�?s" .•=' . -.r? ' � _u._ . ..�-..._�--- �l ��4�:J,_ ` � _.:
<br /> :,��� . . — . _–_ —=—t•r;a,:=�.�a. _ _ �` .. � _
<br /> y `,5,:_:��,,,,:i r F_ . f '.
<br /> �. ' � ' �Y' ..�F a. ` C ! � � t%��� .��.�. _ .'�_ , .r _
<br /> 1F 'i.` . �,3 �� �t
<br /> . '- E Ca'
<br /> . ' � `��'
<br /> ._ ,.s..., � �
<br /> �` :t.�� . ,`•.,.. � pM�pal�mount A1 tRe fndebtedness SeCUted Dy thls Qe20 of Tct�1.nntn nn ng sums adva icheroor Is�atet8 secuiRy ai Ws Qead ot � '�.<
<br /> . . Taust exceed tt�e atiginal prU►dpat emount elatad ha�sin.or 8��,..� �
<br /> �� � � ` 16.�liscflltartaaus Provistons. • .
<br /> ..: . � .� ' (a)Borrow�r tJot 13a��rsed.E�dension ai tlra drr�tar payment or modlticattan ot emoNratlon ot trie aums�ecuiud by ths '`�.•``f�,:.
<br /> �
<br /> . , , . .'.:;:; O�ad at Tast granted by Lettdar W eay suooessar N tnterest oi Bormvrer sn811 not oporata to retease.in any mannar.ths Ilsf��!-
<br /> ry af the otiglnat Bortowor and Borrowera eucooasot�In tntores�londar sttall not be�equiro0 to c�mencs Pm��� -
<br /> � . _ egain�t gncn sucrossor or rei►�se to exta�nd tlme tar paymant or ott►enulse modiy emortireUon ot the sums$acured by Ws ,� .;
<br /> xt
<br /> .. , . . Oeed at Trust by reas�n ot eny dart�nds made by U►B artg(nal Bormwer end Boteawors sact�3o o In IMob st. n harein men- ` �•� •`
<br /> � .�' (b)LendePa Powers.WithoW affectlng ane IleDility at eny a19�et O�on BaEte tor tha DaYment er�► S�0 �. t
<br /> . �`�. � � ` tittne�.and�vlthou!af�eettr►g the Uet�ar d�erge at Ws Q�ed oi Trust upon any DoAlon ot the f�roperty rtot Uten ot fRetetaScro , .
<br /> d
<br /> • ` re i�es g d es seari H for ths tull�mount a!all unpatd ob�ipeUons.tender mey.trom ttrtte to tlme and wittliaui r�attoe(i}+e'.sase _
<br /> . � ` `• arry Person so 11ab1e.(ii)axte�tha mettaltyt or alter st►y oi Ne terms o1 e�y su�obfigaflons.titl)grant o t her in Q utgences.(lv) .
<br /> .��w�'-�J��4 y
<br /> �.<�:-�--:�':. ceteasa or tawmrey�or cause to b�reteased or teCanveyed at a�t tlme at Lender's optton any paroel.por�an ot a0 af the ,``.
<br /> - - Pro p�RY.t�h�or cetease any ai19r ar addi�ona!ssauit�►far any o�t�tion hereln mentlorte0.or(vi)make wniAoslttans ar � :�_,. . �,
<br /> --- _r. -.
<br /> ,..� � � ` `K- otAer errangements wtth daDtow in re!ffi i cn t hete t o. .:_,
<br /> � " (e)�o�earance by�endar Hot e Waivar.Any torbea�ance by Lender tn exercising any daht or cemedy hareunder.ar cth- °�
<br /> � �, '` e n�t s e atfoNed b y a p�pecabfe t m��ces o rother�Re�ror�diar9es bY I.enQes hall not be a waive�r l e n d e t��t to aoceter- �
<br /> mert ot Msurance o Da7m�e .
