_tiYL�=__ ...'�� � �--..--- :°?3t�??r'.+,=>:`"�r ". _.i.
<br /> r� - . - . .: .: . �. ._:.
<br /> _--r^o^^--° - — - -- - - -- - -- �- _ -_n-�
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<br /> � � s;d. . - � �,1 - � .
<br /> .' _. �'t. . ,-,i.� ,_ . .t/ -
<br /> � tti `7._ � �� .
<br /> ' _. :} " . 1� _ _ :,E. :�.v-.' ' ' ' ' '
<br />,��� `a , ,V.� �'ay'Frti.
<br /> ts` . .
<br /> �. � . _ .
<br /> : ` •Praoeeds'�in connectlon with wndemnaUon cr other tatcttng of the Praparty or part thereoi,or for co�sveyance in Ueu ot oonderrmattan.
<br /> `� LenQer shai!Do entiued a!its option ta oo.mmence,eppear in end prosscute in[ts ovm name gny action or pracaedinga,end ehall elso
<br /> � ' bo 6atitted to make any compromise or set�ement in cortneatlon witf�sucP�tatdng ar damage.In ths event any port[on of the Pra�aRy fs
<br /> •:.'t• , " � . sa ta4cen ar dainaged.Lender sha11 have the apUon in ib sole end e�sflfute dlstxetton,to aDPty alf eucA praceaQa. &ftet QeducUng � •
<br /> • ' < there4rom elt costs and expenses t�+curred by It tn oanneet[an wtth eud�P�oceeds.upon arry Indabtedness saarr�d hereby an0 tn such •
<br /> � , ` `. Arder as Lender may determtne,or to aRON aU euch Praoea�ts,�fter each deaucttans.to tho restorauon otths Praperry upon euch e�n� •
<br /> � <<-.��. QtUans as Ler.dar may det�mine.Any epptipttan oi Proceeds to Indebtedness shalt no!oxtand or postpone tkfl due date ot�ny pay� ' �
<br /> , � '. �, �.�•' ' merrts un�fer tt�e Note.ar eure any defauit tteftrounAsr or hereurtder.My unappifed funds shail�s patd tn Tnut�r.
<br /> 8.�oKormartco Dy Landor.Upon the aocurrenoe af an Evant ot Oefautt hereunder,or tf any ect is tatceR or tegai ptoceeding � �
<br /> • `. • :`.�. `� oommen�d wltitCh mataAa{ry afiects t.enders fnterest in the Property.Lender may in(b aum disaottan,Dut wiBiout abftgatIon to do so, �
<br /> � •. �, �.:.;; � ertd wlthsut nattee to or demand upnn T�t end wlthout rel8astng Trustar Unm any ahtigation,da any a�4 whid�Tiustor has agreed �
<br /> - � -..�,�� :v-: but faiied to do end may also do 8ny othet aC!it deoms neoess�ry t�pr�the securily hereof.Trustar shatl,immedIaisty upon
<br /> � , - . �:,,-_-�--- tfemand ti►acefot by tender.PaY to lender eH aasis srtd expensss Mtx�r�ed and sums expandad by tendar�mnnectia�wttA tha s�ear � - •
<br /> . • .� dse by Lender ot the fareg�tng dghts,tagether with intetest thereon at the Qetault rate provtded in the Note,wNch shaU he added tn Q ".
<br /> ' .. fhe IndehteMess secured hereby.lende�shaD not incur eny Uabft'ityr bet;ause of enything it may do ar omit fv do hereunder. oo ,�4`
<br /> ,. �. � ':,,� 9.Nasandou�Matetiata Trustor shall keep the Property in oompitance with aU app![cabta Ia►�s.ordtn�an�s and ragulattons � .
<br /> . � . r :° � retatrtg to industriai 1►ygiene or environmentaf pmtee�on(oollac�ttvety reterred W herein as'Erntros�merhaf Law�.Trusdsr shao keep
<br /> . °.� �- • , the PropaRy free from ail substanoes dsemed to be hasandaus ur toxic urtder arry Envtmnmenia!laws(ooUectivety raferted to heretn � .
