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<br />� . .. • � RE•Il�l���t::���� V V�I� �g�����:�1���4'7' CTCCLG{i OI� ��,5. r��
<br /> � ' � • S. HaESrd ar Psoperty Iasuraace�irrower shsll keep the improvements no� .
<br /> '� � ' the Property insnred agaiast loss by fire.hazards iacluded within the term"extended coverage"and any othar hazards.
<br /> iacluding floads or flaodiag,for which Lender requirES ins�nance.'f6is'��+++�*►ce shaU be araintaiaed in the amouats
<br /> . .-��;�� � and for the periods thaat Lendet rc:quires.The iasurance carrier providiug the i��ce shall be chosea by Bosrower ^ �.
<br /> - subject to Lender's appzoval which shaU not be unreasoaably wittsheld.U Borrowet faila to maiataia coverage described
<br /> `�.;--:'y.-`=-` � above,Lender may,at Lender's option,obtain coverage to Qratect Leade�s rights in the Property in accordance with _
<br /> .` ParaSraPh T. clause. '. _
<br /> • All ins�uanc�gfllicies end renewals sfiall be acxeptable to Lender and shall include a atandard mort�age .
<br /> . . :. . L,ender ahall have the right to hold the policies aad renewals. If Lender requires, Borrower sha11 promptly give to -
<br /> ` .'� " ums aad tenewal notices.�the event of loss.Eorrower shall give prompt notice to the .
<br /> - - -. -- Lendec all receipts of paid premi
<br /> , inm�ran_ce catzier and Leadet.Lender may make proo4 oi lo�if aot made pmmpttY by Borro�er.
<br /> � �� .._:� Unl�ss Leader attd Borrower atherwise agcee in writing,inswance proceeds shaU be applied to re.gtoration os repais
<br /> . , of the Property damaged,if the restoration os repair is ecoaomically feasible and Lenderrs security is aot lessened.If the
<br /> ... restoration or repair is nnt economicallp feasible or Lende�s securi�y would be lessened.the insuraace Prooeeds sball Ue . ..
<br />_ .` ` � , applied w the suma secured bY this Secunt9 I�strum�t,whethet ar not thea due,with any escess paid to Borruwer_If
<br /> I�aaower aBandnns ths PropertY,or does not aaswer witbia 30 days a a�otive from Lender that the insusance carrier has
<br /> � ` ��ered to s�ttte a claim,thea Lender map coltect the iusurauce proceeds.Lender map use tha proceeds to repair or
<br /> - . ' `;:,�: r�tore the F:aperty or to pay sums sec�are�by this Secinity Iastrument,whether ar not then due.The 3Q'dey penod will , ,
<br /> _ . .' :;A`, begia when the notice is givea�. , -
<br /> � Ualess I.ender and Borrower other�ise agree in writipg,anq agplic�tion of praceeds to priacipal ahaU not eatend or
<br /> .�,�1_;�.�,,._ ��-':� �oscpone the dae date of the monthly payments refened to in phs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. M_ -
<br /> ,,, . Y �under para&'aPh 21 the Property is acquired by Len@er. nower's right to any insurance Policies and proceeds '� �.
<br />.:,�d�?.� . . resulting from daraage to the Froperty prior to the acquisition shaU pass to Lender to the extent af the sums secw�by '..
<br /> `�`:` .'� this SeivritY Instrnment immediately prior to the acq�nmtion. �,•�;`_���`
<br /> '. .f,Y�''-.
<br /> •. . '�r g. 6.Occnpaacy,Preservation,Maiateaaace and Protection of the Property:Hosrower's Loan Applicatiosa;
<br /> . v`'�.��- �.easeholds.Bosrowes shall occaPY.�tablish.and u�the Property as Bosrowe�s principal resideace within sist9 ds�s �-�.-::
<br /> - - . . after the eaecution oi this SecuritY Instivment and ehali wntiane to occupy the Yraperty as$orrowefa pimci�l
<br /> � " �side.aca for at least one y-esr after the date of occupaac9.unless IRnder otherwise ageea in writing,wbich consent shaU �-_=�
<br /> :- �.
<br /> . �'� �ot be unreasonably withh�l.d,or unles eatenuating circunnst$aces esist which are bepond Bonower's control.Honower . �.E.
<br /> ' ' '.�"• sl�ll ac>t d�troy,i�amage or unpair�:.PropertY,a11ow the Pr�,,9zrty to deteriorate,or coaimit waste on the Progesty: .�,�_
<br /> _';',��� Borrower shall be ia default if aay f�ture actiaa or proceec��g,whether civil or crimiasl.ie 1�egw►that in Len�s =�:.
