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<br /> - --- -` �� `tasduding flaods or IIaod�ng►for wh�ch l�eader t�quires insutaace.T6is I�stuance shall 1��maintaia@d ia the amn�aa.� _
<br /> `,...`._._-._`(_^` far the�pPdads that L�der� 1�e insuranoe cazrta pmvi�the�s�aU De cbosea by�umaweE sabjetx co
<br /> � L�der s approval �rhich n�t�l�e�anaDly witLheId. If 4tmaer faUs to mainmin aovernge desctibed above. _
<br /> � °,< , I.�er may.at I.ender's optioa.obtain cuv�rage w proteat Lead�'s rights ia the P c o p e�t y ia auaordaaoe wlth pa�h � _
<br /> .. . ��,.`y 7, �.
<br /> . !��SUt8IIC6 j10�88 8IIQ ICQCW8t9 ShB�I 6C 8C6��LO�dBT�Hh8�1�IIFjIIQC 8 6fffi�flid�Tt$8$��8113C. .Y; .
<br /> • I.En�er shaU have the d�t to hotd�e galic�es ead teaewals.If Leades�.Boaower shall p give w Lender
<br /> aU reaeipts of paid p�wns aud taQewal nosices.ta the event of Ioss.Bonower sball gtve prom�t�w the imsuran�e ,
<br /> . °�,. . �•�, carrier aatt Lender.Len�Yer may mske of of ias�if nat made PromPUY b3►Bonower.
<br /> .�... Untess L�der and Borrawer a � ag�ee In wrl�ag.lasu:aase�s�s11 fie apgiied to ressorastan orrepsir
<br /> �-'�;: of the Pmgerty Qamaged.if the reswralion or repair is feas� Is ead�der's s�uity is uot Iess�d.If ttu�
<br /> . . ... restorasfoa or eepair is not ecoaomlc�y feaslble or Leuder's wauld he t�,the tnsnianoe pmoeeds s�all be
<br /> � . agpHed to the s�s secut+ed Dy tDis Seauity Ins�.w�r or ao t t h e�a dae.wi t h smy e x o e s s p�i d w B�n r m w e r. I f
<br /> . - . Su:rower abaa�ons the Y�m p e r t y.or does nat ans�ves withia 30 days a nni�oe frcm Lead�r that tae insuiance carrier bav
<br /> , .r� : �:.. ,f. o�oo s�te a�,th�L+�d�may wuea�he insaranoe�ooe�s.1��Y yse e h e m c e e d s tn or reswre ,.
<br /> ;. �: � •� the Property ar to pay s�s sscu�ed by this Secudty InsmimQat.whetl�os aot tIlea due.�30-day p�d wiU Degin
<br /> � . � wheQ the notiue is giv�.
<br /> ;.°' IIaless Le�ad�aad Baaaera utbenvl�agree in wtIting,aayspplicmtan of groceeds to prjndpal shaU not eateod or
<br /> , ��:;• fi�; Pos�qmae tHe d�date of tIIe m.�nthi9 PaY��refened t�m pamgr�h�1�2 or chaage die amo�mt of the payments.If
<br /> . aadez aragraph 21 the Pmpert�isar�d isy Lender,Bormwer's nght to�y iasivaace policies aad p�oeeds iesulting
<br />. from�e to tt�e Pmperry pnor to t�e acc�nisItloa s�aII pass w Lender to the eatc�t of the s�ms�6y tliis Secm3ty .
<br /> " , rnstmment�q i�r w the acquisiuna -
<br /> ' ' �. �P�9+ ��o�, Mai�t4�anae sit�!Prateaian o��6e Yca�y; Bnrmw�'s Lasn AppII�on;
<br />: . � � .-:�f I.casc�nlds.Barmwet sbaII y, esmbtisb.�td use the Pmpeny as�oaowea's pr�ctpal zesid�ce within sixty�da,� r�-
<br /> ° aRez the eaec�to�af tbis Sec�'�Instc�omeat and shall aomtinue w the P�a�serty as Banowes's princ�pal�si
<br /> ll ti
<br /> _.' . �,'��"F�`�,;' far at Ieast orie year after the date of aaupaacy.antess I�d�a�tecw agt+ees m aridng.ctfiic]i oons�t shaU not Ue
<br /> �. � nnteasonably witmhetd,or tmIessp��cin�amoes eatst at6ich ace beqoud 8oszawex's ca�ml.Barcotver sbaU aot
<br /> � <��.`�::, des6�ny, or impair the Pcopeny.a�taw dse Pmp�cq w deteeio�ar oamffit w�on the P�g�ty.Bonower
<br /> . � �� shaU be�t if aa�r farfeiture sction or�►m�oeedi�n�.whether clv�ar cri�al,is began tbai�n L�n�es's�ood faith . .
<br /> : ,4` . � conld resaIt m � of.the or utheawise maL�ialiq impair the liea c�eated by thia Seauity
<br /> ; : �i or LYader's securitq�Bomnwer may aue sw�a defanit and r�nst�e.as provided in patagraph 18.b3► -x'�
<br /> '� ad
<br /> . . ` ` .; . t�nsing the acxion or prooeed'mg W be di�with a niling tl�at. in Latdet's good fai@�� p�� �
<br /> n sn
<br />� �-._ �:=: forfeitme oF the Barmwer's mY�est in Qte Pmgerty or othQr ma�al im��of the lien cteated 6y t4is.Se�uity
<br /> - :"''' Insttt�or I eIId�'s seca�dtq iaterest.Boriowra shaU aiso be!n defautt��ionower.;�the taaa spplication proa�s. �� .
