- �__._:`{-`� . ' _ , ' ..... :.�-;.. {t�i�'•� 'i ' I .
<br /> lt� . _ . " _ . —__ '_ __ „'4� .__ __ •: J. .� _ .�. _ - .� .t...
<br /> .. . . . �5_ _-.�. � ' . � � . .[ '�l' - — � , � 3' t�
<br /> � ....— — .x_ i .--:- ...... �,`.. � � � . .� � J . � �`i .F)-^S- .•� � l�C'•` ,
<br />. �� �r�+ / C. 'i� _ ' .�. — — �y�. .
<br />.. -., �'� . .�
<br /> - ... . t.4_ �_ '- .
<br /> �� •' ,�L.' ... �Q� ��(�I �� • � ... �
<br /> � '. :�
<br /> ` .. .� �C7� � fl11 111C��YfffiWt8 IIaW OI � t[tCtOd OD f�2 gerty. 3iid �11 CMSE4IIE�i8.� �`";`_.,
<br /> . , . apputteaances mW fixtares aow or a part of ths propeny.All ieplace�ats and a�dd�tions ahaU also Ee aoveced � .`.
<br /> . by t�a SaauIry I�t.All of tDe foieg��s referied to in t�Ls Secutity tns�umeat as the°Pm�peny." .
<br /> � . Soxxo�n Cavertaetts that BomnNei is�awgulIy seised of the estate hea�by onnveye�and bas the rlgh�t to g�ant aad ,
<br /> ` �,. .�..��.> onnvey the�p�o�y and tnat the Prupeety ts ua�caa�bered.euept for�wmbrances of�eonl.Borrawer aanants aad ,�y.
<br /> - �. �;.� �viri Qefasd g�sity�e tit2e to the P c v p e i t y against all elsims a�demaads.subject w any eacQmbraaoes of rEOO:d. .,.
<br /> T t u s:Sg.vBrrr I r i ssttcuuamas c a m b 7 n�u n i f o s m w v�►t s f a r a a t i o n a l r.s e a n�n o n-u a�f o i m w v e a an t s wtth tlmited :, � •
<br /> . �t` �oas by Jart�a�aron co oonscttmte a a�orm sec�r��r�oo,►����+.
<br /> �- - -.�w�� UNU�ot�CovErrnrns.Bormwea and Lreoder covwamt�da�e as follows: • .
<br /> L eoder
<br /> --- - - -=-- Y.�off�lrindpat s�as'i�Pc�sy��ut s�I.�C�.�wer shail pmmpdY Pal+when due -_
<br /> � �� � '�` tIIe p al of tmd iater�.t on tBe debt evldeuoed by the P1ate and a�►pm�aymffit aad late charges due imder the Note. _
<br /> . _ . :t� �i.�a�eor�$na r�rano�swuj�c u�epp]Ic�ble taw or to a wnttea�va'sv��sy I.euder.Bom�wer sball pay .
<br /> . d9
<br /> ' .` � �: to L�er on the day monthly p, a:e dne�mdar t1�e Note.nntil the Nate ia paid in t'uU. a s�(°Pmmds'7 fm: (a)
<br /> ptaa�s and ass�ts whzcb��at�a p�ova 8iis Seaniry Instn�t as a tien on the Pm�eeey:tb)Y�Y
<br />- , ` -.� �� �seho3d paymeats or gtoand�ents an the Ptopeety, anY:(c)Y�iY ha�or properiy Ius�uaaoe Pr�w�s:(�Y�Y
<br /> � • �� itood insaraace px�iBms.if any;fe)Year1Y moKgage iasa�anee piemiums,if aay:aad(t�aa�►sums�aYab1e by Eorrower `.,;;` .
<br />,- ; �. . r W i� iu aoao�daace with tae gmvisi+ons of patagta�pb 8. in liw af tl�payu�at of mortgage ims�aaoe p�s. _.
<br /> :.:.� ��..._.
