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<br /> . - .:�;`: �7�lb�y7�-- ��� � . :.
<br /> . If Borrawer faits w pay tt�e swms prlor co the acpiralion of this pe�od.L�der msY 1nvoke � ..
<br /> . . - �y t�ia Sec�itY I�su��at- `.•� . .
<br /> ��{��tted by t�is S�Ity ias�ent withous tluther nodce or demaad�8ormw�have the e1Bht to hmve �r�:�
<br /> . 18.Bo�'s Big�t to Rdn�te. If Borrower a�s oeitata condit�oas.
<br /> . ; enfot�aent of tIIis S e�u r tty t�u m�t d i s c o a t i a n e d a t a�t t i a�pr l o r w t h e e�a rll e c o�feIIY�w�e�r of sale c a n t e i n� t t h i� ��,:
<br /> tor ieinsmtementy before sale of�he Prcg�ty p��
<br /> , . ' � applicable law ma�►sgedfy► enfot�ing tlds Se�eiry Ias�u�.'I�ass condidoas are t$at Bo:rower:(a) �. .
<br /> , ..:k`�4° � �.'� gecauity insm�ent:or(b)e�9 of a jwd� �aad the Note as i�no aweieiation 1xs� ��` � �
<br /> � . , pays Leader atl s�ms wh�then wout he dne me�ttsia Secau�ty s s all espeuses in�red ia eafot�cing tbis
<br /> . ` a c a�e d; (b)a u e s a n Y d e f a u lt of a�r other covEaanta or agteementst(�aY��d��s u c b a c t i o n a s L e a d e r maY • .
<br /> �,�c Sewrtt�+Insuu�at� iacIudiog.but nat limited to,teasanaDle atto�aeys��,s sigQts in the PmPe�tY a�BotmwPa's .
<br /> reas�ablY r�u�e to assore that the l�en oi this Securit3►tas�+ Ugon�by Bormwer. -
<br /> . , , _ o��oa wp�y thee sums sowred bY this S�►Ia�sh�l co� ve as if no aocde��on Lad a�un�d• f � • .
<br /> �a�y Iast�um�t and the o61f�ations sew��eteby�g��n�Qrag�h 17. '
<br /> ' ' Ho�reve�r.tbis dght w reinstate��pi9�_m ihe c�se a witD tb#s Securttp .�-, _:.
<br /> . . . . - I9.Saie of Noi�Cbange S�vic�. 'fhe Note or ap���ia t�e Natc 4�$���ia the�tty � _ ,.
<br /> �e sotd one or mn�e t�withaut�r notice to B may�
<br /> --- -• . �)tbe�Loaa Secviaer')that wlIects mo q PaY�nts d�amder t�e Note and d��►�.� .
<br /> _ � also�Y be one ur mor�d�anSes of the Loan Servicer�d to a sale of the Nat� If theie ie a cI�nge of the Lomr . .
<br /> _ . . Sscvloer,Bonower wIll be givea wciuen not�cx af the change in amaxd�oe wlth pa:ageaph 14 above �be ma�de.
<br /> � '17�e nattce a�ll state the name�d ad6ress of the nea t�aa SetvI�oer and the addr�ess tn whicb payments .
<br /> . ' 'i�e notice w�l alsa contain anY ath�info�iontequired bY BPPlicable 1ew. or retease of . .
<br /> 20.Hazardnaa Sut�smnos�. Bot�we�shali nut canse ar peamt the ptes�ne.use,dis�OS�.eG��• . ,
<br /> � `.�'; aay Har�rdous Suhstances an or ia t�e Pr�e�►.Boaawer shayl not do.no�5�shall not�ply�the F�es�► .
<br /> �, ' the pmperty thai is�in violation of aay Envuon�l taw.'I�e grece�iag � � to be sppmPr� - .
