 1801 days twhether or�ot eonseeutive};
<br />_ � or
<br />- � .' ;
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