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<br /> i�� • 4 '
<br /> • {d) a writ ot execution or attachment of any similar process shali be esite►ed against Trustar which shall
<br /> � � ` become a tien on the trust Estate or any poRion thereof or interest therei� and sueh execution, attachment or simitar
<br /> 5 process oi judgment is not reteased,bortQed.sansfied.vaeate0 or stayed wiMin s�:ty(601 Qays after its entry or tevy;or +. .
<br /> �. •
<br /> '. �•�.��
<br /> ;�Y�_� (g� thgrg has pceusred a 6resch of or defauit unde�any term. cOVenant,agreemen� condition, arovision.
<br /> ,�_::�=-:T- re0�esentation or wa+ranty cartair�d ia anY p�deed uf trust or mortgage afiecting the Yrust Estate. -
<br /> � ( 10. Acceleratlan apan Delardt;Addfduna!Remsdla�. 1!an avent ot Qetautt occurs. Benefiaary may Oectare the
<br /> ' - - . tndebtedness secure� hereby to be due and paya6te and the same shatl tt�ereupon become dua and payabte without any
<br /> __ presertment,deman0, pmtest ar notice of aay kind. Thereafter.Beneticiary Reay:
<br /> l� '��" � �i1 either in person ar by agent,witA ar withaut bRnging any aetion or procesding,or by a�eeeiver appointed "
<br /> � t '.� hy a caurt and withou[regard to the adequaey of its security,emer upon and take Da��sion ot the Trwt Estate.or any �.�,
<br /> � paR thereot,i�its ow�name or in the name ot 7nutee.and do any acts whieh it deems necessary er desirabte to preserve
<br /> the vatue,marketablity or rer►tabitiry af the T�ust EState.or pert thereof ar interest tRere�n,inuease the incoma therefrom
<br /> - �. ..._^ �� or protect the secw►ty hereof an0.with or without taking possession ot the Tn,st Estate.sue for or otherwise cbltect the
<br /> � ,. ;;s rems,issues and pro�ts thereof,incWding those past due and unAaid,and appty the same.tess costs and expenses of
<br /> • � °::{ operaaon and coitection inctuding attomeys'fees,u�on any indebtedness seeured hereby,atl in such ar6er as Beneficiary +,
<br /> °' • "f may determine. The eniering upon and tak"sng possession of the Trust Estat@,the c0�lectiaa ef sucfi rents,issues and F
<br /> , ,:._j prafits artd the apOrcation thereof as aforesaid shalt not cure or waive any defautt ar notice of dsfau(i hereu�der ar
<br /> invalidate any act doace in sesponse m such Qetau!t w pursuant to such notlee of Qefault and, rtotwithstanQing the
<br /> . .__,_ _ ;i,;� conunuance in possession of the Trust Estate or the�ottection,receipt a�d applicatie�ot rents.issues or.prnfits.Trustee .-
<br /> . . . �;,:r;. oc Beneficiary sfla11 heen entltted to exercise every �ght p�avided tor in any of tt�e Loan tnsuuments or by taw upon .
<br /> •• occurrenee of any event of default,inctuding the egM ta exercise th�Oower of sale;
<br /> ` ' ''��` �1 commence a�action to foreclose this DeeO of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver or speaficatty
<br />- .. . _ ..�.� . , _
<br /> .• - - - entorce any of tfie covenants hereot;
<br /> ��. ;:•j� �.
<br /> � _`.: �: m deliver ta Trustee a written deciaration of defautt and demand for sa(e and a written notice of default and .j';r.
<br /> '� � etecaan to cause Trustors interest in the'Trust Fstate to be sotd,which notica T�ustee s�t+att cause to•be.dulY fited for .
<br /> ��.F�.
<br />.;.(_ �.: . . , cecord in t�e appropriate oNices ot tAe Caunty in which the Trust Estate is tocated;ar
<br />`:•.r. . .