<br /> . • sie�e maUuttY of trie tndshtedness seared by Ws Deed oi Tn�t
<br /> ' • (�Suceessors a�d Asstgns Baua�Jatat end 3everal UabtUiy;Cap�tona The covenants and agreernents henain aoo- � . ,
<br /> . - ffiined shaU bind.en0 the ri�hereiuider shall inure tfl.ttte respective sucoessors and essigns ot LsMer artd T�ustor.AA 0 _
<br /> covenanffi snd a�eemenb oi Trusmr sha0 be jotrt and several.The captions and headings ot the paragiaphs at this Oeed of � _
<br /> .`' T�ust arsfor conveniertoe onty and are not eo be used tn interpret or deflne the provistons hereof. �
<br /> , � ',:;.,, (e)Request tor Nottoes.The partles ttereby tequast that a copy of any eotice of default hereunder and e oopy af anY rtottce ' _
<br /> at sale het�aunder be maited to earfi paRy to this Qeed of Trust at the address set farth above in the mannar presaibed by 00
<br /> appit�bte ta�v.Exoapt far arry other naBee re4utnad under appUcabie Iaw te 6s given in annther manner.etry noHce prqvided!or :,^
<br /> � .s:� ��c '° in Ws Deed of Trust shait ae givan by rt►aSling su�fi noUoe by oerdfted mai�addcessed to the other parties.at the address sat -_„�
<br /> � todh abave.My notica provided for in this Dead ai Trt�t sAail be eftective upnn ma1Un9�n�h8��r designated herein.Ii ;; �:�
<br /> . : •.:,�;: .
<br /> ' `•,-t;
<br /> TrusUor is more ttiaan one perscn.notioe set►t to the address set foM above sfia11 he noUce Uo aU suc9►persona :,
<br /> � r (�tnaPection.L.ender may make or c�use to be mado reasonabte e�ries upon end(nsAedions ot the Properry.Dmvided F :;
<br /> . ��,. . �M1 tla�tlsnder sl�ali give Trustor noUae Wior L�any such tns¢�t[on specifyTng�easonabie cause theretar tetated tu Lenders tnter- ,:
<br /> - _ '•.:�.;f`�..,, .��.,M< e:,�tinfhePrdp8tly. '•,::'=�%�:
<br /> 5 �%' �)Recm�ancs.UDon paymet►t oi ai�sums secut�by this Dee�d oi Ttust,Lender shalt request Ttustee to reoom►ey the .
<br /> -� Pmperty anti�all surrender tbis Deed Q'�Tiust and ail notes evtdencing indebtednsss sea�c�f�this Deed af Trust to � ;�
<br /> . � Trustee.Trustea st�ail recarneY t�e Prop�¢tZ►.without warr��y ar+d without charge W the persan�a Persons tegatly enfitted � .
<br /> ..:.;,,,s:,.:;.,..Y;:,:.:�` thereto.TasbarshaUpaysllcosfsafreooNa�an.ifes�y► , forthe ntofthsNote.T�sDOrhereDpgrards �_��,:
<br /> �;�1,i' .� (h)Persoe�af�ropeRy;Sewrit�t A9re�r►aht As edd3danat saarity P� me and otAer isanal pro�dY �
<br /> L ender under�te Nebraska Unfform CommQtdat Code a searttS►intarest iri eil fu�ues.�qidP i►t. P8 �
<br /> sf �'"jYS{ �`` uged Ut aon��r,f3�aritfi fhe real eslate or€��vemet►ts tocated theten�e.2n0 nat athen�ISe dedared tz deemeQ to he a part at -
<br /> � �` ,';f� the reai esta���ued hereby.fiis insts�lt shall be consirusi!�s.a 8acuri�l�q�eerrtent anCer saf��e.and tAe Lender• � ��_
<br /> r �f �'�,tr under satd C�+cd 8dd?��6s the dgtdS�9�es Ixeated uR��' ". �~'
<br />� �° ° ` a�ndeasxocded fie LenQer�Pu�a�an!to thts Qeed oi T�P�ed that Lm�a�s ri�and remed�c.^�t4�s Rar���y'�sP�lB: �''