<br /> , � ' gave materfaIIy faL�or ma�auate infomratiaa or statemema to Iender��r fai�w LaWa wnh fmy material ` �.�
<br /> , �� . ' fmfo�matton)m c¢+�oc�on wida t�loan evid�oed hq the Note.�cfid�,�t nct I�nted W,�a�as ,t:
<br /> ,t$.S
<br /> . ;•;�4�° ;, ° Bo:mwer'�aa��.�.^�y of the Fro�ty as a prIndpal residence.If this Se�zuiry tnsnna�i is on a Ieas�old.Bormwer�.
<br /> . `�J'�`"� ��. � ca 2y wah a11�e pmvisions of the lease. If Bomower�fee titte tn the Pmperty.the leasd�o2d aad the Se�t"�;e _ _°
<br /> ,.:.;.�... .,.. . -
<br /> , .,,°, :. �. nat mecge tml�,ss Le�det agcees to tLe me�ga in wrltia�. . ` �.
<br /> , ,. ��;;.:;: 7.1P►�otec�b�oY Leadea�'s Rigl�tv fa the Rrop�rty. ff Bmm�va faaits to p e r foau t h e cavenaats a n fl
<br /> f
<br /> .. .. oomaiaed in tLis�curIty Iast�ut. or theie is a Iegal Proo�ng t�atmay sI�8 t�ily affe�t Leuder's ti ts m the. .
<br /> P m P e c t y►(s�s c b t a�a proceedin g ia 6 a a I rn�p t c y.P:'ub a t e.for aand�nr far�I�re as to enfanae Iaws ar i e g a l a t tons). ,.�
<br /> . � : . ihen beader�r c3o and pay for wLa�ver is n�ssary to Fmtect t�e vatae of the Praperty�d Leader's r��ts In tbe ,�-
<br /> �. . '',�� �. L�nder's ac�ons may iasIude p� aap suaa���ed by a l�en whid� has p�Eo�ity over th�s � E.-�
<br /> -I. Insti^'.�ent,appeuing iu aourt,payinS rfasonab e attomeys'�ees and enteriag on the Ptoperty w ma�e�paits Althou �. -
<br /> '= Leedes�;saae acs3ort nadet llsss 7.L�dez does r�t�re tc dQ so. . " �-
<br /> . .� . � Aoy�.s disbutsed bq�der this patagraph 7 sball be�me additioaal debi of Borroav�secaced by this °` .
<br /> . ;�` �` Seca�ity Insttumes�.Unless Horcower a¢d I.eader agoee w otha tenas a��saymeat,tLese�ts sleall b��t fivm ��;`..
<br /> � � . .. '� the date of disbu:s�nt at the Noie sate and sl�all be payable..widi�rest. apon notice fmm I�eader to Eo�murer � ---
<br /> . . , . t' regaestiag p_symea� �
<br /> . • � 8.Mortgage i��."'"."� �Lender reqau�ed mortga„�insasance as a aonditicaa cf ma�Iag the loau secar+e��S�is . --
<br /> .. , � ' Sec�it9 Instr�i.Bomanrer shall pay the premiums requ�ed w ma�a the mo:r�e�asvtaaoe la effect. �f,�ar aap . , . _-
<br /> . . :� : reason, tae mo�iasu�anoe coveiage iequited by Leader tagss.s¢��to be m effoct. Baimwu shall pay 8�e ...
<br /> . . ps�m4ams requs�:t�obtaia caverage sabst�alIy eq�dvatesu w� iasu�e pnvtonsly Ia effect,at a oost � —
<br /> : ':f,: � �-.r_
<br /> . : , substaniially eqni��s►t to the cost to Boaower of the mnrt�:ias�ar���wa1y in effect.fmm an alte�aze murtgage , � _
<br /> in.mr�r appmved Ts�Leader.If snbsta�ialiy�n�valent me�e�oe cflv�rage is not available,8onaarer s1�aU pay ��
<br /> to Leades eas�a ica^�.th a s�eqval tQ one�twelffh of the yea�mnrtgage�ce piemium besng paid by Boimwer when --
<br /> �. . the insaraace aivar�e lapsed or oeased to be in effe�t.Lender wiil seoepi,use�d ram�these payme�as a Ioss r�save �,
<br /> ia lieu of mort�r�suraare. Loss resenre paymeata may uo longer Q�r�quir�l,�ti'�option Q£LeaCer.if
<br /> . iasaraaoe o�v an the a�mmt and fo:the od tvat L�der vtdsd� an Ias.uee e�1 g 1� �``:
<br /> �, .. ... . �C Pert La requis�a�Pro � u appruv b3►
<br /> a�ia b�oames a�a:ab2e and is obtaiaed.Boa�nwer shall paq the pmm��ms reqaice�as maia�a�toitga�e tnsatauce�n • �_
<br /> ��%��,;�.� .' �� e�ecx.or w pmvide a toss r�rve. amil the toquirement for moitgage ins�raace ar�i 'vn 2000idaace witb aaq vmtte� --•
<br /> •'',E„N ag�eeruent 6etwcea Bormwer aad Lender os applicab2e law. Fann 3D28 9150 lnage 3 0161 !�ti
<br /> • earaceas svsren�mx_sT.uow Mw ea�o�n-eoos9�•saau co�re iuo-��rie zre�s� •
<br /> , • .. • ,y .
<br /> �. � . .. ��,������
<br /> �- .+�.:...<...._._-�- ._... .��..._...: .���. . � ._._
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