<br /> . . as'F[ar�r+dous Materfals�.Taisfir hereby wananis end represents to leMar that thene are no ttazarQoua Materiat3 on cr�mder the
<br /> -, : Properry.Tmsror hereby agrees to fndemni(y artd hotd harmtess Lender,its Giredors,ofttcers,emptoyees and agents,and any sucoag�
<br /> `..t'` ,: ... . .-`. so�s tp Lenda�s irtteres�from and against any and a!I daims.darttages.losses and liabil'�es adsing in wnnedion with the p�oe,
<br /> � '�: ?�, uss,drspa�t or trangpart of any Hazatduus Matertafs on,imder.fmm or about fhe Property.THE FOREGO1�fG WARRANTtES AND �"`
<br /> _ � • ' 10.Asslgnment of Re�s.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender.artd�ar�ts Lender a seGUity inteiest in.ai3 presen�future arsd
<br /> •�� .'" after adsing rents.issues and profits oi the PrvpeRy:prorided that Trustor shatl,unbl itte occutrenoe of an Event o1 Qefautt,hereur►der,
<br /> -.. �;;�� : have the right W ooitect a�retain suct�rents.(ssues and profis as�ey beoome due and payaD[a Upon Uta oa:urtence of an Eveni ai
<br /> °. `� Rafautt.Lender . ,
<br /> - . �; , may.either in Rerson or by agerH.+aith or wilhout bringing any acNon or prooeedtng,or by a reoehrer appofited by a :,i,.��
<br /> ;,..''- - -:-•�--. oaurt artd w�lhout regard to th�2.�tequaey of its security.e�upatt and take possesst�n ef the Property.or airy part thereoi.in�s awn ;.��
<br /> �.::;z;,;._,' , .. ,--
<br /> name or tn the name of the T�stee,and do any ads whtcfi It deems ne�essary or deshabie to preserve tha vatas,martaetabil�y or
<br /> :+:`.;�>�; '
<br /> � . . ., ':s;=,i:;;, �ntabUity oi tha Property.or any part Uiereof or interes!fheretn.ar to irnxease fhe inwme theretrom ar protect fhe seauRq hereaf and,
<br />_ , �••., .' ,:,`,�.�7,. wM or�uithoui fsking possession of the PcoAeriy.sue for or othenvise wIIect the reriLs.issues and pmtds 19�ereof.indu�ng ft►oso past -
<br /> Ls
<br /> :��i ' due and unpatd.by ao6fyfig tenants to make payrtterns to Lender.Lender may appty cenb,issues and profrts.tess eosLa and expens�
<br /> .� : ,°_�`.,,�. �,�operaHon and ooRec�on induding attomeys fees.to any indebtedr�ess secured hereby.all in sw�ader as Ler�Qer may deLer• -
<br />= - .. • . �;;;;r;.> �The enfertrtg upon and taking passessfon of f�►e Prmperty.fhe cottec�an of sud�renb.issuaa artd pmfits.eratt�e appiicatton .�.
<br />= • ;' � =.;:;,��,�' �SZOf as aforesatd shafl not cure or waive acry Qet�auit or aoVoe of Cefault hereunder or invatidate any ect Qane In response Ga sud� '�
<br /> - :. �, :, �.���,:
<br /> - •;�� .,J'•;?�;�`� dzgauft or p�s.i¢�2 to suct�noUce of defa�and,notwfthstanding the con�nuartce in possession oi fhe propecfy er fhe oo4ecis�r►, " .
