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<br /> � � �-` DEED O{F TR�lSY WiTH F�'tJRE��/A�+IGES �:,•`;��
<br /> .<< , .
<br />� ,.. . THIS OEED OF TRUST.ts made as of the 9n�._.day of OCTnacR .19��by and smcng '
<br /> '�"� ' ' theTn►stor. AlLEN W. TONNIGES AI�{D CYN7HIA K. TONNIGES HUSBAND AND I�IFE � -
<br /> . _. 'Ji`" �• ,.
<br /> .. �` .. u�huse ma� afldress is 31 It I�t 1ST S'i' DO{9lou nu n�s FaA�9-961� (Aes�in`Tnis[o�",whether one or more). � l�`'
<br /> ;- < 9 \ � ;.f:
<br /> � tlte'�nulea \\
<br /> � ; .,r. ` in Trustee'a.and `
<br />; " ; . j:' ;' :`, whose ma��address is P 4 BOX 15H�71 GftAND ISt.AND NE 68802-1507 t�
<br /> . . _ �•::.�;�: the eeneftdary. FI1fE P�INTS BANK _ .
<br /> '. .; ;.�; ;,. whose ma,7mg address is 2015 N BRQMi�ElL �►YE. GRAND ISLAND NE 68803 �`�r'1�
<br /> • ' ' FOR VAWABLE CONB��ERATION,induding Leaders extenston of credit(dentified herefi to
<br /> � .:;;._: ALLEl1 W. ONMIGES AND CY IA K. 70NNIGES
<br /> _ , . (tteretn Bomawer.'whether one or more)ana fhe bust hes�►created.ttte reoeipt. . ' '::;
<br /> , ,. otwhich3s hereDy actmowtedgad.TrusOor hereby irYewcabty granffi.bansters.com►eYg a�d assigns to Tw^tee. IN TRiJST.WITH ,
<br /> • '' POWER OF SRLE,for the benefit artd secu�r"r�ot LenQer under and sub eet to the terms artd cos�itions he naRer set�t�� �'---'-'
<br /> ` � ' . property�ribedasfol(aws: A PART OF lD7 El�lfEN(l�) �THE�SllBOMSI�i Qf�A.RT��54U[H �`�,��,
<br /> . .,' .`� SECTIQ.�4 F�VE (5). 't04A5F1IP NINE (9) NOIfM. RMIGE (�INE (9) 1�57�THE 6iH�:�!, .�Ai tiAL!OOUNtY, (��11�tBFD �y:,�:
<br /> VE
<br /> . . AS FOLLO�S, lU 4JIT: 0�'ENCIIt�&AT A POINi 50 FEET SWTH OF 1HE NORi!{FAST t�R UF SAID I�T ELEVEN (lt�; �tUI�IING �,v-�_
<br /> ,." . ,-,� ''_# 1}�{�5T 105�FEET. �� 1H�P �' 1}IQ�'�EIIST 1Q5�FEEr. Tt[E�CE NDRj}1, A10�7Hf FAST BOU4�MY�SAID , L
<br /> �,or�' c,�'�� '�.�°.°� � Y.
<br /> � .., �- J oge ar f ngs;Tmp c a v e m e t s.a i[o y s.p a s s a g e w a y s.e a s e m e n�.ri g h t s.Drtvit e 8es and a p purtenances
<br /> . . . � IacaUed thereon or in anywtse PeAaining theretfl.and t1►e renb,issues and profitg.reversions an�remaU+ders thereol.and sud►Per G --
<br /> � ' ' sorsaf propany that is at�ct►ed ta the tmPmvBmeras sa as t o oon s t 1 w t e a f i�u r e.i n c t u d t n g,b u t n o t I I m 3 0 e d t n.heaBn g artd 000lin g equip � -
<br /> � •.�i' men�anA togelhar wlth ffie homestead or maritaf interests.H any.which interests are hereby reteased and araived;all of vfiich,inr�ud- . _
<br /> ' ;:;?� ing reptaoemerritss and additlans 4here t o.I s h e r e by d e c ta r e d t o b e a p a R o i t h e r e a!e s t a t e s e c u�e d D y t h e U e n o t t h i s O e a d of Tc�t and �r__ ..
<br /> . _ :,.. "
<br /> . .:� aD of the toragoing baing rgferted to herein as the'ProAert�'• ��.`.;.
<br /> This Qeed oi Trust shall sscure(a)the payment oi the pdrtciDai sum an d i n t e t e s t e v l de n c e d b y a p m m t s s o ry rt o U a or aedit a g r ee� �;,_,��.
