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<br /> � --,�. Z _'r ..Y � - � •� r . . , 3 .rr �' '�_ -'t Yt ,.(''s` L• .�rg _
<br /> r 1' . �7, re - a ;..�� r P` . ,. , . .. a ..
<br /> �"�' � � .i �O� � t� ,u��� �7.� f• � `�s `t�• �r .
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<br /> �• � t._�;. . �-
<br /> �,;���,, . . • .c. �.�^..'`:
<br /> " ' it is agreed bY and betrreea the pas�ties hereto that while title is vested ;:
<br /> ,-,•�:�, .'� • in tZse TRIISTBB and until filiag of Notice of Default, the TRBST�RS $�all: ` : .,,,
<br /> :`�'s' ;`•',��� A. Retain possession of the ProP�Y at all times, excePt as may be othervrise �E.< ',:
<br /> � agreed hy the partiea in �rriting. '' `
<br /> ,-;:``:� .`, ' �` � :
<br /> . ��. B. t9aintain the resideaces and any other imPronemeats located on the real � ,
<br /> �.. . property i.n good condition and repaix. _
<br /> ,, »: .
<br /> _ _ ��� C. pay all qenera,l and special taxes and all special assessmeats of e�ery '��, .�
<br /> • . '�`�= said prcpertY before �.. -
<br /> - kind levied or assessed against or due upca ,
<br /> � �j,`�h. `� ; delinquency, and to deliver tu BSNSFiCIARIBS copfes of recefpts sttnwing ,.;•
<br /> .. -_ paymeat of such taxes each year. _`�`_
<br /> .:n=
<br /> f;c r. ..
<br /> � D. Procure aad mainta3x►Policies of all-risk 3nsurance on said improvements. . ,. -,
<br /> . �� :L`:.. in sums and uuder�ritten by compani,es acceptable to the BffiJSFICIARIBS. in _t._---.
<br /> . - , :..<,: :,'.:: an amount at least equai to the P��A�Y's full insurable value, which V=^--
<br /> policies shall name the BSNBFICIAA�S as a��;tfnn�} ��yreds, with ttie ne,�;=_=:
<br /> ��.��� � i � hereuader• =-;
<br /> le to the p�rties as the.ir ia�erestB maY 8PP�r �-.��
<br /> , :�'��;•:� proceeds paYab licies or
<br /> � . . .;_{� TRIISTORS agree to provifle �FICIABZBS wir� �pies og such po �:�,_;'<<•
<br /> � certificates of fasurance dnriag�the term o� this indebtedness, which .v.,�-=_
<br /> � � ` �� policies of insuranae maY not be cancelled by said carrier v�itheut fitteen r�-_-
<br /> �•_��._�
<br /> ��:�.�
<br /> .• _ (15} ciays curitten �tice to B�I�ARISS• +��r.:;
<br /> �'� -
<br /> _:`::; ,;_..,-.
<br /> -�^� �r_��r�:'..:�..y� �7CeS �1d �IOL'111e .
<br /> �° B, In the event the TRIISTOR� fail or neglect Lo pay
<br />; :<: `:�.`.°�'.''�� casualt� insurance, all �s above set fort2a,,- rhen B�JBFICIARIHS may PaY �'�;L'"'�"
<br /> ' such taacas and Procure surh {•,¢„�+^�e, aad aiii suma exAeaded aac� advancecl
<br /> � " 1����� visions Contained
<br /> . , -;; •. b BE�&�ICIARIBS and TRIISTBB in accoidanee ai�h the gr� �� ` 'h,'�
<br /> . �. .s�n�.�:, � hereim are�seeurad hereby and, withnut demand, shali � �mmPr7�ag2�y due �;�=�. -
<br /> .'"•+`r"°: � and payable by the TRIISTORS and shali bear interest at t.he rate of tmelve ,_
<br /> � M - percent �12�) per� aanum �uitii paid: provided however. that at the optioa �;:_:.