<br /> '�� c
<br />_ , '�;;,:•�:•<<:r.�k�j��� c�ipt acM a�p.-aation oi rents,issues or p:r��,Trustee aad Lender shatt be ecrti8ed to exercis�every�figM pravided Por In arry oTr�e �,:'
<br /> ''' ,l�� '` Lr�an trrsbuQrtent9 or by taw upan occurtenoe of arry Event mf Default.frtc�udtng withaut Itmi�tlon the dght to exerctse tha pawar o'f ssie. �'
<br /> 't'r�': r ` �.=
<br /> .:,,�r: �er.Lendeds dghts and , „ �es urtder this paragtaph shall be cumulaUve wNh.and in rto wAy a fim�atian an.Lenders�IgMs and _
<br /> "`-�,r'` • remedies under an ment of leases and rents reoorded a inst tha Pro e Lender,Trustee and the reoeh►er sdaD 6e Itahte tD -
<br /> Y a�8� � P �'�!►• ��_
<br />_ .. ` `.• aaoount onry for fhase rents actuaity recehred. °s,
<br /> - - 11.Ever�ffi af Cefauit The foRuwJng shail consti4it�an Event oi Defautt under this Deed of Trust . � �
<br />-- .. ',,: �., � • (a)Faifure to pay any instailment oi pdndpal ar interest or eny other sum secured hereby wtrEn due; ' �-
<br /> -- �. � . . _ @)A breach oi or defautt under arry provtston oontatned tn the Hote,t�ts Oeed ai Tn�st.any of the Loan Instruments,or arry =-°
<br /> �r � ' � , � . other Uen or ertcumbrenoa upon tha Property; ��
<br />'i�' _ . (c)A writ of execWon or atlachment or any similar prooess sha11 be entered against 7rustot whicA shaU beoorne e iten on -
<br /> • ' . � the PropeKy or any poNon thereot or interest therain; _�,-
<br /> - , .. •�� (�There sAa1!�e fited by or egatmst Tnistor or Bortower an action under arry present or fulure federa�state arother s9aWte.
<br />= • ' law or regWatton refatlng to bantwptey.Insolvenry or other reilst for deDtot�or thsre shall be appotntod arty tru�tea,reoeiver or
<br /> ' - , �. . �-� Itquidator oi Tnistor or Bortovret orof all or any part aitl�e PtopeRy.or the(ents.(ssues or pmfits�eceoi.or Tn�stor pr Bamwer
<br /> ;�<-,. , �: �:. shail make arry geneBl assignment tor the benefitof cred'Ror�: . _..
<br /> �•`i�'r'�._ . ' (e)The sate.transfer,lease,assignment,oam�yanoe or turther encwMrance of a0 or tury part oi or arry interest in the =-_
<br /> - -'• • . Property.etthet vofuntadry or imotunterity.uvfthout the express written oansern ot LeaQer;pravided that Trustar shell be p�m�it -,
<br /> � . ' :.��.,;. � ted to exearte a leasa of the P�opert!/that deee eet oontain an opllon W purchass artd the term ot whid►Qoes aot exceed ons �..
<br /> �,l•.••.i�. . � -
<br /> - ` year. -•
<br />-� �'r;lj;i,,.� ,`.-• .�:�;.�,;�; (flAbanQonmenlofEhePropetty:cr
<br /> = ( �•:.:
<br /> .,;i�`;�;. ' � (9)it TrusWr is nat an indivlAuaf.fhe iss��.�;e.transfer.assfgnmen�oorsveyanoa or enqunbranae a7 more iharf(ii a �
<br /> _- �"..r. oorporatbor�a tctal 01 ��2nt oT Ps���ed and outsCandtng siodc.or(d a partriership)a taral ot pEr- ���_
<br /> - . . cern ot �trtershtp interests.or(ita ffas,:�Q Uab03y a�mparry)e tolaf a1 peroent oi f�e limited iiabtlity wm� ��`
<br /> . � .. rry irtteresta or voUng rights duRng��sedad this�0 ot T�ust remelns a qen on the OroDenS►• . _
<br /> ' _ 12 Remedies;M.�L^�t1on Upon DetautL in�c�cent oi anyr Event of Qefauft Lender may.wrihout nattac�c�.xoept as neQuUed ����.�`_
<br /> - . - . Ir�(aw,det�are a11 indebLed.�secured hereby to bs dua�snd payabfe as�d the same�0 thereupon beooma dua attd payabte with- �;;.
<br /> • . �any presentme�.demarcd,protest or noLce ot arry kir�.Thereafter Lender may:. yv. �_.