<br /> ' � r ment dated OC706ER 9, 1997 .having a maturiry date of �unvcMaoa t_ �Abi _�
<br />- :>��• , - - —
<br />_ . ,3 __. -
<br /> � � in the ortgtnat pAncipal amount oi$ and arry and an modiflcaUons.excsnslcns and renewals =
<br /> �_ . `:� iher�eof or thsreto and any anA aA tutuce advarroes and readvances to Borrower(or any ot 4hem if more than one)here+mder pursuant �
<br /> . :._� to one ar more promfissory�otes or creQit agieementa{herein catted'Note�:(b)the paSrment ot other sums adva►ioed dy Lender to � -
<br /> .. �.� Proted the security of fhe Note:(c)the PerfOm�a��e�a�oovenants and agreemenb o1 Trustor set tarth herein:anr!(�a11 Present and _
<br /> , ;� fuWre indebteQness an0 obligatlons ot Borrowet(or any of tl�em ii more t han one)W L en d er w t i e t h e r d i r e d.I n d i r e c t.a�s ctute tu conUn- �_�
<br />- .;;�. g e n t and whether arisin g b y note.guawrtgr.oveNTaft or otherwlss.The Note,this Oeed of Tnist and airy and aRl other doaimarR�tl�at � :--
<br />- secure the Nofe or othuwise executed in conneWon therewith, inctuding without IlmitaSon guarantees.securRy agreemen t s an d —___
<br />- . '. assignments ot teases aM renLs,shail be reterred to here ln as t he'Loan In s b u m e n b'. � _
<br /> t•��-` ' . ;°� • Trustor covenants and agrees wl��ender as ioltows:
<br /> - � �`����-'� '" 1.Payn�ean4 04 tndebtedness R�indebtedness secured hereby shail be patd when due. - _
<br /> �•'i,-.,,. -
<br /> �� t'�� 2.Title.Trustor is the awner cf t�.n Properly.has 1he dSM and suthority to oomey the Propetty.and wartarns tl�at the liet�ct�eat
<br /> ' � ' ed heretiy is a ftrst ana P�flr lien on S;o Prop$Ky.exoePt for liens and encumbran�s set brth by Tn�stor in wri8ng and Qeliver�ed to .,
<br /> -• - • Lendef bmfore executYO►s oi this Oeed ot Trust,and the exewUon and delivery oi this Dead o!Tnist does nat viofate any oontract a � .y,:
<br /> � ofher oDIlgaUon W whic��'nistor is subjed.
<br /> . 3.T�sces�Assessment�.To pay before dellnquenry etl taxes,spe�al assessmenb and a0 other charges agalnst the ProAgnY ..
<br />- now arflen�after tevied.
<br /> . . . ; 4.[r.rauranee.To keep the Property Insured agalnst damage by tire,hazar�s induQed within the term'extende8 ocvoragA',ana _
<br /> such other ha7ards a�tr3nder may require,in amounta and wltt�eompanies aceeptable to lender.naming Lender as an additlnnaf
<br /> named insure0,wfith 1�s payabte to the Lender.In case ot toss unQer such poficies,the Lender is authorized to adjusL cattect acM
<br /> ; . � � . . aompro►�se.a11 ciaims ther�under and shall have the optlon ot apptying all or part M the insurence prooeeds(�W alry indehLedness
<br /> secured i�iareby and in such order as Lender may detertnine,(i�to the Trustor to be used ior the repafr ar restoraUon ai fhe Progerty or
<br /> ��� � �1�for any other purpose or object saUsfactory to Lender wlthout affecdng the tien of this Deed oi 7rust for the tull amount seaired
<br /> - • hereby betore suoh paym�ent ever took ptaoe.Any aPp�ca�ons of pro�eds to indebtedness st�all not extend or postpane fhe due date
<br /> _ : '.. . �.� oT arry paymenis under the Noie.or cure arry Qefault thereunder ar hereunder. .,
<br /> • 5.Eserow.Upon written demand by Lender.Tn�stor shatl pay to Lender.in such manner as Lender may desfgnate,sufli�ent
<br /> _ � •'� sums to enabfe Lender to pay as they beoome due one or mere oithe foliawing:(i)all taices,assessmenb artd othercfiacges agains! .
<br /> . � the PiropeRy.pi)the pcemiums on the property insuranoe required hereunder,and(iii)tfie D�miums on any moRgage in�u�
<br /> required by Lender.
<br />_ _ • 6.f!laintenanoe,Repaira and Comptlaneo with Lews-Tn�star shaA keeA ths ProAer4y in good oondition and repair.shail
<br /> =� ' " prompUyr repaU.or reptaoe ar►y improvement whicA may be damaged or dastroyed:shaU not oommii or permit ar►y waste or Qetedota�
<br /> - � tlon o!the Property:sha0 not remova,demotish ar substanUatry atter any o!the lmprovemer�on tne Property:sha11 nat eommiL suffer • .
<br /> �s' ' ' or parmit any►act to be done in or upon tAe Property in vlotatlon oi any taw,ordinanaa.ot regutat�an;and shall pay artd pr�rr�tty�
<br /> -' � � charge at Trustofs oost and expense atl liens,ertcumbran�s anA d�arges tevisd,imposed or ac�ssed agalnst the PropeRy or any ,
<br /> - . � . Dart theraof.
<br /> � 7,E�Nner�t Qomata.Lender is hered}I assigned atl oompensation.awards.damages and other payments or relfet(hereinafter .
<br /> > ' _ .---_--. .� �me xsso��a.yse
<br /> o,sa�runr.s as.e came�e*nm.ia senm wvocmon.,+mo.►aem+,
<br /> ,' � , i
<br /> i� . •
<br />` � 2 -- ---
<br /> '' ' ' -�_..._�__�.__:�-----��__� — -
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