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<br /> � • • • L. This Deed oP. Ts�at and all acwmpaayiag docaments are. avbject to. Yt •:;
<br /> � constructed and gaverned by the laws of tYce Sta.te of Nebragka for ail °
<br /> • �}`..
<br /> _ ..- . . . . gurposes. , -
<br /> 4: .
<br /> � ` �• � � bi. Ia Che event aay one or more of ttce pronisions contaiaed in thfs Deed of - -
<br /> . �usi, �n:st Deed Rote, or aay other instr�mment given in connection with
<br /> `. this transaction, sha].l for aay reason be held to be invalid, ille�al or •_ ~'
<br /> • • � unenforceable in a� respect, such iavaiidity, illega2ity. or naenforce- ' :-:
<br /> ...�Q ..�. .
<br /> ahility shaZl, at the option of the H�vHFICIARISS, not affect aay other
<br /> ��Y:' provfsians o€ this D'eed of Trust or Trust Deed Note, i�ut tis3e D2efl of -
<br />= . � Trust anc3 �st Deed Nate sba].1 be construed as if such invali8, illegal �•
<br /> .. ��" ° . cr unenforcea�?le provlsioa had never jseea contained therein. it beiag thE r `:,`
<br /> � � .:-�'k � intention ii� the parties that the provisfons af this Deed of Trust are �
<br /> fleclared to �ie`se+�erabie. �
<br /> ` . . N. TRIISTORS hereby���af.ve their ,rig�st to designate the property sub�ect to ' � . .
<br /> ` • tbis Deed of Trust as a homestead under Neb. R�v. �Stat; � g0-101 (Rei�sue �'
<br /> _ � 1993). . .. .. •e_'
<br /> • . �-,
<br /> 0. 'i�is.Deed of Trust ahall inure to and bind th= heirs, devisees. persanal � . ``-'�=
<br /> ' � �,-
<br /> �. • � represeatatives, successors and assigns of the parti�s hereto. ��r�'_`
<br /> . , �
<br /> :� °� e:
<br /> _
<br /> . • �. ..� . ,
<br /> . . 5 ' a7-
<br /> � " , The TRIISTORS reqaest t�t:a copy of any Notice of:�3�ault aad of aay�Iot3ce �-,_-
<br /> � . �'' ": af B81e itereuader be maile3 ta,them at the address h�x�3a set fort,h, or such • �� ��
<br /> � , other a8dress as tl�y maY Provide to the TRIISTBS a� H�BFICIARIS3. TRII$TdRS ` ::.-
<br /> ,:„a._
<br /> � • ackaeorleHge that as TRIISTORS, they und.erstand that th� c3ocumeat tYiey aze ��'���=:�
<br /> ,. ,_ . • • executing hereia is a Deed,of Trust and aot a �¢ortga�e, a�d that the poarer of _ �'`'
<br /> �� . ` - eala gr4vided for in this Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights �`'� �
<br /> � �•• aad obisgatione. than a mortgage and in an. event of• default or brearh of the
<br /> - •. .•," . obligatioas set forth her�i.ia. the TRIISTSS and the HSNEFi�IARIBS may take such ��-__
<br /> ��•� actien ae heseia provided, iacluding t2�e exercise of the power of sale. . -- :
<br /> • • • �:-=-
<br /> _ ._�°�.�.. �".. SXBCOTSD the date firet above writtea. - �_
<br /> A. , . -
<br /> . ;.b . . � . . -_
<br /> � L. DHDII�IFi2�i.TlT1 . , _
<br /> 1, .
<br /> �. . . ,. ; � � Si�lI B R. HOWSL3;•� -
<br /> �►
<br /> ,.. . , 'i: STATB OF NIIBRASIW ) �
<br /> �:'� .. r. ) sa. ' _
<br /> �.
<br /> � ; ` � • . ,: � COUNTY OP H11LL ) , ___
<br /> � . . '�.`, . NOt9 ON thifl a/ day of l�.��_ . 1997, pereonally agpeared before. -
<br /> �'�"' �� , '�'• • me. Che unQere�grsed Not.�ry Public ia aad for the Couaty of Hail and State of
<br />� . : : .. ,. ���� Nebraaka. LORffi�i L. DffiJNHARDT. a singie persan, aad D�7ISB R. HOYtEi�L, a aiagie _
<br />� � : � - �- 8ereon. to me knosun t� bo the fdenti+cal pereoaa who executed the foregof.ng Dee@ c
<br /> "��� of Truet, anQ �aknawie8ged the executioa thereof to be their volunta:y act and
<br /> �, <,:. %;� deed. --
<br /> � . .. .� J . � IN �ITNB98 WHBttEOH. Z have hereu�t.aa afff.xed my haad aad seal the day� and �_
<br /> �. �:.� ,:. ' :.�'��� � yeas litet 8bove aritten. . - :_
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<br /> � . � � G AROfTH�MAY Notary �a�olic -
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