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<br /> �a' ' .�'f� ��m/V_ _O ��Og�IB " �`F'
<br /> � . . . S. Hazard os Peo�riy L�• B�w� � �� �v�� �8 or ha+eaz�er ..
<br /> . p�opetty insu�d a�t toss by f�,h���� ��teim°extended caveeaSe� and a�Y other hazatds.incl�ding '
<br /> � `';
<br /> � ' tIo�ds or ttaoding,fos which Lendec r�ui�inswiance.l7�is insuianc$st�all be maintained in the�uonnts and for�he pezi�ds � t".:::
<br /> .. � � • that L,endcr requires.The insurance catrier praviding the ins�anoe sbatl be chosea by Borrawer subject to I.eader's appravai -
<br /> �.;�Y`..�
<br /> . � ':•� which shall not 6e u�ona6ly witHhQtd.If Botro�res fa�s w maintaia ooverage descrc�od a6sve.Lender may.at Leaider's _
<br />_ , � uption.obtain�veiage w pmiect i.ender's righu in the Frope�tY in acaordance avith paragrap&7. �� :-
<br /> All ias�sranoe policies�d ieuewats sha116e soceptable w Le.nder and sbatt iuctude a sian�asd mortBaSe clauss. Lender
<br /> ' � shall have the right tu hold the policies a�reuewals.If Leuder�quires,Bomuwer shall pmmptlY gn+e to I�ender all rec�ipts of .
<br /> sha
<br /> �. � . and ra�ewal notices.In the eveas of loss,�orc4wer shall give promPt noffce ta the in'su:anpe carrier and Lemder. �--�`.'
<br /> paid pnemiums _ �p ,��`�
<br /> � ° �:� ixndec may make pnoof of tass if not made prompdy by Eoaower. �"�=:
<br /> ,. � ''< �� Uute�s Lender and Borrower ot6erq�ise agree in anitiqQ,ina-urance proceeds shafl be applied to restoretion or repair of the -
<br /> ��E,-c':.
<br /> • property damaged,if the restoration or repatr is economically f�'bte amci I,ender's securitY is not lesseaed.If the.reswration os ��:;,°:.
<br /> _ . �_ _ eepair is not economically feas�hle or Iende�s secaritl►would be tessetted,the insm�ance protxeds shall 6e applied to th�sums �_==
<br /> , seaued by this Sesauiry lnsuameut,whether or not then due,with any excess paid¢a Borrower. If Barrowea a6anQc�as ihe � �•::`�_
<br /> �i� �f:: }• Property,or daes not answer within 30 days a�otioe fmm Leader that the insurance carrier has offe�l W settle a claian.tnen --
<br /> or oo snms �`„—
<br /> � '• Letider may coflect the insuisuce Pmc�ds. Lender may aarisse ttce proceeds to repa�ir.or �stote the Praperty► FaY -��, - .
<br /> `• " ."' sectu�d hy this Sacurity Instrument,.whether or not ti�dne.Tke 3U�day peciod wili begin wheu the not�ce is given. . �, � -
<br /> .:- ���.
<br /> '!:_.,`• . � Unless Iender and Bbrrower otherwise agree in.writing,an3►aPPtic�ation of proceeds to principal sltafl not e�tend or �-_,:_
<br /> . :4�':` o ne the due date of the monitilY paYments ief�to ia pazagraphs 1 and 2 or cl�auge the amouat,a�the payments.If i�=..•-.
<br /> y ,- P stpo Le�-,Borrower's ri w insttrance poHaeS aad pmc�ds resultin8 from �_:•�
<br /> n�, "- ��P�B�Pb 21 the Pcopetty is asqui�6y P� �Y �. -
<br /> � - . � d a m age to t h e P m�r t y►p r ior.to the a c e�u.d�on s�ail pass to LEnder to the c�ent of the sam�seQx�d•by ibis Seauity Insnvment p _
<br /> � ima►ediatetY Priur w the acqwsidon. ' . �t, -
<br /> � .. •��' 6.QocapancY.�'�on.tur�2n��an�Pirotecdton of the P�+o�rty,Borrower's��a�n AP�l�an;�-�ds. , _
<br /> aaduse theProperty as Bormwer's principal residence witt�in sixtY daYs after tiie e��of '�:.:_:_�
<br /> : . ,� ._ Borrower shatl occapy.�lish, �-'--
<br /> .�".,r;:'3 �-...�-` this Security.Instr�unen►�d shafl continae w occnpy the PropertY as Borrower's principa�resideace for at least one year after �;i�T
<br /> ,.'. , •...:�:•' the'd a te o f ocxApancY,anless Lender othetwise agrees In writiag,wluch oomscat shall notbe unreasonabIy.�arit3�hetd.orr,�r�s -- _
<br /> - , e���[ng c�r�mstances exist which are beyond Bo�roaer's control. Borrower shall aot dastioY,,damage o= �mR*?ff fihe . ` -
<br /> . ' � .... �P�Y•altow the Property to d�teriorat�.or oomarit waste on the Property.Borrower shall be.�n defanIt if any foifeimre = -.
