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<br /> � �,... — . " - - � �, - � � ° ��� � z'�.
<br /> - '�,'_-�4 !- _ � - �;_- _ <` :: -f `. ,u.- -k'�O � 'x ,.-
<br /> � .�.. �" . t� . �':' �, {�4 '1 J .�"�'i't •S��� �
<br />.. f 4��S,�'. N:, ,�..�
<br /> _ ' _'C:n��1:. _
<br /> -_r-— -,� . . r:. _
<br /> � . � �Y�.. ,, , . .. . 9�'� /��-3� .�.�:
<br /> , . � .
<br />_ ,:� .
<br /> :t.. _
<br /> � given by public decl.aration thereof b�r such person at the time and ��"''=�.
<br /> • place last appoiated for the sale; provided, if the sale �.s �'.'� ''
<br /> . . postponed for loager than oae li) day beyoad the day desigaated in <,.,.;�: ,:..
<br /> ,;`•�,_ ; the Notice of Sa1e, notice thereof shall be given i.n tlie same manner � .F .
<br /> � � as the original Notice of Sale. TRUSTSB shali execate and deliver �,•; ',.;�
<br /> ta the pural�aser his Daed coaveying said property so sold, but -� ..
<br /> . .�< � ' ' . �-,� without any covenant or warranty, exPress or implied. The recitals �'-i. �`,:;
<br /> '"� �� in the Deed of any tnatters or factB sYiall be conclusive proof of the
<br /> �,..--�="'�.. truthfulness thereof. Aay pereon. includin9 BSNBFICIARIBS, maY
<br /> defend the ti le of lthe above p r oPert� the�tc�ases' at sa e� �I' L
<br /> �'`� � c�.� the TRIISTSE3 seils the trust property pursuaat to the powers granted :��-°
<br /> . . '�n D. 1A�1@II ;:•� . �
<br /> ....•�5�. ' herein. the TRII6T8S s2�a11 apply the proceeds from the sale of sucli .<:l..:V .
<br /> . - ? property fa the follooiing order of prioritys �n�'
<br /> �
<br /> (2) To the cost and expease of exercising tlie Power of sale and of the � .� .-
<br /> • 5::, sale, inclvdin9 attorney fees. enideace of title and other sale � ,_,,,
<br /> expenses, and a trustee's fee not to exceed three percent 43�f of s�f�.;
<br /> ``" ,�,�� '
<br /> •' the gross sale priae; .
<br />_ � ��;.-'. :4,t��'"`
<br />� . ,.a'i�,� - . `}``I'_
<br /> - �'��' � (2) To the payment of the obifgation secured by this Deed of Trust aad . "•r�` ..�
<br /> � •�• ` ,.4 f� Trust Deed Nates "`�;:: ,.•.�'
<br /> '���.�r`f' �S` �� (3) To tHie payment of juaior Trust Deeds. mortgages, or other `:�,�ry:�'-
<br /> :��.`�`:�''":``:~ �.: lienholders; -��';
<br />_.. ',"v;�:<•,�``'• _::d:. - ' �.
<br /> ct , ;f Ft �s4.
<br /> (4) The balance, if any, to tYee. person or persons legally entitled
<br /> �., , .r:�<?'� thereto. . =�
<br />' ,•,. ., :t:'.,. ,', 8. IIpoa the occurreace of anY default hereuader. HffiJSFICIARISS'shall ha.ve, in �',�-.�
<br /> c;.
<br /> -r;�°FL�:riY .�•:.��a.�. � addition to such ather cBtions as may be 9raated herein, the further �-T-; _
<br />' ".•'��-.%; aption to foreclose thi8 Deed of Trust in the manner provided lsY la�v for �--�
<br /> •� ' foreclosures of mortgages on real proB�Y• ��1
<br /> �..
<br /> � , '•� �'.�� "� � .� g, a�NBFICIARIBS may from time to time sui�stitute a successor or successors �.
<br /> A`'''l::°` `; ""'`��!`' to aaY TRIISTSS named herein os actin�J herewndes. Upon such appoi�nte�ent. . _____
<br /> ���f,.� .
<br /> �:�`���� . ' and withant conveyance to the successor TRIIST88, tlie latter shall be g..��R,_ _
<br /> .::;t>�', ;.•.: :.`� vested mir.h all title, poAers, and duties conferred upon aay TRIISTBS ..._.