<br /> ce
<br /> . use,or swraSe on the Peogeny►of small quantitiw of HaasrQous Snbstanaes tbat aie ge�►erallY � �
<br /> .. �; . w normal�esid�dal�s�nd to maintenaace of the PmPertY• • �;or othes acaan by
<br /> :;` � `,�'- g Z,endter wrItten 5noitoe of aay fivestiS�tion,ctaim.demand. or Environ- _ :. `, .�
<br /> . . �, ' Enrmwer shall gromp Y g�I,en atry
<br /> . _. : ..-.�::. �y�or negulaW:9 eSeacY�r P��P�►�voiving the PrepertYuot�ed by�iremaoemal ar zegulatoiY _ �._
<br /> , -----�-�>,�.' ua�l Law oF wtii�h Bo3mw+er I�as actual laiowle f e. g��Shbstance aff�the Pmpecry��elY•Bomnava . --
<br /> pe ty
<br /> . �tu�ity,tiaat any raaoval os othec remediation ea3► . -
<br /> take aU rauedial acduns in aceu:dancs w�tb Environmeatal
<br /> � <: ��As a�sed in tbis parag�" ?A•°Ha7atdons S�bstanrxa°a��oseae.other flano�able�w�dc gemmleum P�+
<br /> " �'� '`' hy gIIV4mnmeutal law aad following substaaces:gaso}ine, ---- _
<br /> .._ ,...�... ._.��:'�:,� des and herbiddes.e otaUte solveaffi.materials asbestos or fom�al de,aad radioacave materl� _-
<br /> `_ -. _ , As�ased�in this pa:agr�h 20. Envi:onrueata1 Iaa�'°m���vs�cl la�vs of tbe�sdiction where the YmperiY _
<br /> ��. �,: towted that rdate to�attb.safe�Y or eavimmoental Prot�ion• as fottaws• � . :
<br /> . ..`�"�:'�;` .: , � NoK-lTrrtc�tu�CovraaaarrPS.Bormwer and l.ender further oavea�t and agc�e ::.�, ,
<br /> Y or to sccel�ettoa toltowln�Boirow�s's
<br /> . ,`}�t - - 21.Aaxlcration;Reme�lies. L�d�s�!give notice to Barrawer prt tt�n tmd� Pb 17
<br /> ,' " . .�'( l��2ach oY any ea�a�nt m'agr�em�►t in tlifs S�ItY 1�n�(b���tO����t��e the
<br /> . ��. ,'� m�I e s s e ppl�a a 6 1e law p r ovldcs oth�wtse).13t¢matice sbaU spedi9=(a)� �(b) ��t8e def�It m�st 6e .
<br /> ` `'' • defer,r?�t;(a)a date,mo4[es9 tLaa 3�d ays f r a�t h e d a t e t h e n o t f ce f s p�v�t a 8 a r r o�,b 9
<br /> e�in 4he IInlice may�saIt in aocei�on
<br /> ' ., .. chu+�;and(�t h a t f a i l�u e W c�e 4 h e�f��end sate of the Ptnpest9.The notIce shaII farQh�r i n farm B o r�m w e r `f- .
<br /> • o f W e s a m s s e c m+e d b y tbis.Seauit9 t o a o o m�t a s�ton t o e�e r t t h s no�ease oi a :���;.;:�
<br /> � ot the r j g h t w►+e t a s t a t e e f t c r a c ce I a s t t o n a n d t h e r t g i�t h�S ;
<br /> e
<br /> . d e f s n I t o s a p y o t�d e f e a s e a 4 B u r r awer to aoaet�an eon�sa2e.If tl�e d�f n f a D a f�a D�s e c�D y t�s ;�-;�,,:
<br /> _ ane�in the no t tc� �u der a t f t s o g t c�r a m a y r e i l u i r e���sale aud aap athe�r�edtes p���. �',""'�'`::
<br /> g�rltY Instru�t wlthotrt fm�ites��aadn�iasra4elhe�wer p �� - ;
<br /> ; � .. e p p ll e a b l e 1 a w.l.�d e�s b a II b e e a t[t 2 e d t o o oIIe�eII e x p e�iac�re+ed in pinsctstg the tmme�4s pmQ1 ,
<br /> P�9�pL Zi.indudin�.b�n o t t i m i t�l t o.r e a s o n a b i e a t t o r n e Y g [�an d o a s b�e�e e v t d e a o e. �!
<br /> _,' � �.' �. . If the powc�oYsaTeis invo�ed.11rt�steeshell iemrd e natiae oY defanIt in e��t9sab2e faw W Bosro�w�r�d
<br /> W ��
<br /> ', " pmperiy is tocetest and shall mail eopdes aS s�nattce in the enamnet p�bY t�ble iaw.Z�rastee shaII� �===_�
<br /> �. . . .:. � .,� to We oth�persons presw3bed by app![�the mann��b�y ��e�.71ru�wltho�demsin�an �---
<br /> ,�:, ...,� . a n 6 l i c n o fl a e of sale tfl tGe P e r s ans and � --,,.
<br /> � � ��e e o wer,shall scA the Yr+o�at p u b l ic su d ioa t o t�l�c s t b t d d¢r a t t h e t t m e e n d g l a ce a a d�d�t h e.t�rma _ ,
<br /> F: �ated tn the no�ee of saIe one or more�a�s�d�a any arder�tastee d�ermines.�astee ma,Y��� .�:
<br /> �• ' ' sate o?ail orarry paroel of the Progeriy by�O1!ltc mmo��t at tbe time ana plaee of a�prevLnuslY ..
<br /> ���.'
<br /> .. �1�Le�nde�or tte designee may pu�tP��rn�Y�a�t any sate � $�eed abnaeying the ��'_14-�
<br /> �`..: :.�: p� sLatl deliver t�ihe �'
<br /> . � Upon reo�ipt of paym�t of tfle h�a. isas�ee iade e�fi3�ce����DF�sdateme�ts made
<br /> �' . ' . Property.'I4ie resitsL� !n the Tn�stee�s�shaQ bs prims --
<br /> �. ��,,..; �.. �.�tee shall applq ttee pr�ds af t�e sale in the PoIIowing arde:(a�y►eII3;ccsts en8e�of•e� �°.�.���;=.
<br /> :j t `l,,,, _.r "� ���';ildu;.
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