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<br /> '�.3 THIS TltII3T DBHD made this �� �ay of G�� . 1997, beto�eea LORSN
<br /> ' - �.� L. Dffi3NHPiRDT. a sfngle person, and DSNISH K. HOWBLL, a single person, as ��.
<br /> ��i TRIISTORS, whose address is 19Q8 N. Huston. �raad Islaa�. Nebraska b8S03; JOFIIJ �G :f, �
<br /> . ��•;�� M, CONNIIdG�3M, a member of the Nebraska State Har Association, as TRIIST�, whose
<br /> : T , address is 222 N. Cedar St., P.O. Box 2280, Grand Island. Nebraslca 68802; and „ �
<br /> � DALS B. AR�JDS and CAAOL�t R. CROSSSR ARffiJnS. husband aad �rife, as joiut tenants �c . .-.:
<br /> • ,1 with right of survivorslaip, not tenants ia common, whose address is 389 Eaqle ` ��. . ,
<br /> • .•�•�;� Rd.. St. Libory. Nebraska 68872, as BBNSFICIARIBS.
<br /> _.. ;;� � WITNSSSETH: '
<br /> - • :-"'.,` That TRIISTORS hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and warrant to TRUSTBS, �
<br /> ... ..>�r.�
<br /> ,�'�.��' IN TRIIST, his successors aad assigns, �rith power of sale, the €olloaving-8escribecl _
<br /> . ' real property: . .
<br />. „ . .._ � . F.�.�...\ . .
<br /> A tract of ].and comprising a part of I�ot Ten (10). Stehr's Subdivision, -�
<br /> � � -�'"."� City of (3rand island. Hall County, Nebraska, eaid tract being more
<br /> � ' �, particularly described as follows: .
<br /> � .�:�;.� Begianing at a point oa the east line of said Lot Ten t10), said �.,-
<br />. .;���. .�, :.:�,� point being One Huadred Sf.xty Nine aad Five Tenths (�.69.5) feet ==-.
<br /> south of the northeast corner of said Lot Tea (10); thence souther�.y j'•'
<br /> � ' ��� along a��d upoa the east liae of said Lot Tea (10), a distaace of Twc -
<br /> ,...,.. _ _ -
<br /> - ,�°s`� `: Hundred �reaty One and Fiee '�'enths t221.5) �eeti thence deflectiag . �;: _.-
<br /> ••• ",=' II . � �,*+a„-s vesteri , a distance of One Hundred E".'.-
<br /> ' , rfght 9a 33 25 and __r__-� Y �. -._
<br /> • • Three and Seven Tentbs tIQ3.'�I �eet: thence defiecting ieft 90° 31• � _
<br /> - 2Cn �d �ng southerly, a distance of Seveaty Three (�3.0) £eet �:_j�:_�
<br /> � to a point on the sauth line of sai@ Lot Ten (10); thence Beflectiag �--�,.
<br />- .� ` ,�',`�: right 90° 35' 45" and ruaning westeriy, a 8istance of One Hundred �_�
<br /> � • Pive (105.OI feet to the southwest corrier of said Lot Tea f10); �^...__._
<br /> �t; • �•:,�1 thence defiecting right 63° 17� and runnin9 northoresterly along aad �,::__.
<br /> � ' � upoa the southwesterly if.ne of said Lo:. Ten (10), a distance of One �__-
<br /> " '' Hundred Sixty Three aad Three Tenths t163.3) feet; thence defiectiag __
<br /> , ` ��•'• � right 116° 27' 35° and runnin3 easterly, a distance of Seventy One —
<br /> • � � and Nine Teaths t71.9) feetj thence deflecting left 90° 25' S4° a:�� _ -.
<br /> . -;,��r:, �.:= rwnning northerly. a disCance of Two Hundred Sixteem and Tcvo Tea'�s --
<br /> �, (216.2� feet to a point oa the nor•thwesterly li.ae of sai8 �ot 'x�a �: - -
<br />- �•y,:. .�,":+��,. , (10?; tYcence deflecting right 64° 33' 09" and ruaain4 northeasterly,
<br /> • along and u9on t�e northwesterly li�.ae of sai8 Lot T�a t10), a � :
<br /> ' • �'. distance of Seventeea and 81ght Tenths (17.8) fe2tt ��� , �_ ..
<br /> ' - defiecting right 115° 29• and runaing southbriy. a distaace cf -
<br /> ' . Ninety Five aad Pive Tesiths t95.5] feett tlience deflectiag left 95°
<br /> . . . r...••�� . 19• and ru�nning northeasteriy, a distance of One Hundred Ni�aety � =
<br /> � Three and Pive Ter�ths (193.5) feet to the poiat of beginning and
<br />- � � � coatainir►g 1.3g0 acres, more or lees,
<br /> '" . � -��: � �ogether with all i�rovements aad ap�urtenances thereon. . .�
<br /> . � The TRIISTORS hereby covenant an� agree �ith the TRUSTSB and 8SNB8IC�ARYES '
<br />- , � °��' ; . that they are iawfully seized aad the owners of the ab�ve-descri.b� propertyt _
<br /> ' � � + that they have good right and lawful authority to aeli and coiroey s�sld premises
<br /> � � and that eaid premises are free and clear of all liens an8 encusr�zaaces, and •
<br /> further, that TRUSTORS will warrant aad defend the title to said premises forever .. .
<br /> ' . • against the claims of aii persons who�aever. -
<br /> � . � � Fos the purpose of securing B�=�o�nce of each agreement of TRIISi��S
<br /> ' • �� ' herein contained and the paynent of FORTY-SEVh.''�THOUSAND DOLLAR3 (547,000), the '
<br /> TRIISTORS have executed a Truat Dee d No te be a r i n g e v e a d a t e, a t th e rate o£
<br /> • interest and on the terms and conditions as aet forth ia such Trust Deed Note
<br /> � ' � until paid. The principal sum and iatereat s2�ai1 be payable in accordauce with
<br /> � � and upon the terms aad conditiona of eaid Trust Deed rtote of even date, aad in
<br /> - � aay event th� entire principal balance due hereunder an8 airy accsued iaterest .
<br /> shall be paid on October i, 2007. All paymenta due hereuader ahall be paid at
<br /> • the addresa of the HBNBFICIARIES as above described, or at auch othes place as •
<br /> � euch BENEFTCIARIBS or the holders of said security a2�a11 designate in ahciting.
<br /> � All instaliment paymenta hereunder ehall be applied first to the payment of
<br /> • � : iaterest oa the unpaid balance, pursvant to the Amortization Sc�edule, a copy of .
<br /> • which has been prov�ded to each of the parties hereto, and the remainder of eacls _
<br /> � : —• - payment of such inataiiment to De appiied oa principai. .
<br /> �; • �
<br /> _ .
<br /> °_ . . � -1-
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