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<br /> . • ' .. . ' RE RFLO�i�'R 9���0�77�� oa the ert�.V�ya►1leasements. -
<br /> �,'. 4. ; t • T'pOBI'HER WITH ell the improvemenis ttow or hereaiter erected
<br /> ', '.�' apgurteaaaces,and Cixwms aow or hereafter a part of tha propert9.All replacements aad additions ahall also be covered
<br /> .. . ` by tt►is S�n�ity Iastrumen�All of the Potegoiag ia refen�ed to in this Sec�mt9 InsWment as the"Progertq.°
<br /> " �BORROWER COVENANfS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the esmt�s hereby oonveped aad has the right w �
<br /> : ..'_:�e;„,.,�:. grant and canvey the Property end that the Propertg is onencvmbered eacePt for eacumbrances of rasord.Bono�ver i
<br /> .- -� - warraats and c�ill dafend generally tha title to the Property against all cla'sms and demands.subject to any eacumbrences - -
<br /> ' . . oi record. - :�;�`;�
<br /> THI$SECURTTY INSfRUMENT wmbines uniform coveneats for natiopal�e and non-imiform coveaants with •
<br /> . . �. `. ' Gmited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniforna securit9 instrument coveriag real propercp. . `•,t.:
<br /> ° � - UriIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender coveasat and agree as follow� when due �
<br /> _. - --- 1.Poyment oi Prindpal aad Interest;Prepayment aad Leta Charges.Bomower shall promptlY PaY .
<br />". . . the principal 04 and interest on the de6t evideaced by the Note sad anY P�Papment and late chargea due nnder the Note.
<br /> 2. Fonds ior Tases and Insurance.Sub}ect to applicable!a�or to a writteu waives bY Lender.BosroW�s�11 ,
<br /> .: .,. . _ , �...~ ay w Lender on tha day moathly PaYments ate due under the Note.uatil the Note ia paid ia fuU.a sum("Funds")for. . .
<br /> . < . . � �a)yearly ta8es aad ess�sments a+hich may attain priority over thie Sesurity Iastrument as a lien on the Property;(b)
<br />� � . . �`� gearlq leasehold paytnents or ground renta on the Froperty.if any;�c)Year1Y bazard or property insuraace premiums; .
<br /> : , _`.. � (d}yearly flood ina�r,�n�premiums.if aaY:�e�Yearly martgage iasurance Premivms.if e�Y�and I�)�Y��PaYable � �:; •
<br /> � � by�orrower ta Leader.in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8.ia lieu oi the papment of mortpge insusaace , ;.;,.
<br /> - �� " pres�aiuma.These items are called"Fscrow Itema"Lender may.at any time,coltect and hold�Funds ia aa amouat not _ „
<br /> to esceed the maffimum amouat a lender fot a federallY related martgage loaa may.requite ior Borrower's escrow `'�. ;,'
<br /> , Y ,
<br /> ac�rount under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as am e n d e d f r osn time t o t i me, 1 2 U.S.C.
<br /> � . . - Section Z6�1 et seq.�"RFSPA°f.untess another law that apptie�to the Funds seta a tesser amount.If so.Lender may,
<br /> at aay tima.collect and hold Fuads ia aa amouat not w eaceed tha lesser amouat.I.ei�der may estimate the amduat of � „
<br /> ' � Fuads due on the basis of cunent data and reasonable estimates of espenditurea of future Fscrow Itema or otherwisa ia _;. _
<br /> ' � accordance with applicable law.
<br /> The Fuads shall be held in an institutioa whose depasits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentality�or eatity �
<br /> , �. .�_�..• ��F� (itscluding Lender,if Lender is sircL an institutioa)or in aay Federal Hoase Loan Bank.Lender shall aPF1Y the Funds w
<br />_ " pay the FBCmw Itema.I.ender may aot chatge Borrower for holding and applyiag the Fuads,annuallY analYzing� .;,''
<br /> . . escrow accaunt,or verifying the Escrow Itema,uml�1.eader paYs Borrawer interest oa the Funds and applicable law �-5�,:
<br /> . � • permits I,ender w make such a charge. However, Leade� may require Horrower to paY a one'4ime ch�rge for an �;'4�:.
<br /> ` iadspendent real estate tex reportiag servioa used by Lender in connection with this loan,imtes�s app2icable law pravides •._._
<br /> �-,* .