<br /> `:;..:::;i�:�: ��
<br /> - �`r.�;ksr good faith judgment coul@ ravlt in fiu'feiture of th�Propertf vr otherwise saaterially nrnpair tha lien created by�is ,r
<br /> �_".
<br /> . • . ge�urity Instromeat or Leade�s security iatere.a¢.Banuwer map cure such a defanit and reinstata,as provided in a..'�'
<br /> ` . . .�'}� P�S�Ph 1�. bY �ausing the action or mceediag.to be dismissed �i�3t a svling that, ia Lende�s good faith
<br /> : detets�nination. recludes forfeiture o4 tfie Borrowei's mterest ia tha Property as other material iaipaitmesit af the liea m�""`:
<br /> ` ..�• cnated by this Security Instrument o2 Lendes's secunty tnterest.Bosrower shall also ba in default ii Bonower,duriqg =__
<br /> ' __ :.� the loan application pmce�, gave materiatly false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender (or failed to �:,j.._.
<br /> , � �;f provide Leader with any material information)in connection with the loat►evidenced by thc Nute,including,but aat � _
<br /> '' s limited to.representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of tha Property as a principal residence.�If this Secusitq �.`.;":
<br /> .
<br /> : � `: z Instrument is oa a leasehold,Bosrower ehall comply w�th all the prnvisione of tha lease.Tf Borrower acquires fee title to
<br /> „ ,. � tha Property,the leasehold and the fee title sball not iaerge unless Leader agrees w the merger ia writing.
<br /> � ` 7.Protecaion oi Lender's Rights in the Praperty.If Borrower faiIs to perforna the covenauts and agreements ,._
<br /> � , � .:-:;�?" :;� coataiaed ia this Securin►Instivment,or there is a legal ptoceeding that may sigaificant�p affect Lende�s righte in t�e � '
<br /> � � � �'' ptogerty (such as a praceeding in bankruptc.y, probate, fos condemaatioa.or fbrfeitute or to ea4orce lacrs br
<br /> :_.��,-
<br /> _, regntations),then Leades may do and pay for wtratever is nece�ar9 to Pro'�os:t the value of the Ptbgerty and Leader's ��;; -'-
<br />_ . - �. . ,�S. rights ia the Ptoperty.Lende�a actions may inchrde paying any sums sec,�cd by a lien which has�aiority over this ,�•-._
<br />-.�:�.".: �� •` Security lnstrument,appearing in court,PaYing reasanable attorney�fees aad entering on the Property to make repaiss.
<br /> � ='
<br />_ �� �'�.::��' Although I.eader may take action under thie paragaph 7,Len�w*does not have to do so. � �:-_
<br />__ . ; .�y amounts disbursed by Lender under tbis paragaPh�sRall become additioaal�bt of Borrower secured bg a�is
<br />- � • �` Securitp Instrument.UW.1ess Borrower sad Lendes agtee to other terms of paymeat�tIIx�e amovnts�z41 beas iater�st �-�,,
<br />- ..'�• �-:� irom the date of disb��znent at the Note rate acd:�aU be paysble�with int�+�t.upon notice from Lesider w Bonower �����
<br /> .., requestiagiraYraen� � ,�
<br /> . ,.. �r 8.Mortgage Insnrance.If I�c�',�..`r required mortgaga iasurance as a condition af xn�ing the loaa secuted by t�is �. -
<br /> 4 ,. SecUritY Inswment.Borrower shait�y the premiume requised to maintaiu tha mortg�iasuranca in eifect.If,ior a�y
<br /> reasan.tha mortgage iasurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceasea to ba ia effect,Borrower sbaU pay the � .
<br /> � pre+niuma required to obtain coverage aubstantially equivalent to tha mortgage insurance previous1y ia effect.at a cost
<br /> ` substaatially equivalent w the cost to Bonower of the mortgage iasurauce previously in eitect. from aa alternate
<br /> .'. � � �' � martg,age insin�er appmved by Lender. If substantially equivalent mortgage inauraace coverage is not available� ..
<br /> Bonower sha11 pay to Lender each month a sum equal W one-twelfth of the pearly mortgage insnraaca premium being F �:
<br /> � � . ' ' . �� paid by Borrower when the insurance coveraga lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Leader will accept,use and retai�th.esa
<br /> � � ::; PaYments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage msuraace. I.ass reserva payments maq ao longer ba tequir+ed.
<br />-. ' . }. . ' Form 8018 0 •
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