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<br /> y y:� i ..
<br /> .� ��'� 9�"� 1 DB17� '- � �
<br /> . . - 9. ��on. Leader OT its egent aiay make ieasanable attrtes upoII and�nspectioas af the Pe+cpe�t5►.Leud�sLa11 ' _:
<br /> , � � give Borzower coHce at We dm�of ar psFur to aa insp�tion g�asanable can�fas the inspection. ;,.`
<br /> � l�'.� 10.Cond�aa. 11te pmoee�ds of a�►aw�d or ar damages,direct or ooasequeatial.ia conaectioa cvIth ..
<br /> `` ' any oond�matinn or.athet�g of anS►part o!t�e Pmperty.ar for conveyaare in lieo of ooudeimnation,aze he�ebY
<br /> ' � assigned aad s�ll be aid to I�er.of the Pto .ihe P�ooeeds st��i1 be sppli�tfl the sums sac��ed bl►tLis 5eaauity . �.�`.
<br /> �''`.:' ia tIIe eveat o�e tatal taldug P�S' ,
<br /> - tnstcum�nt.wh�het o:aot then due.with aap a�cess Qald to 8orcawer.tn the eveat of a pa�rtial takiag of ti��in . `�,'. �
<br /> . which th�f a i r�e i v a Iue o f 1 h e P r a p e c t y i a o m e d i a t e l Y b e f o r e t h e t a k i n g i s eqaal t o o a g t e a t a t h a a the amount ti� "
<br /> ` 5 . �` ( svmy soaued 6l►thts Sea�airy tasnu�t iamasdiaitelY before the ,nnless Bemower an�Leader athesvvise agree m . ,.
<br /> �:. d a �'�
<br /> � - �'-T.:-��..- n ,the sum9 s�u:ed t�is� muI ed b the
<br /> Ins��sDaU���th��t of t�e�mc� � Y
<br /> �--_—� �O��o ng 6astiaa:(e)t�e mtal�naat the sums��Y ���•divided bS►of the fatr ma:k� ��<uy- ,
<br /> �:�' ' vaiue of thep�y im�diamlY 6efa�the taking.Aay balance sl�aII be paid to Sormwer.In the eveat pazdal taking ��ti . `
<br /> � � of the Pc+ap ia -whicD ths fair m�valae of t�e PmPertY�ate1Y 6efote the takimg is tess ti�the amo►mt of the
<br /> :,. �,��.,; . s�ams seaued�dl�elY befo�the t�Fdn$.�I�S B�=rower aad L�der otheiart�a�e����or unless apg�licable . ..
<br /> iaw othe�a+isepm vId�.the gmoeeds s9aU be applicd w the su�se�vred bY this s�urltY Instii�t wh�hec or not the _
<br /> ! �- . `' su�s ate then di�. �er nntice by Iender w Botmw�t1�ai the condeamor offeis w ��
<br /> ° . t .. if the Progesiyr te abaadonea by Bo:mwer.or if, ff s :
<br /> = . _ - make Ea awazd a:settte e cisim f a r d a�e s a g e s.B a r l o a v e r f a i l s t n r e s p o n d w L e n d e r w i t h t a 3�d a q s a a e r t h e d a t e t I�e n o tt ce _ :
<br /> . Ba oaver .
<br /> :�.0 �.. _ is giyen.Ix¢�er is at�o�Zedta�lIe�aad apply the pmoeeds.�i i t s option,eiWer w n�toration or rrpair of the Pcopecty _w.,-
<br /> ,_ �' or w t h e svms s e c u�e�hy t L i s S e a u t ry I n s m�t.w l�e t h e r o r a o t t h�d u e. al aba11 aot extead ar '4�_�``=
<br /> - �=�- Ua�e,ss I�tde�r a$d Botmw�oth�sri�egrex in wrIting,an9 appiirasion of pioceeds to pr�p .
<br /> � _ ` v.. �•:��. ne the due d2te of the momNy ref�to'sap�p 1 aa0 2or cbangethe a�oum of siu&gay�. .
<br /> � : . �� il.Bormwer Not B��ed,����Y��Nut a Waiver. ExteasQOn of tt�time for paymeat ar � . .
<br /> Y Lender to say succe�or ia�t
<br /> - �oa of amorti�ioa uf thc s�secared by tHis S�i�Inst�ua�t g:ant�d bY .:'.� .
<br /> .,� : � ��, of Homnwer sbalt not operate W celease ihe lia6ilitY of ihe o�i Ba:mwer or Bom wer's saooessois iu inte�t.Ieadet, .
<br /> ,. � s6s11 not 6e tet�ai�e8 to ou�uoe praoex�gs agaias�aa9 sanoessor ia interest or retlts�to eatead time for papme�t� �''
<br /> ` � • � atheawise m�►amo�on af the stuns se�ed by tbis Securiry Instmment b�masoa of aay deuoand maae uy �,,ti.;
<br /> �� � -.... �� oiigiaal Bonuov�r ar Hoaower's saoo�ors in�atu+est.Aay foibearaace bp Lender m exe�isiag ffi►Y aght or mm�Y�att •.,,
<br /> - -- not be a waive�of or preciude the exe�se of�rFg#�t or xemedy. �.,,.; �
<br /> 1Z.Suooe�ors and�Bo�nd:d amd Sevcral Llab�i9+�o�s• The cove�ants and agceeme�ts of ��;` ,.