<br />- ' otherw�se.Untess aa agreement is made or applicable taw requires iatemst w be paid.Lender e�all aot be reqmred to �
<br /> • .. . � pay Bosrower any iatereat or eatvinga on the Funds.Bora+mwer and Lender may agree ia writing,however.tbat intemst �,�P.
<br /> ` ��� shall ba paid on the Funds.Y.ender ehall gc�to Borrower,without charge,an anaual accounting of the Funds,showing �'
<br /> credits and detiit9 to the Funds and tha purcpose for which each debit to the Fuada waa made.The Funds are pledged as .
<br /> ,: . additional security for all s�ms�ecured by this Security Insaviaen� �a��-
<br /> •��;'a:�;�'3�`: . {. If the Funds held by I.ea�ar asceed the amoimts permitted to be held 6y applicable law.Lender sha11 account to � _�_
<br /> �'-' -=� �. Barrower far the ssc�s Fvnds ia accordance with the requirements of applicable law.IY the amount of the Funds hetd � -•
<br /> ;,� � , by Lender at any time is aot suHicient to pap the Fscrow Items when due�Lender�nay so notify Horrower in writing, --._-_;::_
<br /> . ' . and,in such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessar9 to make up the de�iciencg.Bosower ehall make �c _
<br /> ':,.. : up the deffciency ia ao more than twelve montWy papmeats.at Lender's so2e discret�on. �
<br /> _ Upoa papment in fuU oi all sirms secured by this Security Inatrument.I.eud�r shall promptly refund to Bonower
<br /> - aay Fuads held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Propert9, Lendee. prior w the �_:,_
<br /> .� ' acquisition or sa�z of the Property,eha11 apply anp Funds held by Leader at the time o4 acquieition or sale as a credit
<br />,'` . � � • against the aums s�ured by this SecuritY Iastrumen� -
<br /> . . - w v das otherwise all a raents reo�ced tsy I.ender und� ' � '• -�
<br /> , 3.A p p l i c a 4.a a o i P a y m e n t s.U n i�a p p h c a b l e l a p r o i , P Y
<br /> •' . �.''� paragcaphs 1 and 2 shall be aFo2ied:tirst.to any PrepaFm�ent charges due under the Note:secoad,to amounts paya b 2e � -
<br /> m2e
<br /> e;. . � . under paragapD 2;third.to is�.�..�at due:iourth,to priac£gal due;sad last�w snp late chargea due uader tha Na.e. �. aV
<br /> = .:�;�`��� � .:: .;., 4. Charges;Liens.Boae+�tvet ahall pay all tases,assessments,charges�i'mes aad impositions ettributabla w the -
<br /> � �� � � propertg wluch may attain priority oves this Security Instrument,and leasehold paymenta or grouad rents, it any
<br />- ' • � • . Borrower e1�aU pay these ob2igations in�e maaner provided ia paragaph 2�or if not paid ifl that maaner,Horrower
<br /> '� � ?��'. shall pay ihem on tiaae directlq to the p�son owed papmen�Bonower shaU promptly furnisb W Lender all noticea of � _
<br /> ;:1;:.•. ..
<br /> ' .' .,%:, . . saeounts to ba paid under this P�B�Ph.If Borrower makes thesa paymente directly.Borrower shall pro�ptly furnish
<br /> -'. �'{;��:�� to Il.eudet receipts evidencing the payment�.
<br /> _t;;,._ . .eu ''�,
<br />- � Borrower ehail promptly discharge acip lien which has priority over this Security Iastrument unlesa Bortower.(a)
<br />- , agree.s ia writing w tha payment oi the ob;igation secured by the lien'sn a maaner acceptable tA Lertder;(b)conteate in __
<br />- - ��. � good fa�tb the lien by.or defends against eaforcement of tha lien in,legal pmoeedin�whic�ia the Lender'e opinion _
<br /> _ � `�': uperate to prevent the enforcement of the lien;or(c�secures fmm the holder o4 tha lien an ageem ent satisiactory to
<br />--- :;,'��� � I.ender subordiaating the lies to tlua Security Insirr�ment.If Lender determines that aay part o!tha Propea¢�t is subject ,:.
<br /> ,:,;,,. . �
<br />-- . to a lien which may attaia prioritq over this Securstq I�strument,Leader may Ave Borrowes a aotice i�etifyia�the ::;`n.
<br /> � lien.Bortower shall satisfy t�e lien or take one ar r.:ore of the actions set forth above within 10 dapa of tha giving of �.
<br />- . , notice. . ..
<br /> �� iarm 80Z���/St*n. :
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