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<br /> ����; �O (FIDA LQaril tn o�.`
<br /> : • . `''� `,'t, This Secand Deed ot Tnist lthis'Secund Deed of TnuY}.is made as of OCT 20 ,t89,by and amoog ��� .',;'`;-
<br />`.`.�F;' - :``-: i"rn�stor•I.wtwse maiting addcess is 1018 B•4TH fiT - GRAND ISLAL�, NB 68801 : +
<br /> � . COMt'lERCYAL FEDERAt BANK sA FEDERAL SAVI�GS BAN& (TBUSTL�E) . whose ma�7ing address is . � `�Y•.
<br /> ;���.::. ';:=":=-.-�.=-' 4470 F�� STREET ., OMAHA. ' , Nebrasica; and Hebrastca tmresaneen �inance Authcrity _
<br />�_•YE - . ('Benef'idar�c'"e.i+uhase mailing add�oss is T0a Commerce Cour�. i 230 0 SGreet.4ncatn.Nebraska 88508-1402. -�
<br /> _ ;.,}:; ,:..
<br /> �� FQEt SIALUABLE CON&t0EF1AT10N,Truswr irrevocabty uansfers,conveys and assigns to Trustee,!N TRUST,WlTH POWER •_�,:
<br /> .' ;s•;" : OF SALE�f��che beneTit and security of Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and condi6ans at tt�is Second Oesd of Tnist. ` -
<br /> ` F'��� � the reat prc;.�ty,legatty Ge$cn'�ed on 6chibit A attached hereto and inco�porated hecein by referenee(the'Property'1;aad � �•���
<br /> - , .��,�...a„a,_ , a.. -
<br /> . •�5�•'��ilf.�'4f"'�.. . ' A.J:.
<br />.. . �1.5... • ' ���.
<br /> TOGECEiER WfTH,a11�e�is.Profits.rayatties.irccome artd other 6enefits derived irom the Prov�N t�Ilettiveiy.the'�ents'1.
<br /> �. , ` ' ��eases ar suhieases cavering the Property�or arly�earion thereof now or hereafter exEsting or entered irta,and atl righ�titte an0 �.�7
<br /> interest of Trusiar theres.�:�#es,all right.iitte a�d ir��ef Trustor in and to any greater estaie in the Propert9P awned or hereafter =
<br /> �`� ' � � acguireA, 2s3;,zcerests. estate er other ehaims,both ies iaw and in equity,which Trustor naw has�or may hereafter acqutre in the
<br /> �• ,%';�� R►aperty,a�¢Fassmerns,rightsof-way,tenements,hereditart►ents and appurtenances thereof artd theteto,atl water tights,'dii right.
<br /> f:� 1 � ` � ti$e and iaterest of Tr�:: rtow owne�ar hereafter acquired, in and to any land, tying witt+in tt�e right-of-way of any sueet ar _
<br />�' � Ivghway adioining the�:sa;2ny, artA any and ail alteys and mips and 90� a���d adlacent m or used in cannection with the �•-
<br /> .;; .. _- � �� � Propeny.and arry art�att tu'[dings,famnes and impravements now or Aereafter erwted therea�tthe'tmpravert►ents'),and alt tfie =—
<br />- � ��� esqte.irttetest,right.titie or any daim or demand whieh Trustot naw has or may hereafter acquire in the Froperty, and arry and
<br /> .. ,.,.
<br /> � •' :'=�;;�.' � all awards made tor the t�ng by eminent domain, or 6y any proceeding or purcfiase in lieu�:zreof,of the whote or ar+y.part of �--
<br />' � � 'c�,'.: -;• the Tnist Estate,lnduding without Iimitation any awards resutdng ham a change Of grade ot suests and a�varOs for severance —°
<br />_ . . damages. _
<br />= � - � ��.'�• The Preperty and the eatire estate and i�er�t.carneyed to the Trustee are referrea to Colte�tively asthe'T�ust Estate'.
<br /> � . : '`� � for ttfe Furposa ot Securtng: ' . , -
<br /> . ' ,}'� . . . .
<br /> � , . - A. Payment at indebtedrtess avidenced by any promissory nate r�'�iustor in tavar of Bensticiary;and �;_;:
<br />- �t . • �
<br /> � .. „ ; .'„+:.•; 8. Payment ot all sums advanced by 8enettciary to protect the Ynrst Estate. with interest thereon at the �ate of --_-_
<br />�
<br /> ' . socteen pereent!16%)per annum. ' � Q.�::
<br /> . '• � .�` ' The indebtedness deseribeQ in Faragraphs A and 8 abav�ts refened to as the•tn¢_'�cedness.' : � _
<br /> . .� , .,� . . , � .-
<br /> ' ''�� This Second Oee�of Trust,any Oromissan,� aate af T�ustor tn favor o!Beneticiary and aayr other instrument given to ��-
<br /> '. � �� evidence or turche�seeure the payment and perfonnanee o!amr ebligadan secu�ed Aereby are�eferre0 to eelleetiveJy as tlie'I.oan �•;�
<br /> ' :� • InStlltrttetlLS'. �!.:°,-
<br /> � � Trustar eovenants that til Tr�stor hotds titte to the Trust Estate ane has lawtul autriority ta er�cumber the Tn�t Estate. � �
<br /> � ° � '� ' fiil the 7�uss Esiata is tres z�+d ctear ot au tiens and encumbrances exeeAS tor easements,rest�fictions and cavenanrs of reeerd and ���
<br /> � _. � r� the Oeed of Tnut trom Trusior encwn4ering the Propercy datea on or about the date hereof (the'Flrst Qeed ot Tnist"),and
<br /> , � � Gil T�ustor will detend the Trust Escate against the Iauvt�A ctaims ot any person.
<br />. , •._ . To F�ratact tAe Saduity of this Setand Oead ot Tnis� '
<br /> _ . _ . 1. PayrnaRt at lad¢btodaes� Trwtor shap pay when Que Ne prirtdpai ot.and the interest on,the Indebtedness and
<br /> - , aU other sums as provided 1n ths Laan Insaruments.
<br /> �.� _ . . � NiFA 2196
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