<br /> ' ` (a)Oemand tAat Tnislee exer�G�e POWER OF SALE granted herein.bc:0 Trustee sPra(�14tereafter eassse TnasUnra inLer-
<br />_ • . � est ln the Property to be soid ana tltr�proceeds to be distn'buted.a'�tn the manner pravtQed in tT�e Hebraske Tn�s!De�eds Ae� . •�
<br />— .. (b)Exer�tse arry and a0 rtghfs�+:avlded for(n any ot the Lc��Insbumenta or by law upon oaxirrence of any Everrt oi .
<br /> ' Oetaui�and
<br /> .' (c)Commence er►a�ton to forerlase this Deed o!Tnut as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver.or speditcalry enfotoa any oi the
<br /> `. �. covanaMs hereoi. �
<br /> � f�to tetnedy herein cor�fetred upon or reserved m Trustiee or Lender is intended to he exdusive ot arry ofher remmfy heteln.In fhe Laan
<br /> • � � Instrumetns or by taw prov�Qed or permit0e0.Dut each shatl oa cumufaNve.shail aa in sd�lan io every other remeQy given hereunder. •
<br /> ' in the Laan tnstrumenb or naw or hereafter extstlng at taw.or In equity or by stahrte,end may be exeadsed conamei►IIyl.independentiy ' � ��
<br /> -* . ' . - ar suoaesivery. '
<br /> . �• � 13.Tnestao.The Tnistee may�ign at any time without eause.and l.ender may at arry tlme and without puse appofint a sua
<br />=-= . " oessar or substituts Trustee.TnuOee shaU nat be Qabte to any party.tmmtu�ng without iLnitatton lender.Bonaw�r tnutar or any►p�u- .
<br /> _ ' : cfiaser of tha PropeRy.tor any toss or damage untess Que Lo reclQess or wiilhit misoonducf,and sAa1t aot Ee requtred Lu lako arry sdbn
<br /> - . ' ' In oonnection with the enforoement of this Oeed ot Trust uNess Indemnified,in wrtting,Por all oosts,wmpensation or expenses which '
<br /> - . � • � may�e assoBa4ed therewith.tn aQdi�on,Tnistee may becoma a purchaser at aay sata ot the Property(ju�iclal or ur.der the povsrer ot
<br /> - . .� ' . • sate grarrted heteiny;past�one fhe saie oi aU or arry poAlon oi the Property,as provlded by(aw,or sell the Prapedy�s e afiota.or in � _
<br /> - . separate paraeis or tots at Trustee's dis�re�an. ;
<br />,�. : � . . . 14.Wos and E�nsas.U the event TnQtes selLs the PropeRy by exerciss of pawer ot sate.Tnisfes shaU be entitted b apply �
<br /> .. arry sate prooeeds fust L�paymeM ot eU oosts end e�ense.s ot exercisTng povlet ot saie.indumng efl Tnrst�e s fees.and Lendefs and
<br /> � Trusme s atmmeys tees. schialry Inwrted tn extent pertnitted by applica6te taw.tn the even4 Barrower or Tn�sOor exerdses any right
<br /> - pmviQed by(aw to cure an Event ot Oefauti.Lender shat!ba e�tied to r�ecover from truseor all oosts and expsnses aehtally ina�tred as
<br /> ' � � a res�ilt of Trustofs detau(�inctuding v�itho�rt Itmftatinn all Tnutee s and alYomeys tees.to tha exier►t pem�itted by apW+ca6ie[aw.
<br />:_�'•�� � � 15.F�uie AQva�es.Upon request M Borrower. LenQer may.at its op8on.make a�fd'iu'onal and fldu�e advanaes and reaQ�
<br />- _ _----- vanoes m 8anower.Sud�advanoes and readv��es.wid��terest t�ereon.sha11 be secuned by tMS 17aed of Ynist At no Ume sna0�e
<br /> �.,, . �
<br /> •;.,' ------ . - . _ _..___.
<br /> _ ,
<br /> ,, .. .._.......,....,�,-�-r:..•.-,�.,.;.;,..�.•.,�r�s:sxsrar�wsk�.
<br /> --- �-°-�-_- -__ `
<br />