<br /> ;"�. � .,::c:," ICIARIBS and TRIISTSS, such a8v�n�enta for payme�� of taxes �';�'��-
<br /> of the F,�JBF inr9Ahtedaeas
<br /> .� r.�.. and iasuraace may be added to the principal balaace of aay - _
<br /> ,,;'��' secured hereby� s�l bear integ�t at the rate of t�lve percent (12�) ____
<br /> . � ;r per annum uati.� �id. , ���
<br /> .. .•'`i . _--_
<br /> .. •..���5:�'� � TRUSTORS covenant and agr�e tI�at a ,failure to make aaY Pal+msat, either
<br /> , • , principal or intereat, on the Note secured hereby when due and payable, ar a � __ _
<br /> '� failure to compiy with any o£ the covenaats and agreemeats herein made sl�all �
<br /> ,ftr;�t� � ��e �he whole sum of moaey hereby secured to become ic�unediately due and _--
<br /> � ��;':`r.`'-:' coliect3.ble at the option of the BSNBFICIARIBS, and SENSFICZF�R3SS shall have the a
<br /> � , . ,�,1-� right to cause Notice of Default to be given aad the premises to be sold as _
<br /> �•.t,. .ti, � provided herein.
<br /> � ��'` The parties mutually agree as foilow�: ..
<br /> •.�, � <<,.��..
<br /> . �;;;: ,
<br /> �• . ;.?:� � A. At aay time aad from time to time upon writCen requess. of $�FI��18S, �_____
<br /> • �'•,:, gaymexit of fees and preaentation of thia Deed of Treast and the Note for
<br /> � ' endorsement (in case of full reconveyance, fcr cancellation and _
<br /> retention), without affectfng the liability of arr� gerson for th� Pa7tm�t
<br /> � • � � " of the i.ndebtedaesa, TRUSTBE may ta) co�asent to the maki.a9 of�a�Y �P or
<br /> ,,;,:;,,��t; Blat of said property: (b) joia in •granting auy eas�ent or �reatiing aaY _
<br /> :'.�.•;,,.�' , restriction thereont (c) joia ia aay subordtsiatiosc ar other agreemeati.
<br /> ' -� ••�;7���. ; affecting thie Deed of Trust or the lierx or cliarge ch2reofr ld) reconvey _.
<br /> ��' : thia Deed oP Trust or the liea or charge tih on re est of B$�tBPICiARIBSt �
<br />..:;'?�.�• �. : � warranty, all or any parZ of eaid property up 4u :--
<br /> .':. �.'. � B. The grantee in any Deed of Reconveyance may be described as�°the�pereon or __-
<br /> ��'':;:,.;�- _ persons entitled thereto", and the re4lxale therefn of aay matters or -
<br /> �,�;;;:'�..:. faats ahail be conciusive proof of the truthfulaess t�seof. Reconveyance �
<br /> ;;1,'•. `�" �' shall operate as a seassignmeat of reatg aad Profits assfgned to TRIIS7'R8. ___.
<br />_ ,,,,..
<br /> ��.--.
<br /> �'�'�'�• � C. IIpon default by TROSTOF�S in the payment af indebteflnes's secured hereby or . �
<br /> � � ' in the performance of any agreement hereunder, Bffi�]BFICIARIBS maY _-_._
<br /> • .�;s•."�,�� accelerate payment and dealare all.sums secured herebg immediately due aad � �-.__
<br /> , � ''-`'`�`' �,;;` payable by deiivery to TRIIST88 of aritten declaration of default. If -- _
<br /> ,, . B�isPiCZAR28S des tre sa i d pr o p e r t y t o b e s o i d, t h e y e b a l l d e p o si C witt� �.:..,�L:
<br /> � • - � TRUS�SE this Deed of Trust and all promissory note8 and docun►eats .z-- .
<br /> evidencing expenditures secured hereby, a.� s2tall deliver to TR[JSTSS a - _
<br />- � � � writtea Notice of Defau}.t and election to cause said property to be eold
<br /> . � in the form requized ksy law. which shall loe duly f iled for record by
<br /> ' � TRUSTBB. -;
<br /> � (1) After the lapse oE eucb time as maY be requirefl by la4r (presently
<br />- � �� being one {i) month following the recordation of said Notice of
<br /> � � Default), Notice of Default and I3otice of Sale.haviag been givea as ,
<br /> required by law, TRIISTSS, aithout demand on TRUST�RS� shall sell
<br /> said property on tl:e date and at the time an8 place designated in .
<br /> - �• said Notice o£ Sale, at public auction to the higheat biflder, the ,
<br /> � - . � purcriase price payable in laarful money of the United Statea at the
<br /> " � - � time of sale. The person conflucting the eale may, for aay cause he
<br /> � � deems e�cpedient, postpoae the sale from time to time until it at�all .
<br /> . • , be completed and in every such case, notice of postponement al�all be
<br /> z . . ;
<br />_ . . ., . -2-
<br />_, ' � .
<br />