<br /> �',y,;.�, �:.:°�<��
<br /> � :��'•� � hereia named or acting hereuuder. Each such agpeiatmeat aad substitution
<br /> �;�.._
<br /> shall be made by written instrument aad executed hy BSNSFICZARIBS, �
<br /> � � containiag zefereace to thfs DeeB of Trust and its place of record�, whic.�a. =�=s'
<br /> when recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county or ��
<br />-' � � counties in v�hich said property is situated, sball be conclusive proo� of _ _
<br /> , : ° ,_. �_�._.
<br /> .. proper appointmeat of the successor TRUSTEB. The foregoing pawe=' of _ __
<br /> � ,.. � svbstitution aa d t he prace d u r e t h e r e f o r e h a l i n o t b e e xciusive of the _ _ _
<br /> - .• � ' power and procedure provided for by law for the substitutioa of a TRIISTEB ���_
<br />��- . . in the piace of tlie TRIISTEB named hezeia. �`i�
<br /> .<�'`,��� = -__-
<br /> � ����;,`n�� (3. TRIISTORS covenant and agree that upoa any attempted conveyance, _._.
<br /> : :;;:�,�� �•_,� ' assignm�t, pledge or transfer of any o� their interest ia the premises _- --
<br /> ���;�•� . • '.;.;:, during the term of the loaa secured hereby, th� 8�1SFICIARIBS shall have _ _
<br /> � ��;rSF,, the option of declariug tlze unpaid ba,laace immediately due and payabie,
<br /> ' • ,��:`�t; asid if said sum remaina un8aid for tea (10) daye theseafter, B�iSPICIARZBS - __
<br /> . ' can cauae Notice of Default to be givea and the premises be sold as M�;:-
<br /> ��. : ' r'- provided herein. • _
<br /> . .;;,. _ �_
<br /> �'"_.:?• • • H, As additioaal an8 coilateral secur#tY £or the loan, aad eft�ctive _ _
<br /> � � � forthwith upoa fili.ng of a Notice of Default, tl�ie iastrument 9haii serve `
<br /> � as aa assignment by the TRIISTORS to the TRUSTES, o� ali rents and reveaues l.�:
<br /> • � . resulting from the property, and TltUSTEB is autherized tu taDce BO8ses83on �,-,.,,_,
<br /> �" � of the p=operty, rent or lease the same on terms he deems best and to
<br /> .�','��.�; �'� `�., .:'� collect �he rents and reveriues aad apply the same upon unpaid intesest, ;���-
<br /> �.�.,�i,...�= �•• . • principai, taxes or insuraace premiuma or for r�intenance and preservatfon ���,�,?�
<br /> •, of the premises. �.�.
<br /> � � � i. The waiver by TRIISTEE or 88NSFZCIARISS of am default ox.TRUSTORS under _-.,,
<br /> • thie Deed of Trust, on one occasion, sl�all aot be or be deemee to be a
<br /> :�,`; • . , waiver of any other or si^�iiar defaults subsequently oCCUrring. Q,.,w,
<br /> : >3: `
<br /> • . • , r,. S. Zf tit:e to any part of the property herein shaii be taken !n cer.���atioa ;��:-
<br /> • '� proceediags, by right of eminent domain, or aimilar action, or &hall be _
<br /> sold under threaz oE condem�ati4n, all a�rard8, damages anfl psoceeds are
<br /> -_� � hereby assigned and shall be paid to the BENBFICIARIBS, who shall appiy - . �
<br /> such payment, or any part thereof, in their sole discretion, to the sum
<br /> flue at that tfine on this Deed of Trust and Trust Deed Note, with any �� � .
<br /> � . ' � balance above the amount due heseunder payable to the TRUSTORS. . �
<br /> � .�•. ��
<br /> � K, The BffiJSFICIARISS, their agents or repreaentatives, are hereby authorized
<br /> � � to enter, at any reasonabie time, upon any past of the trust proper�y for �
<br /> _ �� � ° ' the purposes of inspecting the same and for the purpose of performing any _
<br /> • - � of the acts they are authorized to perform under the terms o£ this Deed of
<br /> ' . ' Trust and other accompanying documente. • . :
<br /> _� � . �.. ' . . -3- . �
<br /> �. . . . . ..
<br />