<br /> ;,� �. • �: k � �u) exeraise such och�r d9hts or remedies at law or in equity. �
<br /> � 5:
<br /> � ��` 1 t, �ore�losure 6yPower otSa� If Berseflciary etects to tareclose Cy exerdse of the Power ot Sete herein contained, �-•_
<br /> � ., Beneficiary sha(I notify Trustee and sha11 Qepasit with Trustee this Second Deed of Trust and any nota eviQencin9 the��aebted�'ess � -
<br /> , . `"! �• and such receipts and evidence of exRenditures made and secure Q t�ere b y a s T c u s t e e m a y r e q u i r e. _ _
<br /> • :�: 1�"
<br /> � � "•�' �• la) Upon receipt of such notice from Beneticiary.Trustee sha11 cause to be recorde0,Oublished and delivered �_
<br /> r ' '.�� �` to Trustor such Nottce of Oefautz�nd Notice ot Sate as then require0 bY�aw and by tnis Second Oeed ot Tn,s�t. Trustee • �
<br /> . �:'.'�
<br /> ' � i� shau,without demand on Truste.,after sucA time as may then Oe required by law a�0 atter recordation of such Notice at �
<br /> � ' � .�fi.' Oetautt and after Notice of Sate having been given as reauired by law.sell the Trust Estate at the time and ptaee of sale �:_
<br /> ' fixed by it in such lla��:e of Sale,either as a whote,or in separate tots ar pareets or items as Trustee shatl deem expeCient. m=
<br /> ' and in suct►orde►zs it^ay detennme.at public auction to t�e highest bidder fior tash in Iawtul money of the United States ,�=
<br />_ � payabte at the time of sale. Trustee shall Qeliver to sucb D�rchaser or purehasers thereof its good a�d 8uffteient deed or �^
<br /> � �'::;:f;�{F .� deeds earnreying the property sa�ctd.but without any covenant or warranty,express or implied. The retitals in such deed --
<br /> •� �.����;:�•.� ot any rnaaers or tacts sAat[C�cenctusive proof of the tauihiutness thereot. Any Derson. including withouc limitation �
<br /> ' ��.- Trustor.Trustee or BeneficiarN.m.ay purchase at such sate. . ��_�
<br /> . � . .,
<br /> �. _
<br /> � �" tb) As may be perm+tted by 1aw.atter deQueting atl costs,fees an0 eac0enses ot Trostee and of this Trust.
<br /> • _ � ?��f���, inctuding costs of evidence of otie�cannection with sate,Tnutee shall spDty tha proeeeds ot sale to payment of(ii tne
<br /> �t',r;�{�, ,
<br /> -g���� • tndebtedneSS(ii)aIl other sums tP�secured hereby.and(iii)the remainder,it any.to the Cerson or persons legatly em�ed
<br /> . :�?Y;�-il{� � � -
<br /> - � ,'�;F•, �f.�8t0. .
<br /> _ . �.`:
<br /> . tc) Tr�•tes may in the manner provided by law postpone s�e of aQ or eny ponion of the Trust F.state.
<br /> ' • • 12. RemedTes Not E�ceJushm� Trustee and Beneficiary,and each of them,st�atl be entitte�to entorce paycreat and .
<br /> � � ��� •� pertormanee of any iaQebtedness or oblipations secured hereby and to exerclse a11 rlphts and�swers unQer this Seeorta meed of
<br /> � Trust or under arty Loan Instrument or other agreement ar any laws now or hereafter in}orce;r.atwtthstanding,Some or a:t of the
<br /> � " ' such indebtedness and obtigations seeured hereby may rtow or hereaiter be othen+vise secured,whether by mortgage,deed ot trust,
<br /> . ptedge,lien.assignment ar otherwlse. Neither the aeeeptance ot this SeconO Oeed of Trust nar its entorcement,whether by court
<br /> actian or Oursuant to the power of sale or other powers hecein eantalnea, shatl preJudiee or in any manner a t tect T r u s tee's or
<br /> ' • � • Beneficiary's right to realiae uAOn or enforee any other seeurity now er hereafter hetd by Trustea er Bene�ciary,it being agree0 that
<br />- �: � , Trwtee anA Beneticiary,and each of them.shall be entitfed to enforce Ws Second Deed ot Trust and any other security now or
<br /> .: ,� 3
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