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<br /> ' F=�•"..°t`. e insurance covera � in the amount aad for the peno �1��� � t F.,. '
<br /> �'� '' at the optiou of Le��er. mortgag S �� the remiums
<br />' ` ' Provided bq an insurer agproved by Lender again becomes available snd is obtaiaed.Borrowet sha11 FaY P :
<br /> : required to maintaia mortgage��t+�ce ia efPect,or to pravida a lass res�sv�, us�ti1 the recNirement for mortgage
<br /> �--- insuiaace eads ia accordance with any written agreemeat lsetween Borrower and Lendet or applicable law. , ��,.. .
<br />-_ � �-�---s-� 9.Iaspection.Lender or its agent�nnay make reasr�nable entries npon and inspecdoas of the Property.Lender shall _ . •
<br /> - --- - - give Borrower aotice$�the rime of or prior to an inspeetian spECifYiag r�sonable caerse for the inspection. -_ -_
<br /> .- 10.Caademnatioa.The proceeds of any of the Pm laim fos f�or���e aace in liec�v o u���demaation,are�heteby - -
<br /> �� . any coademnatioa or other iaking of anq gart p�Y, Y
<br /> _ � assigned and shaU l�e paid w Lender. ;�,
<br /> - -.- � �.-' In the event of a mtal taking of the Property,tAe pmceeds st�all be applied w the soms secumd by this Securit9 �� �� ;..
<br /> , ., �:�� In.savment.whether or not then due,with aap ea�paid to Borrower.Ia the event of a partial taking of the Propert9 in , ,
<br /> w h i c h t h e f a i r m a r k et value of t�e Pm p e r t y immediately before the talting is equal to or greater thaa the amouat o4 tl:e .�:.� �-
<br /> . :.�,, r •;�-:�i sums secured by this Secu�rity Instrument�mmediately before the t a k iag,u n less B orrower an d L e n d e r o t h e r w i s+e a g r e e -
<br /> . `: •..,� in wntmg,the sums secured by t�is Securitq Instrument shall be reduced by the amouat of the proceeds multiplied by � � ,
<br /> .. .. z.,�.a t�e following fraction:(aj the total amouat of the sums sec�red immediately before the takmg.divided by(b)the fair `,. ,: ;.
<br />, matYet value of the Pro�erc9 imme�iately before the takiag.�llny balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event o4 a �'
<br /> A
<br /> - ` : .4 partial teking of the Property ia which the fair market value of the Property immediatety before the takiag is less thaa
<br /> . ' ` �,; the amouat of the sums secured immediately before the takiug,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agi�ee in writiag
<br /> � . ��� or unless applicable law otherwise pmvides, the prareeds shaU be applied to the sums secvred by t.�is Security
<br /> Instrument whetheror not the sums are thea due.
<br /> - . � •n y��� If the Property is abandoned tiy Borrower,or if,after notice by Leader to Bonower that the condemnor offere to
<br /> .-�� -- .�:';. aaai.'�e an award or settle a claim for damages,Bonower fails to respond to Lendet within 30 days after the date the .
<br /> �, ;; aocive is g'�ven,Lender is auth�rized to collect and applF�e Proceeds,at ita option.either to restoration or repair of the
<br /> � '•'* Property or to the avans secured by this Security Instrameat,whether or not then due.
<br /> ,. � '. � Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agreE in writinS�an9 aPPlication of pmceeds to principal eHall not estend or
<br />. , _ �_.... '� ` postpone tha due date of the monthl9 PaYmeata referced to.iu paragcaFhs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucH _,.
<br /> . . . T��. �p�eats.
<br /> . '>�� Il.�onower Nat Released;Forbearance Hy Lender Not e Waiver.Extension of�ti�e for payment or ,::'
<br /> '' �`f-^., .,. �'. madificatioa of amorti2ation of the anms secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to an�s�ccessor ia ��_�;;�.
<br /> ` � iaterest of Honower shaU noi opetate tm release the tiability oY the original Barrower or Borrowei's socc�ors ia �.•-?�r;i
<br />- . .�'':'�., iaterest.Leader s�all aot be required to cammeace proceedinp ag�ainstany s�c�r ia ia�est or refuse to estend ��.
<br /> ., � .'�',; ti�e 4or payment or otherwise madify amortizatioa af the sums s�by this SPCUrit9 L^.s�."sieat by s�easoa of aziY F,r�
<br /> � . . . d..-�and made by tDe original Borrower or Bonower's successors in iaterest.Aap forbearance by Lendsr ia�sercisiag �"��,�=f'
<br /> : ' , any rigLt or remedp shaU not be a waiver oi or precludz the eaercise of any right�s nemedy.
<br />