<br /> • ,r t, be cumutatWe wfth.and in no way a itmitatton on.lendei's dghb and renz�as ua�any�er securu7l e9�es�'��� �
<br /> F Borro�veror Trustor. ��
<br /> u" . , . (�Usns and Encumbran�ss.Tntstor hereby war+ants and represents tl�at there is no defauit u�er iha provtsions oi a�ry
<br /> . . ' . .' • moRgage.deed of frust.(ease or purd�ase oontract desaibing aft or eny part of the PaopsKy.or Wher wriVBCt,instrument or �;
<br /> �. � `, agreement oor�stituting a lten or encumbranoe against a!1 or any part ot me Praperty(coifec�Ivery.'Uer�.exis8n9 a�of tt+e ___
<br /> � .: ,., date af tlJs Deed o4 Trust.and that arry arM all existia9 Liens remain unmodifted exvept as disctose�to Lender in TrusUors writ - -
<br /> ` � ten dtsctosure ot Itens and enc�mbtances provlded for herein.Trustor sha11 Umety Oerform all oi Trustors obltgatlor�s. �_
<br /> ; : ' . . .,'�� � opvenanty,reDcesentadons�and warrantles under erry and atl existtng enA tutute Ltens.shall promptiy►tocvrard to Lender ooAles _�'y
<br /> y' • • ot ail notloes a�defaidt sent in wnnecttcn wHh atry attd a11 existtn8 or tuture Liens,and shal�not without Lend9fs D�or�n W� -
<br /> • wnsem in any martnar modfy the P��oi or attaw any futu�e advanoes under any exi.�ttng or fuhire Uens. �,�
<br /> �• � •..:�; :�• �Appita�tlon ot Pa�pments.Untess athe�uuise requi;ed by law.sums paid to Lender hereunQer.inctudirtg withaut Qmf��on --�
<br /> paymerrts of pdndpat end interest.U►suraaoa Pro�s�condemnatton'proceeds and renta end pmfits.shaU be appped bY
<br /> '� �,: ; � `� Leader to the amosmis due and owtng from Tmstor art0 Bortatver in sucA otder as L�nQer in its sote discretIon deems desir- _�
<br /> �; ". � abte. __
<br /> � � (k)Severablltty.lf any provLsion ot this Deed of Tn�st oonfttds with apDltoabte taw ar is dedated trnatEd or othertMse unete�
<br /> forceabte.such oonfiict or tnvaQd[ty shall rtot aftect the other provis6cns at thfs Oeed ot T�ust or the Nate wh1d�arn be 9ivsn
<br /> ��`,� ._�.`: � . •�`..:• eRe�witl�out the aar�fliding pmvision.and to thb end the provisians af t1�s Deed ot Trust and the Note are deGared to�sev .�.---
<br /> ' etabte.
<br /> � , � �� "�� (q Temfs.fie terms'Tn�stcf and'Bartower shail indude both singutar and plural.and when tlie TnisOOr and Bortower are _____.__
<br /> � , tst
<br /> fhe same pe�snn(s).those terms es usad in thts Oeed oi Tnist shall be inte�angeabU�
<br /> . : '' �'� (m)Goveming Law.This OeeO o1 Tnist sh�I!be govemed by the Iaws oi the S�a�09 Ntebraska• �y^l
<br /> �� . '' ���-•
<br /> �. ... : �� -
<br /> • . . . � �.,�:
<br /> r
<br /> �}. ' .�. . • � , _
<br /> �6 of Tn�st es ot the date written abave.
<br /> �;� . � Tn4storl�s'`�eueoo�dtnbA�. ,
<br /> �. _. . . .. � ._ . . . � � �
<br />� . � lfG�('lf'lL�� /Li'°✓lZt�'��/
<br /> TnisWr
<br /> ��� ' (ALLEN W. TONNI6ES) Y"�Df (CYN IA K. TONNIGES)
<br /> �: . `
<br /> ��. . . �
<br /> ' . � TrusL�t Tntstor .
<br /> �`.: • � . . . -
<br /> �� . � • • ,
<br /> `;� ,
<br />�,in . , , . . . .a.a�na�us:� �, •.__ .
<br /> . . . . "•�_" . ., . . , .. ............_.�_„_"'._____ __—_____—_.—.--__— _ - —_ ___ __--.
<br />