<br /> .' � � ,1.�� a c t ion or p m c e e d i n g.w h e t h e r c i v i l o r c r i m i n a l,is b s g a n d�at in Leader's good faith judgnent cauld resnit In forfeitvre of the �
<br /> . . ' , property or otherarise materially impair the lien created hy this S�caricy Insfnuneat or Lender's security imezest.Eorrower may ----
<br /> . � � � aue such a c"_efault and reinstate,as p�'ided ln paragraph 18.6Y causinS die a�ioa or pinceeding w be dismiss�d with a mliag _
<br /> . . . . � � that, in I.e�er's good faith detPr��r*j,n, Pr�ludes forfeiture c�the Borrower's imerest 6m the Praperty,or other ia�l:�3a1 `;.._.,_
<br /> . . � ,impaipme�of the lieo.createA by th�xcnrity Instcumeat or Les�3er's security interes4.Brn�wer shaU also be in dit�t if
<br /> � Bonower.daring the loan applIc�tiun pmaess,gave materially false or inaccwrate infom�adon or statemeats w I�ndes(oi'�ed .
<br /> � to provide Let►�er with auy material information)in connection with the toan evidenced by t�e Note.including,but nut lunited ;.ti.;, _-
<br /> , to.represemtations wnceming Bornnwer's occupancy of the Propercy as a principal residence.If tliis Security Insimment is on a . ---
<br /> ' ..;'��';. teasehotd. Banower s6all comply wr1�all tt�e pmv'isions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee bUe to the Property, die =
<br />_ ,.• . � • . leasehoId and the fee dtte shall aot mes�e unless Leader ap'ces to the merger in writing. � --
<br /> ' 7.Protettton aY D.end�s Rights in the property.If$orrower fails to perform the wvenants and agreements contained in
<br /> ��� this Securiry Instrwnent,or there is a lepl Qroceeding that may sigaificantly affect Lender's rights in the Pcoperty(such as a
<br /> ; :�:•."�; D��ing ia 6ankn�puy.probate,for aondemnation or forfeitare or to enfor�e taws os regulations).then��tes�ndo and --
<br /> � � . . pay for wl�atever is necessary to pmtect the value of t�e Property and Lender s ri�hts in�PtoP�Y• -�� _ _
<br /> � � � inctude payinS anY sums secured by a liea whictt has priority over this Secariry Instxv�ni. aPPeari�g �CO�:t�Y�S c_
<br /> -I-.-�'=. ,:.•,. • to make repaits.Atthough Lender mxy take action under this p�i�'aph
<br /> ...;�..,.� � reasombie attomeys fee.s and enteriug on the FmPerty -- --
<br /> °. ..'�. 7,i.emder daes not have to do so.. � --
<br /> �' . � Any amounts dls��sed by Lender under this paragrapb�7 shall become additional debi of Borrawer secured by.this _
<br /> �� �` �� '� Security Insuument.Untess BmYOC:�¢and Lender agree to other term.s of payment,the�e�ovnts sha11 bear interest tmm the r.
<br /> „ . • date of d'eJSUrsemeat ai the Note r;�e and sha17 be payabte,with interest,upon notice 6ztm lxnder to Bomuwee req��ting' -___
<br /> ., _- .p�n�- ' .
<br /> � � . 9.Mortgage lnsuraure.If Lender cequire�mostgage insurance as a oondition of malvng the loan secured by ttns Secatity '
<br /> � � ' Inst�u�e�t, Borrower shfill pay the premiums requireQ�to maintain the mortgage insurance in effed. lf, for auy reason,.the . _..._.
<br /> " .. ' ' mort�7:insurance covera�e required by Lender tapses ox ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums re�^lirad to �. .
<br /> . • . pbtain as:erage substantially equivat�t to the mortgage ifuuraace previonsly in effect,at a cost substandally equivat+�t to the =
<br /> ' oost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect,from an alteraate mortgage'insurer approved by l�der. If _
<br /> � , � . substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Ixnder each month a sum egual to s'^=
<br /> � one-nvelfth of the yearly mortgage inswrance premiwn being paid by Boaowet when the Insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to ���
<br /> : ,;�;;�,• . be ia effe�.Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lleu o� mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> :�.:,.; . Farm 3Q�3 9/90 --
<br />_ , � • Papo 3 ot 9
<br /> ' :n: „ �
<br /> � . . '- .,� . ... , , _ . ' . . .. .. „ .�. . - . � _ ' , . ,:`:; . . .-. .. , • •-...�� . . � .'. - , . .
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