<br /> • 'i�e�s are calted°Ssaow It�s."Leada may.ai�q t�.wlt�t su�ttold F�mds ia an a�mtt not to�ttie
<br /> " � �annoimt a Ieudec for a fe�ierally ielatead mott�age Wam may require for��rcawer's escxnw soca�t uader the
<br /> . _ ,:, fedcdal Real S�tate Sdit��t Pms�edures Ast of 1974 as a�aded fram time to tt� 12 U.S.C. $ 26Q2 d seq. • -
<br /> a1
<br /> � . � - �:; (°RESPA°).unless aaother law ibatapplies to the Fands seis a I�ataount.If so.I�dermay.at�aay�.aoll�t and .
<br /> = � h o l d P a n d s i a a n�t a o t t o e x c o e d t Il e I e a s e r a m a a a t.L�d e r m a y�t h e m a o�t oY��ds dne aa tl�basFs of
<br /> >�•::1:. :,°�, . .° c a n e a t d a t a a n d r e a s o a a b l e e s t i m a t e s o f e a p e a d itu�es o f l i�m r e H s s m w I t e m s o r o t h e s w t s e in asooardaaae with a p glicab2e
<br /> . iaw. �
<br />' ' •:: ' '. 77it P1mds shaU be�etd in an i�itutloa�vha�deposits ate iasu�cl bp a fedecal ag�ey.�n►•��Y .
<br /> _ ' (�nstud'mg I�der.if l.endea is suc8 an institadan)or�a any Fedeia!H6me Lo�Saak.Ireader st�alt Iy the�ds w
<br />. . =,� paq t�Esemcv It�s. L�de�may n4t�ge anIess Leadet� Burmw�im�terest Funds and ��ta� -,
<br /> .. . , ---•--� .'. �cmw�coaum. or va�tin,g the Essrow Items. Pa9$
<br /> •oa
<br /> . ,. _ p �s I�der w mage sarh a ct�ge. Rawever. I.ender ma�► req�re Boaower w pay a oae-time c ar�e for an
<br /> , � � �. ' i��teal e�te mx te�¢rtiog s�oe nsd Leadea in oonaecdoa wIth this toan.antess aPPlic�ble law pm�IQes
<br /> �y 1 b
<br /> � - othen+nse.Untess aa a�aneai is m�e or appltc�te Iaw teqaites iateiest to be�aid.lxader sba11 nnt be:�nIc��ay
<br /> ' �A�,° go�mvver aay intec+es�ox eamings on the Fands.$osower�sd E,aWet may agiee�n wrI��g,however,that intete.st� be ,r;
<br /> agt e
<br /> �_ .. '-. . pai�!aa the Fitads.��s�all glve�for��each�it to Fuads was�f a�ads�pled�ge�d ags a�ddiu'a�na�l . ,.
<br /> debits to the Fi�s p ,,-
<br /> �`,� .. a�rity for all s�ms seca�ed b y th�'ts tasavmffit-
<br /> ':''e ��`� :� ' , If the F�Gs 1teYd 6 y Leader��Qie amounts per�ttefl w be hetd by appl�cab2e law.I�d�shall acwnnt o� :r ,_,
<br /> f '= ,' � .'" Bauawea fos the�Fmtds in eeootdaitce wlth tl�n�Cir�o fapp�i w b l e l a s v.I f t h e�u m m t o f t h e F u n�s b e l d b q � .�,
<br /> ��;;� . 1,,,,e..,�,!d,.er ffi�y time is aot safficteut w ay the Escmw I�when dae.Lend�a maY so noWY Bonawer 3a�end.in �
<br /> .��:�. _ p ,,,,,,b,� �° _ �
<br /> :..}°,-�'� OLLaa+pSL'BOIIbWC!Slldu' L[1 1+��SE��.48TSI W u�aac II�1��CICnCyt. BOIIOWe[S�1 l�1� ':.:
<br /> , � ,.:i.;,��. . ' � ,
<br /> . . deScisacy in no�re tLmu twelve moathly�apme�te. �":-;
<br /> at E.eader's soie disccetion. F .,.,,
<br /> . .'<. �.;c ;; Upon pa�t ia li�ll of aU sQms s�uad this S ty Iasu�ent,Lender shall pro�r,p'dY refimd to Rormwer ,.:
<br /> . : � - aaq Funds held by Lead�. If. �d�erp�h�l. Le�nd�sLall acqaire or sell the Prnper�. I.eader, prtor to the —_a
<br /> • a c q n i s itioa or sate of the P a�t y.suall apply aay Punds'held by Le�des at the dme of acquis�don or sale a4 a ccedit =--
<br /> against 8�sums semred ¢'�s Se�c�I n s u�n t- � ��py��nder °
<br /> _ Applicatioa of�. unless appltcab2e law pravidea othe�wlse, Payments a,l-.°-
<br /> _ , . p�a�apbs �aad 2 sbaII be agplied:fust.w anY P�PaY����er ti�e t�ot�souu�ut.t��t��� „? =
<br />-• � � auder p gap�2,thirQ.to intemst dn�fautth.to p�al dae;aaA last,w any latec�rges due�er the Note. � ;, �`-'-"
<br /> � 4�.C�gBS,Y.f�s. Boimwer shall pa�y all taxes.ass�s.chaorges,�nes amd imposittons atuibuta�is tci FSx. �=�:
<br />��: �:.,�,,, `.. ptuperry wtdth may atm��ao r Ity over t L i 9 Seauitg I a s�t. �leasehold p a y n u�a t s or g muad �.���s9• ' I�a--
<br /> '. f'�Sr •s• ..
<br /> -� �'"� Bosmwer sbaU.Pap these a��ns in the manned p:o�ia patagwpL 2,or if not ia that ma�et.$e�;r shall
<br /> ;.• .,-{r', ..:,: .,..,
<br /> c :,.;." . � pay them an ti�di�ctly�r pe��son awed paym�:at: l�ar�wa shaU pmmptiy W Leuder all notices a�E�motmn3 �--,-�
<br /> �' . � �to be paid uader thls paza��.If Bo�x�make4 c�pay�znts directly.Bomower shall pmmptty ii�mish ta Leader =_
<br /> € : .. ,,,�. � ieoeipts evtd the Pagme�s• .
<br /> �; Botmwer pmwpr�y t�seLar�auy l�en whict�has prioriig�r 8�is Seauity Ins�t nniess Boisuwerc(a) �,�
<br /> �;.;,. . . ag�ia wtidng to the pays.eat of thc obiigadan saa�d by the lien in a mamner aceeptaUle tfl�.eader; (b)contests in '-
<br /> •' ��,��: aad faith the ilen by.or�ds apeinst eafo:oems�u cf the liea in.I�pmce�:'ags which in the Ixader's a �nion ���e:',:
<br /> �. ��,:;�,�� '...: � �.:� P o II .;�::lo�.
<br /> � : �.,. pe�ate to pt�veut the enforcemeat of th�H�: or ic) secaues fmm the�aIder of the llen sn agaeement�=Y to ,«��'.
<br /> � Leader snbo:dinatIng tIIe lEen to t6�s SeQU�ity Iast�eat.If Lender det�m�nes tbat a�r yart of the Pcapeat�►is sitbjeet to a .
<br />.��.'':: : . .: ., IIen wbich may aitain ptiosity over thls SecarIty Iasttumen�t. Leuder give Boaoaet a aodae id�fy�8►e llea. ..
<br /> R�� Bonawer shaU saiisfy tho ll�n ar take one or mare of the aaions set forth�ve with9a 10 days arPthe�tving bf notice.
<br /> �. . •• � ; . S.H�d or Pt�opaty Insm�coe. Bomnwer shall keep the�mpiavements now e�istIng ur hereafter erected ou the
<br /> - ti'. ' . pmpetty insated against lo� by &e� bazeids included wifhin the term "extended cavera�e° aad any otL4.z ha7ards. � .
<br /> �:. ;:.
<br /> .. _ . co�su�e e�so�va�s a o�s1
<br /> � . � '.i eaucs�s svsrea+s auc.,sr.caauo,nm,oesot�+.soossr.z3au w�eenn�tis�s�
<br /> �" - ,:c: ' '
<br /> !� :
<br /> t,u.
<br /> � . - s i';�:,
<br /> �' � ' '!'s;�'
<br /> �� �•
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