<br /> -- this Secauity Iastmmeat shall ind�d beaefit the saooessors and �ssigns of Lmder ansl Eoaower, subjeet w the _. - ,
<br /> � , • � = pruv3sfons of pata�aph 17.Bosmwer's wvenaat�aztd shaii be oin�and seve�al.Aay Bormwer who c�-signs . , �..
<br /> ' _.._. '�• this Seuuiry Insutm�ent bnt does not ex�+me the Not� a)�ao-slgfiag t s SewsIt�►Insuau�t on1Y w awrt��g� .
<br /> -- - � • �d oumey tha�Borroweti's iat�est m the nader the t�of ffiis Sewn►Y Insuum�(b)is nat P�son�E�• --�-.
<br /> . ,. ob]ig�2ed w pay tHe smn�s aecua�d by this Securit9 • aad(e) that Leader and anY ott�IB�rmwer�a9� ,
<br /> ' � '. � to ext�ad,mo��s�t, �►Y��oas whh�the tenns of this S�attity I�t ar the �,.: _
<br /> � �a�.. �oa�a C�argea. If the toan secared�►t�Sec�it�►Inst�ument is snbject to a taw whirb s�s�emidnmtvn Ioarn `;,,s..�'�.
<br /> - . .. � c�arge�. �d that law is flnatly �s4 that the mree�t ar otbet loau charges colt�ar w 6e ooIIecooiE ifs
<br /> � ,. � c�n tvitL the loan�oeed tbe peamitted liarits.t&au: (a)ffiY suctt Loaa cHarge sl�all De ne�d bp the amuu�;a ���.°
<br /> . . ae�ary w reduce the c6a�e w the�ea�ed litnit;and(b)eaY sums a]�ad9 co�fmm Boitower�faiah exoeede� m
<br /> � peamiued l�mits wi11 be�c�eRunded to Bormwrr.1Rad�may choose w make t6r.s:efimd by reductng the�omclpal owed
<br /> wndes the Note or by ma�iag a d�Ct paymeat to Bc�wer.If a refund c�a�s��1.ttie rednaion adii be ueaYed as a �
<br /> �.�` ,�;�f!�S.•, . parttal�aqment withont any ps:pay�at char6e ander the Note: ��
<br /> .:>>:...� �4.Nallces. An3►nntice w Bo:xuwes ptuvided for in thia S�urlty Insaflment sIIall be�ivea_b�+delivealag it or b� -
<br /> _ {,-; _ ma�liu�it by fnst class mail unlessapplicable law reqni�us�af aaotha mr.t�a9.�e notIoe snau be d�W the t{�,.
<br /> -- -- piopeny Aad�or a�r otl�r ar�dr�ss B�sruw�daigaat:��na�ce te I�.Any��ia t�ter s�all be glvea bv
<br /> fust class mail to l.�der's address sta�heiela or aay other address Lender desigaate3 by notioe w$onower.Anry noSee �;;-
<br /> tbr In this S�rin►,Insteument ghali be deemed to have be�giv�to Banower or L�der wfieA given as pmvMed �,,,y-�-
<br /> '1Lts ge�auiry lnst►�eat sball be gavemedby fedewl law aad the Iaw of the . �'�4'�`
<br /> , ���(�ov�d� ng Lsw;S�ve�ubl)ity. ��=--�-:
<br /> � Sv -
<br /> . . '� .��,':a ' in wLich the Fcopeztq ia tacated.Ia the event t�2t�y pmvislan os cl�se o�tLis Se�aritY 1�s�vm�t or the b�.=�_�
<br /> L
<br /> • � ote conQ�cta with�p licable taw.sach ooaflict sball not affe�other ptovis2ans of tbis S�rit9 Insuament ar the Noie �-�.,
<br />. � , wLi�eaa b��►en on.To tlils�d the pmvisions of this Seauity ta�ent and the �r�-'
<br /> e�t wi�owt the oonfllcaing Pmvis� �_;• -
<br /> : Note ar�declar�to beseverab2e. ,.
<br /> .. �` 16.Borrawer's Copy. Baimwer shall be g'�vea oae confa�ed capy of the Note and of tbis Sausii.:dnsuau�nt. f
<br /> ..t�'�.:'; 17.Trenst�oY t�e Prap oi a Bcaei'IIde1 tntc�t in Bonower. If all ar any pact of tt.e�is uot�a �-�'•
<br /> . ,-r,,,.�;r�
<br /> ,';`;i1�t',; . �tu[al perso) swithom Len�d�'�ptlar��e�ritteu co w len�,min Bu�u�er i����F� �-::.
<br /> ay ia full of a1l
<br /> , � sams sepcuced b3►this�I►Y Ins�u�at.Ha�weves.lhis oPtiaa shall�t be exercued by Leader if exas�^E�S pmlubited s ;;,
<br />-_ � , � by federel taw as of ti�a date of tLlss Se�rlty lnsum�t•
<br /> .. If Lender a[e�es t�s apttan.Icnder sl�alL�ve Somawer noSce of aeoe2eratton.'1]te aatice a1iaU a�U soms spec+�aead
<br /> . . of aut t�tbaa 30 days from the date the notice is de7ivaed aa maileA wlthin wlacb Bormwer umst PaY
<br /> . . . . Fartn 8028 9/90 fOaBe 4 of�J ; '
<br /> ' ' ,� i BAFO(ER9 SYSIHNS�UIC..ST.ClOUD.I�M 6B30Z U-800397-45411 iOR1i11u�1NE?Bf91 ..
<br /> . ,,(,'14�r'1��s '_
<br /> , ..: .
<br /> ' ��
<br /> i r.. . ..,-,-_.—'_— �... .
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